959 research outputs found

    Active chatter control in high-speed milling processes

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    In present day manufacturing industry, an increasing demand for highprecision products at a high productivity level is seen. High-speed milling is a manufacturing technique which is commonly exploited to produce highprecision parts at a high productivity level for the aeroplane, automotive and mould and dies industry. The performance of a manufacturing process such as high-speed milling, indicated by the material removal rate, is limited by the occurrence of a dynamic instability phenomenon called chatter. The occurrence of chatter results in an inferior workpiece quality due to heavy vibrations of the cutter. Moreover, a high level of noise is produced and the tool wears out rapidly. Although different types of chatter exist, regenerative chatter is recognised as the most prevalent type of chatter. The occurrence of (regenerative) chatter has such a devastating effect on workpiece quality and tool wear that it should be avoidedat all times. The occurrence of chatter can be visualised in so-called stability lobes diagrams (sld). In an sld the chatter stability boundary between a stable cut (i.e. without chatter) and an unstable cut (i.e. with chatter) is visualised in terms of spindle speed and depth of cut. Using the information gathered in a sld, the machinist can select a chatter free operating point. In this thesis two problems are tackled. Firstly, due to e.g. heating of the spindle, tool wear, etc., the sld may vary in time. Consequently, a stable working point that was originally chosen by the machinist may become unstable. This requires a (controlled) adaptation of process parameters such that stability of the milling process is ensured (i.e. chatter is avoided) even under such changing process conditions. Secondly, the ever increasing demand for high-precision products at a high productivity level requires dedicated shaping of the chatter stability boundary. Such shaping of the sld should render working points (in terms of spindle speed and depth of cut) of high productivity feasible, while avoiding chatter. These problems require the design of dedicated control strategies that ensure stable high-speed milling operations with increased performance. In this work, two chatter control strategies are developed that guarantee high-speed chatter-free machining operations. The goal of the two chatter control strategies is, however, different. The first chatter control strategy guarantees chatter-free high-speed milling operations by automatic adaptation of spindle speed and feed (i.e. the feed is not stopped during the spindle speed transition). In this way, the high-speed milling process will remain stable despite changes in the process, e.g. due to heating of the spindle, tool wear, etc. To do so, an accurate and fast chatter detection algorithm is presented which predicts the occurrence of chatter before chatter marks are visible on the workpiece. Once the onset of chatter is detected, the developed controller adapts the spindle speed and feed such that a new chatter-free working point is attained. Experimental results confirm that by using this control strategy chatter-free machining is ensured. It is also shown experimentally that the detection algorithm is able to detect chatter before it is fully developed. Furthermore, the control strategy ensures that chatter is avoided, thereby ensuring a robust machining operation and a high surface quality. The second chatter control strategy is developed to design controllers that guarantee chatter-free cutting operations in an a priori defined range of process parameters (spindle speed and depth of cut) such that a higher productivity can be attained. Current (active) chatter control strategies for the milling process cannot provide such a strong guarantee of a priori stability for a predefined range of working points. The methodology is based on a robust control approach using µ-synthesis, where the most important process parameters (spindle speed and depth of cut) are treated as uncertainties. The proposed methodology will allow the machinist to define a desired working range (in spindle speed and depth of cut) and lift the sld locally in a dedicated fashion. Finally, experiments have been performed to validate the working principle of the active chatter control strategy in practice. Hereto, a milling spindle with an integrated active magnetic bearing is considered. Based on the obtained experimental results, it can be stated that the active chatter control methodology, as presented in this thesis, can indeed be applied to design controllers, which alter the sld such that a pre-defined domain of working points is stabilised. Results from milling tests underline this conclusion. By using the active chatter controller working points with a higher material removal rate become feasible while avoiding chatter. To summarise, the control strategies developed in this thesis, ensure robust chatter-free high-speed milling operations where, by dedicated shaping of the chatter stability boundary, working points with a higher productivity are attained

    Chatter milling modeling of active magnetic bearing spindle in high-speed domain

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    A new dynamical modeling of Active Magnetic Bearing Spindle (AMBS) to identify machining stability of High Speed Milling (HSM) is presented. This original modeling includes all the minimum required parameters for stability analysis of AMBS machining. The stability diagram generated with this new model is compared to classical stability lobes theory. Thus, behavior’s specificities are highlighted, especially the major importance of forced vibrations for AMBS. Then a sensitivity study shows impacts of several parameters of the controller. For example, gain adjustment shows improvements on stability. Side milling ramp test is used to quickly evaluate the stability. Finally, the simulation results are then validated by HSM cutting tests on a 5 axis machining center with AMBS

    Development of Chatter Attenuation Robust Control for an Amb Machine Spindle

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    Prediction Methods and Experimental Techniques for Chatter Avoidance in Turning Systems: A Review

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    The general trend towards lightweight components and stronger but difficult to machine materials leads to a higher probability of vibrations in machining systems. Amongst them, chatter vibrations are an old enemy for machinists with the most dramatic cases resulting in machine-tool failure, accelerated tool wear and tool breakage or part rejection due to unacceptable surface finish. To avoid vibrations, process designers tend to command conservative parameters limiting productivity. Among the different machining processes, turning is responsible of a great amount of the chip volume removed worldwide. This paper reports some of the main efforts from the scientific literature to predict stability and to avoid chatter with special emphasis on turning systems. There are different techniques and approaches to reduce and to avoid chatter effects. The objective of the paper is to summarize the current state of research in this hot topic, particularly (1) the mechanistic, analytical, and numerical methods for stability prediction in turning; (2) the available techniques for chatter detection and control; (3) the main active and passive techniques.Thanks are addressed to Basque country university excellence group IT1337-19. The authors wish to acknowledge also the financial support received from HAZITEK program, from the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government and from FEDER funds. This research was funded by Tecnologico de Monterrey through the Research Group of Nanotechnology for Devices Design, and by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT), Project Numbers 242269, 255837, 296176, and the National Lab in Additive Manufacturing, 3D Digitizing and Computed Tomography (MADiT) LN299129


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    One of the main aims of the manufacturing industry has been to maximise the material removal rate of machining processes. However, this goal can be restricted by the appearance of regenerative chatter vibrations. In milling, one approach for regenerative chatter suppression is the implementation of variable-helix cutters. However, these tools can lead to isolated unstable regions in the stability diagram. Currently, variable-helix unstable islands have not been extensively researched in the literature. Therefore, the current thesis focuses on studying and experimentally validating these islands. For the validation, an experimental setup that scaled not only the structural dynamics but also the cutting force coefficients was proposed. Therefore, it was possible to attain larger axial depths of cut while assuming linear dynamics. The variable-helix process stability was modelled using the semi-discretization method and the multi-frequency approach. It was found that the variable helix tools can further stabilise a larger width of cut due to the distributed time delays that are a product of the tool geometry. Subsequently, a numerical study about the impact of structural damping on the variable-helix stability diagram revealed a strong relationship between the damping level and instability islands. The findings were validated by performing trials on the experimental setup, modified with constrained layer damping to recreate the simulated conditions. Additionally, a convergence analysis using the semi-discretization method (SDM) and the multi-frequency approach (MFA) revealed that these islands are sensitive to model convergence aspects. The analysis shows that the MFA provided converged solutions with a steep convergence rate, while the SDM struggled to converge. In this work, it is demonstrated that variable-helix instability islands only emerge at relatively high levels of structural damping and that they are particularly susceptible to model convergence effects. Meanwhile, the model predictions are compared to and validated against detailed experimental data that uses a specially designed configuration to minimise experimental error. To the authors' knowledge, this provides the first experimentally validated study of unstable islands in variable helix milling, while also demonstrating the importance of accurate damping estimates and convergence studies within the stability predictions

    Vibration control strategies for proof-mass actuators

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    Proof-mass actuators have been considered for a broad range of structural vibration control problems, from seismic protection for tall buildings to the improvement of metal machining productivity by stabilizing the self-excited vibrations known as chatter. This broad range of potential applications means that a variety of controllers have been proposed, without drawing direct comparisons with other controller designs that have been considered for different applications. This article takes three controllers that are potentially suitable for the machining chatter problem: Direct velocity feedback, tuned-mass-damper control (or vibration absorber control), and active-tuned-mass-damper control (or active vibration absorber control). These control strategies are restated within the more general framework of Virtual Passive Control. Their performance is first compared using root locus techniques, with a model based on experimental data, including the low frequency dynamics of the proof-mass. The frequency response of the test structure is then illustrated under open and closed-loop conditions. The application of the control strategies to avoid machine-tool chatter vibrations is then discussed, without going into detail on the underlying physical mechanisms of chatter. It is concluded that virtual passive absorber control is more straightforward to implement than virtual skyhook damping, and may be better suited to the problem of machining chatter

    Controller Design for Active Vibration Damping with Inertial Actuators

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    In the machining industry, there is a constant need to improve productivity while maintaining required dimensional tolerances and surface quality. The self-excited vibration called chatter is one of the main factors limiting machining productivity. Chatter produces unstable cutting conditions during machining and unstable forces will damage and shorten the life of the machine tool. It can also damage the cutting tool, machining components as well as produce a poor surface finish on the workpiece. Researchers have developed various chatter suppression techniques such as changing process parameters, spindle speeds, and using passive dampers. However, many of these methods are not very robust to changing dynamics in the machine tool due to changing machine positioning, cutting setups, etc. Active vibration damping with a force actuator is a robust method of adding damping by due to its bandwidth and variable controller gains. However, the commissioning of the controller design for the actuators is not trivial and requires significant manual tuning to reach optimal productivity. The research presented in this thesis aims to simplify and automate the controller design process for force actuators. A frequency domain, sensitivity based automatic controller tuning method for force actuators has been developed. This method uses the measured actuator dynamics and open-loop system dynamics to develop a prediction tool for closed-loop responses without needing to have the complete system model (model free). By monitoring the predicted closed-loop response of various virtually designed controllers, an optimal controller is found amongst the candidate parameter values. The stability of the system and actuator is monitored during the search to ensure that the system is stable throughout its bandwidth that the actuator does not become saturated. The controller is then experimentally tested to ensure that the predicted output is the same as the real output. In cases where the system has several vibration modes that are in counter-phase and close in frequency, the model-free approach does not perform well. A more complex model-based control law has also been developed and implemented. The method automatically identifies a transfer function model for the measured open-loop system dynamics and synthesizes mixed-sensitivity optimization based controller to damp out the modes in counter-phase. In order to verify that the model-based controllers can reduce vibration modes in counter-phase, a small-scale experimental setup was developed to mimic machine tools with vibration modes in counter-phase. A flexure was designed and fabricated. A shaker from Modal Shop is used as an active damping actuator to reduce the flexure’s vibration modes. It was concluded that while the model-based controller synthesis techniques were able to damp the vibration modes in counter phase, the flexure was too simplistic and the model-free controller was able to achieve similar results

    Chatter mitigation in milling process using discrete time sliding mode control with type 2-fuzzy logic system

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    In order to achieve a high-quality machining process with superior productivity, it is very important to tackle the phenomenon of chatter in an effective manner. The problems like tool wear and improper surface finish affect the milling process and are caused by self-induced vibration termed as chatter. A strategy to control chatter vibration actively in the milling process is presented. The mathematical modeling of the process is carried out initially. In this paper, an innovative technique of discrete time sliding mode control (DSMC) is blended with the type-2 fuzzy logic system. The proposed active controller results in a significantly high mitigation of vibration. The DSMC is linked to the time-varying gain which is an innovative approach to mitigate chattering. The theorem is laid down which validates that the system states are bounded in the case of DSMC-type-2 fuzzy. Stability analysis is carried out using Lyapunov candidate. The nonlinearities linked with the cutting forces and damper friction are handled effectively by using the type-2 fuzzy logic system. The performance of the DSMC-type-2 fuzzy concept is compared with the discrete time PID (D-PID) and discrete time sliding mode control for validating the effectiveness of the controller. The better performance of DSMC-type-2 fuzzy over D-PID and DSMC-T1 fuzzy in the minimization of milling chatter are validated by a numerical analysis approach