
One of the main aims of the manufacturing industry has been to maximise the material removal rate of machining processes. However, this goal can be restricted by the appearance of regenerative chatter vibrations. In milling, one approach for regenerative chatter suppression is the implementation of variable-helix cutters. However, these tools can lead to isolated unstable regions in the stability diagram. Currently, variable-helix unstable islands have not been extensively researched in the literature. Therefore, the current thesis focuses on studying and experimentally validating these islands. For the validation, an experimental setup that scaled not only the structural dynamics but also the cutting force coefficients was proposed. Therefore, it was possible to attain larger axial depths of cut while assuming linear dynamics. The variable-helix process stability was modelled using the semi-discretization method and the multi-frequency approach. It was found that the variable helix tools can further stabilise a larger width of cut due to the distributed time delays that are a product of the tool geometry. Subsequently, a numerical study about the impact of structural damping on the variable-helix stability diagram revealed a strong relationship between the damping level and instability islands. The findings were validated by performing trials on the experimental setup, modified with constrained layer damping to recreate the simulated conditions. Additionally, a convergence analysis using the semi-discretization method (SDM) and the multi-frequency approach (MFA) revealed that these islands are sensitive to model convergence aspects. The analysis shows that the MFA provided converged solutions with a steep convergence rate, while the SDM struggled to converge. In this work, it is demonstrated that variable-helix instability islands only emerge at relatively high levels of structural damping and that they are particularly susceptible to model convergence effects. Meanwhile, the model predictions are compared to and validated against detailed experimental data that uses a specially designed configuration to minimise experimental error. To the authors' knowledge, this provides the first experimentally validated study of unstable islands in variable helix milling, while also demonstrating the importance of accurate damping estimates and convergence studies within the stability predictions

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