5,196 research outputs found

    In-Situ Educational Research from Concept to Classroom Implementation: A Multiple Paper Dissertation

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    An educational researcher sought to collaborate with a classroom instructor to introduce problem-based learning as a new teaching intervention. First, a classroom instructor was approached to consider how a problem-based learning instructional approach might fit with their existing curriculum plan. The researcher and the classroom teacher used a discussion framework to decide together how to best design a professional learning course meant to prepare the teacher to use the new techniques in their classroom. The teacher took the professional learning course and subsequently designed his own problem-based learning course. That course was then delivered to undergraduate students in a college senior thermo-fluids lab course. Quantitative and qualitative data describe how students recognized the connection between the lab course and their perceptions of a future career as engineers. Preliminary findings suggest the researcher and teacher professional learning codesign process contributed positively to the classroom teachers developing and delivering their own PBL course that was perceived by students to contribute positively to their content knowledge, motivation and perception of their future career as engineers

    Some Usability Issues and Research Priorities in Spoken Dialog Applications

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    Abstract As a priority-setting exercise, we examined interactions between users and a simple spoken dialog system in comparison to interactions with a human operator. Based on the differences seen we propose seven priority issues for research

    Research Methods for Non-Representational Approaches of Organizational Complexity. The Dialogical and Mediated Inquiry

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    This paper explores the methodological implications of non-representational approaches of organizational complexity. Representational theories focus on the syntactic complexity of systems, whereas organizing processes are predominantly characterized by semantic and pragmatic forms of complexity. After underlining the contribution of non-representational approaches to the study of organizations, the paper warns against the risk of confining the critique of representational frameworks to paradoxical dichotomies like intuition versus reflexive thought or theorizing versus experimenting. To sort out this difficulty, it is suggested to use a triadic theory of interpretation, and more particularly the concepts of semiotic mediation, inquiry and dialogism. Semiotic mediation dynamically links situated experience and generic classes of meanings. Inquiry articulates logical thinking, narrative thinking and experimenting. Dialogism conceptualizes the production of meaning through the situated interactions of actors. A methodological approach based on those concepts, “the dialogical and mediated inquiry” (DMI), is proposed and experimented in a case study about work safety in the construction industry. This interpretive view requires complicating the inquiring process rather than the mirroring models of reality. In DMI, the inquiring process is complicated by establishing pluralist communities of inquiry in which different perspectives challenge each other. Finally the paper discusses the specific contribution of this approach compared with other qualitative methods and its present limits.Activity; Dialogism; Inquiry; Interpretation; Pragmatism; Research Methods; Semiotic Mediation; Work Safety

    Operations research modeling environment for an ERP system

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    Estágio realizado na AlumniEI e Microsoft Development Center CopenhagenTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    The Corporate Role in a Changing Society: A Model of Sensemaking and of Firm Characterization

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    Aquesta tesi està organitzada com un compendi de quatre articles cadascun dels quals investiga com les empreses donen sentit a la Responsabilitat Social Corporativa (RSC). Proposem un model teòric de creació de sentit que ens permiti a posteriori la caracterització d'empreses. En aquest model volem explicar com els directius entenen les responsabilitats socials i medi ambientals de l'empresa, així com el rol d'aquesta en la societat. Mitjançant quatre recerques empíriques en forma d'articles, que abasten 10 casos de estudi i l'anàlisi de més de 900 informes corporatius, mirem d'entendre tres característiques del comportament que constitueixen les dimensions del nostre model: cognitiva, lingüística i conativa. Inductivament proposem les sub-dimensions del nostre model trobant patrons d'interrelació i evolució que descriuen el comportament de les empreses. Observem que l'evolució en els últims anys de l'RSC tendeix cap a la definició de l'RSC com un element més estratègic de l'empresa. També notem un augment de la comprensió de l'RSC mes post-positivista. La conclusió és que la institucionalització del discurs formalitzat pot ésser un dels vectors d'evolució de l'RSC. Proposem, normativament, que l'evolució futura de l'RSC passa per una comprensió mes política del rol de l'empresa en la societat, definida a través de processos deliberatius.Esta tesis está organizada como un compendio de cuatro artículos, cada uno de los cuales investiga como las empresas le dan sentido a la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC). Proponemos un modelo teórico de creación de sentido el cual nos permite a posteriori la caracterización de empresas. En este modelo pretendemos explicar cómo los directivos entienden las responsabilidades sociales y medioambientales y el rol de la empresa en la sociedad. A través de cuatro investigaciones empíricas en la forma de artículos que comprenden 10 casos de estudio y el análisis de más de 900 informes corporativos, tratamos de entender tres características del comportamiento que constituyen las dimensiones de nuestro modelo: cognitiva, lingüística y conativa. Inductivamente proponemos las sub-dimensiones de nuestro modelo encontrando a través de ellas patrones de interrelación y evolución que describen el comportamiento de las empresas. Observamos que la evolución en los últimos años de la RSC tiende hacia a la definición de la RSC como un elemento más estratégico de la empresa. Sin embargo, también notamos un aumento de la comprensión de la RSC más post-positivista. Concluimos que la institucionalización del discurso formalizado puede ser uno de los vectores de evolución de la RSC. Proponemos normativamente, que una futura evolución de la RSC pasa por una comprensión más política del rol de la empresa en la sociedad definida a través de procesos deliberativos.This thesis is organized in a compendium of four articles each of which furthers our knowledge of on how companies make sense of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We propose a model of organizational sensemaking-sensegiving characterization explaining how managers think, persuade and act regarding their social and environmental responsibilities and their role in society. Through four empirical research studies, mainly based on 10 in-depth case studies and over 900 corporate reports, we look at three features of behaviour that constitute the dimensions of the model: cognitive, linguistic and conative. We inductively propose the sub-dimensions that guide CSR-related activities recognizing some common patterns of interrelation and evolution. These patterns may lead to a better understanding of firm's CSR behaviour over the last decade. From our empirical research we observe an evolution in time towards a more strategic form of CSR. However, we also notice an increase of the post-positivistic view of CSR. We conclude that the institutionalization of formalized forms of discourse might be one of the drivers behind CSR's evolution. We normatively argue that further evolution in CSR should include its strategic incorporation but also a broader political understanding of the role of the firm in society redefined in an open and deliberative manner

    From skepticism to mutual support: towards a structural change in the relations between participatory budgeting and the information and communication technologies?

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    Until three years ago, ICT Technologies represented a main “subordinate clause” within the “grammar” of Participatory Budgeting (PB), the tool made famous by the experience of Porto Alegre and today expanded to more than 1400 cities across the planet. In fact, PB – born to enhance deliberation and exchanges among citizens and local institutions – has long looked at ICTS as a sort of “pollution factor” which could be useful to foster transparency and to support the spreading of information but could also lead to a lowering in quality of public discussion, turning its “instantaneity” into “immediatism,” and its “time-saving accessibility” into “reductionism” and laziness in facing the complexity of public decision-making through citizens’ participation. At the same time, ICTs often regarded Participatory Budgeting as a tool that was too-complex and too-charged with ideology to cooperate with. But in the last three years, the barriers which prevented ICTs and Participatory Budgeting to establish a constructive dialogue started to shrink thanks to several experiences which demonstrated that technologies can help overcome some “cognitive injustices” if not just used as a means to “make simpler” the organization of participatory processes and to bring “larger numbers” of intervenients to the process. In fact, ICTs could be valorized as a space adding “diversity” to the processes and increasing outreach capacity. Paradoxically, the experiences helping to overcome the mutual skepticism between ICTs and PB did not come from the centre of the Global North, but were implemented in peripheral or semiperipheral countries (Democratic Republic of Congo, Brazil, Dominican Republic and Portugal in Europe), sometimes in cities where the “digital divide” is still high (at least in terms of Internet connections) and a significant part of the population lives in informal settlements and/or areas with low indicators of “connection.” Somehow, these experiences were able to demystify the “scary monolithicism” of ICTs, showing that some instruments (like mobile phones, and especially the use of SMS text messaging) could grant a higher degree of connectivity, diffusion and accountability, while other dimensions (which could risk jeopardizing social inclusion) could be minimized through creativity. The paper tries to depict a possible panorama of collaboration for the near future, starting from descriptions of some of the above mentioned “turning-point” experiences – both in the Global North as well as in the Global South

    Concluding dialogue

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    This is a chapter in a book with the overall description: This is a critical time in design. Concepts and practices of design are changing in response to historical developments in the modes of industrial design production and consumption. Indeed, the imperative of more sustainable development requires profound reconsideration of design today. Theoretical foundations and professional definitions are at stake, with consequences for institutions such as museums and universities as well as for future practitioners. This is ‘critical’ on many levels, from the urgent need to address societal and environmental issues to the reflexivity required to think and do design differently