1,212 research outputs found

    Responsive Design for a Web Service

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    Tato práce se zabývá vývojem webové aplikace se zaměřením na mobilní zařízení. Popisuje celý tento proces od transformace existující webové aplikace na její mobilní variantu. Dále se zaobírá analýzou současné situace webu a preferencemi uživatelů ve volbě mezi mobilním a PC zařízením co se přístupu k webu týká. Cílem práce je především analyzovat schopnosti dnešních zařízení a technologií v oblasti vývoje mobilní aplikace. V závěru jsou zhodnoceny výsledky práce a nastíněn další možný postup pokračování projektu.This work deals with the implementation of web application targeted on mobile devices. It describes complete process from transformation of desktop-specific web application into its mobile equivalent. It also deals with the analysis of contemporary state of web and users preferences in choosing whether the mobile device or PC. The goal is especially to analyze capabilities of current mobile devices and technologies for development applications for that devices. In the conclusion the results of this work are presented together with the proposals for possible project continuation.

    Creating mobile gesture-based interaction design patterns for older adults : a study of tap and swipe gestures with portuguese seniors

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    Tese de mestrado. Multimédia. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    MobileSync Web

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    With the development of mobile technology, smartphones have become a necessity in our daily lives. Various sensors and multi-touch screens of smartphones have contributed to a large amount of functional and excellent mobile applications and games. However, the support on interactive webpages is not sufficient. Since, in the most circumstances, smartphones are available when people use computers to browse webpages, I consider whether mobile technology might be effective to enhance the user experience when people browse webpages on computers and whether it has the potential to be a new way for web interactions. Through researches, mainly user testing, and analyzes, a project as a form of interactive webpage integrating mobile technology shows the potential needs of this combination. This project proposes a new way for people to browse interactive webpages which can lead user experiences, by use of mobile technology, to a new place

    Comparison of Mobile and Native Technologies for Mobile MES Applications

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    The MES (manufacturing execution system) is mostly used from desktop based terminals in a factory. These terminals are distant from the machines and materials used on the factory floor. To access the information available through MES from anywhere in the factory floor, use of mobile terminal instead of desktop computers has been proposed. To evaluate two alternative implementation technologies, Web and native, we have de-veloped and compared two prototypes of the MES application. In addition, we have studied the advantages of native and Web approaches through the literature and survey. Mobile devices are categorized by its different platforms and screen sizes. Android, iOS, and Windows phone are most common among them. Mobile applications are platform dependent and an application made for one platform does not work on others. Web ap-plications are platform independent that work on all devices. HTML5 has introduced some APIs through which a Web app can behave like a native app and can compete with the native app. So, in this thesis we have tried to compare Web and native app and tried to find out which is better for MES applications. A general answer to this question is native because of its better performance. In this thesis, we have analyzed some of the factors that are responsible for the performance difference between a Web app and native app. In addition to this, we have had an online survey to find out what developers think about the development, testing, maintenance and deployment of Web and native technologies. Based on all the data, i.e. literature review, some experiments, feedback from participants and online survey, we made a conclusion that native app is the best solution for mobile MES because native app is more responsive and more secure. However, native apps require more time, effort, cost and skills to be developed and maintained

    Exploring the Front Touch Interface for Virtual Reality Headsets

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    In this paper, we propose a new interface for virtual reality headset: a touchpad in front of the headset. To demonstrate the feasibility of the front touch interface, we built a prototype device, explored VR UI design space expansion, and performed various user studies. We started with preliminary tests to see how intuitively and accurately people can interact with the front touchpad. Then, we further experimented various user interfaces such as a binary selection, a typical menu layout, and a keyboard. Two-Finger and Drag-n-Tap were also explored to find the appropriate selection technique. As a low-cost, light-weight, and in low power budget technology, a touch sensor can make an ideal interface for mobile headset. Also, front touch area can be large enough to allow wide range of interaction types such as multi-finger interactions. With this novel front touch interface, we paved a way to new virtual reality interaction methods

    Eignung von virtueller Physik und Touch-Gesten in Touchscreen-Benutzerschnittstellen für kritische Aufgaben

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    The goal of this reasearch was to examine if modern touch screen interaction concepts that are established on consumer electronic devices like smartphones can be used in time-critical and safety-critical use cases like for machine control or healthcare appliances. Several prevalent interaction concepts with and without touch gestures and virtual physics were tested experimentally in common use cases to assess their efficiency, error rate and user satisfaction during task completion. Based on the results, design recommendations for list scrolling and horizontal dialog navigation are given.Das Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob moderne Touchscreen-Interaktionskonzepte, die auf Consumer-Electronic-Geräten wie Smartphones etabliert sind, für zeit- und sicherheitskritische Anwendungsfälle wie Maschinensteuerung und Medizingeräte geeignet sind. Mehrere gebräuchliche Interaktionskonzepte mit und ohne Touch-Gesten und virtueller Physik wurden in häufigen Anwendungsfällen experimentell auf ihre Effizienz, Fehlerrate und Nutzerzufriedenheit bei der Aufgabenlösung untersucht. Basierend auf den Resultaten werden Empfehlungen für das Scrollen in Listen und dem horizontalen Navigieren in mehrseitigen Software-Dialogen ausgesprochen

    Press-n-Paste : Copy-and-Paste Operations with Pressure-sensitive Caret Navigation for Miniaturized Surface in Mobile Augmented Reality

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 ACM.Copy-and-paste operations are the most popular features on computing devices such as desktop computers, smartphones and tablets. However, the copy-and-paste operations are not sufficiently addressed on the Augmented Reality (AR) smartglasses designated for real-time interaction with texts in physical environments. This paper proposes two system solutions, namely Granularity Scrolling (GS) and Two Ends (TE), for the copy-and-paste operations on AR smartglasses. By leveraging a thumb-size button on a touch-sensitive and pressure-sensitive surface, both the multi-step solutions can capture the target texts through indirect manipulation and subsequently enables the copy-and-paste operations. Based on the system solutions, we implemented an experimental prototype named Press-n-Paste (PnP). After the eight-session evaluation capturing 1,296 copy-and-paste operations, 18 participants with GS and TE achieve the peak performance of 17,574 ms and 13,951 ms per copy-and-paste operation, with 93.21% and 98.15% accuracy rates respectively, which are as good as the commercial solutions using direct manipulation on touchscreen devices. The user footprints also show that PnP has a distinctive feature of miniaturized interaction area within 12.65 mm∗14.48 mm. PnP not only proves the feasibility of copy-and-paste operations with the flexibility of various granularities on AR smartglasses, but also gives significant implications to the design space of pressure widgets as well as the input design on smart wearables.Peer reviewe

    Feature info : improving the visualization and usability of GIS background information in the context of a mobile tourist application

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesFeature info is an interactive map tool that allows viewing background information about a map feature in response to a user action. Mobile devices come with a number of limitations, e.g. small screen real estate and the variety of screen sizes, that can affect map and feature info usability. Existing recommendations for feature info design [1], [2], [3] focus mostly on content, i.e. effective communication of data, leaving the “interaction design” aspect overlooked. This Master’s Thesis attempts at improving the visualization and usability of feature info interfaces in the context of mobile tourist applications and presents nine feature info design guidelines that address specific usability problems. The problems were identified through heuristic evaluation of five tourist applications and a user interview. Literature survey and two usability experts provided ideas regarding how several of these problems can be resolved. Three guidelines were evaluated in a lab-based usability test with twenty participants. On average, assessed guidelines demonstrated a significant positive effect on feature info usability by decreasing task completion time by 33% and increasing task completion rate and System Usability Scale (SUS) score by 26% and 28% respectively. Proposed guidelines are not restricted by any specific use case and can be applied to other application domains. Researchers and business practitioners can use the guidelines as a reference in their daily work

    Methodological proposal for the evaluation of journalistic applications based on cards

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    More and more journalistic content for smartphones is no longer based on other vehicles of the company, analogic or digital, and become appropriate for the new mobile environment. The card-based news design presents itself as a good solution for creating native mobile interfaces. In this work we discuss the major contributions of the “card” type interfaces for news applications for smartphones and describe an evaluation model for this type of content in order to offer a tool for systematizing and classifying researches in the areas of journalism, design, among others