27 research outputs found

    Methodology for automatic recovering of 3D partitions from unstitched faces of non-manifold CAD models

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    Data exchanges between different software are currently used in industry to speed up the preparation of digital prototypes for Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Unfortunately, due to data loss, the yield of the transfer of manifold models rarely reaches 1. In the case of non-manifold models, the transfer results are even less satisfactory. This is particularly true for partitioned 3D models: during the data transfer based on the well-known exchange formats, all 3D partitions are generally lost. Partitions are mainly used for preparing mesh models required for advanced FEA: mapped meshing, material separation, definition of specific boundary conditions, etc. This paper sets up a methodology to automatically recover 3D partitions from exported non-manifold CAD models in order to increase the yield of the data exchange. Our fully automatic approach is based on three steps. First, starting from a set of potentially disconnected faces, the CAD model is stitched. Then, the shells used to create the 3D partitions are recovered using an iterative propagation strategy which starts from the so-called manifold vertices. Finally, using the identified closed shells, the 3D partitions can be reconstructed. The proposed methodology has been validated on academic as well as industrial examples.This work has been carried out under a research contract between the Research and Development Direction of the EDF Group and the Arts et Métiers ParisTech Aix-en-Provence

    Automatic 3D building reconstruction from airbornelaser scanning and cadastral data using hough transform

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    Biharmonic fields and mesh completion

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    We discuss bi-harmonic fields which approximate signed distance fields. We conclude that the bi-harmonic field approximation can be a powerful tool for mesh completion in general and complex cases. We present an adaptive, multigrid algorithm to extrapolate signed distance fields. By defining a volume mask in a closed region bounding the area that must be repaired, the algorithm computes a signed distance field in well-defined regions and uses it as an over-determined boundary condition constraint for the biharmonic field computation in the remaining regions. The algorithm operates locally, within an expanded bounding box of each hole, and therefore scales well with the number of holes in a single, complex model. We discuss this approximation in practical examples in the case of triangular meshes resulting from laser scan acquisitions which require massive hole repair. We conclude that the proposed algorithm is robust and general, and is able to deal with complex topological casesPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Visualizing 3D Euler spirals

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    This video describes a new type of 3D curves, which gener-alizes the family of 2D Euler spirals. They are defined as the curves having both their curvature and their torsion evolve linearly along the curve. The utility of these spirals for curve completion applications is demonstrated. This video accom-panies the paper presented in [4]

    A comparison of hole-filling methods in 3D

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    This paper presents a review of the most relevant current techniques that deal with hole-filling in 3D models. Contrary to earlier reports, which approach mesh repairing in a sparse and global manner, the objective of this review is twofold. First, a specific and comprehensive review of hole-filling techniques (as a relevant part in the field of mesh repairing) is carried out. We present a brief summary of each technique with attention paid to its algorithmic essence, main contributions and limitations. Second, a solid comparison between 34 methods is established. To do this, we define 19 possible meaningful features and properties that can be found in a generic hole-filling process. Then, we use these features to assess the virtues and deficiencies of the method and to build comparative tables. The purpose of this review is to make a comparative hole-filling state-of-the-art available to researchers, showing pros and cons in a common framework.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: Proyecto DPI2013-43344-R (I+D+i) • Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha: Proyecto PEII-2014-017-PpeerReviewe

    A survey on 3D CAD model quality assurance and testing

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    [EN] A new taxonomy of issues related to CAD model quality is presented, which distinguishes between explicit and procedural models. For each type of model, morphologic, syntactic, and semantic errors are characterized. The taxonomy was validated successfully when used to classify quality testing tools, which are aimed at detecting and repairing data errors that may affect the simplification, interoperability, and reusability of CAD models. The study shows that low semantic level errors that hamper simplification are reasonably covered in explicit representations, although many CAD quality testers are still unaffordable for Small and Medium Enterprises, both in terms of cost and training time. Interoperability has been reasonably solved by standards like STEP AP 203 and AP214, but model reusability is not feasible in explicit representations. Procedural representations are promising, as interactive modeling editors automatically prevent most morphologic errors derived from unsuitable modeling strategies. Interoperability problems between procedural representations are expected to decrease dramatically with STEP AP242. Higher semantic aspects of quality such as assurance of design intent, however, are hardly supported by current CAD quality testers. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund, through the ANNOTA project (Ref. TIN2013-46036-C3-1-R).González-Lluch, C.; Company, P.; Contero, M.; Camba, J.; Plumed, R. (2017). A survey on 3D CAD model quality assurance and testing. Computer-Aided Design. 83:64-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2016.10.003S64798

    Fotogrametría de rango cercano aplicada a la Ingeniería Agroforestal

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[EN]Since the late twentieth century, Geotechnologies are being applied in different research lines in Agroforestry Engineering aimed at advancing in the modeling of biophysical parameters in order to improve the productivity. In this study, low-cost and close range photogrammetry has been used in different agroforestry scenarios to solve identified gaps in the results and improve procedures and technology hitherto practiced in this field. Photogrammetry offers the advantage of being a non-destructive and non-invasive technique, never changing physical properties of the studied element, providing rigor and completeness to the captured information. In this PhD dissertation, the following contributions are presented divided into three research papers: • A methodological proposal to acquire georeferenced multispectral data of high spatial resolution using a low-cost manned aerial platform, to monitor and sustainably manage extensive áreas of crops. The vicarious calibration is exposed as radiometric calibration method of the multispectral sensor embarked on a paraglider. Low-cost surfaces are performed as control coverages. • The development of a method able to determine crop productivity under field conditions, from the combination of close range photogrammetry and computer vision, providing a constant operational improvement and a proactive management in the crop monitoring. An innovate methodology in the sector is proposed, ensuring flexibility and simplicity in the data collection by non-invasive technologies, automation in processing and quality results with low associated cost. • A low cost, efficient and accurate methodology to obtain Digital Height Models of vegatal cover intended for forestry inventories by integrating public data from LiDAR into photogrammetric point clouds coming from low cost flights. This methodology includes the potentiality of LiDAR to register ground points in areas with high density of vegetation and the better spatial, radiometric and temporal resolution from photogrammetry for the top of vegetal covers.[ES]Desde finales del siglo XX se están aplicando Geotecnologías en diferentes líneas de investigación en Ingeniería Agroforestal orientadas a avanzar en la modelización de parámetros biofísicos con el propósito de mejorar la productividad. En este estudio se ha empleado fotogrametría de bajo coste y rango cercano en distintos escenarios agroforestales para solventar carencias detectadas en los resultados obtenidos y mejorar los procedimientos y la tecnología hasta ahora usados en este campo. La fotogrametría ofrece como ventaja el ser una técnica no invasiva y no destructiva, por lo que no altera en ningún momento las propiedades físicas del elemento estudiado, dotando de rigor y exhaustividad a la información capturada. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presentan las siguientes contribuciones, divididas en tres artículos de investigación: • Una propuesta metodológica de adquisición de datos multiespectrales georreferenciados de alta resolución espacial mediante una plataforma aérea tripulada de bajo coste, para monitorizar y gestionar sosteniblemente amplias extensiones de cultivos. Se expone la calibración vicaria como método de calibración radiométrico del sensor multiespectral embarcado en un paramotor empleando como coberturas de control superficies de bajo coste. • El desarrollo de un método capaz de determinar la productividad del cultivo en condiciones de campo, a partir de la combinación de fotogrametría de rango cercano y visión computacional, facilitando una mejora operativa constante así como una gestión proactiva en la monitorización del cultivo. Se propone una metodología totalmente novedosa en el sector, garantizando flexibilidad y sencillez en la toma de datos mediante tecnologías no invasivas, automatismo en el procesado, calidad en los resultados y un bajo coste asociado. • Una metodología de bajo coste, eficiente y precisa para la obtención de Modelos Digitales de Altura de Cubierta Vegetal destinados al inventario forestal mediante la integración de datos públicos procedentes del LiDAR en las nubes de puntos fotogramétricas obtenidas con un vuelo de bajo coste. Esta metodología engloba la potencialidad del LiDAR para registrar el terreno en zonas con alta densidad de vegetación y una mejor resolución espacial, radiométrica y temporal procedente de la fotogrametría para la parte superior de las cubiertas vegetales

    Repairing geometric errors in 3D urban models with kinetic data structures

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    International audience3D urban models created either interactively by human operators or automatically with reconstruction algorithms often contain geometric and semantic errors. Correcting them in an automated manner is an important scientific challenge. Prior work, which traditionally relies on local analysis and heuristic-based geometric operations on mesh data structures, is typically tailored-made for specific 3D formats and urban objects. We propose a more general method to process different types of urban models without tedious parameter tuning. The key idea lies on the construction of a kinetic data structure that decomposes the 3D space into polyhedra by extending the facets of the imperfect input model. Such a data structure allows us to rebuild all the relations between the facets in an efficient and robust manner. Once built, the cells of the polyhedral partition are regrouped by semantic classes to reconstruct the corrected output model. We demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our algorithm on a variety of real-world defect-laden models and show its competitiveness with respect to traditional mesh repairing techniques from both Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data

    Algorithms and methods for discrete mesh repair

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    Computational analysis and design has become a fundamental part of product research, development, and manufacture in aerospace, automotive, and other industries. In general the success of the specific application depends heavily on the accuracy and consistency of the computational model used. The aim of this work is to reduce the time needed to prepare geometry for mesh generation. This will be accomplished by developing tools that semi-automatically repair discrete data. Providing a level of automation to the process of repairing large, complex problems in discrete data will significantly accelerate the grid generation process. The developed algorithms are meant to offer semi-automated solutions to complicated geometrical problems—specifically discrete mesh intersections and isolated boundaries. The intersection-repair strategy presented here focuses on repairing the intersection in-place as opposed to re-discretizing the intersecting geometries. Combining robust, efficient methods of detecting intersections and then repairing intersecting geometries in-place produces a significant improvement over techniques used in current literature. The result of this intersection process is a non-manifold, non-intersecting geometry that is free of duplicate and degenerate geometry. Results are presented showing the accuracy and consistency of the intersection repair tool. Isolated boundaries are a type of gap that current research does not address directly. They are defined by discrete boundary edges that are unable to be paired with nearby discrete boundary edges in order to fill the existing gap. In this research the method of repair seeks to fill the gap by extruding the isolated boundary along a defined vector so that it is topologically adjacent to a nearby surface. The outcome of the repair process is that the isolated boundaries no longer exist because the gap has been filled. Results are presented showing the precision of the edge projection and the advantage of edge splitting in the repair of isolated boundaries