414,542 research outputs found

    Escaping information poverty through internet newsgroups

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    This paper presents an ongoing investigation into how people use the Internet in an attempt to escape situations of information poverty. We consider posts from a variety of newsgroups which indicate that individuals feel they have nowhere else to go to find information or support for concerns crucial to their everyday lives. A qualitative content analysis is performed to examine three main issues: what information needs people posting to these groups have, who they hide these needs from in the ‘real world’, and why they feel they can only express their needs online. Preliminary findings show that information on health and relationships is most commonly sought. Needs are most often hidden from parents and family, and the main reasons for seeking information online are a lack of understanding and the fact that people simply don’t know where else to go. Our work confirms that newsgroups provide a means of expression for those who feel they have no local support available to them

    On Identifying Disaster-Related Tweets: Matching-based or Learning-based?

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    Social media such as tweets are emerging as platforms contributing to situational awareness during disasters. Information shared on Twitter by both affected population (e.g., requesting assistance, warning) and those outside the impact zone (e.g., providing assistance) would help first responders, decision makers, and the public to understand the situation first-hand. Effective use of such information requires timely selection and analysis of tweets that are relevant to a particular disaster. Even though abundant tweets are promising as a data source, it is challenging to automatically identify relevant messages since tweet are short and unstructured, resulting to unsatisfactory classification performance of conventional learning-based approaches. Thus, we propose a simple yet effective algorithm to identify relevant messages based on matching keywords and hashtags, and provide a comparison between matching-based and learning-based approaches. To evaluate the two approaches, we put them into a framework specifically proposed for analyzing disaster-related tweets. Analysis results on eleven datasets with various disaster types show that our technique provides relevant tweets of higher quality and more interpretable results of sentiment analysis tasks when compared to learning approach

    The Ethics of Political Bots: Should We Allow Them For Personal Use?

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    The technology to create and automate large numbers of fake social media users, or “social bots”, is becoming increasingly more accessible to private individuals. This paper explores one potential use of the technology, namely the creation of “political bots”: social bots aimed at influencing the political opinions of others. Despite initial worries about licensing the use of such bots by private individuals, this paper provides an, albeit limited, argument in favour of this. The argument begins by providing a prima facie case in favour of these political bots and proceeds by attempting to answer a series of potential objections. These objections are based on (1) the dangerous effectiveness of the technology; the (2) corruptive, (3) deceitful and (4) manipulating nature of political bots; (5) the worry that the technology will lead to chaos and be detrimental to trust online; and (6) practical issues involved in ensuring acceptable use of the technology. In all cases I will argue that the objections are overestimated, and that a closer look at the use of political bots helps us realise that using them is simply a new way of speaking up in modern society

    Cobertura de las elecciones de abril de 1975 en el Diário de Notícias y el Jornal Novo: un caso de estudio

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    The Portuguese Revolution of April 1974 ended 48 years of dictatorship. The political evolution that followed the coup gave rise to a revolutionary process, the On-Going Revolutionary Period, which gained momentum, after March 11, 1975, opening "the path to socialism". As a side effect, the state became the owner of almost all the press. The first democratic elections took place on April 25, 1975. For the first time in almost 50 years, the press had the opportunity to do the cover in an environment of freedom of expression. However, the media were not immune to the revolutionary process and the newspapers were affected by the struggle for control of the information. The purpose of this study is a first approach in order to understand the news process and strategies to cover the electoral campaign in the press. The methodology will rely on a comparative analysis of the journalist formats in Diário de Notícas and Jornal Novo, chosen for de difference of each journalistic format and almost opposite editorial status.La Revolución portuguesa de abril de 1974 puso fin a 48 años de dictadura. La evolución política del golpe militar dio paso a un proceso revolucionario, Proceso Revolucionario en Curso, que cobró impulso, después del 11 de marzo de 1975, abriendo así "el camino al socialismo". Como efecto colateral, el Estado se convirtió en el propietario de casi toda la prensa, que pertenecía parcial o totalmente a empresas bancarias y grupos económicos. Las primeras elecciones democráticas tuvieron lugar el 25 de abril de 1975 y la prensa tuvo la oportunidad de cubrir este momento histórico en un ambiente de libertad de expresión. El propósito de este estudio es un primer abordaje para comprender el proceso de noticias y las estrategias para cubrir la campaña electoral en la prensa. La metodología se basará en un análisis comparativo de los formatos periodísticos en Diário de Notícias y Jornal Novo, justamente escogidos por la diferencia de dimensión y capacidad noticiosa y su estatuto editorial casi opuesto

    Are we at the dawn of quantum-gravity phenomenology?

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    A handful of recent papers has been devoted to proposals of experiments capable of testing some candidate quantum-gravity phenomena. These lecture notes emphasize those aspects that are most relevant to the questions that come to mind when one is exposed for the first time to these research developments: How come theory and experiments are finally meeting in spite of all the gloomy forecasts that pervade traditional reviews? Is this a case of theorists having put forward more and more speculative ideas until a point was reached at which conventional experiments could rule out the proposed phenomena? Or has there been such a remarkable improvement in experimental techniques and ideas that we are now capable of testing plausible candidate quantum-gravity phenomena? These questions are analysed rather carefully for the recent proposals of interferometry-based tests and tests using observations of gamma rays of astrophysical origin. I also briefly discuss other proposed experiments (including tests of quantum-gravity-induced decoherence using the neutral-kaon system and accelerator tests of models with large extra dimensions). The emerging picture suggests that we are finally starting the exploration of a large class of plausible quantum-gravity effects. However, our chances to obtain positive (discovery) experimental results depend crucially on the magnitude of these effects. In most cases the level of sensitivity that the relevant experiments should achieve within a few years corresponds to effects suppressed only linearly by the Planck length.Comment: 47 pages, Latex. Based on lectures given at the XXXV Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics "From Cosmology to Quantum Gravity", Polanica, Poland, 2-12 February, 1999. To appear in the proceeding

    A bibliometric study of the research area of videogames using Dimensions.ai database

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    Videogames are a very interesting area of research for fields as diverse as computer science, health, psychology or even social sciences. Every year a growing number of articles are published in different topics inside this field, so it is very convenient to study the different bibliometric data in order to consolidate the research efforts. Thus, the aim of this work is to conduct a study on the distribution of articles related to videogames in the different fields of research, as well as to measure their interest over time, to identify the sources, countries and authors with the highest scientific production. In order to carry out this analysis, the information system Dimensions.ai has been considered, since it covers a large number of documents and allows for easy downloading and analysis of datasets. According to the study, three countries are the most prolific in this area: USA, Canada and UK. The obtained results also indicate that the fields with the highest number of publications are Information and Computer Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, and Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, in this order. With regard to the impact of the publications, differences between the number of citations, and the number of Altmetric Attention Score, have been found

    Please, talk about it! When hotel popularity boosts preferences

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    Many consumers post on-line reviews, affecting the average evaluation of products and services. Yet, little is known about the importance of the number of reviews for consumer decision making. We conducted an on-line experiment (n= 168) to assess the joint impact of the average evaluation, a measure of quality, and the number of reviews, a measure of popularity, on hotel preference. The results show that consumers' preference increases with the number of reviews, independently of the average evaluation being high or low. This is not what one would expect from an informational point of view, and review websites fail to take this pattern into account. This novel result is mediated by demographics: young people, and in particular young males, are less affected by popularity, relying more on quality. We suggest the adoption of appropriate ranking mechanisms to fit consumer preferences. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    What is referenced in marketing publications and has it changed over time?

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    Academic research has identified that business/marketing journals tend to draw on knowledge from a diverse set of disciplines. However, there has been limited examination of the source of these ideas in terms of types of materials (journals, books, conferences, business/popular press and other sources) or whether the use of these sources has changed over time. This paper examines these issues and found that within the three leading marketing journals (JM, JMR, JCR), the citation of journal articles has generally increased over time and the citation of nonjournal sources (i.e., journals, books, conferences, business/popular press and other sources), have generally decreased. There are, however, differences in the specific citation behaviour in the three journals and thus the citation of materials may be journal specific.<br /