23 research outputs found

    Reliability Investigations of MOSFETs using RF Small Signal Characterization

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    Modern technology needs and advancements have introduced various new concepts such as Internet-of-Things, electric automotive, and Artificial intelligence. This implies an increased activity in the electronics domain of analog and high frequency. Silicon devices have emerged as a cost-effective solution for such diverse applications. As these silicon devices are pushed towards higher performance, there is a continuous need to improve fabrication, power efficiency, variability, and reliability. Often, a direct trade-off of higher performance is observed in the reliability of semiconductor devices. The acceleration-based methodologies used for reliability assessment are the adequate time-saving solution for the lifetime's extrapolation but come with uncertainty in accuracy. Thus, the efforts to improve the accuracy of reliability characterization methodologies run in parallel. This study highlights two goals that can be achieved by incorporating high-frequency characterization into the reliability characteristics. The first one is assessing high-frequency performance throughout the device's lifetime to facilitate an accurate description of device/circuit functionality for high-frequency applications. Secondly, to explore the potential of high-frequency characterization as the means of scanning reliability effects within devices. S-parameters served as the high-frequency device's response and mapped onto a small-signal model to analyze different components of a fully depleted silicon-on-insulator MOSFET. The studied devices are subjected to two important DC stress patterns, i.e., Bias temperature instability stress and hot carrier stress. The hot carrier stress, which inherently suffers from the self-heating effect, resulted in the transistor's geometry-dependent magnitudes of hot carrier degradation. It is shown that the incorporation of the thermal resistance model is mandatory for the investigation of hot carrier degradation. The property of direct translation of small-signal parameter degradation to DC parameter degradation is used to develop a new S-parameter based bias temperature instability characterization methodology. The changes in gate-related small-signal capacitances after hot carrier stress reveals a distinct signature due to local change of flat-band voltage. The measured effects of gate-related small-signal capacitances post-stress are validated through transient physics-based simulations in Sentaurus TCAD.:Abstract Symbols Acronyms 1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 MOSFETs Scaling Trends and Challenges 2.1.1 Silicon on Insulator Technology 2.1.2 FDSOI Technology 2.2 Reliability of Semiconductor Devices 2.3 RF Reliability 2.4 MOSFET Degradation Mechanisms 2.4.1 Hot Carrier Degradation 2.4.2 Bias Temperature Instability 2.5 Self-heating 3 RF Characterization of fully-depleted Silicon on Insulator devices 3.1 Scattering Parameters 3.2 S-parameters Measurement Flow 3.2.1 Calibration 3.2.2 De-embedding 3.3 Small-Signal Model 3.3.1 Model Parameters Extraction 3.3.2 Transistor Figures of Merit 3.4 Characterization Results 4 Self-heating assessment in Multi-finger Devices 4.1 Self-heating Characterization Methodology 4.1.1 Output Conductance Frequency dependence 4.1.2 Temperature dependence of Drain Current 4.2 Thermal Resistance Behavior 4.2.1 Thermal Resistance Scaling with number of fingers 4.2.2 Thermal Resistance Scaling with finger spacing 4.2.3 Thermal Resistance Scaling with GateWidth 4.2.4 Thermal Resistance Scaling with Gate length 4.3 Thermal Resistance Model 4.4 Design for Thermal Resistance Optimization 5 Bias Temperature Instability Investigation 5.1 Impact of Bias Temperature Instability stress on Device Metrics 5.1.1 Experimental Details 5.1.2 DC Parameters Drift 5.1.3 RF Small-Signal Parameters Drift 5.2 S-parameter based on-the-fly Bias Temperature Instability Characterization Method 5.2.1 Measurement Methodology 5.2.2 Results and Discussion 6 Investigation of Hot-carrier Degradation 6.1 Impact of Hot-carrier stress on Device performance 6.1.1 DC Metrics Degradation 6.1.2 Impact on small-signal Parameters 6.2 Implications of Self-heating on Hot-carrier Degradation in n-MOSFETs 6.2.1 Inclusion of Thermal resistance in Hot-carrier Degradation modeling 6.2.2 Convolution of Bias Temperature Instability component in Hot-carrier Degradation 6.2.3 Effect of Source and Drain Placement in Multi-finger Layout 6.3 Vth turn-around effect in p-MOSFET 7 Deconvolution of Hot-carrier Degradation and Bias Temperature Instability using Scattering parameters 7.1 Small-Signal Parameter Signatures for Hot-carrier Degradation and Bias Temperature Instability 7.2 TCAD Dynamic Simulation of Defects 7.2.1 Fixed Charges 7.2.2 Interface Traps near Gate 7.2.3 Interface Traps near Spacer Region 7.2.4 Combination of Traps 7.2.5 Drain Series Resistance effect 7.2.6 DVth Correction 7.3 Empirical Modeling based deconvolution of Hot-carrier Degradation 8 Conclusion and Recommendations 8.1 General Conclusions 8.2 Recommendations for Future Work A Directly measured S-parameters and extracted Y-parameters B Device Dimensions for Thermal Resistance Modeling C Frequency response of hot-carrier degradation (HCD) D Localization Effect of Interface Traps Bibliograph

    Miniaturized Transistors, Volume II

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    In this book, we aim to address the ever-advancing progress in microelectronic device scaling. Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) devices continue to endure miniaturization, irrespective of the seeming physical limitations, helped by advancing fabrication techniques. We observe that miniaturization does not always refer to the latest technology node for digital transistors. Rather, by applying novel materials and device geometries, a significant reduction in the size of microelectronic devices for a broad set of applications can be achieved. The achievements made in the scaling of devices for applications beyond digital logic (e.g., high power, optoelectronics, and sensors) are taking the forefront in microelectronic miniaturization. Furthermore, all these achievements are assisted by improvements in the simulation and modeling of the involved materials and device structures. In particular, process and device technology computer-aided design (TCAD) has become indispensable in the design cycle of novel devices and technologies. It is our sincere hope that the results provided in this Special Issue prove useful to scientists and engineers who find themselves at the forefront of this rapidly evolving and broadening field. Now, more than ever, it is essential to look for solutions to find the next disrupting technologies which will allow for transistor miniaturization well beyond silicon’s physical limits and the current state-of-the-art. This requires a broad attack, including studies of novel and innovative designs as well as emerging materials which are becoming more application-specific than ever before

    ATLAS simulation based characterization of Recessed-S/D FD SOI MOSFETs with non-uniform lateral doping

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    As scaling down the technology into nanometer regime, short channel effects (SCE) and manufacturing limits will increase, which alters the performance of devices. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) has got reputation that is a promising technology in the last decade offering more CMOS devices with higher density, higher speed, and reduced second order effects for submicron VLSI applications. Recent investigations have been reported fully depleted (FD) SOI devices are the best solutions because of their suitability to shrinking methods comparative to bulk silicon CMOS devices. Further, implicit the extra advantages, like sub threshold current reduction and improvement in Analog/RF performance; channel engineering and source/drain engineering techniques are implemented in FD SOI MOSFET. Recessed FD SOI MOSFET with non-uniform lateral doping structure gives some solutions to SCEs and better device performance by changing doping levels in different length ratios of channel region in lateral direction In this project work, a comprehensive performance study of source/drain (S/D) engineered SOI MOSFET with non-uniform doping in Channel region is presented. To analyse the characterisation of proposed structure, all the characteristics parameters extracted by using simulation tool. Those characteristics parameters are Surface potential, Threshold voltage, Sub-threshold current, Device capacitances, Drain current, Transconductance, Output conductance, Transconductance generation efficiency, Cut-off frequency and Maximum frequency of oscillation have been carried out and compared with its SOI MOSFETs and non-S/D engineered ones. To extract the characteristics parameters of Device H and Y-parameters are used. All these numerical simulation results are performed using ATLASTM, a 2-D numerical device simulator from SILVACO Inc

    Planar Electrostatically Doped Reconfigurable Schottky Barrier FDSOI Field-Effect Transistor Structures

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    In the last 50 years, our economy and society have obviously been influenced and shaped to a great extent by electronic devices. This substantial impact of electronics is the result of a continuous performance improvement based on the scaling, i.e. shrinking, of MOSFET devices in complementary integrated circuits, following Moore's law. As the MOSFET feature sizes are approaching atomistic dimensions, the scaling trend slowed down considerably and is even threatened for sub-10 nm technology nodes. Further, additional advancements are increasingly difficult to realize both from the technological and especially the economical perspective. Therefore, technologies that have the potential to supersede the CMOS technology in the future are the topic of intensive investigation by both researchers and the industry. An attractive solution is the leveraging of existing semiconductor technologies based on emerging research devices (ERD) offering novel characteristics, which enable new circuit architectures in future nanoscale logic circuits. A possible ERD contender are polarity controllable or reconfigurable MOSFET (RFET) concepts. Generally, RFET devices are able to switch between n- and p-type conduction by the application of an electrical signal. Therefore, RFET promise increased complex systems with a lower device count decreasing the costs per basic logic function based on their higher logic expressiveness. The focus of this work lies in the successful transfer of a predecessor silicon nanowire (NW) RFET technology into a planar RFET device, while simultaneously optimizing the resulting RFET for reconfigurable as well as conventional CMOS circuits. As for the predecessor NW RFET, the planar approach features a doping-less CMOS compatible fabrication process on a conventional SOI substrate and obtains its reconfigurability by electrostatic doping. The device can be regarded as a entanglement of two MOSFET in one structure, i.e. a depletion mode FET centered on top of a backside enhancement mode Schottky barrier FET (SBFET). The backside SBFET establishes the conductive channel consisting of the desired charge carrier type via an appropriate potential on its gate electrode. The topside FET controls the charge carrier flow between source and drain by locally depleting this channel given an opposite potential on its gate electrode with respect to the backside gate electrode. Two generations of devices have been successfully processed, while different gate electrode materials, i.e. nickel, aluminum and reactively sputtered tungsten-titanium-nitride, have been introduced to the device structure. As n- and p-type symmetry of the very same device is essential for RFET circuit design, tungsten-titanium-nitride is experimentally identified as a possible mid-gap metal gate electrode for RFET devices. Also, a Schottky barrier adjustment process for ideal n- and p-type symmetry based on silicide induced dopant segregation is experimentally demonstrated. Extensive electrical characterizations supported by calibrated TCAD simulations are presented, demonstrating experimental sub-threshold slopes of 65 mV/dec and on-to-off current ratios of over 9 decades. Based on TCAD simulations and supported by experimental results, the design space of the device concept is explored in order to gather predictive results for future scaled device optimization. Further, the high temperature (HT) performance is evaluated and compared to the predecessor NW RFET devices as well as to a state-of-the-art industrial high reliability HT MOSFET clearly illustrating the on par performance of the planar RFET concept with respect to off-state leakage current

    Analyse et modélisation des phénomènes de mismatch des transistors MOSFET avancées

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    For correct operation, certain analog and digital circuits, such as current mirrors or SRAM, require pairs of MOS transistors that are electrically identical. Real devices, however, suffer from random local variations in the electrical parameters, a problem referred to as mismatch. The aim of this thesis is to understand the physical causes of mismatch, to quantify this phenomenon, and to propose solutions that enable to reduce its effects. In this context, four major areas are treated. The first one focuses on the optimization of mismatch measurement methodologies. A new technique for the measurement of Vt and β mismatch and an ID mismatch model are proposed, analyzed and applied to experimental data for 28 nm Bulk and FD SOI technologies. The second area focuses on the characterization of different configurations of MOS transistors in order to propose design architectures that are optimized for certain applications. Specifically, the possibility of replacing LDEMOS with transistors in cascode configuration is analyzed. The third area focuses on the analysis and modeling of mismatch phenomena in advanced Bulk and SOI transistors. Three aspects are analyzed: 1) the impact of the introduction of germanium in P channel of 28nm BULK transistors; 2) the elimination of the metal gate contribution to Vt mismatch by using 20nm Gate-last Bulk technology; 3) a descriptive study of the principal contributions to Vt, β and ID mismatch in 28 and 14 nm FD SOI technologies. The last area treats the mismatch trends with transistor aging. NBTI stress tests were applied to PMOS 28nm FD SOI transistors. Models of the Vt and β mismatch trends as a function of the induced interface traps and fixed charges at the Si/SiO2 interface and in the oxide were developed and discussed.Afin de réaliser correctement leur fonction, certains blocs analogiques ou numériques comme les miroirs de courant ou les SRAM, nécessitent des paires de transistors MOS électriquement identiques. Cependant, les dispositifs sur silicium, même appariés, subissent des variations locales aléatoires ce qui fait varier leurs performances électriques. Ce phénomène est connu sous le nom désappariement. L'objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre les causes physiques de ce désappariement, de le quantifier et de proposer des solutions pour le réduire. Dans ce contexte, quatre thèmes principaux sont développés. Le premier thème se focalise sur l'optimisation des méthodologies de mesures des phénomènes de désappariement. Une nouvelle méthode de mesure du désappariement de Vt et de β ainsi qu'un nouveau modèle de désappariement de ID sont proposés, analysés et appliqués à des données mesurées sur des technologies 28nm Bulk et FD SOI. Le second thème se concentre sur la caractérisation des différentes configurations de transistor MOS afin de proposer l'architecture optimale en fonction des applications visées. Ainsi, la possibilité de remplacer le LDEMOS par une configuration cascode est analysée en détail. Le troisième thème se focalise sur l'analyse et la modélisation des phénomènes de désappariement des transistors MOS avancés. Trois aspects sont analysés : 1) l'introduction du Ge dans le canal P des technologies 28nm BULK, 2) la suppression de la contribution de la grille sur le désappariement de Vt en utilisant la technologie 20 nm métal-Gate-Last 3) un descriptif des principaux contributeurs au désappariement de Vt, β et ID dans les technologies 28 et 14nm FD SOI. Le dernier thème traite du comportement du désappariement des transistors MOS après vieillissement. Un vieillissement NBTI a été appliqué sur des PMOS de la technologie 28nm FD SOI. Des modèles de comportement de Vt et de β en fonction du nombre de charges fixes ou d'états d'interfaces induits à l'interface Si/SiO2 ou dans l'oxyde sont proposés et analysés

    A Rigorous Simulation Based Study of Gate Misalignment Effects in Gate Engineered Double-Gate (DG) MOSFETs

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    In this work, a numerical simulation based study on the effects of gate misalignment between the front and the back gate for gate engineered double-gate (DG) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistors (MOSFETs) has been presented. A comparative study of electrical characteristics and its effects on device performance between single material double gate (SMDG), double material double gate (DMDG) and triple material double gate (TMDG) MOSFETs have been investigated qualitatively. Both source side misalignment (SSM) and drain side misalignment (DSM) of different lengths in the back gate have been considered to investigate the effects of gate misalignment on device performance. In this context, an extensive simulation has been performed by a commercially available two-dimensional (2D) device simulator (ATLASTM, SILVACO Int.) to figure out the impacts of misalignment on device characteristics like surface potential, threshold voltage, drain-induced-barrier lowering (DIBL), subthreshold swing, subthreshold current, maximum drain current, transconductance and output conductance

    Strain integration and performance optimization in sub-20nm FDSOI CMOS technology

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    La technologie CMOS à base de Silicium complètement déserté sur isolant (FDSOI) est considérée comme une option privilégiée pour les applications à faible consommation telles que les applications mobiles ou les objets connectés. Elle doit cela à son architecture garantissant un excellent comportement électrostatique des transistors ainsi qu'à l'intégration de canaux contraints améliorant la mobilité des porteurs. Ce travail de thèse explore des solutions innovantes en FDSOI pour nœuds 20nm et en deçà, comprenant l'ingénierie de la contrainte mécanique à travers des études sur les matériaux, les dispositifs, les procédés d'intégration et les dessins des circuits. Des simulations mécaniques, caractérisations physiques (µRaman), et intégrations expérimentales de canaux contraints (sSOI, SiGe) ou de procédés générant de la contrainte (nitrure, fluage de l'oxyde enterré) nous permettent d'apporter des recommandations pour la technologie et le dessin physique des transistors en FDSOI. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié le transport dans les dispositifs à canal court, ce qui nous a amené à proposer une méthode originale pour extraire simultanément la mobilité des porteurs et la résistance d'accès. Nous mettons ainsi en évidence la sensibilité de la résistance d'accès à la contrainte que ce soit pour des transistors FDSOI ou nanofils. Nous mettons en évidence et modélisons la relaxation de la contrainte dans le SiGe apparaissant lors de la gravure des motifs et causant des effets géométriques (LLE) dans les technologies FDSOI avancées. Nous proposons des solutions de type dessin ainsi que des solutions technologiques afin d'améliorer la performance des cellules standard digitales et de mémoire vive statique (SRAM). En particulier, nous démontrons l'efficacité d'une isolation duale pour la gestion de la contrainte et l'extension de la capacité de polarisation arrière, qui un atout majeur de la technologie FDSOI. Enfin, la technologie 3D séquentielle rend possible la polarisation arrière en régime dynamique, à travers une co-optimisation dessin/technologie (DTCO).The Ultra-Thin Body and Buried oxide Fully Depleted Silicon On Insulator (UTBB FDSOI) CMOS technology has been demonstrated to be highly efficient for low power and low leakage applications such as mobile, internet of things or wearable. This is mainly due to the excellent electrostatics in the transistor and the successful integration of strained channel as a carrier mobility booster. This work explores scaling solutions of FDSOI for sub-20nm nodes, including innovative strain engineering, relying on material, device, process integration and circuit design layout studies. Thanks to mechanical simulations, physical characterizations and experimental integration of strained channels (sSOI, SiGe) and local stressors (nitride, oxide creeping, SiGe source/drain) into FDSOI CMOS transistors, we provide guidelines for technology and physical circuit design. In this PhD, we have in-depth studied the carrier transport in short devices, leading us to propose an original method to extract simultaneously the carrier mobility and the access resistance and to clearly evidence and extract the strain sensitivity of the access resistance, not only in FDSOI but also in strained nanowire transistors. Most of all, we evidence and model the patterning-induced SiGe strain relaxation, which is responsible for electrical Local Layout Effects (LLE) in advanced FDSOI transistors. Taking into account these geometrical effects observed at the nano-scale, we propose design and technology solutions to enhance Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) and digital standard cells performance and especially an original dual active isolation integration. Such a solution is not only stress-friendly but can also extend the powerful back-bias capability, which is a key differentiating feature of FDSOI. Eventually the 3D monolithic integration can also leverage planar Fully-Depleted devices by enabling dynamic back-bias owing to a Design/Technology Co-Optimization

    Through Silicon Via Field-Effect Transistor with Hafnia-based Ferroelectrics and the Doping of Silicon by Gallium Implantation Utilizing a Focused Ion Beam System

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    3-dimensional integration has become a standard to further increase the transistor density and to enhance the integrated functionality in microchips. Integrated circuits are stacked on top of each other and copper-filled through-silicon VIAs (TSVs) are the industry-accepted choice for their vertical electrical connection. The aim of this work is to functionalize the TSVs by implementing vertical field-effect transistors inside the via holes. The front and back sides of 200 ... 300 µm thin silicon wafers were doped to create the source/drain regions of n- and p-FETs. The TSVFETs showed very stable saturation currents and on/off current ratios of about 10^6 (n-TSVFET) and 10^3 (p-TSVFET) for a gate voltage magnitude of 4V. The use of hafnium zirconium oxide on a thin SiO_2 interface layer as gate dielectric material in a p-TSVFET, enabled the implementation of a charge trapping memory inside the TSVs, showing a memory window of about 1V. This allows the non-volatile storage of the transistor on/off state. In addition, the demonstration of the use of gallium as the source/drain dopant in planar p-FET test structures (ion implanted from a focused ion beam tool) paves the way for maskless doping and for a process flow with a low thermal budget. It was shown, that ion implanted gallium can be activated and annealed at relatively low temperatures of 500 °C ... 700 °C.:Abstract / Kurzzusammenfassung Danksagung Index I List of Figures III List of Tables X List of Symbols XI List of Abbreviations XV 1 Introduction 1 2 Fundamentals 5 2.1 Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) 5 2.1.1 Historical Development - Technological Advancements 7 2.1.2 Field-Effect Transistors in Semiconductor Memories 10 2.2 3D Integration and the Use of TSVs (Through Silicon VIAs) 16 2.3 Doping of Silicon 19 2.3.1 Doping by Thermal Diffusion 20 2.3.2 Doping by Ion Implantation 22 3 Electrical Characterization 24 3.1 Resistivity Measurements 24 3.1.1 Resistance Determination by Four-Point Probes Measurement 24 3.1.2 Contact Resistivity 27 3.1.3 Doping Concentration 32 3.2 C-V Measurements 35 3.2.1 Fundamentals of MIS C-V Measurements 35 3.2.2 Interpretation of C-V Measurements 37 3.3 Transistor Measurements 41 3.3.1 Output Characteristics (I_D-V_D) 41 3.3.2 Transfer Characteristics (I_D-V_G) 42 4 TSV Transistor 45 4.1 Idea and Motivation 45 4.2 Design and Layout of the TSV Transistor 47 4.2.1 Design of the TSV Transistor Structures 47 4.2.2 Test Structures for Planar FETs 48 5 Variations in the Integration Scheme of the TSV Transistor 51 5.1 Doping by Diffusion from Thin Films 51 5.1.1 Determination of Doping Profiles 52 5.1.2 n- and p- TSVFETs Doped Manufactures by the Use of the Diffusion Technique 59 5.2 Ferroelectric Hafnium-Zirconium-Oxide (HZO) in the Gate Stack 81 5.2.1 Planar ferroelectric p-MOSFETs Doped by Thermal Diffusion 82 5.2.2 p-TSVFETs with Hafnium-Zirconium-Oxide Metal Gate 90 5.3 Doping by Ion Implantation of Gallium with a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Tool 96 5.3.1 Ga doped Si Diodes 97 5.3.2 Planar p-MOSFETs Doped by Ga Implantation 108 5.3.3 Proposal for a parallel integration of Cu TSVs and p-TSVFETs 117 6 Summary and Outlook 120 Bibliography XVIII A Appendix XXXVI A.1 Resistivity and Dopant Density XXXVI A.2 Mask set for the TSVFET XXXVII A.3 Mask Design of the Planar Test Structures XXXVIII Curriculum Vitae XXXIX List of Scientific Publications XL

    Caractérisation, mécanismes et applications mémoire des transistors avancés sur SOI

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    Ce travail présente les principaux résultats obtenus avec une large gamme de dispositifs SOI avancés, candidats très prometteurs pour les futurs générations de transistors MOSFETs. Leurs propriétés électriques ont été analysées par des mesures systématiques, agrémentées par des modèles analytiques et/ou des simulations numériques. Nous avons également proposé une utilisation originale de dispositifs FinFETs fabriqués sur ONO enterré en fonctionnalisant le ONO à des fins d'application mémoire non volatile, volatile et unifiées. Après une introduction sur l'état de l'art des dispositifs avancés en technologie SOI, le deuxième chapitre a été consacré à la caractérisation détaillée des propriétés de dispositifs SOI planaires ultra- mince (épaisseur en dessous de 7 nm) et multi-grille. Nous avons montré l excellent contrôle électrostatique par la grille dans les transistors très courts ainsi que des effets intéressants de transport et de couplage. Une approche similaire a été utilisée pour étudier et comparer des dispositifs FinFETs à double grille et triple grille. Nous avons démontré que la configuration FinFET double grille améliore le couplage avec la grille arrière, phénomène important pour des applications à tension de seuil multiple. Nous avons proposé des modèles originaux expliquant l'effet de couplage 3D et le comportement de la mobilité dans des TFTs nanocristallin ZnO. Nos résultats ont souligné les similitudes et les différences entre les transistors SOI et à base de ZnO. Des mesures à basse température et de nouvelles méthodes d'extraction ont permis d'établir que la mobilité dans le ZnO et la qualité de l'interface ZnO/SiO2 sont remarquables. Cet état de fait ouvre des perspectives intéressantes pour l'utilisation de ce type de matériaux aux applications innovantes de l'électronique flexible. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous nous sommes concentrés sur le comportement de la mobilité dans les dispositifs SOI planaires et FinFET en effectuant des mesures de magnétorésistance à basse température. Nous avons mis en évidence expérimentalement un comportement de mobilité inhabituel (multi-branche) obtenu lorsque deux ou plusieurs canaux coexistent et interagissent. Un autre résultat original concerne l existence et l interprétation de la magnétorésistance géométrique dans les FinFETs.L'utilisation de FinFETs fabriqués sur ONO enterré en tant que mémoire non volatile flash a été proposée dans le quatrième chapitre. Deux mécanismes d'injection de charge ont été étudiés systématiquement. En plus de la démonstration de la pertinence de ce type mémoire en termes de performances (rétention, marge de détection), nous avons mis en évidence un comportement inattendu : l amélioration de la marge de détection pour des dispositifs à canaux courts. Notre concept innovant de FinFlash sur ONO enterré présente plusieurs avantages: (i) opération double-bit et (ii) séparation de la grille de stockage et de l'interface de lecture augmentant la fiabilité et autorisant une miniaturisation plus poussée que des Finflash conventionnels avec grille ONO.Dans le dernier chapitre, nous avons exploré le concept de mémoire unifiée, en combinant les opérations non volatiles et 1T-DRAM par le biais des FinFETs sur ONO enterré. Comme escompté pour les mémoires dites unifiées, le courant transitoire en mode 1T-DRAM dépend des charges non volatiles stockées dans le ONO. D'autre part, nous avons montré que les charges piégées dans le nitrure ne sont pas perturbées par les opérations de programmation et lecture de la 1T-DRAM. Les performances de cette mémoire unifiée multi-bits sont prometteuses et pourront être considérablement améliorées par optimisation technologique de ce dispositif.The evolution of electronic systems and portable devices requires innovation in both circuit design and transistor architecture. During last fifty years, the main issue in MOS transistor has been the gate length scaling down. The reduction of power consumption together with the co-integration of different functions is a more recent avenue. In bulk-Si planar technology, device shrinking seems to arrive at the end due to the multiplication of parasitic effects. The relay has been taken by novel SOI-like device architectures. In this perspective, this manuscript presents the main achievements of our work obtained with a variety of advanced fully depleted SOI MOSFETs, which are very promising candidates for next generation MOSFETs. Their electrical properties have been analyzed by systematic measurements and clarified by analytical models and/or simulations. Ultimately, appropriate applications have been proposed based on their beneficial features.In the first chapter, we briefly addressed the short-channel effects and the diverse technologies to improve device performance. The second chapter was dedicated to the detailed characterization and interesting properties of SOI devices. We have demonstrated excellent gate control and high performance in ultra-thin FD SOI MOSFET. The SCEs are efficiently suppressed by decreasing the body thickness below 7 nm. We have investigated the transport and electrostatic properties as well as the coupling mechanisms. The strong impact of body thickness and temperature range has been outlined. A similar approach was used to investigate and compare vertical double-gate and triple-gate FinFETs. DG FinFETs show enhanced coupling to back-gate bias which is applicable and suitable for dynamic threshold voltage tuning. We have proposed original models explaining the 3D coupling effect in FinFETs and the mobility behavior in ZnO TFTs. Our results pointed on the similarities and differences in SOI and ZnO transistors. According to our low-temperature measurements and new promoted extraction methods, the mobility in ZnO and the quality of ZnO/SiO2 interface are respectable, enabling innovating applications in flexible, transparent and power electronics. In the third chapter, we focused on the mobility behavior in planar SOI and FinFET devices by performing low-temperature magnetoresistance measurements. Unusual mobility curve with multi-branch aspect were obtained when two or more channels coexist and interplay. Another original result in the existence of the geometrical magnetoresistance in triple-gate and even double-gate FinFETs.The operation of a flash memory in FinFETs with ONO buried layer was explored in the forth chapter. Two charge injection mechanisms were proposed and systematically investigated. We have discussed the role of device geometry and temperature. Our novel ONO FinFlash concept has several distinct advantages: double-bit operation, separation of storage medium and reading interface, reliability and scalability. In the final chapter, we explored the avenue of unified memory, by combining nonvolatile and 1T-DRAM operations in a single transistor. The key result is that the transient current, relevant for 1T-DRAM operation, depends on the nonvolatile charges stored in the nitride buried layer. On the other hand, the trapped charges are not disturbed by the 1T-DRAM operation. Our experimental data offers the proof-of-concept for such advanced memory. The performance of the unified/multi-bit memory is already decent but will greatly improve in the coming years by processing dedicated devices.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF