53 research outputs found

    Wearable sensing application- carbon dioxide monitoring for emergency personnel using wearable sensors

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    The development of wearable sensing technologies is a great challenge which is being addressed by the Proetex FP6 project (www.proetex.org). Its main aim is the development of wearable sensors to improve the safety and efficiency of emergency personnel. This will be achieved by continuous, real-time monitoring of vital signs, posture, activity, and external hazards surrounding emergency workers. We report here the development of carbon dioxide (CO2) sensing boot by incorporating commercially available CO2 sensor with a wireless platform into the boot assembly. Carefully selected commercially available sensors have been tested. Some of the key characteristics of the selected sensors are high selectivity and sensitivity, robustness and the power demand. This paper discusses some of the results of CO2 sensor tests and sensor integration with wireless data transmission

    Web Platform for Interconnecting Body Sensors and Improving Health Care

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm in which smart objects actively collaborate among them and with other physical and virtual objects available in the Web in order to perform high-level tasks for the benefit of end-users. In the e-health scenario, these communicating smart objects can be body sensors that enable a continuous real-time monitoring of vital signs of patients. Data produced by such sensors can be used for several purposes and by different actors, such as doctors, patients, relatives, and health care centers, in order to provide remote assistance to users. However, major challenges arise mainly in terms of the interoperabil- ity among several heterogeneous devices from a variety of manufacturers. In this context, we introduce Eco Health (Ecosystem of Health Care Devices), a Web middleware platform for connecting doctors and patients using attached body sensors, thus aiming to provide improved health monitoring and diagnosis for patients. This platform is able to integrate information obtained from heterogeneous sensors in order to provide mechanisms to monitor, process, visualize, store, and send notifications regarding patients’ conditions and vital signs at real-time by using Internet standards. In this paper, we present blueprints of our proposal to Eco Health and its logical architecture and implementation, as well as an e-health motivational scenario where such a platform would be useful

    Wearables in medicine

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    Wearables as medical technologies are becoming an integral part of personal analytics, measuring physical status, recording physiological parameters, or informing schedule for medication. These continuously evolving technology platforms do not only promise to help people pursue a healthier life style, but also provide continuous medical data for actively tracking metabolic status, diagnosis, and treatment. Advances in the miniaturization of flexible electronics, electrochemical biosensors, microfluidics, and artificial intelligence algorithms have led to wearable devices that can generate real-time medical data within the Internet of things. These flexible devices can be configured to make conformal contact with epidermal, ocular, intracochlear, and dental interfaces to collect biochemical or electrophysiological signals. This article discusses consumer trends in wearable electronics, commercial and emerging devices, and fabrication methods. It also reviews real-time monitoring of vital signs using biosensors, stimuli-responsive materials for drug delivery, and closed-loop theranostic systems. It covers future challenges in augmented, virtual, and mixed reality, communication modes, energy management, displays, conformity, and data safety. The development of patient-oriented wearable technologies and their incorporation in randomized clinical trials will facilitate the design of safe and effective approaches

    The Design of Digital Heart Rate Meter Using Microcontroller

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    Cardiac tests generally use an electrocardiograph, the results of which are used by medical teams to diagnose heart conditions. Individual ECG examination is held in a health care institution so that it cannot be held independently, considering the high costs and the need for analysis by a specialist.  It is, therefore, necessary to have a functional and portable device to detect heart rate. The heart rate measuring device, equipped with a finger sensor, was designed for adults. The 15-second measurement interval showed the heart rate in one minute and the results were shown on an LCD. The minimum system circuit used ATMega 16

    Heat stress monitoring system. Innovative technology summary report

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    Overview of recent advances in Health care technology and its impact on health care delivery

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    Recent advancement in technology such as Machine Learning (ML), Artificial intelligence(AI), Robotics, internet of things (IOT), Block Chain technologies, Big Data analytics, Cloud computing  Natural Language Processing, Mobile Applications is making a huge impact on the day to day lives of human beings. These technologies started helping us to save resources, time and cost and at the same time increase the accuracy and efficiency. Biomedical domain also started embracing these new technologies in the areas of diagnosis, surgery and therapeutics. These technologies also have applications in the areas of pattern recognition and expert systems. The paper provides an overview of recent advancement in technologies and its impact on the biomedical domain  

    Real time telemedical health care systems with wearable sensors

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    The time between detection and response to chronic diseases could go a long way in saving lives. The current trend in health monitoring systems is to move from the hospital centered device to eventually portable personal devices. Hence,Telemedical health care involves the remote delivery of medical care service to either out-of-hospital or admitted patients through wireless network and computer information technology. This paper systematically reviews the most recent works in telemedical health care system to propose a more efficient model. The focus is more on wearable sensors and devices with most attention given to cardiovascular patients in recent times. The huge literature available reflects the size of activity and attention given to telemedicine. The reviewed works are published within the last five years. Furthermore, the proposed systems are compared in terms of their connectivity, targeted application, type of sensor used, etc. Our study reveals Telemedicine to be a profound field with researchers from multidisciplinary sectors. However, there are still many gaps that need to be filled before maturity. Factors such as efficient wireless transmission, cyber data security, sensor design and integration, device miniaturization and intelligent algorithm for multi parameter data fusion require further considerations