169 research outputs found

    Continuous Process Auditing (CPA): an Audit Rule Ontology Approach to Compliance and Operational Audits

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    Continuous Auditing (CA) has been investigated over time and it is, somewhat, in practice within nancial and transactional auditing as a part of continuous assurance and monitoring. Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) that run their activities in the form of processes require continuous auditing of a process that invokes the action(s) speci ed in the policies and rules in a continuous manner and/or sometimes in real-time. This leads to the question: How much could continuous auditing mimic the actual auditing procedures performed by auditing professionals? We investigate some of these questions through Continuous Process Auditing (CPA) relying on heterogeneous activities of processes in the EIS, as well as detecting exceptions and evidence in current and historic databases to provide audit assurance

    ModeL4CEP: Graphical domain-specific modeling languages for CEP domains and event patterns

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    Complex event processing (CEP) is a cutting-edge technology that allows the analysis and correlation of large volumes of data with the aim of detecting complex and meaningful events through the use of event patterns, as well as permitting the inference of valuable knowledge for end users. Despite the great advantages that CEP can bring to expert or intelligent business systems, it poses a substantial challenge to their users, who are business experts but do not have the necessary knowledge and experience using this technology. The main problem these users have to face is precisely hand-writing the code for event pattern definition, which requires them to implement the conditions to be met to detect relevant situations for the domain in question by using a particular event processing language (EPL). In order to respond to this need, in this paper we propose both a graphical domain-specific modeling language (DSML) for facilitating CEP domain definitions by domain experts, and a graphical DSML for event pattern definition by non-technological users. The proposed languages provide high expressiveness and flexibility and are independent of event patterns and actions’ implementation code. This way, domain experts can define the relevant event types and patterns within their business domain, without having to be experts on EPL programming, nor on other complicated computer science technological issues, beyond an understandable and intuitive graphical definition. Furthermore, with these DSMLs, users will also be able to define the actions to be automatically taken once a pattern is detected in the system. Further benefits of these DSMLs are evaluated and discussed in depth in this paper

    Validation and Evaluation

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    In this technical report, we present prototypical implementations of innovative tools and methods for personalized and contextualized (multimedia) search, collaborative ontology evolution, ontology evaluation and cost models, and dynamic access and trends in distributed (semantic) knowledge, developed according to the working plan outlined in Technical Report TR-B-12-04. The prototypes complete the next milestone on the path to an integral Corporate Semantic Web architecture based on the three pillars Corporate Ontology Engineering, Corporate Semantic Collaboration, and Corporate Semantic Search, as envisioned in TR-B-08-09

    Facilitating the Reactive Web - A Condition Action System using Node.js

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    The orchestration of the Web is a big issue for Web users all around the world. Web users have a high interest in services, which are able to personalise and customise the Web. However, for Web reactivity there exists only a few limited solutions that allow the aggregation of Web resources. This paper takes a look at existing event- based methods that build upon Event-Condition-Action (ECA) Rules and Complex Event Processing (CEP). Moreover, this paper illustrates the architecture of a fully functioning Condition Action System prototype for the creation of reactivity in between Web resources. In a proof of concept, we could detect and determine the change interval of electronic newspaper headlines. With the proposed system, we are able to orchestrate Web resources e.g. Detecting Web Changes. The orchestration of the Web is a big issue for Web users all around the world. Web users have a high interestin services, which are able to personalise and customise the Web. However, for Web reactivity there exists onlya few limited solutions that allow the aggregation of Web resources. This paper takes a look at existing event-based methods that build upon Event-Condition-Action (ECA) Rules and Complex Event Processing (CEP).Moreover, this paper illustrates the architecture of a fully functioning Condition Action System prototype forthe creation of reactivity in between Web resources. In a proof of concept, we could detect and determine thechange interval of electronic newspaper headlines. With the proposed system, we are able to orchestrate Webresources e.g. Detecting Web Changes

    Automated Rule-Based Selection and Instantiation of Layout Templates for Widget-Based Microsites

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    Veebi avatud arhitektuuron loonud soodsa pinnase veebisolevate andmete kasutamiseks nii keerulisemates kui lihtsamates veebirakendustes. Andmete kogumise ja visualiseerimise lihtsustamiseks lihtsates veebirakendustes on loodud hulganisti tööriistu, mille seas on ka mashup'ide loomise tööriistad. Olemasolevate tööriistadega kõrge kasutatavusega mashup veebilehe loomine võib aga paraku olla keerukas, kuna nõuab erinevate tehnoloogiate ning programmeerimiskeelte tundmist, rääkimata kasutatavuse juhtnööridega kursisolemist. Kuigi osad mashup'ide platvormid, a'la OpenAjax Hub, lihtsustavad olemasolevate komponentide kombineerimist, on lahendamata probleemiks siiani nende rakenduste kasutatavus. Käesolev magistritöö kirjeldab reeglipõhist lahendust andmete visualiseerimise vidinate jaoks sobiva veebilehe malli automaatseks valimiseks vastavalt enimlevinud veebilehtede kasutatavuse juhtnööridele. Selleks laetakse vidinate ning struktuurimallide kirjeldused koos kasutatavuse juhtnööridest saadud reeglitega reeglimootorisse ning kasutatakse reeglimootorit ekspertsüsteemina, mis soovitab sobivamaid malle vastavalt etteantud vidinate komplektile. Lahenduse reeglipõhine ülesehitus võimaldab uute vidinate ning mallide lisandumisel või juhtnööride muutumisel operatiivselt reageerida nendele muutustele reeglibaasi täiendamise kaudu. Väljapakutud lahendus realiseeriti käesoleva töö raames Auto Microsite rakendusena, mis koosneb serveri- ning kliendipoolsest osast. Serveri poolel toimub reeglite abil vidinate komplekti visualiseerimiseks sobiva malli valimine kasutades OO jDREW RuleML reeglimootorit ning rakenduse paketeerimiseks koodi genereerimine. Kliendi poolel kasutatakse OpenAjax Hub raamistikkuvidinate turvaliseks eraldamiseks ning omavahel suhtlemapanemisel. Samuti on kliendi poolel lahendatud genereeritud veebilehe vastavusse viimine brauseri võimalustega. Katsetamaks Auto Microsite rakendust praktikas loodi seda kasutades realisatsioonid kahele lihtsale stsenaariumile. Esimesel juhul viusaliseeriti Euroopa 1997-2008 tööjõukulude (Hourly labour costs in Euros (European Union 1997-2008) ing. k.) andmeid kaardi, tabeli, kokkuvõtte ja menüü vidinatega. Teisel juhul kasutati lisaks andmete visualiseerimise vidinatele ka väliseid andmeallikaid, mis olid realiseeritud mittevisuaalsete vidinatena. Saadud andmed visualiseeriti kahe tabeli ning ühe kaardi vidinaga. Näidisveebilehtede loomise tulemusena järeldub, et rakendus sobib lihtsate veebilehtede loomiseks. Lisaks on võimalik lahendust täiendada keerukamate veebirakenduste automaatseks loomiseks läbi vastavate mallide ning reeglite lisamise.This thesis proposes a rule-based widget and layout template matchmaking solution for widget-based microsites. The solution takes as an input a set of widget descriptions and a set of layout templates with widget placeholders and returns a microsite, where the most suitable template has been instantiated with corresponding widgets. Matchmaking is based on applying a rule engine to metadata of widgets and placeholders about their content categories and dimensions,. Additional usability rules are used to further improve the results with respect to commonly accepted usability guidelines. Such a solution makes it possible to modularly enhance the usability results in the future simply by adding new usability rules and layout templates. Furthermore, the solution can be applied in mashup creation tools for layout selection. The proposed solution has been implemented and is called Auto Microsite in this thesis. The system consists of a server-side and a client-side component. The server-side component matches widgets with layout template placeholders according to the given rules by using the OO jDREW RuleML engine. The client-side is responsible for presenting the mashup appropriately for the client device. The latter is based on OpenAjax Hub 2.0 framework, which enables secure sandboxing and communication of widgets in the generated microsite. Furthermore, OpenAjax Metadata 1.0 specification is used in this thesis to package the widgets such that they could be easily reused. In order to evaluate the Auto Microsite system in practice two proof of concept (PoC) scenarios were implemented. The first scenario visualized "Hourly labour costs in Euros (European Union 1997-2008)" data using widgets for a map, a table and a summary. In the second scenario, also data was queried through a SOAP service and a Web site. In the scenario data was visualized using two table widgets and a map widget. The SOAP service and queries to the Web site were packaged as non-visual widgets to fit the framework. The POCs demonstrate that the Auto Microsite system is able to construct widget-based microsites. Furthermore, the framework is capable of constructing also more complex Web applications, with several pages and more content widgets, by adding new rules and templates

    Ontology-based infrastructure for intelligent applications

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    Ontologies currently are a hot topic in the areas of knowledge management and enterprise application integration. In this thesis, we investigate how ontologies can also be used as an infrastructure for developing applications that intelligently support a user with various tasks. Based on recent developments in the area of the Semantic Web, we provide three major contributions. We introduce inference engines, which allow the execution of business logic that is specified in a declarative way, while putting strong emphasis on scalability and ease of use. Secondly, we suggest various solutions for interfacing applications that are developed under this new paradigm with existing IT infrastructure. This includes the first running solution, to our knowledge, for combining the emerging areas of the Semantic Web Services. Finally, we introduce a set of intelligent applications, which is built on top of onologies and Semantic Web standards, providing a proof of concept that the engineering effort can largely be based on standard components.Ontologien sind derzeit ein viel diskutiertes Thema in Bereichen wie Wissensmanagement oder Enterprise Application Integration. Diese Arbeit stellt dar, wie Ontologien als Infrastruktur zur Entwicklung neuartiger Applikationen verwendet werden können, die den User bei verschiedenen Arbeiten unterstützen. Aufbauend auf den im Rahmen des Semantischen Webs entstandenen Spezifikationen, werden drei wesentliche Beiträge geleistet. Zum einen stellen wir Inferenzmaschinen vor, die das Ausführen von deklarativ spezifizierter Applikationslogik erlauben, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Skalierbarkeit gelegt wird. Zum anderen schlagen wir mehrere Lösungen zum Anschluss solcher Systeme an bestehende IT Infrastruktur vor. Dies beinhaltet den, unseres Wissens nach, ersten lauffähigen Prototyp der die beiden aufstrebenden Felder des Semantischen Webs und Web Services verbindet. Schließlich stellen wir einige intelligente Applikationen vor, die auf Ontologien basieren und somit großteils von Werkzeugen automatisch generiert werden können

    Use-cases on evolution

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    This report presents a set of use cases for evolution and reactivity for data in the Web and Semantic Web. This set is organized around three different case study scenarios, each of them is related to one of the three different areas of application within Rewerse. Namely, the scenarios are: “The Rewerse Information System and Portal”, closely related to the work of A3 – Personalised Information Systems; “Organizing Travels”, that may be related to the work of A1 – Events, Time, and Locations; “Updates and evolution in bioinformatics data sources” related to the work of A2 – Towards a Bioinformatics Web