34 research outputs found

    Principal Geodesic Dynamics

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new integration of a data-driven approach using dimension reduction and a physically-based simulation for real-time character animation. We exploit Lie group statistical analysis techniques (Principal Geodesic Analysis, PGA) to approximate the pose manifold of a motion capture sequence by a reduced set of pose geodesics. We integrate this kinematic parametrization into a physically-based animation approach of virtual characters, by using the PGA-reduced parametrization directly as generalized coordinates of a Lagrangian formulation of mechanics. In order to achieve real-time without sacrificing stability, we derive an explicit time integrator by approximating existing variational integrators. Finally, we test our approach in task-space motion control. By formulating both physical simulation and inverse kinematics time stepping schemes as two quadratic programs, we propose a features-based control algorithm that interpolates between the two metrics. This allows for an intuitive trade-off between realistic physical simulation and controllable kinematic manipulation

    Essential techniques for laparoscopic surgery simulation

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    Laparoscopic surgery is a complex minimum invasive operation that requires long learning curve for the new trainees to have adequate experience to become a qualified surgeon. With the development of virtual reality technology, virtual reality-based surgery simulation is playing an increasingly important role in the surgery training. The simulation of laparoscopic surgery is challenging because it involves large non-linear soft tissue deformation, frequent surgical tool interaction and complex anatomical environment. Current researches mostly focus on very specific topics (such as deformation and collision detection) rather than a consistent and efficient framework. The direct use of the existing methods cannot achieve high visual/haptic quality and a satisfactory refreshing rate at the same time, especially for complex surgery simulation. In this paper, we proposed a set of tailored key technologies for laparoscopic surgery simulation, ranging from the simulation of soft tissues with different properties, to the interactions between surgical tools and soft tissues to the rendering of complex anatomical environment. Compared with the current methods, our tailored algorithms aimed at improving the performance from accuracy, stability and efficiency perspectives. We also abstract and design a set of intuitive parameters that can provide developers with high flexibility to develop their own simulators

    Monte Carlo Vortical Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Simulating Turbulent Flows

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    For vortex particle methods relying on SPH-based simulations, the direct approach of iterating all fluid particles to capture velocity from vorticity can lead to a significant computational overhead during the Biot-Savart summation process. To address this challenge, we present a Monte Carlo vortical smoothed particle hydrodynamics (MCVSPH) method for efficiently simulating turbulent flows within an SPH framework. Our approach harnesses a Monte Carlo estimator and operates exclusively within a pre-sampled particle subset, thus eliminating the need for costly global iterations over all fluid particles. Our algorithm is decoupled from various projection loops which enforce incompressibility, independently handles the recovery of turbulent details, and seamlessly integrates with state-of-the-art SPH-based incompressibility solvers. Our approach rectifies the velocity of all fluid particles based on vorticity loss to respect the evolution of vorticity, effectively enforcing vortex motions. We demonstrate, by several experiments, that our MCVSPH method effectively preserves vorticity and creates visually prominent vortical motions

    Conception et animation interactive de foules pour de vastes environnements

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    Crowds are increasingly present in audio-visual media, such as movies or video games. They help to strengthen the immersion of the subject in the virtual environment. However, creating crowds is most of the time based on models hard to master and which do not offer a direct control on the motion that you want to create. In this thesis we propose contributions for designing crowd motions through interactive and intuitive tools. Firstly, we present an interactive method for designing the crowds by distorting it like clay. The user can stretch, compress and twist the overall shape of the crowd to give it the shape he or she wishes. The inner characters of the crowd automatically adapt to the new shape imposed by the user. Secondly, we present a method to paint the motion and the density of the crowd to create it. We offer the opportunity to the user to create crowds by painting a grayscale density map and a motion map by gradients. Its colored maps are transformed by our system to crowds, thanks to our iterative algorithm seeking to optimize the different values of colored maps. Crowds obtained by these methods can occupy a very large space and are animated indefinitely. Unlike conventional methods of creating crowds, that are based on the adjustment of model parameters, our methods allow to design crowd motions based on higher level features of the crowd, as its overall shape, its internal movement or density. This offers the possibility to simply, quickly and intuitively create animated crowd contents.Les foules sont de plus en plus présentes dans les médias grands publics, comme le cinéma ou les jeux vidéo. Elles permettent de renforcer l'immersion du sujet dans l'environnement qui lui est présenté. Or, la création de mouvement de foule est la plus part du temps basé sur des modèles dures à prendre en main et qui n'offrent pas un contrôle direct sur le mouvement de foule que l'on souhaite créer. Dans cette thèse nous proposons des contributions sous forme de méthodes pour concevoir des mouvements de foules par le biais d'outils interactifs et intuitifs. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons une méthode interactive permettant de concevoir des foules en les déformant comme de l'argile. L'utilisateur peut tirer, compresser et torde la forme global de des foules pour leurs donner la forme qu'il ou elle souhaite. Les personnages qui composent la foule s'adaptent automatiquement à la nouvelle forme imposée par l'utilisateur. Dans un second temps, nous présentons une méthode permettant de peindre les mouvements et la densité de la foule pour la créer. Nous offrons la possibilité à l'utilisateur de créer des foules en peignant une carte de densité en niveau de gris, et une carte de mouvement via des dégradés. Ses cartes de couleurs sont utilisées par notre système pour le transformer en un mouvement de foule, via un algorithme itératif cherchant à optimiser les différentes valeurs des cartes de couleurs. Les foules obtenues par ces méthodes peuvent occupées un espace très large, et sont animées indéfiniment. Contrairement aux méthodes classiques de création de foules qui se basent sur l'ajustement de paramètres de modèles, nos méthodes permettent de concevoir les mouvements de foules en se basant sur des caractéristiques plus hauts niveaux de la foule, comme sa forme globale, ses mouvements internes ou sa densité. Ce qui offre la possibilité de créer du contenu de foule animée de manière simple, rapide et intuitif

    Egocentric Mapping of Body Surface Constraints

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    The relative location of human body parts often materializes the semantics of on-going actions, intentions and even emotions expressed, or performed, by a human being. However, traditional methods of performance animation fail to correctly and automatically map the semantics of performer postures involving self-body contacts onto characters with different sizes and proportions. Our method proposes an egocentric normalization of the body-part relative distances to preserve the consistency of self contacts for a large variety of human-like target characters. Egocentric coordinates are character independent and encode the whole posture space, i.e., it ensures the continuity of the motion with and without self-contacts. We can transfer classes of complex postures involving multiple interacting limb segments by preserving their spatial order without depending on temporal coherence. The mapping process exploits a low-cost constraint relaxation technique relying on analytic inverse kinematics; thus, we can achieve online performance animation. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of characters and compare it with the state of the art in online retargeting with a user study. Overall, our method performs better than the state of the art, especially when the proportions of the animated character deviates from those of the performer

    Physics-based Reconstruction and Animation of Humans

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    Creating digital representations of humans is of utmost importance for applications ranging from entertainment (video games, movies) to human-computer interaction and even psychiatrical treatments. What makes building credible digital doubles difficult is the fact that the human vision system is very sensitive to perceiving the complex expressivity and potential anomalies in body structures and motion. This thesis will present several projects that tackle these problems from two different perspectives: lightweight acquisition and physics-based simulation. It starts by describing a complete pipeline that allows users to reconstruct fully rigged 3D facial avatars using video data coming from a handheld device (e.g., smartphone). The avatars use a novel two-scale representation composed of blendshapes and dynamic detail maps. They are constructed through an optimization that integrates feature tracking, optical flow, and shape from shading. Continuing along the lines of accessible acquisition systems, we discuss a framework for simultaneous tracking and modeling of articulated human bodies from RGB-D data. We show how semantic information can be extracted from the scanned body shapes. In the second half of the thesis, we will deviate from using standard linear reconstruction and animation models, and rather focus on exploiting physics-based techniques that are able to incorporate complex phenomena such as dynamics, collision response and incompressibility of the materials. The first approach we propose assumes that each 3D scan of an actor records his body in a physical steady state and uses a process called inverse physics to extract a volumetric physics-ready anatomical model of him. By using biologically-inspired growth models for the bones, muscles and fat, our method can obtain realistic anatomical reconstructions that can be later on animated using external tracking data such as the one resulting from tracking motion capture markers. This is then extended to a novel physics-based approach for facial reconstruction and animation. We propose a facial animation model which simulates biomechanical muscle contractions in a volumetric head model in order to create the facial expressions seen in the input scans. We then show how this approach allows for new avenues of dynamic artistic control, simulation of corrective facial surgery, and interaction with external forces and objects

    Fourteenth Biennial Status Report: März 2017 - February 2019

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