2,311 research outputs found

    A Reconfigurable Vector Instruction Processor for Accelerating a Convection Parametrization Model on FPGAs

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms allow scientists to model computationally intensive algorithms. HPC clusters increasingly use General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) as accelerators; FPGAs provide an attractive alternative to GPGPUs for use as co-processors, but they are still far from being mainstream due to a number of challenges faced when using FPGA-based platforms. Our research aims to make FPGA-based high performance computing more accessible to the scientific community. In this work we present the results of investigating the acceleration of a particular atmospheric model, Flexpart, on FPGAs. We focus on accelerating the most computationally intensive kernel from this model. The key contribution of our work is the architectural exploration we undertook to arrive at a solution that best exploits the parallelism available in the legacy code, and is also convenient to program, so that eventually the compilation of high-level legacy code to our architecture can be fully automated. We present the three different types of architecture, comparing their resource utilization and performance, and propose that an architecture where there are a number of computational cores, each built along the lines of a vector instruction processor, works best in this particular scenario, and is a promising candidate for a generic FPGA-based platform for scientific computation. We also present the results of experiments done with various configuration parameters of the proposed architecture, to show its utility in adapting to a range of scientific applications.Comment: This is an extended pre-print version of work that was presented at the international symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART2014), Sendai, Japan, June 911, 201

    The Potential for a GPU-Like Overlay Architecture for FPGAs

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    We propose a soft processor programming model and architecture inspired by graphics processing units (GPUs) that are well-matched to the strengths of FPGAs, namely, highly parallel and pipelinable computation. In particular, our soft processor architecture exploits multithreading, vector operations, and predication to supply a floating-point pipeline of 64 stages via hardware support for up to 256 concurrent thread contexts. The key new contributions of our architecture are mechanisms for managing threads and register files that maximize data-level and instruction-level parallelism while overcoming the challenges of port limitations of FPGA block memories as well as memory and pipeline latency. Through simulation of a system that (i) is programmable via NVIDIA's high-level Cg language, (ii) supports AMD's CTM r5xx GPU ISA, and (iii) is realizable on an XtremeData XD1000 FPGA-based accelerator system, we demonstrate the potential for such a system to achieve 100% utilization of a deeply pipelined floating-point datapath

    HoloTrap: Interactive hologram design for multiple dynamic optical trapping

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    This work presents an application that generates real-time holograms to be displayed on a holographic optical tweezers setup; a technique that allows the manipulation of particles in the range from micrometres to nanometres. The software is written in Java, and uses random binary masks to generate the holograms. It allows customization of several parameters that are dependent on the experimental setup, such as the specific characteristics of the device displaying the hologram, or the presence of aberrations. We evaluate the software's performance and conclude that real-time interaction is achieved. We give our experimental results from manipulating 5 micron-diametre microspheres using the program.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Real-time optical micro-manipulation using optimized holograms generated on the GPU

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    Holographic optical tweezers allow the three dimensional, dynamic, multipoint manipulation of micron sized dielectric objects. Exploiting the massive parallel architecture of modern GPUs we can generate highly optimized holograms at video frame rate allowing the interactive micro-manipulation of 3D structures.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Embedded System Architecture for Mobile Augmented Reality. Sailor Assistance Case Study

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    International audienceWith upcoming see-through displays new kinds of applications of Augmented Reality are emerging. However this also raises questions about the design of associated embedded systems that must be lightweight and handle object positioning, heterogeneous sensors, wireless communications as well as graphic computation. This paper studies the specific case of a promising Mobile AR processor, which is different from usual graphics applications. A complete architecture is described, designed and prototyped on FPGA. It includes hard-ware/software partitioning based on the analysis of application requirements. The specification of an original and flexible coprocessor is detailed. Choices as well as optimizations of algorithms are also described. Implementation results and performance evaluation show the relevancy of the proposed approach and demonstrate a new kind of architecture focused on object processing and optimized for the AR domain

    A performance, energy consumption and reliability evaluation of workload distribution on heterogeneous devices

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    The constant need of higher performances and reduced power consumption has lead vendors to design heterogeneous devices that embed traditional Central Process Unit (CPU) and an accelerator, like a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) or Field-programmable Gate Array (FPGA). When the CPU and the accelerator are used collaboratively the device computational performances reach their peak. However, the higher amount of resources employed for computation has, potentially, the side effect of increasing soft error rate. This thesis evaluates the reliability behaviour of AMD Kaveri Accelerated Processing Units (APU) executing four heterogeneous applications, each one representing an algorithm class. The workload is gradually distributed from the CPU to the GPU and both the energy consumption and execution time are measured. Then, an accelerated neutron beam was used to measure the realistic error rates of the different workload distributions. Finally, we evaluate which configuration provides the lowest error rate or allows the computation of the highest amount of data before experiencing a failure. As is shown in this thesis, energy consumption and execution time are mold by the same trend while error rates highly depend on algorithm class and workload distribution. Additionally, we show that, in most cases, the most reliable workload distribution is the one that delivers the highest performances. As experimentally proven, by choosing the correct workload distribution the device reliability can increase of up to 90x.A constante necessidade de maior desempenho e menor consumo de energia levou aos fabricantes a projetar dispositivos heterogêneos que incorporam uma Unidade Central de Processameno (CPU) tradicional e um acelerador, como uma Unidade de Processamento Gráfico (GPU) ou um Arranjo de Portas Programáveis em Campo (FPGA). Quando a CPU e o acelerador são usados de forma colaborativa, o desempenho computacional do dispositivo atinge seu pico. No entanto, a maior quantidade de recursos empregados para o cálculo tem, potencialmente, o efeito colateral de aumentar a taxa de erros. Esta tese avalia a confiabilidade das AMD Kaveri "Accelerated Processing Units"(APUs) executando quatro aplicações heterogêneas, cada uma representando uma classe de algoritmos. A carga de trabalho é gradualmente distribuída da CPU para a GPU e o consumo de energia e o tempo de execução são medidos. Em seguida, um feixe de neutrões é utilizado para medir as taxas de erro reais das diferentes distribuições de carga de trabalho. Por fim, avalia-se qual configuração fornece a menor taxa de erro ou permite o cálculo da maior quantidade de dados antes de ocorrer uma falha. Como é mostrado nesta tese, o consumo de energia e o tempo de execução são moldados pela mesma tendência, enquanto as taxas de erro dependem da classe de algoritmos e da distribuição da carga de trabalho. Além disso, é mostrado que, na maioria dos casos, a distribuição de carga de trabalho mais confiável é a que fornece o maior desempenho. Como comprovado experimentalmente, ao escolher a distribuição de carga de trabalho correta, a confiabilidade do dispositivo pode aumentar até 9 vezes

    A Study of Reconfigurable Accelerators for Cloud Computing

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    Due to the exponential increase in network traffic in the data centers, thousands of servers interconnected with high bandwidth switches are required. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) with Cloud ecosystem offer high performance in efficiency and energy, making them active resources, easy to program and reconfigure. This paper looks at FPGAs as reconfigurable accelerators for the cloud computing presents the main hardware accelerators that have been presented in various widely used cloud computing applications such as: MapReduce, Spark, Memcached, Databases

    Acceleration Methodology for the Implementation of Scientific Applications on Reconfigurable Hardware

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    The role of heterogeneous multi-core architectures in the industrial and scientific computing community is expanding. For researchers to increase the performance of complex applications, a multifaceted approach is needed to utilize emerging reconfigurable computing (RC) architectures. First, the method for accelerating applications must provide flexible solutions for fully utilizing key architecture traits across platforms. Secondly, the approach needs to be readily accessible to application scientists. A recent trend toward emerging disruptive architectures is an important signal that fundamental limitations in traditional high performance computing (HPC) are limiting break through research. To respond to these challenges, scientists are under pressure to identify new programming methodologies and elements in platform architectures that will translate into enhanced program efficacy. Reconfigurable computing (RC) allows the implementation of almost any computer architecture trait, but identifying which traits work best for numerous scientific problem domains is difficult. However, by leveraging the existing underlying framework available in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), it is possible to build a method for utilizing RC traits for accelerating scientific applications. By contrasting both hardware and software changes, RC platforms afford developers the ability to examine various architecture characteristics to find those best suited for production-level scientific applications. The flexibility afforded by FPGAs allow these characteristics to then be extrapolated to heterogeneous, multi-core and general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GP-GPU) HPC platforms. Additionally by coupling high-level languages (HLL) with reconfigurable hardware, relevance to a wider industrial and scientific population is achieved. To provide these advancements to the scientific community we examine the acceleration of a scientific application on a RC platform. By leveraging the flexibility provided by FPGAs we develop a methodology that removes computational loads from host systems and internalizes portions of communication with the aim of reducing fiscal costs through the reduction of physical compute nodes required to achieve the same runtime performance. Using this methodology an improvement in application performance is shown to be possible without requiring hand implementation of HLL code in a hardware description language (HDL) A review of recent literature demonstrates the challenge of developing a platform-independent flexible solution that allows access to cutting edge RC hardware for application scientists. To address this challenge we propose a structured methodology that begins with examination of the application\u27s profile, computations, and communications and utilizes tools to assist the developer in making partitioning and optimization decisions. Through experimental results, we will analyze the computational requirements, describe the simulated and actual accelerated application implementation, and finally describe problems encountered during development. Using this proposed method, a 3x speedup is possible over the entire accelerated target application. Lastly we discuss possible future work including further potential optimizations of the application to improve this process and project the anticipated benefits
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