858 research outputs found

    Ant Colony Optimization

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is the best example of how studies aimed at understanding and modeling the behavior of ants and other social insects can provide inspiration for the development of computational algorithms for the solution of difficult mathematical problems. Introduced by Marco Dorigo in his PhD thesis (1992) and initially applied to the travelling salesman problem, the ACO field has experienced a tremendous growth, standing today as an important nature-inspired stochastic metaheuristic for hard optimization problems. This book presents state-of-the-art ACO methods and is divided into two parts: (I) Techniques, which includes parallel implementations, and (II) Applications, where recent contributions of ACO to diverse fields, such as traffic congestion and control, structural optimization, manufacturing, and genomics are presented

    An Improved Bees Algorithm for Training Deep Recurrent Networks for Sentiment Classification

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are powerful tools for learning information from temporal sequences. Designing an optimum deep RNN is difficult due to configuration and training issues, such as vanishing and exploding gradients. In this paper, a novel metaheuristic optimisation approach is proposed for training deep RNNs for the sentiment classification task. The approach employs an enhanced Ternary Bees Algorithm (BA-3+), which operates for large dataset classification problems by considering only three individual solutions in each iteration. BA-3+ combines the collaborative search of three bees to find the optimal set of trainable parameters of the proposed deep recurrent learning architecture. Local learning with exploitative search utilises the greedy selection strategy. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) learning with singular value decomposition (SVD) aims to handle vanishing and exploding gradients of the decision parameters with the stabilisation strategy of SVD. Global learning with explorative search achieves faster convergence without getting trapped at local optima to find the optimal set of trainable parameters of the proposed deep recurrent learning architecture. BA-3+ has been tested on the sentiment classification task to classify symmetric and asymmetric distribution of the datasets from different domains, including Twitter, product reviews, and movie reviews. Comparative results have been obtained for advanced deep language models and Differential Evolution (DE) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms. BA-3+ converged to the global minimum faster than the DE and PSO algorithms, and it outperformed the SGD, DE, and PSO algorithms for the Turkish and English datasets. The accuracy value and F1 measure have improved at least with a 30–40% improvement than the standard SGD algorithm for all classification datasets. Accuracy rates in the RNN model trained with BA-3+ ranged from 80% to 90%, while the RNN trained with SGD was able to achieve between 50% and 60% for most datasets. The performance of the RNN model with BA-3+ has as good as for Tree-LSTMs and Recursive Neural Tensor Networks (RNTNs) language models, which achieved accuracy results of up to 90% for some datasets. The improved accuracy and convergence results show that BA-3+ is an efficient, stable algorithm for the complex classification task, and it can handle the vanishing and exploding gradients problem of deep RNNs

    The multiple pheromone Ant clustering algorithm

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    Ant Colony Optimisation algorithms mimic the way ants use pheromones for marking paths to important locations. Pheromone traces are followed and reinforced by other ants, but also evaporate over time. As a consequence, optimal paths attract more pheromone, whilst the less useful paths fade away. In the Multiple Pheromone Ant Clustering Algorithm (MPACA), ants detect features of objects represented as nodes within graph space. Each node has one or more ants assigned to each feature. Ants attempt to locate nodes with matching feature values, depositing pheromone traces on the way. This use of multiple pheromone values is a key innovation. Ants record other ant encounters, keeping a record of the features and colony membership of ants. The recorded values determine when ants should combine their features to look for conjunctions and whether they should merge into colonies. This ability to detect and deposit pheromone representative of feature combinations, and the resulting colony formation, renders the algorithm a powerful clustering tool. The MPACA operates as follows: (i) initially each node has ants assigned to each feature; (ii) ants roam the graph space searching for nodes with matching features; (iii) when departing matching nodes, ants deposit pheromones to inform other ants that the path goes to a node with the associated feature values; (iv) ant feature encounters are counted each time an ant arrives at a node; (v) if the feature encounters exceed a threshold value, feature combination occurs; (vi) a similar mechanism is used for colony merging. The model varies from traditional ACO in that: (i) a modified pheromone-driven movement mechanism is used; (ii) ants learn feature combinations and deposit multiple pheromone scents accordingly; (iii) ants merge into colonies, the basis of cluster formation. The MPACA is evaluated over synthetic and real-world datasets and its performance compares favourably with alternative approaches

    Multi-objective biopharma capacity planning under uncertainty using a flexible genetic algorithm approach

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    This paper presents a flexible genetic algorithm optimisation approach for multi-objective biopharmaceutical planning problems under uncertainty. The optimisation approach combines a continuous-time heuristic model of a biopharmaceutical manufacturing process, a variable-length multi-objective genetic algorithm, and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-accelerated Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed approach accounts for constraints and features such as rolling product sequence-dependent changeovers, multiple intermediate demand due dates, product QC/QA release times, and pressure to meet uncertain product demand on time. An industrially-relevant case study is used to illustrate the functionality of the approach. The case study focused on optimisation of conflicting objectives, production throughput, and product inventory levels, for a multi-product biopharmaceutical facility over a 3-year period with uncertain product demand. The advantages of the multi-objective GA with the embedded Monte Carlo simulation were demonstrated by comparison with a deterministic GA tested with Monte Carlo simulation post-optimisation

    Recent Advances on GPU Computing in Operations Research

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    Abstract-In the last decade, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have gained an increasing popularity as accelerators for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications. Recent GPUs are not only powerful graphics engines but also highly threaded parallel computing processors that can achieve sustainable speedup as compared with CPUs. In this context, researchers try to exploit the capability of this architecture to solve difficult problems in many domains in science and engineering. In this article, we present recent advances on GPU Computing in Operations Research. We focus in particular on Integer Programming and Linear Programming

    Recent Advances on GPU Computing in Operations Research

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    In the last decade, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have gained an increasing popularity as accelerators for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications. Recent GPUs are not only powerful graphics engines but also highly threaded parallel computing processors that can achieve sustainable speedup as compared with CPUs. In this context, researchers try to exploit the capability of this architecture to solve difficult problems in many domains in science and engineering. In this article, we present recent advances on GPU Computing in Operations Research. We focus in particular on Integer Programming and Linear Programming

    Review and Classification of Bio-inspired Algorithms and Their Applications

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    Scientists have long looked to nature and biology in order to understand and model solutions for complex real-world problems. The study of bionics bridges the functions, biological structures and functions and organizational principles found in nature with our modern technologies, numerous mathematical and metaheuristic algorithms have been developed along with the knowledge transferring process from the lifeforms to the human technologies. Output of bionics study includes not only physical products, but also various optimization computation methods that can be applied in different areas. Related algorithms can broadly be divided into four groups: evolutionary based bio-inspired algorithms, swarm intelligence-based bio-inspired algorithms, ecology-based bio-inspired algorithms and multi-objective bio-inspired algorithms. Bio-inspired algorithms such as neural network, ant colony algorithms, particle swarm optimization and others have been applied in almost every area of science, engineering and business management with a dramatic increase of number of relevant publications. This paper provides a systematic, pragmatic and comprehensive review of the latest developments in evolutionary based bio-inspired algorithms, swarm intelligence based bio-inspired algorithms, ecology based bio-inspired algorithms and multi-objective bio-inspired algorithms

    Distributed evolutionary algorithms and their models: A survey of the state-of-the-art

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    The increasing complexity of real-world optimization problems raises new challenges to evolutionary computation. Responding to these challenges, distributed evolutionary computation has received considerable attention over the past decade. This article provides a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art distributed evolutionary algorithms and models, which have been classified into two groups according to their task division mechanism. Population-distributed models are presented with master-slave, island, cellular, hierarchical, and pool architectures, which parallelize an evolution task at population, individual, or operation levels. Dimension-distributed models include coevolution and multi-agent models, which focus on dimension reduction. Insights into the models, such as synchronization, homogeneity, communication, topology, speedup, advantages and disadvantages are also presented and discussed. The study of these models helps guide future development of different and/or improved algorithms. Also highlighted are recent hotspots in this area, including the cloud and MapReduce-based implementations, GPU and CUDA-based implementations, distributed evolutionary multiobjective optimization, and real-world applications. Further, a number of future research directions have been discussed, with a conclusion that the development of distributed evolutionary computation will continue to flourish

    Analysis of physiological signals using machine learning methods

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    Technological advances in data collection enable scientists to suggest novel approaches, such as Machine Learning algorithms, to process and make sense of this information. However, during this process of collection, data loss and damage can occur for reasons such as faulty device sensors or miscommunication. In the context of time-series data such as multi-channel bio-signals, there is a possibility of losing a whole channel. In such cases, existing research suggests imputing the missing parts when the majority of data is available. One way of understanding and classifying complex signals is by using deep neural networks. The hyper-parameters of such models have been optimised using the process of back propagation. Over time, improvements have been suggested to enhance this algorithm. However, an essential drawback of the back propagation can be the sensitivity to noisy data. This thesis proposes two novel approaches to address the missing data challenge and back propagation drawbacks: First, suggesting a gradient-free model in order to discover the optimal hyper-parameters of a deep neural network. The complexity of deep networks and high-dimensional optimisation parameters presents challenges to find a suitable network structure and hyper-parameter configuration. This thesis proposes the use of a minimalist swarm optimiser, Dispersive Flies Optimisation(DFO), to enable the selected model to achieve better results in comparison with the traditional back propagation algorithm in certain conditions such as limited number of training samples. The DFO algorithm offers a robust search process for finding and determining the hyper-parameter configurations. Second, imputing whole missing bio-signals within a multi-channel sample. This approach comprises two experiments, namely the two-signal and five-signal imputation models. The first experiment attempts to implement and evaluate the performance of a model mapping bio-signals from A toB and vice versa. Conceptually, this is an extension to transfer learning using CycleGenerative Adversarial Networks (CycleGANs). The second experiment attempts to suggest a mechanism imputing missing signals in instances where multiple data channels are available for each sample. The capability to map to a target signal through multiple source domains achieves a more accurate estimate for the target domain. The results of the experiments performed indicate that in certain circumstances, such as having a limited number of samples, finding the optimal hyper-parameters of a neural network using gradient-free algorithms outperforms traditional gradient-based algorithms, leading to more accurate classification results. In addition, Generative Adversarial Networks could be used to impute the missing data channels in multi-channel bio-signals, and the generated data used for further analysis and classification tasks