125 research outputs found

    Estimation of Forest Biomass and Faraday Rotation using Ultra High Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF; 300 MHz – 3 GHz)) band have been shown to be strongly dependent of forest biomass, which is a poorly estimated variable in the global carbon cycle. In this thesis UHF-band SAR data from the fairly flat hemiboreal test site Remningstorp in southern Sweden were analysed. The data were collected on several occasions with different moisture conditions during the spring of 2007. Regression models for biomass estimation on stand level (0.5-9 ha) were developed for each date on which SAR data were acquired. For L-band (centre frequency 1.3 GHz) the best estimation model was based on HV-polarized backscatter, giving a root mean squared error (rmse) between 31% and 46% of the mean biomass. For P-band (centre frequency 340 MHz), regression models including HH, HV or HH and HV backscatter gave an rmse between 18% and 27%. Little or no saturation effects were observed up to 290 t/ha for P-band. A model based on physical-optics has been developed and was used to predict HH-polarized SAR data with frequencies from 20 MHz to 500 MHz from a set of vertical trunks standing on an undulating ground surface. The model shows that ground topography is a critical issue in SAR imaging for these frequencies. A regression model for biomass estimation which includes a correction for ground slope was developed using multi-polarized P-band SAR data from Remningstorp as well as from the boreal test site Krycklan in northern Sweden. The latter test site has pronounced topographic variability. It was shown that the model was able to partly compensate for moisture variability, and that the model gave an rmse of 22-33% when trained using data from Krycklan and evaluated using data from Remningstorp. Regression modelling based on P-band backscatter was also used to estimate biomass change using data acquired in Remningstorp during the spring 2007 and during the fall 2010. The results show that biomass change can be measured with an rmse of about 15% or 20 tons/ha. This suggests that not only deforestation, but also forest growth and degradation (e.g. thinning) can be measured using P-band SAR data. The thesis also includes result on Faraday rotation, which is an ionospheric effect which can have a significant impact on spaceborne UHF-band SAR images. Faraday rotation angles are estimated in spaceborne L-band SAR data. Estimates based on distributed targets and calibration targets with high signal to clutter ratios are found to be in very good agreement. Moreover, a strong correlation with independent measurements of Total Electron Content is found, further validating the estimates

    Polarimetric Measures in Biomass Change Prediction Using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Data

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    The use of multiple synthetic aperture radar polarizations can improve biomass estimations compared to using a single polarization. In this study, we compared predictions of aboveground biomass change from ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 backscatter using linear regression based on (1) the cross-polarization channels, (2) the co- and cross-polarizations from fully polarimetric SAR, (3) Freeman-Durden polarimetric decomposition, and (4) the polarimetric radar vegetation index (RVI). Additionally, the impact of forest structure on the sensitivity of the polarimetric backscatter to AGB and AGB change was assessed. The biomass consisted of mainly coniferous trees at the hemi-boreal test site Remningstorp, located in southern Sweden. We found some improvements in the predictions when quad-polarized data (RMSE = 79.4 tons/ha) were used instead of solely cross-polarized data (RMSE = 84.9 tons/ha). However, when using Freeman-Durden decomposition, the prediction accuracy improved further (RMSE = 69.7 tons/ha), and the highest accuracy was obtained with the radar vegetation index (RMSE = 50.4 tons/ha). The corresponding R2 values ranged from 0.45 to 0.82. The bias was less than 1 t/ha for all models. An analysis of forest variables showed that the sensitivity to AGB was reduced for high values of basal-area-weighted mean height, basal area, and stem density when predicting absolute AGB, but the best change prediction model was sensitive to changes larger than the apparent saturation point for AGB state estimates. We conclude that by using fully polarimetric SAR images, forest biomass changes can be estimated more accurately compared to using single- or dual-polarization images. The results were improved the most (in terms of RMSE and R2) by using the Freeman-Durden decomposition model or the RVI, which captured especially the large changes better

    Temporal Characteristics of Boreal Forest Radar Measurements

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    Radar observations of forests are sensitive to seasonal changes, meteorological variables and variations in soil and tree water content. These phenomena cause temporal variations in radar measurements, limiting the accuracy of tree height and biomass estimates using radar data. The temporal characteristics of radar measurements of forests, especially boreal forests, are not well understood. To fill this knowledge gap, a tower-based radar experiment was established for studying temporal variations in radar measurements of a boreal forest site in southern Sweden. The work in this thesis involves the design and implementation of the experiment and the analysis of data acquired. The instrument allowed radar signatures from the forest to be monitored over timescales ranging from less than a second to years. A purpose-built, 50 m high tower was equipped with 30 antennas for tomographic imaging at microwave frequencies of P-band (420-450 MHz), L-band (1240-1375 MHz) and C-band (5250-5570 MHz) for multiple polarisation combinations. Parallel measurements using a 20-port vector network analyser resulted in significantly shorter measurement times and better tomographic image quality than previous tower-based radars. A new method was developed for suppressing mutual antenna coupling without affecting the range resolution. Algorithms were developed for compensating for phase errors using an array radar and for correcting for pixel-variant impulse responses in tomographic images. Time series results showed large freeze/thaw backscatter variations due to freezing moisture in trees. P-band canopy backscatter variations of up to 10 dB occurred near instantaneously as the air temperature crossed 0⁰C, with ground backscatter responding over longer timescales. During nonfrozen conditions, the canopy backscatter was very stable with time. Evidence of backscatter variations due to tree water content were observed during hot summer periods only. A high vapour pressure deficit and strong winds increased the rate of transpiration fast enough to reduce the tree water content, which was visible as 0.5-2 dB backscatter drops during the day. Ground backscatter for cross-polarised observations increased during strong winds due to bending tree stems. Significant temporal decorrelation was only seen at P-band during freezing, thawing and strong winds. Suitable conditions for repeat-pass L-band interferometry were only seen during the summer. C-band temporal coherence was high over timescales of seconds and occasionally for several hours for night-time observations during the summer. Decorrelation coinciding with high transpiration rates was observed at L- and C-band, suggesting sensitivity to tree water dynamics.The observations from this experiment are important for understanding, modelling and mitigating temporal variations in radar observables in forest parameter estimation algorithms. The results also are also useful in the design of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar missions with interferometric and tomographic capabilities. The results motivate the implementation of single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radars for forest applications at P-, L- and C-band

    Temporal survey of P- A nd L-band polarimetric backscatter in boreal forests

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    Environmental conditions and seasonal variations affect the backscattered radar signal from a forest. This potentially causes errors in a biomass retrieval scheme using data from the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. A better understanding of these effects and the electromagnetic scattering mechanisms in forests is required to improve biomass estimation algorithms for current and upcoming P- A nd L-band SAR missions. In this paper, temporal changes in HH-, VV-, and HV-polarized P- A nd L-band radar backscatter and temporal coherence from a boreal forest site are analyzed in relation to environmental parameters. The radar data were collected from a stand of mature Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) with an above-ground biomass of approximately 250 tons/ha at intervals of 5 min from January to August 2017 using the BorealScat tower-based scatterometer. It was observed that subzero temperatures during the winters cause large variations (4 to 10 dB) in P- A nd L-band backscatter, for which the HH/VV backscatter ratio offered some mitigation. High wind speeds were also seen to cause deviations in the average backscatter at P-band due to decreased double-bounce scattering. Severe temporal decorrelation was observed at L-band over timescales of days or more, whereas the P-band temporal coherence remained high (> 0.9) for at least a month neglecting windy periods. Temporal coherence at P-band was highest during night times when wind speeds are low

    Regression-Based Retrieval of Boreal Forest Biomass in Sloping Terrain using P-band SAR Backscatter Intensity Data

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    A new biomass retrieval model for boreal forest using polarimetric P-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter is presented. The model is based on two main SAR quantities: the HV backscatter and the HH/VV backscatter ratio. It also includes a topographic correction based on the ground slope. The model is developed from analysis of stand-wise data from two airborne P-band SAR campaigns: BioSAR 2007 (test site: Remningstorp, southern Sweden, biomass range: 10-287 tons/ha, slope range: 0-4 degrees) and BioSAR 2008 (test site: Krycklan, northern Sweden, biomass range: 8-257 tons/ha, slope range: 0-19 degrees). The new model is compared to five other models in a set of tests to evaluate its performance in different conditions. All models are first tested on data sets from Remningstorp with different moisture conditions, acquired during three periods in the spring of 2007. Thereafter, the models are tested in topographic terrain using SAR data acquired for different flight headings in Krycklan. The models are also evaluated across sites, i.e., training on one site followed by validation on the other site. Using the new model with parameters estimated on Krycklan data, biomass in Remningstorp is retrieved with RMSE of 40-59 tons/ha, or 22-33% of the mean biomass, which is lower compared to the other models. In the inverse scenario, the examined site is not well represented in the training data set, and the results are therefore not conclusive

    Using a LIDAR Vegetation Model to Predict UHF SAR Attenuation in Coniferous Forests

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    Attenuation of radar signals by vegetation can be a problem for target detection and GPS reception, and is an important parameter in models describing vegetation backscatter. Here we first present a model describing the 3D distribution of stem and foliage structure based on small footprint scanning LIDAR data. Secondly we present a model that uses ray-tracing methodology to record detailed interactions between simulated radar beams and vegetation components. These interactions are combined over the SAR aperture and used to predict two-way attenuation of the SAR signal. Accuracy of the model is demonstrated using UHF SAR observations of large trihedral corner reflectors in coniferous forest stands. Our study showed that the model explains between 66% and 81% of the variability in observed attenuation

    Temporal Characteristics of P-band Tomographic Radar Backscatter of a Boreal Forest

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    Temporal variations in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter over forests are of concern for any SAR mission with the goal of estimating forest parameters from SAR data. In this article, a densely sampled, two-year long time series of P-band (420 to 450 MHz) boreal forest backscatter, acquired by a tower-based radar, is analyzed. The experimental setup provides time series data at multiple polarizations. Tomographic capabilities allow the separation of backscatter at different heights within the forest. Temporal variations of these multi-polarimetric, tomographic radar observations are characterized and quantified. The mechanisms studied are seasonal variations, effects of freezing conditions, diurnal variations, effects of wind and the effects of rainfall on backscatter. An emphasis is placed on upper-canopy backscatter, which has been shown to be a robust proxy for forest biomass. The canopy backscatter was most sensitive to freezing conditions but was more stable than ground-level backscatter and full-forest backscatter during non-frozen conditions. The analysis connects tree water transport mechanisms and P-band radar backscatter for the first time. The presented results are useful for designing boreal forest parameter estimation algorithms, using data from P-band SARs, that are robust to temporal variations in backscatter. The results also present new forest remote sensing opportunities using P-band radars

    The European Space Agency BIOMASS mission: Measuring forest above-ground biomass from space

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    The primary objective of the European Space Agency's 7th Earth Explorer mission, BIOMASS, is to determine the worldwide distribution of forest above-ground biomass (AGB) in order to reduce the major uncertainties in calculations of carbon stocks and fluxes associated with the terrestrial biosphere, including carbon fluxes associated with Land Use Change, forest degradation and forest regrowth. To meet this objective it will carry, for the first time in space, a fully polarimetric P-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Three main products will be provided: global maps of both AGB and forest height, with a spatial resolution of 200 m, and maps of severe forest disturbance at 50 m resolution (where “global” is to be understood as subject to Space Object tracking radar restrictions). After launch in 2022, there will be a 3-month commissioning phase, followed by a 14-month phase during which there will be global coverage by SAR tomography. In the succeeding interferometric phase, global polarimetric interferometry Pol-InSAR coverage will be achieved every 7 months up to the end of the 5-year mission. Both Pol-InSAR and TomoSAR will be used to eliminate scattering from the ground (both direct and double bounce backscatter) in forests. In dense tropical forests AGB can then be estimated from the remaining volume scattering using non-linear inversion of a backscattering model. Airborne campaigns in the tropics also indicate that AGB is highly correlated with the backscatter from around 30 m above the ground, as measured by tomography. In contrast, double bounce scattering appears to carry important information about the AGB of boreal forests, so ground cancellation may not be appropriate and the best approach for such forests remains to be finalized. Several methods to exploit these new data in carbon cycle calculations have already been demonstrated. In addition, major mutual gains will be made by combining BIOMASS data with data from other missions that will measure forest biomass, structure, height and change, including the NASA Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation lidar deployed on the International Space Station after its launch in December 2018, and the NASA-ISRO NISAR L- and S-band SAR, due for launch in 2022. More generally, space-based measurements of biomass are a core component of a carbon cycle observation and modelling strategy developed by the Group on Earth Observations. Secondary objectives of the mission include imaging of sub-surface geological structures in arid environments, generation of a true Digital Terrain Model without biases caused by forest cover, and measurement of glacier and icesheet velocities. In addition, the operations needed for ionospheric correction of the data will allow very sensitive estimates of ionospheric Total Electron Content and its changes along the dawn-dusk orbit of the mission

    Application Of Polarimetric SAR For Surface Parameter Inversion And Land Cover Mapping Over Agricultural Areas

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    In this thesis, novel methodology is developed to extract surface parameters under vegetation cover and to map crop types, from the polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) images over agricultural areas. The extracted surface parameters provide crucial information for monitoring crop growth, nutrient release efficiency, water capacity, and crop production. To estimate surface parameters, it is essential to remove the volume scattering caused by the crop canopy, which makes developing an efficient volume scattering model very critical. In this thesis, a simplified adaptive volume scattering model (SAVSM) is developed to describe the vegetation scattering as crop changes over time through considering the probability density function of the crop orientation. The SAVSM achieved the best performance in fields of wheat, soybean and corn at various growth stages being in convert with the crop phenological development compared with current models that are mostly suitable for forest canopy. To remove the volume scattering component, in this thesis, an adaptive two-component model-based decomposition (ATCD) was developed, in which the surface scattering is a X-Bragg scattering, whereas the volume scattering is the SAVSM. The volumetric soil moisture derived from the ATCD is more consistent with the verifiable ground conditions compared with other model-based decomposition methods with its RMSE improved significantly decreasing from 19 [vol.%] to 7 [vol.%]. However, the estimation by the ATCD is biased when the measured soil moisture is greater than 30 [vol.%]. To overcome this issue, in this thesis, an integrated surface parameter inversion scheme (ISPIS) is proposed, in which a calibrated Integral Equation Model together with the SAVSM is employed. The derived soil moisture and surface roughness are more consistent with verifiable observations with the overall RMSE of 6.12 [vol.%] and 0.48, respectively
