46 research outputs found

    Techniques and Patterns for Safe and Efficient Real-Time Middleware

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    Over 90 percent of all microprocessors are now used for real-time and embedded applications. The behavior of these applications is often constrained by the physical world. It is therefore important to devise higher-level languages and middleware that meet conventional functional requirements, as well as dependably and productively enforce real-time constraints. Real-Time Java is emerging as a safe, real-time environment. In this thesis we use it as our experimentation platform; however, our findings are easily adapted to other similar platforms. This thesis provides the following contributions to the study of safe and efficient real-time middleware. First, it identifies potential bottlenecks and problem with respect to guaranteeing real-time performance in middleware. Second, it presents a series of techniques and patterns that allow the design and implementation of safe, predictable, and highly efficient real-time middleware. Third, it provides a set of architectural and design patterns that application developers can use when designing real-time systems. Finally, it provides a methodology for evaluating the merits and benefits of real-time middleware. Empirical results are presented using that methodology for the techniques presented in this thesis. The methodology helps compare the performance and predictability of general, real-time middleware platforms

    A Methodology for Transforming Java Applications Towards Real-Time Performance

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    The development of real-time systems has traditionally been based on low-level programming languages, such as C and C++, as these provide a fine-grained control of the applications temporal behavior. However, the usage of such programming languages suffers from increased complexity and high error rates compared to high-level languages such as Java. The Java programming language provides many benefits to software development such as automatic memory management and platform independence. However, Java is unable to provide any real-time guarantees, as the high-level benefits come at the cost of unpredictable temporal behavior.This thesis investigates the temporal characteristics of the Java language and analyses several possibilities for introducing real-time guarantees, including official language extensions and commercial runtime environments. Based on this analysis a new methodology is proposed for Transforming Java Applications towards Real-time Performance (TJARP). This method motivates a clear definition of timing requirements, followed by an analysis of the system through use of the formal modeling languageVDM-RT. Finally, the method provides a set of structured guidelines to facilitate the choice of strategy for obtaining real-time performance using Java. To further support this choice, an analysis is presented of available solutions, supported by a simple case study and a series of benchmarks.Furthermore, this thesis applies the TJARP method to a complex industrialcase study provided by a leading supplier of mission critical systems. Thecase study proves how the TJARP method is able to analyze an existing and complex system, and successfully introduce hard real-time guaranteesin critical sub-components

    High-Performance Transactional Event Processing

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    Abstract. This paper presents a transactional framework for low-latency, high-performance, concurrent event processing in Java. At the heart of our framework lies Reflexes, a restricted programming model for highly responsive systems. A Reflex task is an event processor that can run at a higher priority and preempt any other Java thread, including the garbage collector. It runs in an obstruction-free manner with time-oblivious code. We extend Reflexes with a publish/subscribe communication system, itself based on an optimistic transactional event processing scheme, that provides efficient coordination between time-critical, low-latency tasks.We report on the comparison with a commercial JVM, and show that it is possible for tasks to achieve 50 µs response times with way less than 1% of the executions failing to meet their deadlines.

    RTZen: Highly Predictable, Real-Time Java Middleware for Distributed and Embedded Systems

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    Distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) applications possess stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements, such as predictability, latency, and throughput constraints. Real-Time CORBA, an open middleware standard, allows DRE applications to allocate, schedule, and control resources to ensure predictable end-to-end QoS. The Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) has been developed to provide extensions to Java so that it can be used for real-time systems, in order to bring Java's advantages, such as portability and ease of use, to real-time applications.In this paper, we describe RTZen, an implementation of a Real-Time CORBA Object Request Broker (ORB), designed to comply with the restrictions imposed by RTSJ. RTZen is designed to eliminate the unpredictability caused by garbage collection and improper support for thread scheduling through the use of appropriate data structures, threading models, and memory scopes. RTZen's architecture is also designed to hide the complexities of RTSJ related to distributed programming from the application developer. Empirical results show that RTZen is highly predictable and has acceptable performance. RTZen therefore demonstrates that Real-Time CORBA middleware implemented in real-time Java can meet stringent QoS requirements of DRE applications, while supporting safer, easier, cheaper, and faster development in real-time Java

    Software Engineering of Component-Based Systems-of-Systems: A Reference Framework

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    CORE A.International audienceSystems-of-Systems (SoS) are complex infrastructures, which are characterized by a wide diversity of technologies and requirements imposed by the domain(s) they target. In this context, the software engineering community has been focusing on assisting the developers by providing them domain-specific languages, component-based software engineering frameworks and tools to leverage on the design and the development of such systems. However, the adoption of such approaches often prevents developers from combining several domains, which is a strong requirement in the context of SoS. Furthermore, only little attention has been paid to the definition of a modular toolset and an extensible runtime infrastructure for deploying and executing SoS. In this paper, we therefore propose a reference framework to leverage on the software engineering of SoS. Our reference framework has been validated on the development of two platforms, namely Hulotte and FraSCAti, to demonstrate that the resulting complexity is isolated in the core toolset, while the development of domain-specific extensions is leveraged and simplified by clearly identified abstractions

    Java for Cost Effective Embedded Real-Time Software

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    An Aspect-Oriented Framework for Weaving Domain-Specific Concerns into Component-Based Systems

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    International audienceSoftware components are used in various application domains, and many component models and frameworks have been proposed to fulfill domain-specific requirements. The general trend followed by these approaches is to provide ad-hoc models and tools for capturing these requirements and for implementing their support within dedicated runtime platforms, limited to features of the targeted domain. The challenge is then to propose more flexible solutions, where components reuse is domain agnostic. In this article, we present a framework supporting compositional construction and development of applications that must meet various extra-functional/domain-specific requirements. The key points of our contribution are: i) We target development of component-oriented applications where extra-functional requirements are expressed as annotations on the units of composition in the application's architecture. ii) These annotations are implemented as open and extensible component-based containers, achieving full separation of functional and extra-functional concerns. iii) Finally, the full machinery is implemented using the Aspect-Oriented Programming paradigm. We validate our approach with two case studies: the first is related to real-time and embedded applications, while the second refers to the distributed context-aware middleware domain