61 research outputs found

    Leveraging Deep Visual Descriptors for Hierarchical Efficient Localization

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    Many robotics applications require precise pose estimates despite operating in large and changing environments. This can be addressed by visual localization, using a pre-computed 3D model of the surroundings. The pose estimation then amounts to finding correspondences between 2D keypoints in a query image and 3D points in the model using local descriptors. However, computational power is often limited on robotic platforms, making this task challenging in large-scale environments. Binary feature descriptors significantly speed up this 2D-3D matching, and have become popular in the robotics community, but also strongly impair the robustness to perceptual aliasing and changes in viewpoint, illumination and scene structure. In this work, we propose to leverage recent advances in deep learning to perform an efficient hierarchical localization. We first localize at the map level using learned image-wide global descriptors, and subsequently estimate a precise pose from 2D-3D matches computed in the candidate places only. This restricts the local search and thus allows to efficiently exploit powerful non-binary descriptors usually dismissed on resource-constrained devices. Our approach results in state-of-the-art localization performance while running in real-time on a popular mobile platform, enabling new prospects for robotics research.Comment: CoRL 2018 Camera-ready (fix typos and update citations

    Unfalsified visual servoing for simultaneous object recognition and pose tracking

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    In a complex environment, simultaneous object recognition and tracking has been one of the challenging topics in computer vision and robotics. Current approaches are usually fragile due to spurious feature matching and local convergence for pose determination. Once a failure happens, these approaches lack a mechanism to recover automatically. In this paper, data-driven unfalsified control is proposed for solving this problem in visual servoing. It recognizes a target through matching image features with a 3-D model and then tracks them through dynamic visual servoing. The features can be falsified or unfalsified by a supervisory mechanism according to their tracking performance. Supervisory visual servoing is repeated until a consensus between the model and the selected features is reached, so that model recognition and object tracking are accomplished. Experiments show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm to deal with matching and tracking failures caused by various disturbances, such as fast motion, occlusions, and illumination variation

    Real-Time RGB-D Camera Pose Estimation in Novel Scenes using a Relocalisation Cascade

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    Camera pose estimation is an important problem in computer vision. Common techniques either match the current image against keyframes with known poses, directly regress the pose, or establish correspondences between keypoints in the image and points in the scene to estimate the pose. In recent years, regression forests have become a popular alternative to establish such correspondences. They achieve accurate results, but have traditionally needed to be trained offline on the target scene, preventing relocalisation in new environments. Recently, we showed how to circumvent this limitation by adapting a pre-trained forest to a new scene on the fly. The adapted forests achieved relocalisation performance that was on par with that of offline forests, and our approach was able to estimate the camera pose in close to real time. In this paper, we present an extension of this work that achieves significantly better relocalisation performance whilst running fully in real time. To achieve this, we make several changes to the original approach: (i) instead of accepting the camera pose hypothesis without question, we make it possible to score the final few hypotheses using a geometric approach and select the most promising; (ii) we chain several instantiations of our relocaliser together in a cascade, allowing us to try faster but less accurate relocalisation first, only falling back to slower, more accurate relocalisation as necessary; and (iii) we tune the parameters of our cascade to achieve effective overall performance. These changes allow us to significantly improve upon the performance our original state-of-the-art method was able to achieve on the well-known 7-Scenes and Stanford 4 Scenes benchmarks. As additional contributions, we present a way of visualising the internal behaviour of our forests and show how to entirely circumvent the need to pre-train a forest on a generic scene.Comment: Tommaso Cavallari, Stuart Golodetz, Nicholas Lord and Julien Valentin assert joint first authorshi

    Visual SLAM muuttuvissa ympäristöissä

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    This thesis investigates the problem of Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAM) in changing environments. The vSLAM problem is to sequentially estimate the pose of a device with mounted cameras in a map generated based on images taken with those cameras. vSLAM algorithms face two main challenges in changing environments: moving objects and temporal appearance changes. Moving objects cause problems in pose estimation if they are mistaken for static objects. Moving objects also cause problems for loop closure detection (LCD), which is the problem of detecting whether a previously visited place has been revisited. A same moving object observed in two different places may cause false loop closures to be detected. Temporal appearance changes such as those brought about by time of day or weather changes cause long-term data association errors for LCD. These cause difficulties in recognizing previously visited places after they have undergone appearance changes. Focus is placed on LCD, which turns out to be the part of vSLAM that changing environment affects the most. In addition, several techniques and algorithms for Visual Place Recognition (VPR) in challenging conditions that could be used in the context of LCD are surveyed and the performance of two state-of-the-art modern VPR algorithms in changing environments is assessed in an experiment in order to measure their applicability for LCD. The most severe performance degrading appearance changes are found to be those caused by change in season and illumination. Several algorithms and techniques that perform well in loop closure related tasks in specific environmental conditions are identified as a result of the survey. Finally, a limited experiment on the Nordland dataset implies that the tested VPR algorithms are usable as is or can be modified for use in long-term LCD. As a part of the experiment, a new simple neighborhood consistency check was also developed, evaluated, and found to be effective at reducing false positives output by the tested VPR algorithms

    Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments

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    Localization is an essential capability of mobile robots and place recognition is an important component of localization. Only having precise localization, robots can reliably plan, navigate and understand the environment around them. The main task of visual place recognition algorithms is to recognize based on the visual input if the robot has seen previously a given place in the environment. Cameras are one of the popular sensors robots get information from. They are lightweight, affordable, and provide detailed descriptions of the environment in the form of images. Cameras are shown to be useful for the vast variety of emerging applications, from virtual and augmented reality applications to autonomous cars or even fleets of autonomous cars. All these applications need precise localization. Nowadays, the state-of-the-art methods are able to reliably estimate the position of the robots using image streams. One of the big challenges still is the ability to localize a camera given an image stream in the presence of drastic visual appearance changes in the environment. Visual appearance changes may be caused by a variety of different reasons, starting from camera-related factors, such as changes in exposure time, camera position-related factors, e.g. the scene is observed from a different position or viewing angle, occlusions, as well as factors that stem from natural sources, for example seasonal changes, different weather conditions, illumination changes, etc. These effects change the way the same place in the environments appears in the image and can lead to situations where it becomes hard even for humans to recognize the places. Also, the performance of the traditional visual localization approaches, such as FABMAP or DBow, decreases dramatically in the presence of strong visual appearance changes. The techniques presented in this thesis aim at improving visual place recognition capabilities for robotic systems in the presence of dramatic visual appearance changes. To reduce the effect of visual changes on image matching performance, we exploit sequences of images rather than individual images. This becomes possible as robotic systems collect data sequentially and not in random order. We formulate the visual place recognition problem under strong appearance changes as a problem of matching image sequences collected by a robotic system at different points in time. A key insight here is the fact that matching sequences reduces the ambiguities in the data associations. This allows us to establish image correspondences between different sequences and thus recognize if two images represent the same place in the environment. To perform a search for image correspondences, we construct a graph that encodes the potential matches between the sequences and at the same time preserves the sequentiality of the data. The shortest path through such a data association graph provides the valid image correspondences between the sequences. Robots operating reliably in an environment should be able to recognize a place in an online manner and not after having recorded all data beforehand. As opposed to collecting image sequences and then determining the associations between the sequences offline, a real-world system should be able to make a decision for every incoming image. In this thesis, we therefore propose an algorithm that is able to perform visual place recognition in changing environments in an online fashion between the query and the previously recorded reference sequences. Then, for every incoming query image, our algorithm checks if the robot is in the previously seen environment, i.e. there exists a matching image in the reference sequence, as well as if the current measurement is consistent with previously obtained query images. Additionally, to be able to recognize places in an online manner, a robot needs to recognize the fact that it has left the previously mapped area as well as relocalize when it re-enters environment covered by the reference sequence. Thus, we relax the assumption that the robot should always travel within the previously mapped area and propose an improved graph-based matching procedure that allows for visual place recognition in case of partially overlapping image sequences. To achieve a long-term autonomy, we further increase the robustness of our place recognition algorithm by incorporating information from multiple image sequences, collected along different overlapping and non-overlapping routes. This allows us to grow the coverage of the environment in terms of area as well as various scene appearances. The reference dataset then contains more images to match against and this increases the probability of finding a matching image, which can lead to improved localization. To be able to deploy a robot that performs localization in large scaled environments over extended periods of time, however, collecting a reference dataset may be a tedious, resource consuming and in some cases intractable task. Avoiding an explicit map collection stage fosters faster deployment of robotic systems in the real world since no map has to be collected beforehand. By using our visual place recognition approach the map collection stage can be skipped, as we are able to incorporate the information from a publicly available source, e.g., from Google Street View, into our framework due to its general formulation. This automatically enables us to perform place recognition on already existing publicly available data and thus avoid costly mapping phase. In this thesis, we additionally show how to organize the images from the publicly available source into the sequences to perform out-of-the-box visual place recognition without previously collecting the otherwise required reference image sequences at city scale. All approaches described in this thesis have been published in peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles. In addition to that, most of the presented contributions have been released publicly as open source software

    Real-time RGB-D camera pose estimation in novel scenes using a relocalisation cascade

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    Camera pose estimation is an important problem in computer vision. Common techniques either match the current image against keyframes with known poses, directly regress the pose, or establish correspondences between keypoints in the image and points in the scene to estimate the pose. In recent years, regression forests have become a popular alternative to establish such correspondences. They achieve accurate results, but have traditionally needed to be trained offline on the target scene, preventing relocalisation in new environments. Recently, we showed how to circumvent this limitation by adapting a pre-trained forest to a new scene on the fly. The adapted forests achieved relocalisation performance that was on par with that of offline forests, and our approach was able to estimate the camera pose in close to real time. In this paper, we present an extension of this work that achieves significantly better relocalisation performance whilst running fully in real time. To achieve this, we make several changes to the original approach: (i) instead of accepting the camera pose hypothesis without question, we make it possible to score the final few hypotheses using a geometric approach and select the most promising; (ii) we chain several instantiations of our relocaliser together in a cascade, allowing us to try faster but less accurate relocalisation first, only falling back to slower, more accurate relocalisation as necessary; and (iii) we tune the parameters of our cascade to achieve effective overall performance. These changes allow us to significantly improve upon the performance our original state-of-the-art method was able to achieve on the well-known 7-Scenes and Stanford 4 Scenes benchmarks. As additional contributions, we present a way of visualising the internal behaviour of our forests and show how to entirely circumvent the need to pre-train a forest on a generic scene

    Fast, Compact and Highly Scalable Visual Place Recognition through Sequence-based Matching of Overloaded Representations

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    Visual place recognition algorithms trade off three key characteristics: their storage footprint, their computational requirements, and their resultant performance, often expressed in terms of recall rate. Significant prior work has investigated highly compact place representations, sub-linear computational scaling and sub-linear storage scaling techniques, but have always involved a significant compromise in one or more of these regards, and have only been demonstrated on relatively small datasets. In this paper we present a novel place recognition system which enables for the first time the combination of ultra-compact place representations, near sub-linear storage scaling and extremely lightweight compute requirements. Our approach exploits the inherently sequential nature of much spatial data in the robotics domain and inverts the typical target criteria, through intentionally coarse scalar quantization-based hashing that leads to more collisions but is resolved by sequence-based matching. For the first time, we show how effective place recognition rates can be achieved on a new very large 10 million place dataset, requiring only 8 bytes of storage per place and 37K unitary operations to achieve over 50% recall for matching a sequence of 100 frames, where a conventional state-of-the-art approach both consumes 1300 times more compute and fails catastrophically. We present analysis investigating the effectiveness of our hashing overload approach under varying sizes of quantized vector length, comparison of near miss matches with the actual match selections and characterise the effect of variance re-scaling of data on quantization.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for oral presentation at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Optical techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in computer-assisted laparoscopic surgery

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    One of the main challenges for computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is to determine the intra-opera- tive morphology and motion of soft-tissues. This information is prerequisite to the registration of multi-modal patient-specific data for enhancing the surgeon’s navigation capabilites by observ- ing beyond exposed tissue surfaces and for providing intelligent control of robotic-assisted in- struments. In minimally invasive surgery (MIS), optical techniques are an increasingly attractive approach for in vivo 3D reconstruction of the soft-tissue surface geometry. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art methods for optical intra-operative 3D reconstruction in laparoscopic surgery and discusses the technical challenges and future perspectives towards clinical translation. With the recent paradigm shift of surgical practice towards MIS and new developments in 3D opti- cal imaging, this is a timely discussion about technologies that could facilitate complex CAS procedures in dynamic and deformable anatomical regions

    SeqNet: Learning Descriptors for Sequence-based Hierarchical Place Recognition

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    Visual Place Recognition (VPR) is the task of matching current visual imagery from a camera to images stored in a reference map of the environment. While initial VPR systems used simple direct image methods or hand-crafted visual features, recent work has focused on learning more powerful visual features and further improving performance through either some form of sequential matcher / filter or a hierarchical matching process. In both cases the performance of the initial single-image based system is still far from perfect, putting significant pressure on the sequence matching or (in the case of hierarchical systems) pose refinement stages. In this paper we present a novel hybrid system that creates a high performance initial match hypothesis generator using short learnt sequential descriptors, which enable selective control sequential score aggregation using single image learnt descriptors. Sequential descriptors are generated using a temporal convolutional network dubbed SeqNet, encoding short image sequences using 1-D convolutions, which are then matched against the corresponding temporal descriptors from the reference dataset to provide an ordered list of place match hypotheses. We then perform selective sequential score aggregation using shortlisted single image learnt descriptors from a separate pipeline to produce an overall place match hypothesis. Comprehensive experiments on challenging benchmark datasets demonstrate the proposed method outperforming recent state-of-the-art methods using the same amount of sequential information. Source code and supplementary material can be found at https://github.com/oravus/seqNet.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE RA-L 2021; includes supplementar

    A Large Scale Inertial Aided Visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) System For Small Mobile Platforms

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    In this dissertation we present a robust simultaneous mapping and localization scheme that can be deployed on a computationally limited, small unmanned aerial system. This is achieved by developing a key frame based algorithm that leverages the multiprocessing capacity of modern low power mobile processors. The novelty of the algorithm lies in the design to make it robust against rapid exploration while keeping the computational time to a minimum. A novel algorithm is developed where the time critical components of the localization and mapping system are computed in parallel utilizing the multiple cores of the processor. The algorithm uses a scale and rotation invariant state of the art binary descriptor for landmark description making it suitable for compact large scale map representation and robust tracking. This descriptor is also used in loop closure detection making the algorithm efficient by eliminating any need for separate descriptors in a Bag of Words scheme. Effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated by performance evaluation in indoor and large scale outdoor dataset. We demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the algorithm by successful six degree of freedom (6 DOF) pose estimation in challenging indoor and outdoor environment. Performance of the algorithm is validated on a quadcopter with onboard computation
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