19,124 research outputs found

    Microarray-based ultra-high resolution discovery of genomic deletion mutations

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    BACKGROUND: Oligonucleotide microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) offers an attractive possible route for the rapid and cost-effective genome-wide discovery of deletion mutations. CGH typically involves comparison of the hybridization intensities of genomic DNA samples with microarray chip representations of entire genomes, and has widespread potential application in experimental research and medical diagnostics. However, the power to detect small deletions is low. RESULTS: Here we use a graduated series of Arabidopsis thaliana genomic deletion mutations (of sizes ranging from 4 bp to ~5 kb) to optimize CGH-based genomic deletion detection. We show that the power to detect smaller deletions (4, 28 and 104 bp) depends upon oligonucleotide density (essentially the number of genome-representative oligonucleotides on the microarray chip), and determine the oligonucleotide spacings necessary to guarantee detection of deletions of specified size. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings will enhance a wide range of research and clinical applications, and in particular will aid in the discovery of genomic deletions in the absence of a priori knowledge of their existence

    Advancing transcriptome platforms

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    During the last decade of years, remarkable technological innovations have emerged that allow the direct or indirect determination of the transcriptome at unprecedented scale and speed. Studies using these methods have already altered our view of the extent and complexity of transcript profiling, which has advanced from one-gene-at-a-time to a holistic view of the genome. Here, we outline the major technical advances in transcriptome characterization, including the most popular used hybridization-based platform, the well accepted tag-based sequencing platform, and the recently developed RNA-Seq (RNA sequencing) based platform. Importantly, these next-generation technologies revolutionize assessing the entire transcriptome via the recent RNA-Seq technology

    Physico-chemical foundations underpinning microarray and next-generation sequencing experiments

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    Hybridization of nucleic acids on solid surfaces is a key process involved in high-throughput technologies such as microarrays and, in some cases, next-generation sequencing (NGS). A physical understanding of the hybridization process helps to determine the accuracy of these technologies. The goal of a widespread research program is to develop reliable transformations between the raw signals reported by the technologies and individual molecular concentrations from an ensemble of nucleic acids. This research has inputs from many areas, from bioinformatics and biostatistics, to theoretical and experimental biochemistry and biophysics, to computer simulations. A group of leading researchers met in Ploen Germany in 2011 to discuss present knowledge and limitations of our physico-chemical understanding of high-throughput nucleic acid technologies. This meeting inspired us to write this summary, which provides an overview of the state-of-the-art approaches based on physico-chemical foundation to modeling of the nucleic acids hybridization process on solid surfaces. In addition, practical application of current knowledge is emphasized

    DNA multi-bit non-volatile memory and bit-shifting operations using addressable electrode arrays and electric field-induced hybridization.

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    DNA has been employed to either store digital information or to perform parallel molecular computing. Relatively unexplored is the ability to combine DNA-based memory and logical operations in a single platform. Here, we show a DNA tri-level cell non-volatile memory system capable of parallel random-access writing of memory and bit shifting operations. A microchip with an array of individually addressable electrodes was employed to enable random access of the memory cells using electric fields. Three segments on a DNA template molecule were used to encode three data bits. Rapid writing of data bits was enabled by electric field-induced hybridization of fluorescently labeled complementary probes and the data bits were read by fluorescence imaging. We demonstrated the rapid parallel writing and reading of 8 (23) combinations of 3-bit memory data and bit shifting operations by electric field-induced strand displacement. Our system may find potential applications in DNA-based memory and computations

    A Revised Design for Microarray Experiments to Account for Experimental Noise and Uncertainty of Probe Response

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    Background Although microarrays are analysis tools in biomedical research, they are known to yield noisy output that usually requires experimental confirmation. To tackle this problem, many studies have developed rules for optimizing probe design and devised complex statistical tools to analyze the output. However, less emphasis has been placed on systematically identifying the noise component as part of the experimental procedure. One source of noise is the variance in probe binding, which can be assessed by replicating array probes. The second source is poor probe performance, which can be assessed by calibrating the array based on a dilution series of target molecules. Using model experiments for copy number variation and gene expression measurements, we investigate here a revised design for microarray experiments that addresses both of these sources of variance. Results Two custom arrays were used to evaluate the revised design: one based on 25 mer probes from an Affymetrix design and the other based on 60 mer probes from an Agilent design. To assess experimental variance in probe binding, all probes were replicated ten times. To assess probe performance, the probes were calibrated using a dilution series of target molecules and the signal response was fitted to an adsorption model. We found that significant variance of the signal could be controlled by averaging across probes and removing probes that are nonresponsive or poorly responsive in the calibration experiment. Taking this into account, one can obtain a more reliable signal with the added option of obtaining absolute rather than relative measurements. Conclusion The assessment of technical variance within the experiments, combined with the calibration of probes allows to remove poorly responding probes and yields more reliable signals for the remaining ones. Once an array is properly calibrated, absolute quantification of signals becomes straight forward, alleviating the need for normalization and reference hybridizations

    Accurate estimation of homologue-specific DNA concentration-ratios in cancer samples allows long-range haplotyping

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    Interpretation of allelic copy measurements at polymorphic markers in cancer samples presents distinctive challenges and opportunities. Due to frequent gross chromosomal alterations occurring in cancer (aneuploidy), many genomic regions are present at homologous-allele imbalance. Within such regions, the unequal contribution of alleles at heterozygous markers allows for direct phasing of the haplotype derived from each individual parent. In addition, genome-wide estimates of homologue specific copy- ratios (HSCRs) are important for interpretation of the cancer genome in terms of fixed integral copy-numbers. We describe HAPSEG, a probabilistic method to interpret bi- allelic marker data in cancer samples. HAPSEG operates by partitioning the genome into segments of distinct copy number and modeling the four distinct genotypes in each segment. We describe general methods for fitting these models to data which are suit- able for both SNP microarrays and massively parallel sequencing data. In addition, we demonstrate a specially tailored error-model for interpretation of systematic variations arising in microarray platforms. The ability to directly determine haplotypes from cancer samples represents an opportunity to expand reference panels of phased chromosomes, which may have general interest in various population genetic applications. In addition, this property may be exploited to interrogate the relationship between germline risk and cancer phenotype with greater sensitivity than is possible using unphased genotype. Finally, we exploit the statistical dependency of phased genotypes to enable the fitting of more elaborate sample-level error-model parameters, allowing more accurate estimation of HSCRs in cancer samples

    Thermodynamic framework to assess low abundance DNA mutation detection by hybridization

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    The knowledge of genomic DNA variations in patient samples has a high and increasing value for human diagnostics in its broadest sense. Although many methods and sensors to detect or quantify these variations are available or under development, the number of underlying physico-chemical detection principles is limited. One of these principles is the hybridization of sample target DNA versus nucleic acid probes. We introduce a novel thermodynamics approach and develop a framework to exploit the specific detection capabilities of nucleic acid hybridization, using generic principles applicable to any platform. As a case study, we detect point mutations in the KRAS oncogene on a microarray platform. For the given platform and hybridization conditions, we demonstrate the multiplex detection capability of hybridization and assess the detection limit using thermodynamic considerations; DNA containing point mutations in a background of wild type sequences can be identified down to at least 1% relative concentration. In order to show the clinical relevance, the detection capabilities are confirmed on challenging formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded clinical tumor samples. This enzyme-free detection framework contains the accuracy and efficiency to screen for hundreds of mutations in a single run with many potential applications in molecular diagnostics and the field of personalised medicine

    Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common type of leukemia. The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network has demonstrated the increasing genomic complexity of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In addition, the network has facilitated our understanding of the molecular events leading to this deadly form of malignancy for which the prognosis has not improved over past decades. AML is a highly heterogeneous disease, and cytogenetics and molecular analysis of the various chromosome aberrations including deletions, duplications, aneuploidy, balanced reciprocal translocations and fusion of transcription factor genes and tyrosine kinases has led to better understanding and identification of subgroups of AML with different prognoses. Furthermore, molecular classification based on mRNA expression profiling has facilitated identification of novel subclasses and defined high-, poor-risk AML based on specific molecular signatures. However, despite increased understanding of AML genetics, the outcome for AML patients whose number is likely to rise as the population ages, has not changed significantly. Until it does, further investigation of the genomic complexity of the disease and advances in drug development are needed. In this review, leading AML clinicians and research investigators provide an up-to-date understanding of the molecular biology of the disease addressing advances in diagnosis, classification, prognostication and therapeutic strategies that may have significant promise and impact on overall patient survival