88,054 research outputs found

    Sparse Transfer Learning for Interactive Video Search Reranking

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    Visual reranking is effective to improve the performance of the text-based video search. However, existing reranking algorithms can only achieve limited improvement because of the well-known semantic gap between low level visual features and high level semantic concepts. In this paper, we adopt interactive video search reranking to bridge the semantic gap by introducing user's labeling effort. We propose a novel dimension reduction tool, termed sparse transfer learning (STL), to effectively and efficiently encode user's labeling information. STL is particularly designed for interactive video search reranking. Technically, it a) considers the pair-wise discriminative information to maximally separate labeled query relevant samples from labeled query irrelevant ones, b) achieves a sparse representation for the subspace to encodes user's intention by applying the elastic net penalty, and c) propagates user's labeling information from labeled samples to unlabeled samples by using the data distribution knowledge. We conducted extensive experiments on the TRECVID 2005, 2006 and 2007 benchmark datasets and compared STL with popular dimension reduction algorithms. We report superior performance by using the proposed STL based interactive video search reranking.Comment: 17 page

    Cholesky-factorized sparse Kernel in support vector machines

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    Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the most powerful machine learning algorithms due to its convex optimization formulation and handling non-linear classification. However, one of its main drawbacks is the long time it takes to train large data sets. This limitation is often aroused when applying non-linear kernels (e.g. RBF Kernel) which are usually required to obtain better separation for linearly inseparable data sets. In this thesis, we study an approach that aims to speed-up the training time by combining both the better performance of RBF kernels and fast training by a linear solver, LIBLINEAR. The approach uses an RBF kernel with a sparse matrix which is factorized using Cholesky decomposition. The method is tested on large artificial and real data sets and compared to the standard RBF and linear kernels where both the accuracy and training time are reported. For most data sets, the result shows a huge training time reduction, over 90\%, whilst maintaining the accuracy

    HARP: Hierarchical Representation Learning for Networks

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    We present HARP, a novel method for learning low dimensional embeddings of a graph's nodes which preserves higher-order structural features. Our proposed method achieves this by compressing the input graph prior to embedding it, effectively avoiding troublesome embedding configurations (i.e. local minima) which can pose problems to non-convex optimization. HARP works by finding a smaller graph which approximates the global structure of its input. This simplified graph is used to learn a set of initial representations, which serve as good initializations for learning representations in the original, detailed graph. We inductively extend this idea, by decomposing a graph in a series of levels, and then embed the hierarchy of graphs from the coarsest one to the original graph. HARP is a general meta-strategy to improve all of the state-of-the-art neural algorithms for embedding graphs, including DeepWalk, LINE, and Node2vec. Indeed, we demonstrate that applying HARP's hierarchical paradigm yields improved implementations for all three of these methods, as evaluated on both classification tasks on real-world graphs such as DBLP, BlogCatalog, CiteSeer, and Arxiv, where we achieve a performance gain over the original implementations by up to 14% Macro F1.Comment: To appear in AAAI 201

    A hierarchy of recurrent networks for speech recognition

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    Generative models for sequential data based on directed graphs of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) are able to accurately model high dimensional sequences as recently shown. In these models, temporal dependencies in the input are discovered by either buffering previous visible variables or by recurrent connections of the hidden variables. Here we propose a modification of these models, the Temporal Reservoir Machine (TRM). It utilizes a recurrent artificial neural network (ANN) for integrating information from the input over time. This information is then fed into a RBM at each time step. To avoid difficulties of recurrent network learning, the ANN remains untrained and hence can be thought of as a random feature extractor. Using the architecture of multi-layer RBMs (Deep Belief Networks), the TRMs can be used as a building block for complex hierarchical models. This approach unifies RBM-based approaches for sequential data modeling and the Echo State Network, a powerful approach for black-box system identification. The TRM is tested on a spoken digits task under noisy conditions, and competitive performances compared to previous models are observed

    Percentile Queries in Multi-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes

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    Markov decision processes (MDPs) with multi-dimensional weights are useful to analyze systems with multiple objectives that may be conflicting and require the analysis of trade-offs. We study the complexity of percentile queries in such MDPs and give algorithms to synthesize strategies that enforce such constraints. Given a multi-dimensional weighted MDP and a quantitative payoff function ff, thresholds viv_i (one per dimension), and probability thresholds αi\alpha_i, we show how to compute a single strategy to enforce that for all dimensions ii, the probability of outcomes ρ\rho satisfying fi(ρ)≄vif_i(\rho) \geq v_i is at least αi\alpha_i. We consider classical quantitative payoffs from the literature (sup, inf, lim sup, lim inf, mean-payoff, truncated sum, discounted sum). Our work extends to the quantitative case the multi-objective model checking problem studied by Etessami et al. in unweighted MDPs.Comment: Extended version of CAV 2015 pape
