9,680 research outputs found

    Differential stability of DNA crossovers in solution mediated by divalent cations

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    The assembly of DNA duplexes into higher-order structures plays a major role in many vital cellular functions such as recombination, chromatin packaging and gene regulation. However, little is currently known about the molecular structure and stability of direct DNADNA interactions that are required for such functions. In nature, DNA helices minimize electrostatic repulsion between double helices in several ways. Within crystals, B-DNA forms either right-handed crossovers by groovebackbone interaction or left-handed crossovers by groovegroove juxtaposition. We evaluated the stability of such crossovers at various ionic concentrations using large-scale atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show that right-handed DNA crossovers are thermodynamically stable in solution in the presence of divalent cations. Attractive forces at short-range stabilize such crossover structures with inter-axial separation of helices less than 20 . Right-handed crossovers, however, dissociate swiftly in the presence of monovalent ions only. Surprisingly, left-handed crossovers, assembled by sequence-independent juxtaposition of the helices, appear unstable even at the highest concentration of Mg2+studied here. Our study provides new molecular insights into chiral association of DNA duplexes and highlights the unique role divalent cations play in differential stabilization of crossover structures. These results may serve as a rational basis to understand the role DNA crossovers play in biological processes

    Structural Dynamics of Free Proteins in Diffraction

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    Among the macromolecular patterns of biological significance, right-handed α-helices are perhaps the most abundant structural motifs. Here, guided by experimental findings, we discuss both ultrafast initial steps and longer-time-scale structural dynamics of helix-coil transitions induced by a range of temperature jumps in large, isolated macromolecular ensembles of an α-helical protein segment thymosin β_9 (Tβ_9), and elucidate the comprehensive picture of (un)folding. In continuation of an earlier theoretical work from this laboratory that utilized a simplistic structure-scrambling algorithm combined with a variety of self-avoidance thresholds to approximately model helix-coil transitions in Tβ_9, in the present contribution we focus on the actual dynamics of unfolding as obtained from massively distributed ensemble-convergent MD simulations which provide an unprecedented scope of information on the nature of transient macromolecular structures, and with atomic-scale spatiotemporal resolution. In addition to the use of radial distribution functions of ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) simulations in gaining an insight into the elementary steps of conformational interconversions, we also investigate the structural dynamics of the protein via the native (α-helical) hydrogen bonding contact metric which is an intuitive coarse graining approach. Importantly, the decay of α-helical motifs and the (globular) conformational annealing in Tβ_9 occur consecutively or competitively, depending on the magnitude of temperature jump

    Thermodynamic pathways to genome spatial organization in the cell nucleus

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    The architecture of the eukaryotic genome is characterized by a high degree of spatial organization. Chromosomes occupy preferred territories correlated to their state of activity and, yet, displace their genes to interact with remote sites in complex patterns requiring the orchestration of a huge number of DNA loci and molecular regulators. Far from random, this organization serves crucial functional purposes, but its governing principles remain elusive. By computer simulations of a Statistical Mechanics model, we show how architectural patterns spontaneously arise from the physical interaction between soluble binding molecules and chromosomes via collective thermodynamics mechanisms. Chromosomes colocalize, loops and territories form and find their relative positions as stable hermodynamic states. These are selected by “thermodynamic switches” which are regulated by concentrations/affinity of soluble mediators and by number/location of their attachment sites along chromosomes. Our “thermodynamic switch model” of nuclear architecture, thus, explains on quantitative grounds how well known cell strategies of upregulation of DNA binding proteins or modification of chromatin structure can dynamically shape the organization of the nucleus

    Chromatin: a tunable spring at work inside chromosomes

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    This paper focuses on mechanical aspects of chromatin biological functioning. Within a basic geometric modeling of the chromatin assembly, we give for the first time the complete set of elastic constants (twist and bend persistence lengths, stretch modulus and twist-stretch coupling constant) of the so-called 30-nm chromatin fiber, in terms of DNA elastic properties and geometric properties of the fiber assembly. The computation naturally embeds the fiber within a current analytical model known as the ``extensible worm-like rope'', allowing a straightforward prediction of the force-extension curves. We show that these elastic constants are strongly sensitive to the linker length, up to 1 bp, or equivalently to its twist, and might locally reach very low values, yielding a highly flexible and extensible domain in the fiber. In particular, the twist-stretch coupling constant, reflecting the chirality of the chromatin fiber, exhibits steep variations and sign changes when the linker length is varied. We argue that this tunable elasticity might be a key feature for chromatin function, for instance in the initiation and regulation of transcription.Comment: 38 pages 15 figure

    Capillarity Theory for the Fly-Casting Mechanism

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    Biomolecular folding and function are often coupled. During molecular recognition events, one of the binding partners may transiently or partially unfold, allowing more rapid access to a binding site. We describe a simple model for this flycasting mechanism based on the capillarity approximation and polymer chain statistics. The model shows that flycasting is most effective when the protein unfolding barrier is small and the part of the chain which extends towards the target is relatively rigid. These features are often seen in known examples of flycasting in protein-DNA binding. Simulations of protein-DNA binding based on well-funneled native-topology models with electrostatic forces confirm the trends of the analytical theory

    Physico-chemical foundations underpinning microarray and next-generation sequencing experiments

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    Hybridization of nucleic acids on solid surfaces is a key process involved in high-throughput technologies such as microarrays and, in some cases, next-generation sequencing (NGS). A physical understanding of the hybridization process helps to determine the accuracy of these technologies. The goal of a widespread research program is to develop reliable transformations between the raw signals reported by the technologies and individual molecular concentrations from an ensemble of nucleic acids. This research has inputs from many areas, from bioinformatics and biostatistics, to theoretical and experimental biochemistry and biophysics, to computer simulations. A group of leading researchers met in Ploen Germany in 2011 to discuss present knowledge and limitations of our physico-chemical understanding of high-throughput nucleic acid technologies. This meeting inspired us to write this summary, which provides an overview of the state-of-the-art approaches based on physico-chemical foundation to modeling of the nucleic acids hybridization process on solid surfaces. In addition, practical application of current knowledge is emphasized

    Structural ultrafast dynamics of macromolecules: diffraction of free DNA and effect of hydration

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    Of special interest in molecular biology is the study of structural and conformational changes which are free of the additional effects of the environment. In the present contribution, we report on the ultrafast unfolding dynamics of a large DNA macromolecular ensemble in vacuo for a number of temperature jumps, and make a comparison with the unfolding dynamics of the DNA in aqueous solution. A number of coarse-graining approaches, such as kinetic intermediate structure (KIS) model and ensemble-averaged radial distribution functions, are used to account for the transitional dynamics of the DNA without sacrificing the structural resolution. The studied ensembles of DNA macromolecules were generated using distributed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and the ensemble convergence was ensured by monitoring the ensemble-averaged radial distribution functions and KIS unfolding trajectories. Because the order–disorder transition in free DNA implies unzipping, coiling, and strand-separation processes which occur consecutively or competitively depending on the initial and final temperature of the ensemble, DNA order–disorder transition in vacuo cannot be described as a two-state (un)folding process