65 research outputs found

    Capturing the temporal evolution of choice across prefrontal cortex

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    Activity in prefrontal cortex (PFC) has been richly described using economic models of choice. Yet such descriptions fail to capture the dynamics of decision formation. Describing dynamic neural processes has proven challenging due to the problem of indexing the internal state of PFC and its trial-by-trial variation. Using primate neurophysiology and human magnetoencephalography, we here recover a single-trial index of PFC internal states from multiple simultaneously recorded PFC subregions. This index can explain the origins of neural representations of economic variables in PFC. It describes the relationship between neural dynamics and behaviour in both human and monkey PFC, directly bridging between human neuroimaging data and underlying neuronal activity. Moreover, it reveals a functionally dissociable interaction between orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex and dorsolateral PFC in guiding cost-benefit decisions. We cast our observations in terms of a recurrent neural network model of choice, providing formal links to mechanistic dynamical accounts of decision-making

    The heritability of multi-modal connectivity in human brain activity

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    Patterns of intrinsic human brain activity exhibit a profile of functional connectivity that is associated with behaviour and cognitive performance, and deteriorates with disease. This paper investigates the relative importance of genetic factors and the common environment between twins in determining this functional connectivity profile. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) on 820 subjects from the Human Connectome Project, and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings from a subset, the heritability of connectivity between 39 cortical regions was estimated. On average over all connections, genes account for about 15% of the observed variance in fMRI connectivity (and about 10% in alpha-band and 20% in beta-band oscillatory power synchronisation), which substantially exceeds the contribution from the environment shared between twins. Therefore, insofar as twins share a common upbringing, it appears that genes, rather than the developmental environment, play a dominant role in determining the coupling of neuronal activity

    Tiagabine induced modulation of oscillatory connectivity and activity match PET-derived, canonical GABA-A receptor distributions

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    As the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) plays a crucial role in shaping the frequency and amplitude of oscillations, which suggests a role for GABA in shaping the topography of functional connectivity and activity. This study explored the effects of pharmacologically blocking the reuptake of GABA (increasing local concentrations) using the GABA transporter 1 (GAT1) blocker, tiagabine (15 mg). In a placebo-controlled crossover design, we collected resting magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings from 15 healthy individuals prior to, and at 1-, 3- and 5- hours post, administration of tiagabine and placebo. We quantified whole brain activity and functional connectivity in discrete frequency bands. Drug-by-session (2 × 4) analysis of variance in connectivity revealed interaction and main effects. Post-hoc permutation testing of each post-drug recording vs. respective pre-drug baseline revealed consistent reductions of a bilateral occipital network spanning theta, alpha and beta frequencies, across 1- 3- and 5- hour recordings following tiagabine only. The same analysis applied to activity revealed significant increases across frontal regions, coupled with reductions in posterior regions, across delta, theta, alpha and beta frequencies. Crucially, the spatial distribution of tiagabine-induced changes overlap with group-averaged maps of the distribution of GABAA receptors, from flumazenil (FMZ-VT) PET, demonstrating a link between GABA availability, GABAA receptor distribution, and low-frequency network oscillations. Our results indicate that the relationship between PET receptor distributions and MEG effects warrants further exploration, since elucidating the nature of this relationship may uncover electrophysiologically-derived maps of oscillatory activity as sensitive, time-resolved, and targeted receptor-mapping tools for pharmacological imaging

    GABAA receptor mapping in human using non-invasive electrophysiology

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    The non-invasive study of cortical oscillations provides a window onto neuronal processing. Temporal correlation of these oscillations between distinct anatomical regions is considered a marker of functional connectedness. As the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is thought to play a crucial role in shaping the frequency and amplitude of oscillations, which thereby suggests a role for GABA in shaping the topography of functional activity and connectivity. This study explored the effects of pharmacologically blocking the reuptake of GABA (increasing local concentrations) through oral administration of the GABA transporter 1 (GAT1) blocker tiagabine (15 mg). We show that the spatial distribution of tiagabine-induced activity changes, across the brain, corresponds to group-average flumazenil PET maps of GABAA receptor distribution. In a placebo-controlled crossover design, we collected resting magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings from 15 healthy male individuals prior to, and at 1-, 3- and 5- hours post, administration of tiagabine and placebo pill. Using leakage-corrected amplitude envelope correlations (AECs), we quantified the functional connectivity in discrete frequency bands across the whole brain, using the 90-region Automatic Anatomical Labelling atlas (AAL90), as well as quantifying the average oscillatory activity across the brain. Analysis of variance in connectivity using a drug-by-session (2×4) design revealed interaction effects, accompanied by main effects of drug and session. Post-hoc permutation testing of each post-drug recording against the respective pre-drug baseline revealed consistent reductions of a bilateral occipital network spanning theta, alpha and beta frequencies, and across 1- 3- and 5- hour recordings following tiagabine, but not placebo. The same analysis applied to activity, across the brain, also revealed a significant interaction, with post-hoc permutation testing demonstrating significant increases in activity across frontal regions, coupled with reductions in activity in posterior regions, across the delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands. Crucially, we show that the spatial distribution of tiagabine-induced changes in oscillatory activity overlap significantly with group-averaged maps of the estimated distribution of GABAA receptors, derived from scaled flumazenil volume-of-distribution (FMZ-VT) PET, hence demonstrating a possible mechanistic link between GABA availability, GABAA receptor distribution, and low-frequency network oscillations. We therefore propose that electrophysiologically-derived maps of oscillatory connectivity and activity can be used as sensitive, time-resolved, and targeted receptor-mapping tools for pharmacological imaging at the group level, providing direct measures of target engagement and pharmacodynamics

    A systematic evaluation of source reconstruction of resting MEG of the human brain with a new high-resolution atlas: performance, precision, and parcellation

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    Noninvasive functional neuroimaging of the human brain can give crucial insight into the mechanisms that underpin healthy cognition and neurological disorders. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) measures extracranial magnetic fields originating from neuronal activity with high temporal resolution, but requires source reconstruction to make neuroanatomical inferences from these signals. Many source reconstruction algorithms are available, and have been widely evaluated in the context of localizing task-evoked activities. However, no consensus yet exists on the optimum algorithm for resting-state data. Here, we evaluated the performance of six commonly-used source reconstruction algorithms based on minimum-norm and beamforming estimates. Using human resting-state MEG, we compared the algorithms using quantitative metrics, including resolution properties of inverse solutions and explained variance in sensor-level data. Next, we proposed a data-driven approach to reduce the atlas from the Human Connectome Project's multi-modal parcellation of the human cortex based on metrics such as MEG signal-to-noise-ratio and resting-state functional connectivity gradients. This procedure produced a reduced cortical atlas with 230 regions, optimized to match the spatial resolution and the rank of MEG data from the current generation of MEG scanners. Our results show that there is no “one size fits all” algorithm, and make recommendations on the appropriate algorithms depending on the data and aimed analyses. Our comprehensive comparisons and recommendations can serve as a guide for choosing appropriate methodologies in future studies of resting-state MEG

    Universal lifespan trajectories of source-space information flow extracted from resting-state MEG data

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    Source activity was extracted from resting-state magnetoencephalography data of 103 subjects aged 18–60 years. The directionality of information flow was computed from the regional time courses using delay symbolic transfer entropy and phase entropy. The analysis yielded a dynamic source connectivity profile, disentangling the direction, strength, and time delay of the underlying causal interactions, producing independent time delays for cross-frequency amplitude-to-amplitude and phase-to-phase coupling. The computation of the dominant intrinsic coupling mode (DoCM) allowed me to estimate the probability distribution of the DoCM independently of phase and amplitude. The results support earlier observations of a posterior-to-anterior information flow for phase dynamics in {α1, α2, β, γ} and an opposite flow (anterior to posterior) in θ. Amplitude dynamics reveal posterior-to-anterior information flow in {α1, α2, γ}, a sensory-motor β-oriented pattern, and an anterior-to-posterior pattern in {δ, θ}. The DoCM between intra- and cross-frequency couplings (CFC) are reported here for the first time and independently for amplitude and phase; in both domains {δ, θ, α1}, frequencies are the main contributors to DoCM. Finally, a novel brain age index (BAI) is introduced, defined as the ratio of the probability distribution of inter- over intra-frequency couplings. This ratio shows a universal age trajectory: a rapid rise from the end of adolescence, reaching a peak in adulthood, and declining slowly thereafter. The universal pattern is seen in the BAI of each frequency studied and for both amplitude and phase domains. No such universal age dependence was previously reported

    Aberrant MEG multi-frequency phase temporal synchronization predicts conversion from mild cognitive impairment-to-Alzheimer's disease

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    Many neuroimaging studies focus on a frequency-specific or a multi-frequency network analysis showing that functional brain networks are disrupted in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Although those studies enriched our knowledge of the impact of AD in brain's functionality, our goal is to test the effectiveness of combining neuroimaging with network neuroscience to predict with high accuracy subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) that will convert to AD. In this study, eyes-closed resting-state magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings from 27 stable MCI (sMCI) and 27 progressive MCI (pMCI) from two scan sessions (baseline and follow-up after approximately 3 years) were projected via beamforming onto an atlas-based set of regions of interest (ROIs). Dynamic functional connectivity networks were constructed independently for the five classical frequency bands while a multivariate phase-based coupling metric was adopted. Thus, computing the distance between the fluctuation of functional strength of every pair of ROIs between the two conditions with dynamic time wrapping (DTW), a large set of features was extracted. A machine learning algorithm revealed 49 DTW-based features in the five frequency bands that can distinguish the sMCI from pMCI with absolute accuracy (100%). Further analysis of the selected links revealed that most of the connected ROIs were part of the default mode network (DMN), the cingulo-opercular (CO), the fronto-parietal and the sensorimotor network. Overall, our dynamic network multi-frequency analysis approach provides an effective framework of constructing a sensitive MEG-based connectome biomarker for the prediction of conversion from MCI to Alzheimer's disease

    Aberrant MEG multi-frequency phase temporal synchronization predicts conversion from mild cognitive impairment-to-Alzheimer's disease

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    Many neuroimaging studies focus on a frequency-specific or a multi-frequency network analysis showing that functional brain networks are disrupted in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Although those studies enriched our knowledge of the impact of AD in brain's functionality, our goal is to test the effectiveness of combining neuroimaging with network neuroscience to predict with high accuracy subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) that will convert to AD. In this study, eyes-closed resting-state magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings from 27 stable MCI (sMCI) and 27 progressive MCI (pMCI) from two scan sessions (baseline and follow-up after approximately 3 years) were projected via beamforming onto an atlas-based set of regions of interest (ROIs). Dynamic functional connectivity networks were constructed independently for the five classical frequency bands while a multivariate phase-based coupling metric was adopted. Thus, computing the distance between the fluctuation of functional strength of every pair of ROIs between the two conditions with dynamic time wrapping (DTW), a large set of features was extracted. A machine learning algorithm revealed 49 DTW-based features in the five frequency bands that can distinguish the sMCI from pMCI with absolute accuracy (100%). Further analysis of the selected links revealed that most of the connected ROIs were part of the default mode network (DMN), the cingulo-opercular (CO), the fronto-parietal and the sensorimotor network. Overall, our dynamic network multi-frequency analysis approach provides an effective framework of constructing a sensitive MEG-based connectome biomarker for the prediction of conversion from MCI to Alzheimer's disease