752 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses modern challenges of global economic system. The analysing of global risks may provide the approaches for minimising influence of global risks on countries and companies. Global economy has faced to such challenges as: ecological changes, involuntary migration, humanity health, food problem, poverty and inequality, national management crashes, productive capacity, industrial production, unemployment. We should took an opportunity to implement a more dynamic approach in understanding functioning of global systems. For the purpose of further sustainable development of global economy is important to intensify collaboration between international, state and private actors


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    Cetaceans encompass some of the world’s most enigmatic species, with one of their greatest adaptations to the marine environment being the ability to “see” by hearing. Their anatomy and behavior are fine-tuned to emit and respond to underwater sounds, which is why anthropogenic noise pollution is likely to affect them negatively. There are many effects of noise on living organisms, and while knowledge on their entire palette and interplay remain incomplete, evidence for insults ranging from acoustic trauma over behavioral changes, to masking and stress, is accumulating. Humans are subject to peak interest in terms of medical research on noise-induced hearing loss. As major health concerns can be expected across species, addressing this problem in free-ranging cetacean populations will lead to a more sustainable management of marine ecosystems, more effective and balanced policies, and successes in conservation. While progress has been made in behavioral monitoring, electrophysiological hearing assessments and post-mortem examination of the inner ear of cetaceans, but very little is known about the neurochemical baseline and neuropathology of their central auditory pathways. In the present work, we reviewed the known effects of sound on cetaceans in both wild and managed settings and explored the value of animal models of neurodegenerative disease. We began by evaluating a row of antibodies associated with neurodegeneration in a more readily available species, the dog, where acute neurological insult could be derived from clinical history. We then set out to systematically validate a key panel of protein biomarkers for the assessment of similar neurodegenerative processes of the cetacean central nervous system. For this, we developed protocols to adequately sample cetacean auditory nuclei, optimized the immunohistochemical workflow, and used Western blot and alignment of protein sequences between the antigen targeted by our antibodies and the dolphin proteome. A Histoscore was used to semi-quantitively categorize immunoreactivity patterns and dolphins by age and presence of pathology. First results indicated significant differences both between sick and healthy, and young and old animals. We then expanded our list of validated antibodies for use in the bottlenose dolphin and the techniques used to assess them in a multimodal, quantitative way. 7T-MRI and stereology were implemented to assess the neuronal, axonal, glial and fiber tract counts in the inferior colliculus and ventral cochlear nucleus of a healthy bottlenose dolphin, which created a baseline understanding of protein expression in these structures, and the influence of tissue processing. This will make a valuable comparison for when positive controls of acoustic trauma would become available. Furthermore, we explored the connectome and neuronal morphology of auditory nuclei and experimented with probe designs and machine learning algorithms to quantify structures of interest. Comparisons with pathological human brains revealed similarities in the configuration of extracellular matrix components to those of a healthy dolphin, in line with existing knowledge on the tolerance to hypoxia in these diving animals. This could have interesting implications in future investigation of the evolutionary development of marine mammal brains, as well as help diversify out-of-the-box approaches to researching human neurodegenerative disease, as is being done with hibernating species. The data and methodologies described herein contribute to the knowledge on neurochemical signature of the cetacean central nervous system. They are intended to facilitate understanding of auditory and non-auditory pathology and build an evidence-based backbone to future policies regarding noise and other form of anthropogenic threats to the marine environment.Cetaceans encompass some of the world’s most enigmatic species, with one of their greatest adaptations to the marine environment being the ability to “see” by hearing. Their anatomy and behavior are fine-tuned to emit and respond to underwater sounds, which is why anthropogenic noise pollution is likely to affect them negatively. There are many effects of noise on living organisms, and while knowledge on their entire palette and interplay remain incomplete, evidence for insults ranging from acoustic trauma over behavioral changes, to masking and stress, is accumulating. Humans are subject to peak interest in terms of medical research on noise-induced hearing loss. As major health concerns can be expected across species, addressing this problem in free-ranging cetacean populations will lead to a more sustainable management of marine ecosystems, more effective and balanced policies, and successes in conservation. While progress has been made in behavioral monitoring, electrophysiological hearing assessments and post-mortem examination of the inner ear of cetaceans, but very little is known about the neurochemical baseline and neuropathology of their central auditory pathways. In the present work, we reviewed the known effects of sound on cetaceans in both wild and managed settings and explored the value of animal models of neurodegenerative disease. We began by evaluating a row of antibodies associated with neurodegeneration in a more readily available species, the dog, where acute neurological insult could be derived from clinical history. We then set out to systematically validate a key panel of protein biomarkers for the assessment of similar neurodegenerative processes of the cetacean central nervous system. For this, we developed protocols to adequately sample cetacean auditory nuclei, optimized the immunohistochemical workflow, and used Western blot and alignment of protein sequences between the antigen targeted by our antibodies and the dolphin proteome. A Histoscore was used to semi-quantitively categorize immunoreactivity patterns and dolphins by age and presence of pathology. First results indicated significant differences both between sick and healthy, and young and old animals. We then expanded our list of validated antibodies for use in the bottlenose dolphin and the techniques used to assess them in a multimodal, quantitative way. 7T-MRI and stereology were implemented to assess the neuronal, axonal, glial and fiber tract counts in the inferior colliculus and ventral cochlear nucleus of a healthy bottlenose dolphin, which created a baseline understanding of protein expression in these structures, and the influence of tissue processing. This will make a valuable comparison for when positive controls of acoustic trauma would become available. Furthermore, we explored the connectome and neuronal morphology of auditory nuclei and experimented with probe designs and machine learning algorithms to quantify structures of interest. Comparisons with pathological human brains revealed similarities in the configuration of extracellular matrix components to those of a healthy dolphin, in line with existing knowledge on the tolerance to hypoxia in these diving animals. This could have interesting implications in future investigation of the evolutionary development of marine mammal brains, as well as help diversify out-of-the-box approaches to researching human neurodegenerative disease, as is being done with hibernating species. The data and methodologies described herein contribute to the knowledge on neurochemical signature of the cetacean central nervous system. They are intended to facilitate understanding of auditory and non-auditory pathology and build an evidence-based backbone to future policies regarding noise and other form of anthropogenic threats to the marine environment


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    The important scientific and practical issues have been solved in this article in order to determine the theoretical and methodological basis for forming and implementing the financial security strategy.The subject of this scientific work is theoretical and methodological principles and approaches to developing and implementing the financial security strategy.The methods of studying are morphological analysis (for the definition of"the financial security strategy of a company"); generalisation, comparison (for establishing links between the financial security strategy of a company and the stage of its life cycle).The key findings of studying shows that the financial security strategy is a tool for development and implementation of the objectives of financial and economic activities aimed at achieving continuous and adapted to the chronological changes process of the conversion of capital (financial sources of economic activity) into capital goods (material resources, finished products, cash) based on its financial sustainability, financial stability, market activity and competitive advantages.It has been shown the link between the financial security strategy of the company and the stage of its life cycle. It has been proved that each stage of the life cycle corresponds to a particular type of financial performance. Thus, the inception stage corresponds to the state of financial risk (the strategy for survival and renewal); the stage of growth corresponds to the state of risks and threats to financial security (the strategy of intensified efforts, the strategy of preventive actions); the stage of maturity corresponds to the state of financial security (the strategy of stabilizing and strengthening achieved positions) and so on.The practical importance of the results is that the theoretical principles and methodological approaches, which have been proposed, deepen and broaden the range of researches of modern economics on forming and implementing the financial security strategy and they can be used in their practice.В работе решено важную научно-практическую задачу по развитию теоретико-методичних основ формирования и реализации стратегии обеспечения финансовой безопасности предприятия. Определено, что стратегия обеспечения финансовой безопасности – это способ формирования и реализации целей финансово-хозяйственной деятельности предприятия, направленный на достижение беспрерывного и адаптированного к пространственно-временным изменениям процесса трансформации капитала (источников финансирования хозяйственной деятельности) в капитальные блага (материальные ресурсы, готовую продукцию, денежные средства) с учетом его финансовой устойчивости, финансовой стабильности, рыночной активности и конкурентных преимуществ.Выяснена связь между стратегией обеспечения финансовой безопасности предприятия и этапом его жизненного цикла. Доказано, что каждая стадия жизненного цикла отвечает определенному типу финансового состояния предприятия. В роботі вирішено важливе науково-практичне завдання щодо розвитку теоретико-методичних основ формування та реалізації стратегії забезпечення фінансової безпеки підприємства. Визначено, що стратегія забезпечення фінансової безпеки – це спосіб формування та реалізації цілей фінансово-господарської діяльності підприємства, спрямований на досягнення безперервного та адаптованого до просторово-часових змін процесу трансформації капіталу (джерел фінансування господарської діяльності) в капітальні блага (матеріальні ресурси, готову продукцію, грошові кошти) з урахуванням його фінансової стійкості, фінансової стабільності, ринкової активності та конкурентних переваг. З’ясовано зв'язок між стратегією забезпечення фінансової безпеки підприємства та етапом його життєвого циклу. Доведено, що кожна стадія життєвого циклу відповідає певному типу фінансового стану підприємства


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    The article deals with the features of the e-commerce development in the modern world economy. The article analyzes the interpretation of the term "e-commerce" by various domestic and foreign scientists. The study specified three levels of e-commerce. The article also identifies five major e-commerce features - advertising, product demonstration, transactions, after-sales service, long-term customer relationships. The article demonstrates the main effects of e-commerce on the economy, such as: growing competition, globalization of business spheres, personalization of interaction, reduction of distribution channels, cost savings. The analysis of B2C e-commerce sales volume in the regions of the world during 2012–2017 identified a significant level of the direction development in the Asia-Pacific regio

    Обучение студентов неязыковых специальностей переводу телескопизмов на русский язык в текстах публицистического стиля

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    The relevance of the study is due to the need to teach students of non-linguistic specialties to translate telescopisms from English into Russian when working with texts of journalese style in order to achieve an adequate translation. As it is known, at present, high requirements are imposed to graduates of higher educational institutions, among which, regardless of the area of specialization, readiness for communication in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages to solve problems of professional activity. The ability to work independently with special literature in a foreign language, foreign language information resources, technologies and modern computer translation programs for obtaining professional information is the key to a successful career in the globalizing world community. When working with texts of journalese style, students need not only to render an article but also to translate it with a full understanding of the content of the text. The focus is made towards the study and analysis of telescopisms: these words cannot be found in the dictionary, but their meaning in the text is important. To determine the appropriate approach to teaching students of non-linguistic specialties to translate telescopisms, the authors considered various approaches to the definition of blending and telescopisms; studied the functions of telescopisms; viewed the approaches to the classification of telescopisms; described the ways of translating telescopes in texts of journalese style and elaborated the methodical recommendations aimed at making the translation practice more interesting and successful.La relevancia del estudio se debe a la necesidad de enseñar a estudiantes de especialidades no lingüísticas a traducir telescopismos del inglés al ruso cuando se trabaja con textos de estilo periodístico para lograr una traducción adecuada. Como se sabe, en la actualidad, se imponen altos requisitos a los graduados de instituciones de educación superior, entre los cuales, independientemente del área de especialización, están preparados para la comunicación en formas orales y escritas en ruso y en idiomas extranjeros para resolver problemas de actividad profesional. La capacidad de trabajar independientemente con literatura especial en un idioma extranjero, recursos de información de idiomas extranjeros, tecnologías y modernos programas de traducción por computadora para obtener información profesional es la clave para una carrera exitosa en la comunidad mundial globalizada. Al trabajar con textos de estilo periodístico, los estudiantes no solo deben presentar un artículo, sino también traducirlo con una comprensión completa del contenido del texto. El enfoque se centra en el estudio y análisis de los telescopios: estas palabras no se pueden encontrar en el diccionario, pero su significado en el texto es importante. Para determinar el enfoque apropiado para enseñar a los estudiantes de especialidades no lingüísticas a traducir telescopismos, los autores consideraron varios enfoques para la definición de mezcla y telescopismos; Estudió las funciones de los telescopismos; Visto los enfoques para la clasificación de los telescopismos; describió las formas de traducir los telescopios en textos de estilo periodístico y elaboró las recomendaciones metódicas destinadas a hacer que la práctica de la traducción sea más interesante y exitosa.Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью научить студентов неязыковых специальностей переводу телескопизмов с английского на русский язык при работе с текстами публицистического стиля для достижения адекватного перевода. Как известно, в настоящее время к выпускникам высших учебных заведений предъявляются высокие требования, среди которых, независимо от области специализации, готовность к общению в устной и письменной форме на русском и иностранных языках для решения задач профессиональной деятельности. Способность самостоятельно работать со специальной литературой на иностранном языке, информационными ресурсами на иностранных языках, технологиями и современными программами компьютерного перевода для получения профессиональной информации является ключом к успешной карьере в мировом сообществе. При работе с текстами публицистического стиля студентам необходимо не только оформить статью, но и перевести ее с полным пониманием содержания текста. Основное внимание уделяется изучению и анализу телескопизмов: эти слова не встречаются в словаре, но их значение в тексте важно. Чтобы определить необходимый подход к обучению студентов неязыковых специальностей переводу телескопизмов, авторы рассмотрели различные подходы к определению телескопии и телескопизмов; изучили функции телескопизмов; проанализировали подходы к классификации телескопизмов; описали способы перевода телескопов в текстах публицистического стиля и разработали методические рекомендации, направленные на то, чтобы сделать переводческую практику более интересной и успешной

    Responses of primary photosynthetic processes to repetitive rehydration differ in two representatives of Svalbard moss flora

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    Global warming in polar regions brings a risk of more frequent and long-lasting dry periods due to warmer and windier climate during polar summers. Mosses are well adapted to desiccation-rehydration events and they have evolved remarkable constitutive and inducible mechanisms of desiccation tolerance. In our study, Sanionia uncinata and Racomitrium lanuginosum were collected in Svalbard and used for laboratory-based repetitive 32-h-lasting rehydration cycles with continuous monitoring of restoration of their primary photosynthetic processes measured by chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Immediately after the addition of water to dry thalli, potential quantum yield of PSII (FV/FM) was about 50% of its maximum reached after 32 h of rehydration. In a course of time of rehydration, both species showed an increase in FV/FM and effective quantum yield (FPSII) following a S-curve relationship. Non-photochemical quenching did not show clear trend with the rehydration time, It differed between the two species and showed both decrease and increase with the time of rehydration. Relative chlorophyll fluorescence decrease (RFd), which is considered a vitality indicator, increase with the time of rehydration showing similar trends in the first and the third cycle of rehydration. The results indicate that both Sanionia uncinata and Racomitrium lanuginosum are resistant to desiccation since FV/FM and FPSII recovered fully after 32 h of rehydration and there we only minor differences in the two parameters between the first and third rehydration cycle

    Biometrical analysis and thallus morphology characteristics of Placopsis antarctica from King George Island, Antarctica ( Short Communication )

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    Placopsis antarctica is an ornithocoprophilous lichen that has been for a long time confused with P. contortuplicata I. M. Lamb. In our study, we focused on morphological characteristics of P. antarctica thalli. We report biometrical data on dominant morphological structures of P. antarctica thallus: cephalodia, marginal lobes, sorediate pits and soralia. Thalli of P. antarctica were collected at the King George Island, Antarctica and analyzed in a laboratory using a digital microscopy approach. Central cephalodium was found rather elliptic then round-shaped. Mean length/width was found 2.424/1.720 mm. Marginal lobes were found wider at the apex (1.415 mm) than basal part (0.495 mm). Side cephalodia were smaller, their mean length/width was found 1.034/0.610 mm