4,007 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural competency model for digital nomads: a study of digital nomads living in Czech Republic

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    The goal of this master thesis is to develop a competency model for Digital Nomads and evaluate its components in Czech culture. The research is based on primary and secondary data. Secondary data was collected from relevant literature. The primary data was collected via interview and questionnaire. The quantitative method was used to evaluate the components of the cross-cultural competency model by Johnson, Lenartowicz and Apud (2006). The qualitative research aims to compare the reality of the Digital Nomad experience with the current cross-cultural competency model and to further explore competencies. The research has 4 parts: data collection via interviews and a questionnaire with a sample group of 7 digital nomads from different countries, analysis of data collected during the interviews and questionnaire, evaluation of cross-cultural competencies, identification of crosscultural competencies and the development a of cross-cultural competence model. The dimensions, categories and particular elements of cross-cultural competency model are following: knowledge about informational technology, business and local infrastructure, culture, law and language, skills such as self-management or ability to socialize and aptitudes, personal traits and external factorsO objetivo desta tese de mestrado é desenvolver um modelo de competências para digital nomads e avaliar os seus componentes na cultura Checa. A pesquisa é baseada em informação primária e secundária. Informação secundária é recolhida da literatura. A informação primária é recolhida via entrevista e questionários. O método quantitativo tenta avaliar os componentes de competências multiculturais do modelo de Johnson, Lenartowicz e Apud (2006). A pesquisa quantitativa procura comparar a realidade com o modelo de competências multicultural e explorar competências. A pesquisa tem 4 partes: recolha de dados via entrevistas e questionários com um grupo amostral de 7 nomadas digitais de diferentes países, análise de dados recolhidos durante as entrevistas e questionários, avaliação multicultural das competências, identificação multicultural das competências e eventualmente o desenvolvimento multicultural do modelo das competências. As dimensões, categorias e elementos específicos de competências multiculturais são as seguintes: conhecimento sobre tecnologia informacional, negócios e infraestruturas locais, culturas, leis e linguagens,habilidades como auto-gerência ou habilidade de socializar e aptitudes, traços pessoais e factores externos

    Taxation of digital nomads : employment income and the OECD model convention

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    The increasing mobility of individuals, together with globalisation and technological evolution, results in both economic and professional changes, such as the expansion of digital nomadism. These changes entail significant tax implications. This thesis discusses the taxation of digital nomads in a context of an employment relationship. This is due to the technological revolution we are witnessing and which has brought with it new ways of connecting with each other namely with our employer, the way of providing the labour activity, leaving behind a criterion of physical presence to give way to a new one, that of digital presence. Although it is still an undefined concept, we consider as digital nomads those individuals who do not base their activity on a fixed territory, making use of a set of skills that allow them to carry out their professional activity with an internet connection, without infrastructure needed. This has become a challenging reality for international taxation, not only in terms of how to tax the employment income earned by these individuals but also due to the growing economic relevance of digital nomads, taking into account the application of Article 15 of the OECD Model. Faced with this reality, the need for legislative changes capable of impacting the daily tax practice is recognized, since the allocation of international taxation powers to one of the disputing States depends on the place where the work is carried out, which is determined according to a criterion of physical presence. As such, it is our opinion that we are faced with a taxation based on outdated criteria that needs to be reconsidered in order to adapt to the taxation of international remote work, particularly in the case of digital nomads

    Factors Affecting Third Culture Kids (TCKs) Transition

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    (TCKs) transition becomes challenging for both the student and the school. The programs implemented, or lack thereof, are imperative to the successful transition of TCKs into their new, diverse, multicultural environment. Research has been written on the positive effects and challenges faced by TCKs transient lifestyle. Although international mobility can expose students to unique experiences, it can also prove to be stressful for children, especially during their formative years.This paper addresses two factors affecting TCKs transition - programs and counselor - and concludes with a model of a transition support program that may assist international schools in addressing the challenges accompanied by TCKs transition into international schools

    Film education project with youth

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    There is a broad consensus on the recognition of cinema as a means of acquiring media literacy. The problematization of cinema as an artistic expression and the promotion of interdisciplinarity between the areas of communication, cinema and education and artistic education in particular that have been established in the field of communication science teaching. In this context, the purpose of this article is to describe action-research projects that are repeated annually, when students are confronted with cinema, audiovisual language, analysis of still and moving images, the follow-up of documentary creation with students from different courses, and their involvement in the dynamization of an audiovisual space from the text of a Portuguese writer, Almada Negreiros "Manifesto Anti Dantas" or interviews in rural communities, using video cameras, within the International Project Rural 3.0 Service-Learning for Rural Development, which is an international transversal project, funded in July 2018 by E+ Knowledge Alliances, coordinated by the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, involving sixteen partners from eight European countries.Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, under the development of the project entitled “3.0- Service Learning for the Rural Development” | Promotor: Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Casteloinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Being intercultural: Young people, experiencing change and developing competence in an international school

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    Despite the increasing mobility of some families, it is rare to find studies that examine the intercultural competence of young people within changeable and culturally diverse settings. The seventeen participants in this qualitative study attended an international school in South-east Asia that caters predominantly for multinational, multicultural and mobile families. The young people were interviewed about their perceptions of being international and intercultural. Analysis of the data focused on the intercultural competences used by the young people, and the social integration processes in which they are situated. It identified knowledge, attitudes and/or behaviour components that demonstrate their intercultural competences. These were abstracted and labelled as change management, fitting in and perspective taking. The research also analysed the young people's perceptions of the processes they use to initiate and manage social relationships. The result is a model of social integration in a South-east Asian international school. It reveals the functions and interrelationship of these Intercultural competences, and highlights the role of mindfulness and locus of control within this social framework. The study presents two major findings. Firstly, that change can bring about conditions, and operate as a process, that may create competence under certain circumstances. Secondly, that social integration processes may become more predictable and intercultural competences increasingly embedded, with multiple intercultural experiences. This research emphasizes that schools can support young people in managing challenging and difficult circumstances. In particular, operational conditions embedded in both the formal and hidden curriculum can nurture competence, even in dynamic situations. The findings have implications for existing theories of change and mobility, intercultural competence and cross cultural adaptation

    Counselling for Effective Management of Nomadic Education in Nigeria

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    Irrespective of the heuristic channel through which education is acquired, be it formal, informal or non-formal, educating an individual remains an essential ingredient for socio-personal empowerment. Education remains a veritable vector for enhancing human quality. This in turn empowers an individual in making his impact felt on society in which he is an integral part of. Nomads in Nigeria are grouped among the neglected individuals that are denied this important means of human empowerment. Our paper therefore advances counselling approaches towards appropriate education and re-integration of nomads to become part of policy makers and decision making in the country. This will make for their having a sense of belonging and contribution to national development

    Contemporary Issues in Nomadic, Minority and Almajiri Education, Problems and Prospects

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    This paper looked at the issues in nomadic, minority, and almajiri education. It sees education as both human right in itself and an indispensable means for realizing other human rights. The different nomadic groups found in Nigeria were also discussed, they are those who wonder from place to place for pasture for their animals and the migrant fisher-folks who live around the riverine areas and earn their living from the sale of fish. A brief history of nomadic education was discussed. The paper also discussed the blueprint of the nomadic education which was published in December 1987. The blueprint broke down the objectives in to two, the short term objectives and the long term objectives. The term street children was given as those children who are experiencing homelessness who primarily reside on a street of a city. They include the “children in the street” and “children of the street”. Another group of street children are the almajiris which is an Arabic word “almajiri” meaning immigrant. The origin of the almajiri education was also given briefly. The paper looked in to the new almajiri modern schools established by the federal government of Nigeria and sees it as a welcome development and also recognized the need for the reform of more than a century old system. And that it will help in the moral training and model skill acquisition of the almajiri. Some issues arising from this modern almajiri and nomadic education has been observed, which include: low enrollment in to the schools, faulty school placement, continual migration of pupils and so on. Finally some recommendations were made. Keywords: Nomadic, Minority and Almajiri education

    An Evaluation of Nomadic Education Programme in Nigeria

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    The global consensus is that education is a process that helps the whole human being, physically, mentally morally, socially and technologically. This enables one to function in any environment in which one may find oneself. Education also performs a major role in equipping the individual with the skills and knowledge which would help to transform any economy. Thus, it is the greatest investment that any nation can make for the quick development of its economic, political, sociological and human resources. Believing that education is the cornerstone for national development, Nigeria has adapted education as the “principal instrument par excellence” for effective national development. Her philosophy of education is based on the integration of the individual into sound and effective citizenship with equal educational opportunities at all levels through the formal and non-formal school system. More importantly, the government of Nigeria believes that the provision of functional education is the primary means of upgrading the socioeconomic condition of the rural population. Such rural populations, particularly the nomadic pastoralists and the migrant fishermen are difficult to educate. This is reflected by their participation in existing formal and non-formal education programmes which are abysmally low; their literacy rate ranged between 0.2% and 2.0% (Tahir, 2003)


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    The subject of the article is the study of modern trends coworking of the university. The key aspects of the co-working center on innovative activity of higher educational institutions of agrarian education are considered in the light of the main advantages and disadvantages of this occurrence. The purpose of the work is to study trends and approaches in the use of coworking in agricultural universities. From the standpoint of the scientific- pedagogical paradigm and systematic approach to the formation of entrepreneurial competence in a free space, the tasks, structure, forms and models of a co-working center oriented to the project-network and scientific- service support of innovative development of the agrarian sphere based on innovative ideas are revealed.A retrospective analysis made it possible to consider the prerequisites for the emergence of co-workings. Based on empirical research methods - questionnaires categories of people working in co-working centers of Ukraine, researched their motives of being in free space, advantages and disadvantages of working in co-working. The analysis of the relationships between the participants in the co-working process has allowed to justify the stages of formation the necessary infrastructure of the internal co-working environment. Conclusion: The peer review method has created an adequate model for the future development of the co-working center for higher education applicants and confirmed that co-working is helping to enhance the professional position of the agricultural business. On the basis of comparative analysis of infrastructure and architecture of software and hardware, mechanisms of organization of co-working present on the market of Ukraine, the key aspects of the model and e-environment of co-working in relation to innovative activity of higher educational institutions of agrarian education are highlighted.The subject of the article is the study of modern trends coworking of the university. The key aspects of the co-working center on innovative activity of higher educational institutions of agrarian education are considered in the light of the main advantages and disadvantages of this occurrence. The purpose of the work is to study trends and approaches in the use of coworking in agricultural universities. From the standpoint of the scientific- pedagogical paradigm and systematic approach to the formation of entrepreneurial competence in a free space, the tasks, structure, forms and models of a co-working center oriented to the project-network and scientific- service support of innovative development of the agrarian sphere based on innovative ideas are revealed.A retrospective analysis made it possible to consider the prerequisites for the emergence of co-workings. Based on empirical research methods - questionnaires categories of people working in co-working centers of Ukraine, researched their motives of being in free space, advantages and disadvantages of working in co-working. The analysis of the relationships between the participants in the co-working process has allowed to justify the stages of formation the necessary infrastructure of the internal co-working environment. Conclusion: The peer review method has created an adequate model for the future development of the co-working center for higher education applicants and confirmed that co-working is helping to enhance the professional position of the agricultural business. On the basis of comparative analysis of infrastructure and architecture of software and hardware, mechanisms of organization of co-working present on the market of Ukraine, the key aspects of the model and e-environment of co-working in relation to innovative activity of higher educational institutions of agrarian education are highlighted