375 research outputs found

    Efficient Storage Management over Cloud Using Data Compression without Losing Searching Capacity

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    Nowadays due to social media, people may communicate with each other, share their thoughts and moments of life in form of texts, images or videos.  We are uploading our private data in terms of photos, videos, and documents on internet websites like Facebook, Whatsapp, Google+ and Youtube etc. In short today world is surrounded with large volume of data in different form. This put a requirement for effective management of these billions of terabytes of electronic data generally called BIG DATA. Handling large data sets is a major challenge for data centers. The only solution for this problem is to add as many hard disk as required. But if the data is kept in unformatted the requirement of hard disk will be very high. Cloud technology in today is becoming popular but efficient storage management for large volume of data on cloud still there is a big question. Many frameworks are available to address this problem. Hadoop is one of them. Hadoop provides an efficient way to store and retrieve large volume of data. But Hadoop is efficient only if the file containing data is large enough. Basically Hadoop uses a big hard disk block to store data. And this makes it inefficient in the area where volume to data is large but individual file is small. To satisfy both challenges to store large volume of data in less space. And to store small unit of file without wasting the space. We require to store data not is usual form but in compressed form so that we can keep the block size small. But if we do so it added one more dimension of problem. Searching the content in a compressed file is very in-efficient. Therefore we require an efficient algorithm which compress the file without disturbing the search capacity of the data center. Here we will provide the way how we can solve these challenges. Keywords:Cloud, Big DATA, Hadoop, Data Compression, MapReduc

    Post Event Investigation of Multi-stream Video Data Utilizing Hadoop Cluster

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    Rapid advancement in technology and in-expensive camera has raised the necessity of monitoring systems for surveillance applications. As a result data acquired from numerous cameras deployed for surveillance is tremendous. When an event is triggered then, manually investigating such a massive data is a complex task. Thus it is essential to explore an approach that, can store massive multi-stream video data as well as, process them to find useful information. To address the challenge of storing and processing multi-stream video data, we have used Hadoop, which has grown into a leading computing model for data intensive applications. In this paper we propose a novel technique for performing post event investigation on stored surveillance video data. Our algorithm stores video data in HDFS in such a way that it efficiently identifies the location of data from HDFS based on the time of occurrence of event and perform further processing. To prove efficiency of our proposed work, we have performed event detection in the video based on the time period provided by the user. In order to estimate the performance of our approach, we evaluated the storage and processing of video data by varying (i) pixel resolution of video frame (ii) size of video data (iii) number of reducers (workers) executing the task (iv) the number of nodes in the cluster. The proposed framework efficiently achieve speed up of 5.9 for large files of 1024X1024 pixel resolution video frames thus makes it appropriate for the feasible practical deployment in any applications

    Performance modelling and optimization for video-analytic algorithms in a cloud-like environment using machine learning

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    CCTV cameras produce a large amount of video surveillance data per day, and analysing them require the use of significant computing resources that often need to be scalable. The emergence of the Hadoop distributed processing framework has had a significant impact on various data intensive applications as the distributed computed based processing enables an increase of the processing capability of applications it serves. Hadoop is an open source implementation of the MapReduce programming model. It automates the operation of creating tasks for each function, distribute data, parallelize executions and handles machine failures that reliefs users from the complexity of having to manage the underlying processing and only focus on building their application. It is noted that in a practical deployment the challenge of Hadoop based architecture is that it requires several scalable machines for effective processing, which in turn adds hardware investment cost to the infrastructure. Although using a cloud infrastructure offers scalable and elastic utilization of resources where users can scale up or scale down the number of Virtual Machines (VM) upon requirements, a user such as a CCTV system operator intending to use a public cloud would aspire to know what cloud resources (i.e. number of VMs) need to be deployed so that the processing can be done in the fastest (or within a known time constraint) and the most cost effective manner. Often such resources will also have to satisfy practical, procedural and legal requirements. The capability to model a distributed processing architecture where the resource requirements can be effectively and optimally predicted will thus be a useful tool, if available. In literature there is no clear and comprehensive modelling framework that provides proactive resource allocation mechanisms to satisfy a user's target requirements, especially for a processing intensive application such as video analytic. In this thesis, with the hope of closing the above research gap, novel research is first initiated by understanding the current legal practices and requirements of implementing video surveillance system within a distributed processing and data storage environment, since the legal validity of data gathered or processed within such a system is vital for a distributed system's applicability in such domains. Subsequently the thesis presents a comprehensive framework for the performance ii modelling and optimization of resource allocation in deploying a scalable distributed video analytic application in a Hadoop based framework, running on virtualized cluster of machines. The proposed modelling framework investigates the use of several machine learning algorithms such as, decision trees (M5P, RepTree), Linear Regression, Multi Layer Perceptron(MLP) and the Ensemble Classifier Bagging model, to model and predict the execution time of video analytic jobs, based on infrastructure level as well as job level parameters. Further in order to propose a novel framework for the allocate resources under constraints to obtain optimal performance in terms of job execution time, we propose a Genetic Algorithms (GAs) based optimization technique. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the proposed framework's capability to successfully predict the job execution time of a given video analytic task based on infrastructure and input data related parameters and its ability determine the minimum job execution time, given constraints of these parameters. Given the above, the thesis contributes to the state-of-art in distributed video analytics, design, implementation, performance analysis and optimisation

    Big Data and Social Media Analytics: A Key to Understanding Human Nature

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    Big Data and Social Media have transformed knowledge and comprehension in this age of technological advancement. Corporate leaders and professionals in several industries have focused on Big Data, a large collection of data from multiple sources. Meanwhile, social media networks' fast data growth has been lauded as a way to comprehend human behaviours. This study paper examines the critical need to extract intelligent information from the large volume, wide variety, and quick pace of data to meet modern corporate needs. Using specialized tools and procedures for large-scale dataset analysis and effective data management structures are crucial in this context. Big Data and Social Media Analytics offer new insights into human behaviour. This study analyzes how these two fields may work together to create new management strategies. We show that Big Data and Social Media Analytics may provide unmatched opportunities for understanding human behaviour through practical examples and case studies. This integration helps organizations navigate a rapidly changing global market by assessing client preferences, anticipating industry trends, and understanding societal shifts. This study emphasizes the need of using modern technical driving elements to better understand human nature. Integration of several data sources provides insights that give a competitive edge and aid decision-making across sectors. This article examines Big Data and Social Media Analytics, which improves management tactics and deepens understanding of the complex network of human activities and attitudes

    Evaluation of Storage Systems for Big Data Analytics

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    abstract: Recent trends in big data storage systems show a shift from disk centric models to memory centric models. The primary challenges faced by these systems are speed, scalability, and fault tolerance. It is interesting to investigate the performance of these two models with respect to some big data applications. This thesis studies the performance of Ceph (a disk centric model) and Alluxio (a memory centric model) and evaluates whether a hybrid model provides any performance benefits with respect to big data applications. To this end, an application TechTalk is created that uses Ceph to store data and Alluxio to perform data analytics. The functionalities of the application include offline lecture storage, live recording of classes, content analysis and reference generation. The knowledge base of videos is constructed by analyzing the offline data using machine learning techniques. This training dataset provides knowledge to construct the index of an online stream. The indexed metadata enables the students to search, view and access the relevant content. The performance of the application is benchmarked in different use cases to demonstrate the benefits of the hybrid model.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Computer Vision for Multimedia Geolocation in Human Trafficking Investigation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The task of multimedia geolocation is becoming an increasingly essential component of the digital forensics toolkit to effectively combat human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, and other illegal acts. Typically, metadata-based geolocation information is stripped when multimedia content is shared via instant messaging and social media. The intricacy of geolocating, geotagging, or finding geographical clues in this content is often overly burdensome for investigators. Recent research has shown that contemporary advancements in artificial intelligence, specifically computer vision and deep learning, show significant promise towards expediting the multimedia geolocation task. This systematic literature review thoroughly examines the state-of-the-art leveraging computer vision techniques for multimedia geolocation and assesses their potential to expedite human trafficking investigation. This includes a comprehensive overview of the application of computer vision-based approaches to multimedia geolocation, identifies their applicability in combating human trafficking, and highlights the potential implications of enhanced multimedia geolocation for prosecuting human trafficking. 123 articles inform this systematic literature review. The findings suggest numerous potential paths for future impactful research on the subject

    Transportation data InTegration and ANalytic

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    State transportation agencies regularly collect and store various types of data for different uses such as planning, traffic operations, design, and construction. These large datasets contain treasure troves of information that could be fused and mined, but the size and complexity of data mining require the use of advanced tools such as big data analytics, machine learning, and cluster computing. TITAN (Transportation data InTegration and ANalytics) is an initial prototype of an interactive web-based platform that demonstrates the possibilities of such big data software. The current study succeeded in showing a user-friendly front end, graphical in nature, and a scalable back end capable of integrating multiple big databases with minimal latencies. This thesis documents how the key components of TITAN were designed. Several applications, including mobility, safety, transit performance, and predictive crash analytics, are used to explore the strengths and limitations of the platform. A comparative analysis of the current TITAN platform with traditional database systems such as Oracle and Tableau is also conducted to explain who needs to use the platform and when to use which platform. As TITAN was shown to be feasible and efficient, the future research direction should aim to add more types of data and deploy TITAN in various data-driven decision-making processes.Includes bibliographical reference

    Critical analysis of Big Data Challenges and analytical methods

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    Big Data (BD), with their potential to ascertain valued insights for enhanced decision-making process, have recently attracted substantial interest from both academics and practitioners. Big Data Analytics (BDA) is increasingly becoming a trending practice that many organizations are adopting with the purpose of constructing valuable information from BD. The analytics process, including the deployment and use of BDA tools, is seen by organizations as a tool to improve operational efficiency though it has strategic potential, drive new revenue streams and gain competitive advantages over business rivals. However, there are different types of analytic applications to consider. Therefore, prior to hasty use and buying costly BD tools, there is a need for organizations to first understand the BDA landscape. Given the significant nature of the BD and BDA, this paper presents a state-of-the-art review that presents a holistic view of the BD challenges and BDA methods theorized/proposed/employed by organizations to help others understand this landscape with the objective of making robust investment decisions. In doing so, systematically analysing and synthesizing the extant research published on BD and BDA area. More specifically, the authors seek to answer the following two principal questions: Q1 – What are the different types of BD challenges theorized/proposed/confronted by organizations? and Q2 – What are the different types of BDA methods theorized/proposed/employed to overcome BD challenges?. This systematic literature review (SLR) is carried out through observing and understanding the past trends and extant patterns/themes in the BDA research area, evaluating contributions, summarizing knowledge, thereby identifying limitations, implications and potential further research avenues to support the academic community in exploring research themes/patterns. Thus, to trace the implementation of BD strategies, a profiling method is employed to analyze articles (published in English-speaking peer-reviewed journals between 1996 and 2015) extracted from the Scopus database. The analysis presented in this paper has identified relevant BD research studies that have contributed both conceptually and empirically to the expansion and accrual of intellectual wealth to the BDA in technology and organizational resource management discipline
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