16 research outputs found

    Innovative strategies for 3D visualisation using photogrammetry and 3D scanning for mobile phones

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    3D model generation through Photogrammetry is a modern overlay of digital information representing real world objects in a virtual world. The immediate scope of this study aims at generating 3D models using imagery and overcoming the challenge of acquiring accurate 3D meshes. This research aims to achieve optimised ways to document raw 3D representations of real life objects and then converting them into retopologised, textured usable data through mobile phones. Augmented Reality (AR) is a projected combination of real and virtual objects. A lot of work is done to create market dependant AR applications so customers can view products before purchasing them. The need is to develop a product independent photogrammetry to AR pipeline which is freely available to create independent 3D Augmented models. Although for the particulars of this research paper, the aim would be to compare and analyse different open source SDK’s and libraries for developing optimised 3D Mesh using Photogrammetry/3D Scanning which will contribute as a main skeleton to the 3D-AR pipeline. Natural disasters, global political crisis, terrorist attacks and other catastrophes have led researchers worldwide to capture monuments using photogrammetry and laser scans. Some of these objects of “global importance” are processed by companies including CyArk (Cyber Archives) and UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre, who work against time to preserve these historical monuments, before they are damaged or in some cases completely destroyed. The need is to question the significance of preserving objects and monuments which might be of value locally to a city or town. What is done to preserve those objects? This research would develop pipelines for collecting and processing 3D data so the local communities could contribute towards restoring endangered sites and objects using their smartphones and making these objects available to be viewed in location based AR. There exist some companies which charge relatively large amounts of money for local scanning projects. This research would contribute as a non-profitable project which could be later used in school curriculums, visitor attractions and historical preservation organisations all over the globe at no cost. The scope isn’t limited to furniture, museums or marketing, but could be used for personal digital archiving as well. This research will capture and process virtual objects using Mobile Phones comparing methodologies used in Computer Vision design from data conversion on Mobile phones to 3D generation, texturing and retopologising. The outcomes of this research will be used as input for generating AR which is application independent of any industry or product

    GRAPHOS - open-source software for photogrammetric applications

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    open11siThis work has been supported by ISPRS through the 2016 Scientific Initiative entitled Advances in the Development of an Open-source Photogrammetric Tool.This paper reports the latest developments for the photogrammetric open-source tool called GRAPHOS (inteGRAted PHOtogrammetric Suite). GRAPHOS includes some recent innovations in the image-based 3D reconstruction pipeline, from automatic feature detection/description and network orientation to dense image matching and quality control. GRAPHOS also has a strong educational component beyond its automated processing functions, reinforced with tutorials and didactic explanations about algorithms and performance. The paper highlights recent developments carried out at different levels: graphical user interface (GUI), didactic simulators for image processing, photogrammetric processing with weight parameters, dataset creation and system evaluation.embargoed_20190221Gonzalez-Aguilera, D.*; López-Fernández, L.; Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, P.; Hernandez-Lopez, D.; Guerrero, D.; Remondino, F.; Menna, F.; Nocerino, E.; Toschi, I.; Ballabeni, A.; Gaiani, M.Gonzalez-Aguilera, D.*; López-Fernández, L.; Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, P.; Hernandez-Lopez, D.; Guerrero, D.; Remondino, F.; Menna, F.; Nocerino, E.; Toschi, I.; Ballabeni, A.; Gaiani, M

    GRAPHOS – An open-source software for photogrammetric applications

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    19 p.This paper reports the latest developments for the photogrammetric open‐source tool called GRAPHOS (inteGRAted PHOtogrammetric Suite). GRAPHOS includes some recent innovations in the image‐based 3D reconstruction pipeline, from automatic feature detection/description and network orientation to dense image matching and quality control. GRAPHOS also has a strong educational component beyond its automated processing functions, reinforced with tutorials and didactic explanations about algorithms and performance. The paper highlights recent developments carried out at different levels: graphical user interface (GUI), didactic simulators for image processing, photogrammetric processing with weight parameters, dataset creation and system evaluationS

    Intelligent visual media processing: when graphics meets vision

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    The computer graphics and computer vision communities have been working closely together in recent years, and a variety of algorithms and applications have been developed to analyze and manipulate the visual media around us. There are three major driving forces behind this phenomenon: i) the availability of big data from the Internet has created a demand for dealing with the ever increasing, vast amount of resources; ii) powerful processing tools, such as deep neural networks, provide e�ective ways for learning how to deal with heterogeneous visual data; iii) new data capture devices, such as the Kinect, bridge between algorithms for 2D image understanding and 3D model analysis. These driving forces have emerged only recently, and we believe that the computer graphics and computer vision communities are still in the beginning of their honeymoon phase. In this work we survey recent research on how computer vision techniques bene�t computer graphics techniques and vice versa, and cover research on analysis, manipulation, synthesis, and interaction. We also discuss existing problems and suggest possible further research directions

    Graphos – Open - Source Software for photogrammetric applications

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    This paper reports the latest developments for the photogrammetric opensource tool alled GRAPHOS (inteGRAted PHOtogrammetric Suite). GRAPHOS includes some recent innovations in the image-based 3D reconstruction pipeline, from automatic feature detection/description and network orientation to dense image matching and quality control. GRAPHOS also has a strong educational component beyond its automated processing functions, reinforced with tutorials and didactic explanations about algorithms and performance. The paper highlights recent developments carried out at different levels: graphical user interface (GUI), didactic simulators for image processing, photogrammetric processing with weight parameters, dataset creation and system evaluatio

    A Critical Comparison of 3D Digitization Techniques for Heritage Objects

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    Techniques for the three-dimensional digitization of tangible heritage are continuously updated, as regards active and passive sensors, data acquisition approaches, implemented algorithms and employed computational systems. These developments enable higher automation and processing velocities, increased accuracy, and precision for digitizing heritage assets. For large-scale applications, as for investigations on ancient remains, heritage objects, or architectural details, scanning and imagebased modeling approaches have prevailed, due to reduced costs and processing durations, fast acquisition, and the reproducibility of workflows. This paper presents an updated metric comparison of common heritage digitization approaches, providing a thorough examination of sensors, capturing workflows, processing parameters involved, metric and radiometric results produced. A variety of photogrammetric software were evaluated (both commercial and open sourced), as well as photo-capturing equipment of various characteristics and prices, and scanners employing different technologies. The experimentations were performed on case studies of different geometrical and surface characteristics to thoroughly assess the implemented three-dimensional modeling pipelines

    3D scene reconstruction using passive camera strereo-pair

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    V bakalářské práci je vytvořen přehled současných metod pro 3D rekonstrukci scény pomocí pasivního stereopáru kamer. V práci jsou popsány a porovnány dva hlavní přístupy - triangulace významných bodů a výpočet disparitní mapy. Dále jsou vysvětleny jednotlivé metody v rámci těchto přístupů a ty jsou srovnány z hlediska jejich klíčových vlastností. Na základě srovnání jsou obecně vyvozeny závěry o volbě vhodných přístupů a metod pro konkrétní aplikace. Závěrem je vytvořen jednoduchý příklad, který ilustruje použití těchto metod v praxi.This bachelor thesis presents an overview of current methods for the 3D reconstruction of the scene using a passive stereo camera. Two main approaches are described and compared in this thesis – the feature points triangulation and the disparity map. The following methods are described below and compared with their qualities. On the basis of this comparison, conclusions are drawn about the choice of suitable approaches and methods for specific applications. Finally, a simple example is created which illustrates the use of these methods in practice.