12 research outputs found

    Development of Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things (IoT) for Freshwater Prawn Farming

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    Aqua-farming or water farming is an aquatic counterpart to agriculture or ground farming. It is one of methods to make out foods or commercial product. With the current incompetent aqua-farming activities such as labour energy consumption to monitor the water quality and to change the water in the tank in schedule so that this project is important to tackle down the problems stated. This project aimed to reduce the incompetency of water quality monitoring process and the water changing process by developing a vertical freshwater prawn tank to reduce space with an automated water changing and IoT based monitoring system. The autonomous system implemented with solenoid valve and waterpump will recycle the water from the prawn tanks with the clean water from the reservoir tank. The monitoring system employs ultrasonic sensor and waterproof temperature sensor that will monitor the water level in the prawn tanks and the temperature of the water respectively that will be visualized in the Thingspeak Channel regularly. This project will be implemented as a prototype with an IoT technology for the freshwater prawn farming activity using low-cost embedded devices like Arduino Mega2560, ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and the RTC module. The value from the sensors’ reading will be visualized in the Thingspeak Channel displa

    Perancangan Mobile Application Alat Pantau Kualitas Air Kolam Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Changes in temperature, pH, and turbidity in concrete fish ponds greatly impact to the fish survival. Initial observations showed that among 3.067 fish seeds, 1.633 fish (53%) died and only 1.434 fish (47%) was successfully harvested. The application of water quality monitoring devices from concrete pools designed based on the Internet of Things technology has been tested. The monitoring equipment will not function optimally without an application that functions to receive monitoring data and then take action. Pool water quality monitoring equipment connected to the cloud using a GSM network connection. The recorded data is then displayed on the water quality monitoring application that designed using the Android operating system. Application design is developed using a User-Centered Design approach, where the design process was carried out by considering several variables: ease for use, clarity of information delivery, the fulfillment of needs, and appearance. Based on the results of the design evaluation, weaknesses can be determined, namely, difficulty to find the search menu for click history data, find the refresh button, read the results of searching for historical data, and read data in tables and graphs. Based on this, further improvements can be made to improve the application being made. The monitoring equipment is expected to provide information to pond managers to immediately take action if changing in pH and temperature beyond the limit so that the fish mortality rate can be minimized.Perubahan suhu, pH dan kekeruhan pada kolam ikan beton sangatlah berdampak kepada kelangsungan hidup ikan yang dipelihara. Pengamatan awal menunjukkan dari 3067 ekor bibit ikan nila yang ditebar, 1633 ekor ikan (53%) mengalami kematian dan jumlah panennya hanya 1434 ekor (47%). Penerapan perangkat pemantau kualitas air dari kolam beton yang dirancang berbasis teknologi  Internet of Things telah dapat diujicobakan. Peralatan pemantau tersebut tidak akan berfungsi dengan optimal tanpa adanya aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk menerima data pantauan dan selanjutnya melakukan tindakan. Alat pemantau  pemantau kualitas air kolam dihubungkan ke cloud menggunakan koneksi jaringan GSM. Data yang terekam selanjutnya ditampilkan pada aplikasi pemantau kualitas air diracang menggunakan operating system Android. Desain aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan pendekatan User Centered Design, dimana proses perancangannya dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan sejumlah variabel, yaitu kemudahan penggunaan (ease for use), kejelasan penyampaian informasi,  pemenuhan kebutuhan, dan tampilan. Proses perancangan menggunakan pendekatan Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi rancangan dapat ditentukan kelemahan dari hasil rancangan aplikasi, yaitu sulit menemukan menu pencarian data history klik, menemukan tombol refresh, membaca hasil pencarian data histori, serta kesulitan membaca data dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut selanjutnya dapat dilakukan perbaikan untuk menyempurnakan aplikasi yang dibuat. Keberadaan peralatan pemantau tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi kepada pengelola kolam untuk segera memberikan tindakan apabila terjadi perubahan pH dan suhu diluar batas, sehingga tingkat kematian ikan dapat diminimalkan

    Penerapan Platform Fishtech Alat Monitoring dan Kontrol Otomatis Berbasis IoT untuk Budidaya Udang di Lamongan

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    Indonesia is an archipelagic country which has enormous potential in terms of fishery productivity. One type of fishery productivity in Indonesia is shrimp farming productivity. However, despite having high potential, not a few cultivators experience crop failure. This is due to several factors, including the lack of understanding of the cultivators who do not observe the important parameters of the pond, cultivation methods based on hereditary techniques that do not see the real condition of the pond, and so on. Therefore, to overcome these problems, this community service program aims to implement a technology utilization for monitoring, management and automatic control so that aquaculture ponds are always in optimal condition. This system is called the fishtech platform which implements Internet of Things technology. With Internet of Things (IoT) technology, it is possible for users (cultivators) to know in real time the condition and quality of aquaculture ponds.Negara Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki potensi sangat besar dari sisi produktifitas perikanan. Salah satu jenis produktifitas perikanan di Indonesia yaitu produktifitas budidaya udang. Namun meskipun memiliki potensi yang tinggi, tidak sedikit para pembudidaya mengalami gagal panen. Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya ketidakpahaman para pembudidaya kurang mengamati akan parameter penting tambak, cara budidaya berdasarkan teknik turun menurun yang kurang melihat kondisi nyata kolam, dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan suatu pemanfaatan teknologi untuk melakukan pemantauan, manajamen serta kontrol otomatis agar kolam budidaya selalu dalam kondisi yang optimal. Sistem ini bernamakan platform fishtech yang didalamnya mengimplementasikan teknologi Internet of Things. Dengan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) memungkinkan pengguna (pembudidaya) dapat mengetahui secara realtime kondisi serta mutu dari kolam budidaya

    Application of a smart dynamic scale for measuring live-fish biomass in aquaculture

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    — The need of measuring the fish biomass, either for in-land facilities or offshore cages, drove recently to develop a cheap dynamic scale (by MEGA Materials srl), based on a board of the Arduino family, suitable to measure live-fish weights. Via a Bluetooth transmitter and a specific app the communication with smartphones is allowed. The estimation of live-fish biomass is extremely relevant to precisely quantify the daily dose of feed to be supplied and to avoid a reduction of fish growth. We present the comparison between ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ weight measures of seabream juveniles reared in tanks

    Integration of IoT and chatbot for aquaculture with natural language processing

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    The development of internet of things (IoT) technology is very fast lately. One sector that can be implemented by IoT technology is the aquaculture sector. One important factor in the success of aquaculture is a good and controlled water quality condition. But the problem for the traditional aquaculture farmers is to monitor and increase the water quality quickly and efficiently. To resolve the above-mentioned problem, this paper proposes a real-time monitoring system for aquaculture and supported with chatbot assistant to facilitate the user. This system was composed of IoT system, cloud system, and chatbot system. The proposed system consists of 7 main modules: smart sensors, smart aeration system, local network system, cloud computing system, client visualization data, chatbot system, and solar powered system. The smart aeration system consists of NodeMCU, relay, and aerator. The smart sensors consist of several sensors such as dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and water level sensor. Natural language processing is implemented to build the chatbot system. By combining text mining processing with naive Bayes algorithm, the result shows the very good performance with high precision and recall for each class to monitor the quality of water in aquaculture sector

    Pengembangan Akuakultur pada Lahan Suboptimal Menuju Agromaritim 4.0

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    Effendi I. 2019. Development of aquaculture on suboptimal land towards agromaritime 4.0. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 9-19.  Palembang: Unsri Press.Aquaculture or fish farming is a fisheries production system that has an important role in providing food now and especially in the future, together with agriculture and animal husbandry in the agrimaritime context. The system that can apply in freshwater on land, brackish water and sea waters, including suboptimal land area, is predicted will supprass the production of capture fisheries in providing fish for the community. In line with the development of industry 4.0, aquaculture began and is developing an instrumentation, integration and automation strategy that leads to smart farming, both on-farm and off-farm levels, as aquaculture 4.0. At the on-farm level, aquaculture 4.0 can apply to the entire production process since site selection, pond or cage construction and preparation, seed stocking, feeding, water quality management, biomass monitoring, harvesting and postharvest handling, and integrating them with off-farm levels such as marketing, processing, financing, develompement and so on. On a broader scope can be created integration between aquaculture with agriculture and animal husbandry as integrated agriculture. This paper discusses the concept, implementation and future development of aquaculture 4.0 in responding to the challenges of the times that is increasing productivity and production efficiency as well as market demand suitability and competitiveness, in order to improve the welfare of aquaculture actors and the community.Keywords: aquaculture,efficiency, production, productivit

    A Multidisciplinary Approach Evaluating Soybean Meal-Induced Enteritis in Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    This study evaluated a diverse range of markers of feeding stress to obtain a more precise assessment of the welfare of rainbow trout in relation to inadequate husbandry conditions. A feeding stress model based on dietary soybean meal was employed to identify suitable minimally invasive “classical” stress markers, together with molecular signatures. In a 56-day feeding experiment, rainbow trout were fed diets containing different levels of soybean meal. The impact of these different soybean meal diets on rainbow trout was assessed by water quality analyses, clinical health observations, classic growth and performance parameters, gut histopathology, blood-parameter measurements and multigene-expression profiling in RNA from whole blood. Soybean meal-induced enteritis was manifested phenotypically by an inflammatory reaction in the posterior section of the intestine and by diarrhoea in some trout. These inflammatory changes were associated with decreased supranuclear vacuolation. The haematocrit values and the levels of plasma cortisol and circulating lymphocytes in the blood were increased in trout that had consumed high amounts of SBM. Notably, the increased haematocrit depended significantly on the bodyweight of the individual trout. The transcript levels of certain genes (e.g., MAP3K1, LYG, NOD1, STAT1 and HSP90AB) emerged as potentially useful indicators in the blood of rainbow trout providing valuable information about inadequate nutrition. The expression-profiling findings provide a basis for improved, minimally invasive monitoring of feeding regimens in trout farming and may stimulate the development of practical detection devices for innovative aquaculture operations

    BigraphTalk: verified design of IoT applications

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    Graphical IoT device management platforms, such as IoTtalk, make it easy to describe interactions between IoT devices. Applications are defined by dragging-and-dropping devices and specifying how they are connected, e.g. a door sensor controlling a light. While this allows simple and rapid development, it remains possible to specify unwanted device configurations – such as using the same device to drive a motor up and down simultaneously, risking damaging the motor. We propose , a verification framework for IoTtalk that utilizes formal techniques, based on bigraphs, to statically guarantee that unwanted configurations do not arise. In particular, we check for invalid connections between devices, as well as type errors, e.g. passing a float to a boolean switch. To the best of our knowledge, is the first platform to support the graphical specification of correct-by-design IoT applications. provides fully automated verification and feedback without end-users ever needing to specify a bigraph. This means any application, specifiable in IoTtalk, is guaranteed, so long as verification succeeds, not to violate the given configuration constraints when deployed; with no extra cost to the user

    An overview of disruptive technologies for aquaculture

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    The world wild fish stocks are being depleted in an ever-increasing speed. Aquaculture is the only way to ensure sufficient seafood for the world. Conventional aquaculture can be traced back to 4000 years in China and has been very successful in the past three decades. However, aquaculture has faced serious challenges, including only a few improved species, labour-intensiveness, environmental pollution, diseases and lack of traceability of products. Aquaculture needs disruptive technologies to increase fish production. Novel and disruptive technologies, including genome editing, artificial intelligence, offshore farming, recirculating aquaculture systems, alternative proteins and oils to replace fish meals and fish oils, oral vaccination, blockchain for marketing and internet of things, may provide solutions for sustainable and profitable aquaculture. This review briefly introduces these emerging and disruptive technologies to open up a forum for an in-depth discussion on how to integrate these technologies into aquaculture to improve its sustainability and profitability