90 research outputs found

    Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant carbon observing system

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    A globally integrated carbon observation and analysis system is needed to improve the fundamental understanding of the global carbon cycle, to improve our ability to project future changes, and to verify the effectiveness of policies aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration. Building an integrated carbon observation system requires transformational advances from the existing sparse, exploratory framework towards a dense, robust, and sustained system in all components: anthropogenic emissions, the atmosphere, the ocean, and the terrestrial biosphere. The paper is addressed to scientists, policymakers, and funding agencies who need to have a global picture of the current state of the (diverse) carbon observations. We identify the current state of carbon observations, and the needs and notional requirements for a global integrated carbon observation system that can be built in the next decade. A key conclusion is the substantial expansion of the ground-based observation networks required to reach the high spatial resolution for CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub> fluxes, and for carbon stocks for addressing policy-relevant objectives, and attributing flux changes to underlying processes in each region. In order to establish flux and stock diagnostics over areas such as the southern oceans, tropical forests, and the Arctic, in situ observations will have to be complemented with remote-sensing measurements. Remote sensing offers the advantage of dense spatial coverage and frequent revisit. A key challenge is to bring remote-sensing measurements to a level of long-term consistency and accuracy so that they can be efficiently combined in models to reduce uncertainties, in synergy with ground-based data. Bringing tight observational constraints on fossil fuel and land use change emissions will be the biggest challenge for deployment of a policy-relevant integrated carbon observation system. This will require in situ and remotely sensed data at much higher resolution and density than currently achieved for natural fluxes, although over a small land area (cities, industrial sites, power plants), as well as the inclusion of fossil fuel CO<sub>2</sub> proxy measurements such as radiocarbon in CO<sub>2</sub> and carbon-fuel combustion tracers. Additionally, a policy-relevant carbon monitoring system should also provide mechanisms for reconciling regional top-down (atmosphere-based) and bottom-up (surface-based) flux estimates across the range of spatial and temporal scales relevant to mitigation policies. In addition, uncertainties for each observation data-stream should be assessed. The success of the system will rely on long-term commitments to monitoring, on improved international collaboration to fill gaps in the current observations, on sustained efforts to improve access to the different data streams and make databases interoperable, and on the calibration of each component of the system to agreed-upon international scales

    Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant carbon observing system

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    A globally integrated carbon observation and anal-ysis system is needed to improve the fundamental under-standing of the global carbon cycle, to improve our ability to project future changes, and to verify the effectiveness of poli-cies aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration. Building an integrated carbon obser-vation system requires transformational advances from the existing sparse, exploratory framework towards a dense, ro-bust, and sustained system in all components: anthropogenic emissions, the atmosphere, the ocean, and the terrestrial bio-sphere. The paper is addressed to scientists, policymakers, and funding agencies who need to have a global picture of the current state of the (diverse) carbon observations. We identify the current state of carbon observations, and the needs and notional requirements for a global integrated carbon observa-tion system that can be built in the next decade. A key conclu-sion is the substantial expansion of the ground-based obser-vation networks required to reach the high spatial resolution for CO2 and CH4 ?uxes, and for carbon stocks for address-ing policy-relevant objectives, and attributing ?ux changes to underlying processes in each region. In order to establish ?ux and stock diagnostics over areas such as the southern oceans, tropical forests, and the Arctic, in situ observations will have to be complemented with remote-sensing measure-ments. Remote sensing offers the advantage of dense spatial coverage and frequent revisit. A key challenge is to bring remote-sensing measurements to a level of long-term consis-tency and accuracy so that they can be ef?ciently combined in models to reduce uncertainties, in synergy with ground-based data. Bringing tight observational constraints on fossil fuel and land use change emissions will be the biggest chal-lenge for deployment of a policy-relevant integrated carbon observation system. This will require in situ and remotely sensed data at much higher resolution and density than currently achieved for natural ?uxes, although over a small land area (cities, industrial sites, power plants), as well as the in-clusion of fossil fuel CO2 proxy measurements such as ra-diocarbon in CO2 and carbon-fuel combustion tracers. Addi-tionally, a policy-relevant carbon monitoring system should also provide mechanisms for reconciling regional top-down (atmosphere-based) and bottom-up (surface-based) ?ux esti-mates across the range of spatial and temporal scales rele-vant to mitigation policies. In addition, uncertainties for each observation data-stream should be assessed. The success of the system will rely on long-term commitments to monitor-ing, on improved international collaboration to ?ll gaps in the current observations, on sustained efforts to improve access to the different data streams and make databases interopera-ble, and on the calibration of each component of the system to agreed-upon international scales

    Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS): Final Report of the ASCENDS Ad Hoc Science Definition Team

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    Improved remote sensing observations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are critically needed to quantify, monitor, and understand the Earth's carbon cycle and its evolution in a changing climate. The processes governing ocean and terrestrial carbon uptake remain poorly understood,especially in dynamic regions with large carbon stocks and strong vulnerability to climate change,for example, the tropical land biosphere, the northern hemisphere high latitudes, and the Southern Ocean. Because the passive spectrometers used by GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite) and OCO-2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2) require sunlit and cloud-free conditions,current observations over these regions remain infrequent and are subject to biases. These short comings limit our ability to understand and predict the processes controlling the carbon cycle on regional to global scales.In contrast, active CO2 remote-sensing techniques allow accurate measurements to be taken day and night, over ocean and land surfaces, in the presence of thin or scattered clouds, and at all times of year. Because of these benefits, the National Research Council recommended the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights,Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) mission in the 2007 report Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond. The ability of ASCENDS to collect low-bias observations in these key regions is expected to address important gaps in our knowledge of the contemporary carbon cycle.The ASCENDS ad hoc Science Definition Team (SDT), comprised of carbon cycle modeling and active remote sensing instrument teams throughout the United States (US), worked to develop the mission's requirements and advance its readiness from 2008 through 2018. Numerous scientific investigations were carried out to identify the benefit and feasibility of active CO2 remote sensing measurements for improving our understanding of CO2 sources and sinks. This report summarizes their findings and recommendations based on mission modeling studies, analysis of ancillary meteorological data products, development and demonstration of candidate technologies, anddesign studies of the ASCENDS mission concept

    13 th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space : Book of Abstracts

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    The 13th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS) will be held on 6-8 June, 2017, at the University of Helsinki in Helsinki, Finland. The workshop is organised by the Finnish Meteorological Institute with support from the University of Helsinki. The workshop gathers together more than 160 scientists from the EU, USA, Japan, China, Australia, Canada, and Russia. This report is the official abstract book of the workshop. Background. Success in space-based global measurement of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, is critical for advancing the understanding of carbon cycle. The recent developments in observations and in interpreting the data are very promising. Space-based greenhouse gas measurement, however, poses a wide array of challenges, many of which are complex and thus demand close international cooperation. The goal of the workshop is to review the state of the art in remote sensing of CO 2 , CH 4 , and other greenhouse gases from space including the current satellite missions, missions to be launched in the near future, emission hot spots on regional and global scales, process studies and interactions of carbon cycle and climate, pre-flight and on-orbit instrument calibration techniques, retrieval algorithms and uncertainty quantification, validation methods and instrumentation, related ground-based, shipboard, and airborne measurements, and flux inversion from space based measurements. The workshop is part of the programme for the centenary of Finland's independence in 2017. The workshop is also one of the activities arranged by the Finnish Meteorological Institute to support Finland's chairmanship of the Arctic Council, 2017 - 2019. The workshop is sponsored by the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the University of Helsinki, the European Space Agency, the City of Helsinki, the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, and ABB Inc

    Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant carbon observing system

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    A globally integrated carbon observation and analysis system is needed to improve the fundamental understanding of the global carbon cycle, to improve our ability to project future changes, and to verify the effectiveness of policies aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration. Building an integrated carbon observation system requires transformational advances from the existing sparse, exploratory framework towards a dense, robust, and sustained system in all components: anthropogenic emissions, the atmosphere, the ocean, and the terrestrial biosphere. The paper is addressed to scientists, policymakers, and funding agencies who need to have a global picture of the current state of the (diverse) carbon observations. We identify the current state of carbon observations, and the needs and notional requirements for a global integrated carbon observation system that can be built in the next decade. A key conclusion is the substantial expansion of the ground-based observation networks required to reach the high spatial resolution for CO2 and CH4 fluxes, and for carbon stocks for addressing policy-relevant objectives, and attributing flux changes to underlying processes in each region. In order to establish flux and stock diagnostics over areas such as the southern oceans, tropical forests, and the Arctic, in situ observations will have to be complemented with remote-sensing measurements. Remote sensing offers the advantage of dense spatial coverage and frequent revisit. A key challenge is to bring remote-sensing measurements to a level of long-term consistency and accuracy so that they can be efficiently combined in models to reduce uncertainties, in synergy with ground-based data. Bringing tight observational constraints on fossil fuel and land use change emissions will be the biggest challenge for deployment of a policy-relevant integrated carbon observation system. This will require in situ and remotely sensed data at much higher resolution and density than currently achieved for natural fluxes, although over a small land area (cities, industrial sites, power plants), as well as the inclusion of fossil fuel CO2 proxy measurements such as radiocarbon in CO2 and carbon-fuel combustion tracers. Additionally, a policy-relevant carbon monitoring system should also provide mechanisms for reconciling regional top-down (atmosphere-based) and bottom-up (surface-based) flux estimates across the range of spatial and temporal scales relevant to mitigation policies. In addition, uncertainties for each observation data-stream should be assessed. The success of the system will rely on long-term commitments to monitoring, on improved international collaboration to fill gaps in the current observations, on sustained efforts to improve access to the different data streams and make databases interoperable, and on the calibration of each component of the system to agreed-upon international scales

    Satellite monitoring of harmful algal blooms (HABs) to protect the aquaculture industry

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can cause sudden and considerable losses to fish farms, for example 500,000 salmon during one bloom in Shetland, and also present a threat to human health. Early warning allows the industry to take protective measures. PML's satellite monitoring of HABs is now funded by the Scottish aquaculture industry. The service involves processing EO ocean colour data from NASA and ESA in near-real time, and applying novel techniques for discriminating certain harmful blooms from harmless algae. Within the AQUA-USERS project we are extending this capability to further HAB species within several European countries

    Applications of Satellite Earth Observations section - NEODAAS: Providing satellite data for efficient research

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    The NERC Earth Observation Data Acquisition and Analysis Service (NEODAAS) provides a central point of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data access and expertise for UK researchers. The service is tailored to individual users’ requirements to ensure that researchers can focus effort on their science, rather than struggling with correct use of unfamiliar satellite data

    Urban morphology analysis by remote sensing and gis technique, case study: Georgetown, Penang

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    This paper was analysed the potential of applications of satellite remote sensing to urban planning research in urban morphology. Urban morphology is the study of the form of human settlements and the process of their formation and transformation. It is an approach in designing urban form that considers both physical and spatial components of the urban structure. The study conducted in Georgetown, Penang purposely main to identify the evolution of urban morphology and the land use expansion. In addition, Penang is well known for its heritage character, especially in the city of Georgetown with more than 200 years of urban history. Four series of temporal satellite SPOT 5 J on year 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2014 have been used in detecting an expansion of land use development aided by ERDAS IMAGINE 2014. Three types of land uses have been classified namely build-up areas, un-built and water bodies show a good accuracy with achieved above 85%. The result shows the built-up area significantly increased due to the rapid development in urban areas. Simultaneously, this study provides an understanding and strengthening a relation between urban planning and remote sensing applications in creating sustainable and resilience of the city and future societies as well