34 research outputs found

    The Promise of Stochastic Resonance in Falls Prevention

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    Multisensory integration is essential for maintenance of motor and cognitive abilities, thereby ensuring normal function and personal autonomy. Balance control is challenged during senescence or in motor disorders, leading to potential falls. Increased uncertainty in sensory signals is caused by a number of factors including noise, defined as a random and persistent disturbance that reduces the clarity of information. Counter-intuitively, noise can be beneficial in some conditions. Stochastic resonance is a mechanism whereby a particular level of noise actually enhances the response of non-linear systems to weak sensory signals. Here we review the effects of stochastic resonance on sensory modalities and systems directly involved in balance control. We highlight its potential for improving sensorimotor performance as well as cognitive and autonomic functions. These promising results demonstrate that stochastic resonance represents a flexible and non-invasive technique that can be applied to different modalities simultaneously. Finally we point out its benefits for a variety of scenarios including in ambulant elderly, skilled movements, sports and to patients with sensorimotor or autonomic dysfunctions.Multisensory integration is essential for maintenance of motor and cognitive abilities, thereby ensuring normal function and personal autonomy. Balance control is challenged during senescence or in motor disorders, leading to potential falls. Increased uncertainty in sensory signals is caused by a number of factors including noise, defined as a random and persistent disturbance that reduces the clarity of information. Counter-intuitively, noise can be beneficial in some conditions. Stochastic resonance is a mechanism whereby a particular level of noise actually enhances the response of non-linear systems to weak sensory signals. Here we review the effects of stochastic resonance on sensory modalities and systems directly involved in balance control. We highlight its potential for improving sensorimotor performance as well as cognitive and autonomic functions. These promising results demonstrate that stochastic resonance represents a flexible and non-invasive technique that can be applied to different modalities simultaneously. Finally we point out its benefits for a variety of scenarios including in ambulant elderly, skilled movements, sports and to patients with sensorimotor or autonomic dysfunctions

    Stochastic Resonance Reduces Sway and Gait Variability in Individuals With Unilateral Transtibial Amputation: A Pilot Study

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    Sub-threshold (imperceptible) vibration, applied to parts of the body, impacts how people move and perceive our world. Could this idea help someone who has lost part of their limb? Sub-threshold vibration was applied to the thigh of the affected limb of 20 people with unilateral transtibial amputation. Vibration conditions tested included two noise structures: pink and white. Center of pressure (COP) excursion (range and root-mean-square displacements) during quiet standing, and speed and spatial stride measures (mean and standard deviations of step length and width) during walking were assessed. Pink noise vibration decreased COP displacements in standing, and white noise vibration decreased sound limb step length standard deviation in walking. Sub-threshold vibration positively impacted aspects of both posture and gait; however, different noise structures had different effects. The current study represents foundational work in understanding the potential benefits of incorporating stochastic resonance as an intervention for individuals with amputation

    A Sensorized Instrument for Minimally Invasive Surgery for the Measurement of Forces during Training and Surgery: Development and Applications

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    The reduced access conditions present in Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) affect the feel of interaction forces between the instruments and the tissue being treated. This loss of haptic information compromises the safety of the procedure and must be overcome through training. Haptics in MIS is the subject of extensive research, focused on establishing force feedback mechanisms and developing appropriate sensors. This latter task is complicated by the need to place the sensors as close as possible to the instrument tip, as the measurement of forces outside of the patient\u27s body does not represent the true tool--tissue interaction. Many force sensors have been proposed, but none are yet available for surgery. The objectives of this thesis were to develop a set of instruments capable of measuring tool--tissue force information in MIS, and to evaluate the usefulness of force information during surgery and for training and skills assessment. To address these objectives, a set of laparoscopic instruments was developed that can measure instrument position and tool--tissue interaction forces in multiple degrees of freedom. Different design iterations and the work performed towards the development of a sterilizable instrument are presented. Several experiments were performed using these instruments to establish the usefulness of force information in surgery and training. The results showed that the combination of force and position information can be used in the development of realistic tissue models or haptic interfaces specifically designed for MIS. This information is also valuable in order to create tactile maps to assist in the identification of areas of different stiffness. The real-time measurement of forces allows visual force feedback to be presented to the surgeon. When applied to training scenarios, the results show that experience level correlates better with force-based metrics than those currently used in training simulators. The proposed metrics can be automatically computed, are completely objective, and measure important aspects of performance. The primary contribution of this thesis is the design and development of highly versatile instruments capable of measuring force and position during surgery. A second contribution establishes the importance and usefulness of force data during skills assessment, training and surgery

    On the application and generation of subsensory electrical nerve stimulation for the improvement of vibration perception in patients with HIV-related sensory neuropathy

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    This work investigates the application of Subsensory Electrical Noise Stimulation (SENS) to improve symptoms of HIV-related peripheral sensory neuropathy (HIVPN). HIV-PN occurs in roughly half of the 5 million people in South Africa with HIV. The disease has been shown to reduce quality of life and increase the risk of secondary ailments. Currently there is no treatment available. Previously, SENS has shown promise to improve tactile sensitivity in healthy populations and elderly individuals with peripheral neuropathic desensitisation. This work first establishes if SENS can improve the peripheral sensitivity of patients with HIV-PN, and secondly addresses practical aspects of using SENS in a therapeutic context. The vibrotactile sensitivity deficits of participants with HIV-PN and a matched control cohort is documented and analysed. It is found that HIV-PN participants have reduced sensitivity at all tested vibration frequencies (25 Hz, 50 Hz and 128 Hz), but especially at low frequencies. The interaction with vibration frequency indicates that HIV-PN may interact differently with different types of peripheral mechanoreceptors. SENS is then applied at four different amplitudes in an attempt to improve perception thresholds of the three vibration frequencies. SENS was shown to generally have a beneficial effect on 50 Hz vibration sensitivity for low SENS amplitudes. It had no effect, or a detrimental effect, at high SENS amplitudes, and also for 25 Hz and 128 Hz vibration frequencies. This work is also the first to document measures of pain with interventions of this type. No clear effects of SENS on sensations of pain were observed, which is a vital outcome if the therapy is to be developed further, since neuropathic pain is a frequent symptom of HIV-PN. The application of SENS as a practical therapy requires the accurate measurement of the participant’s electrical perception threshold, and a wearable device to apply the electrical signal on an ongoing basis. Research into the stability of electrical perception thresholds specifically aimed at subthreshold signals that would improve tactile sensitivity is presented. It was found that these thresholds vary wildly and correlated very little with possible explanatory variables, which introduces a new challenge for the development of SENS in future research. Currently there are no devices available to apply SENS in non-laboratory settings or for continuous use. The electronic design of a stimulator for using SENS as a wearable intervention is presented and characterised. The circuit is an efficient, low-power voltage to current converter that generates high voltages (120 V peak to peak) from a small, low-voltage rechargeable battery. The design and testing of control and instrumentation circuitry, as well as the addition of various safety and interface features is also documented. The battery life of the circuit is tested to operate for up to 33 hours and the circuit is tested to operate as expected in vivo. The results of this work demonstrate the potential viability of SENS as a therapy for HIV-PN, reveals the variability of electrical perception thresholds, explores the measures of pain for SENS interventions, and provides a complete and thoroughly tested design and implementation of an unparalleled electronic stimulator for nonlaboratory environments. The conclusions of this work form both a strong theoretical and practical basis for future SENS intervention research

    Unbewusste Modulatoren der somatosensorischen Wahrnehmung

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    It is intriguing that perception of the same stimulus can vary profoundly from trial to trial. For example, it has been shown in many studies that weak, so-called “near-threshold stimuli” are sometimes consciously perceived and sometimes not. In my thesis, I have been investigating factors which underlie this profound perceptual variability in the somatosensory domain. Together with my colleagues, I performed three studies in which we tested three different types of presumed non-conscious modulators of somatosensory perception. In the first – behavioral - study, we investigated how the presence of subliminal noise during a peripheral somatosensory stimulation influences perception. Counter-intuitively, we found that peripheral noise can even improve perception of weak somatosensory stimuli. In our interpretation, this occurs most likely due to “stochastic resonance” effects (Study I: Iliopoulos et al. 2014). In the second – behavioral and EEG - study, we tested the effect of different forms of pulsed subliminal stimulation (single pulses versus pulse trains) on brain rhythms and somatosensory perception. Following-up on previous results of our group, we tested the hypothesis that subliminal pulsed stimulation impairs perception of subsequent stimuli via centrally enhanced Mu rhythm. Interestingly, the main result of this study was that trains of subliminal stimuli indeed inhibited subsequent somatosensory detection, however, - in contrast to our previous findings for single pulses – trains were associated with decreased Mu rhythm. We conclude that central rhythms most likely play a role in mediating the perceptual modulation of peripheral subliminal stimuli, however, the relationship is more complex than previously assumed (Study II: Iliopoulos et al. 2020). In the third study, we examined the influence of interoceptive signaling, especially from the heart, on somatosensory perception. The hypothesis was that the cardiac phase (systole versus diastole) and the so-called heart-evoked potential (HEP) would modulate somatosensory perception. Indeed, our study showed that somatosensory perception was better during diastole than during systole and detection performance declined as the amplitude of the HEP increased. Our interpretation of the former effect assumes that all events which occur simultaneously with the “pulse” are assumed by the brain to be pulse-synchronous peripheral noise and therefore suppressed. Our interpretation of the latter effect (HEP) assumes that HEP is a marker of the relative balance between interoception and exteroception (Study III: Al et al. 2020). In conclusion, in the studies which form the basis for my thesis, we have shown that somatosensory perception is modulated by peripheral effects (modes of peripheral stimulation, peripheral noise), central effects (Mu rhythm) and interoceptive signals from the heart. The precise interplay between these modulators is an exciting research topic for future studies.Interessanterweise kann die Wahrnehmung desselben Reizes von Augenblick zu Augenblick so stark variieren, dass dieser manchmal bewusst wahrgenommen wird und manchmal nicht. In meiner Dissertation habe ich Faktoren untersucht, die dieser Wahrnehmungsvariabilität im somatosensorischen (SS) System zugrunde liegen. Mit meinen Kollegen habe ich drei Studien durchgeführt, in denen wir verschiedene mutmaßlich unbewusste Modulatoren der SS-Wahrnehmung untersuchten. In der ersten Studie untersuchten wir, wie die Wahrnehmung peripherer SS-Reize durch unterschwelliges Rauschen beeinflusst wird. Wir konnten zeigen, dass peripheres Rauschen die Wahrnehmung schwacher Reize verbessert. Dies ist ein Hinweis auf das Vorliegen von "stochastischen Resonanzeffekten" (Studie I: Iliopoulos et al. 2014). In der zweiten Studie, die neben behavioralen Messungen auch elektroencephalographische (EEG) Messungen umfasste, testeten wir die Auswirkung verschiedener Formen gepulster unterschwelliger elektrischer Fingerstimulationen (Einzelpulse gegen Pulsserien) auf die Wahrnehmung und auf Hirn-rhythmen. Ausgehend von früheren Ergebnissen unserer Arbeitsgruppe überprüften wir, ob repetitive subliminale Stimulationen die Wahrnehmung nachfolgender Reize über einen zentral verstärkten Mu-Rhythmus beeinträchtigen. Das Ergebnis dieser Studie war, dass Serien unterschwelliger Reize tatsächlich die nachfolgende SS-Wahrnehmung hemmten, jedoch - im Gegensatz zu früheren Ergebnissen für Einzelimpulse – die Reizserien mit einem verringerten Mu-Rhythmus verbunden waren. Daraus schließen wir, dass zentrale Rhythmen höchstwahrscheinlich eine Rolle bei der Wahrnehmungsmodulation durch periphere unterschwellige Reize spielen, dass aber der Zusammenhang zwischen beiden komplexer ist als bisher vermutet (Studie II: Iliopoulos et al. 2020). In der dritten Studie untersuchten wir den Einfluss interozeptiver Signale aus dem Herzen auf die SS-Wahrnehmung. Die Hypothese war, dass die Herzphase und das so genannte Herz-evozierte Potenzial (HEP) die SS-Wahrnehmung modulieren. Wir zeigten, dass die SS-Wahrnehmung während der Diastole besser war als während der Systole und dass die Wahrnehmung in umgekehrtem Verhältnis zur Amplitude des vorausgehenden HEP stand. Für den ersten Effekt legen unsere Daten nahe, dass alle Ereignisse, die zusammen mit der Pulswelle auftreten, vom Gehirn als puls-synchrones peripheres Rauschen angenommen und daher unterdrückt werden. Der zweite Befund wird in Übereinstimmung mit der Literatur am besten dadurch erklärt, dass das HEP ein Marker für das relative Gleichgewicht zwischen Interozeption und Exterozeption darstellt (Studie III: Al et al. 2020). Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, wie die SS-Wahrnehmung durch periphere Effekte (Art der Stimulation, Rauschen), zentrale Effekte (Mu-Rhythmus) und interozeptive Signale des Herzens moduliert wird. Das genaue Zusammenspiel zwischen diesen Modulatoren ist ein spannendes Forschungsthema für zukünftige Studien

    The Design and Development of an Intelligent Atraumatic Laparoscopic Grasper

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    A key tool in laparoscopic surgery is the grasper, which is the surgeon’s main means of manipulating tissue within the body. However inappropriate use may lead to tissue damage and poor surgical outcomes. This thesis presents a novel approach to the assessment and prevention of tissue damage caused by laparoscopic graspers. The research focusses on establishing typical grasping characteristics used in surgery and thus developing a model of mechanically induced tissue trauma. A review explored the state-of-the-art in devices for measuring surgical grasping, tissue mechanics, and damage quantification to inform the research. An instrumented grasper was developed to characterise typical surgical tasks, enabling the grasping force and jaw displacement to be measured. This device was then used to quantitatively characterise grasper use in an in-vivo porcine model where the device was used to perform organ retraction and manipulation tasks. From this work, the range of forces and the grasping times used in certain tasks were determined and this information was used to guide the rest of the study. The in-vivo investigation highlighted a need for grasping in a controlled environment where the tissue’s mechanical properties could be studied. A grasper test rig was designed and developed to provide automated controlled grasping of ex-vivo tissue. This allowed the mechanical properties of tissue to be determined and analysed for indications of tissue damage. A series of experimental studies were conducted with this system which showed how the mechanical response of tissue varies depending on the applied grasping force characteristics, and how this is indicative of tissue damage through comparison to histological analysis. These data were then used to develop a model which predicts the likelihood and severity of tissue damage during grasping, based on the input conditions of grasping force and time. The model was integrated into the instrumented grasper system to provide a tool which could enable real-time grading and feedback of grasping during surgery, or be used to inform best practice in training scenarios

    Medical Robotics

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    The first generation of surgical robots are already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. So far, robots have been used to position an endoscope, perform gallbladder surgery and correct gastroesophogeal reflux and heartburn. The ultimate goal of the robotic surgery field is to design a robot that can be used to perform closed-chest, beating-heart surgery. The use of robotics in surgery will expand over the next decades without any doubt. Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary approach in surgery. In MIS, the operation is performed with instruments and viewing equipment inserted into the body through small incisions created by the surgeon, in contrast to open surgery with large incisions. This minimizes surgical trauma and damage to healthy tissue, resulting in shorter patient recovery time. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the state-of-art, to present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this expanding area. Nevertheless, many chapters in the book concern advanced research on this growing area. The book provides critical analysis of clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies. This book is certainly a small sample of the research activity on Medical Robotics going on around the globe as you read it, but it surely covers a good deal of what has been done in the field recently, and as such it works as a valuable source for researchers interested in the involved subjects, whether they are currently “medical roboticists” or not

    Tactile Sensing System for Lung Tumour Localization during Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Video-assisted thoracoscopie surgery (VATS) is becoming a prevalent method for lung cancer treatment. However, VATS suffers from the inability to accurately relay haptic information to the surgeon, often making tumour localization difficult. This limitation was addressed by the design of a tactile sensing system (TSS) consisting of a probe with a tactile sensor and interfacing visualization software. In this thesis, TSS performance was tested to determine the feasibility of implementing the system in VATS. This was accomplished through a series of ex vivo experiments in which the tactile sensor was calibrated and the visualization software was modified to provide haptic information visually to the user, and TSS performance was compared using human and robot palpation methods, and conventional VATS instruments. It was concluded that the device offers the possibility of providing to the surgeon the haptic information lost during surgery, thereby mitigating one of the current limitations of VATS

    Shokkakugaku ni motozuku ningen no sosa no jitsugen

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