1,073,365 research outputs found

    HS 0139+0559, HS 0229+8016, HS 0506+7725, and HS 0642+5049 : four new long-period cataclysmic variables

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    We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry of four relatively bright (V ∼ 14.0−15.5) long-period cataclysmic variables(CVs) discovered in the Hamburg Quasar Survey: HS 0139+0559, HS 0229+8016, HS 0506+7725, and HS 0642+5049. Their respective orbital periods, 243.69 ± 0.49 min, 232.550 ± 0.049 min, 212.7 ± 0.2 min, and 225.90 ± 0.23 min are determined from radial velocity and photometric variability studies. HS 0506+7725 is characterised by strong Balmer and He emission lines, short-period (∼10−20 min) flickering, and weak X-ray emission in the ROSAT All Sky Survey. The detection of a deep low state (B 18.5) identifies HS 0506+7725 as a member of the VY Scl stars. HS 0139+0559, HS 0229+8016, and HS 0642+5049 display thick-disc like spectra and no or only weak flickering activity. HS 0139+0559 and HS 0229+8016 exhibit clean quasi-sinusoidal radial velocity variations of their emission lines but no or very little orbital photometricvariability. In contrast, we detect no radial velocity variation in HS 0642+5049 but a noticeable orbital brightness variation. We identify all three systems either as UX UMa-type novalike variables or as Z Cam-type dwarf novae. Our identification of these four new systems underlines that the currently known sample of CVs is rather incomplete even for bright objects. The four new systems add to the clustering of orbital periods in the 3−4 h range found in the sample of HQS selected CVs, and we discuss the large incidence of magnetic CVs and VY Scl/SW Sex stars found in this period range among the known population of CVs

    Contextual factors among indiscriminate or larger attacks on food or water supplies, 1946-2015

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    This research updates previous inventories of malicious attacks on food and water to include data from 1946 through mid-2015. A systematic search of news reports, databases and previous inventories of poisoning events was undertaken. Incidents that threatened or were intended to achieve direct harm to humans, and that were either relatively large (number of victims > 4 or indiscriminate in intent or realisation were included. Agents could be chemical, biological or radio-nuclear. Reports of candidate incidents were subjected to systematic inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as validity analysis (not always clearly undertaken in previous inventories of such attacks). We summarise contextual aspects of the attacks that may be important for scenario prioritisation, modelling and defensive preparedness. Opportunity is key to most realised attacks, particularly access to dangerous agents. The most common motives and relative success rate in causing harm were very different between food and water attacks. The likelihood that people were made ill or died also varied by food/water mode, and according to motive and opportunity for delivery of the hazardous agent. Deaths and illness associated with attacks during food manufacture and prior to sale have been fewer than those in some other contexts. Valuable opportunities for food defence improvements are identified in other contexts, especially food prepared in private or community settings

    Abnormally high content of free glucosamine residues identified in a preparation of commercially available porcine intestinal heparan sulfate

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    Heparan sulfate (HS) polysaccharides are ubiquitous in animal tissues as components of proteoglycans, and they participate in many important biological processes. HS carbohydrate chains are complex and can contain rare structural components such as N-unsubstituted glucosamine (GlcN). Commercially available HS preparations have been invaluable in many types of research activities. In the course of preparing microarrays to include probes derived from HS oligosaccharides, we found an unusually high content of GlcN residue in a recently purchased batch of porcine intestinal mucosal HS. Composition and sequence analysis by mass spectrometry of the oligosaccharides obtained after heparin lyase III digestion of the polysaccharide indicated two and three GlcN in the tetrasaccharide and hexasaccharide fractions, respectively. (1)H NMR of the intact polysaccharide showed that this unusual batch differed strikingly from other HS preparations obtained from bovine kidney and porcine intestine. The very high content of GlcN (30%) and low content of GlcNAc (4.2%) determined by disaccharide composition analysis indicated that N-deacetylation and/or N-desulfation may have taken place. HS is widely used by the scientific community to investigate HS structures and activities. Great care has to be taken in drawing conclusions from investigations of structural features of HS and specificities of HS interaction with proteins when commercial HS is used without further analysis. Pending the availability of a validated commercial HS reference preparation, our data may be useful to members of the scientific community who have used the present preparation in their studies

    Comparison of molecular markers to detect fresh sewage in environmental waters

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    Human-specific Bacteroides HF183 (HS-HF183), human-specific Enterococci faecium esp (HS-esp), human-specific adenoviruses (HS-AVs) and human-specific polyomaviruses (HS-PVs) assays were evaluated in freshwater, seawater and distilled water to detect fresh sewage. The sewage spiked water samples were also tested for the concentrations of traditional fecal indicators (i.e., Escherichia coli, enterococci and Clostridium perfringens) and enteric viruses such as enteroviruses (EVs), sapoviruses (SVs), and torquetenoviruses (TVs). The overall host-specificity of the HS-HF183 marker to differentiate between humans and other animals was 98%. However, the HS-esp, HS-AVs and HS-PVs showed 100% hostspecificity. All the human-specific markers showed >97% sensitivity to detect human fecal pollution. E. coli, enterococci and, C. perfringens were detected up to dilutions of sewage 10_5, 10_4 and 10_3 respectively.HS-esp, HS-AVs, HS-PVs, SVs and TVs were detected up to dilution of sewage 10_4 whilst EVs were detected up to dilution 10_5. The ability of the HS-HF183 marker to detect freshsewagewas3–4 orders ofmagnitude higher than that of the HS-esp and viral markers. The ability to detect fresh sewage in freshwater, seawater and distilled water matrices was similar for human-specific bacterial and viral marker. Based on our data, it appears that human-specific molecular markers are sensitive measures of fresh sewage pollution, and the HS-HF183 marker appears to be the most sensitive among these markers in terms of detecting fresh sewage. However, the presence of the HS-HF183 marker in environmental waters may not necessarily indicate the presence of enteric viruses due to their high abundance in sewage compared to enteric viruses. More research is required on the persistency of these markers in environmental water samples in relation to traditional fecal indicators and enteric pathogens

    Notes on higher-spin algebras: minimal representations and structure constants

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    The higher-spin (HS) algebras so far known can be interpreted as the symmetries of the minimal representation of the isometry algebra. After discussing this connection briefly, we generalize this concept to any classical Lie algebras and consider the corresponding HS algebras. For sp(2N) and so(N), the minimal representations are unique so we get unique HS algebras. For sl(N), the minimal representation has one-parameter family, so does the corresponding HS algebra. The so(N) HS algebra is what underlies the Vasiliev theory while the sl(2) one coincides with the 3D HS algebra hs[lambda]. Finally, we derive the explicit expression of the structure constant of these algebras --- more precisely, their bilinear and trilinear forms. Several consistency checks are carried out for our results.Comment: minor corrections, references adde

    Combinatorial Roles of Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans and Heparan Sulfates in Caenorhabditis elegans Neural Development

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    Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) play critical roles in the development and adult physiology of all metazoan organisms. Most of the known molecular interactions of HSPGs are attributed to the structurally highly complex heparan sulfate (HS) glycans. However, whether a specific HSPG (such as syndecan) contains HS modifications that differ from another HSPG (such as glypican) has remained largely unresolved. Here, a neural model in C. elegans is used to demonstrate for the first time the relationship between specific HSPGs and HS modifications in a defined biological process in vivo. HSPGs are critical for the migration of hermaphrodite specific neurons (HSNs) as genetic elimination of multiple HSPGs leads to 80% defect of HSN migration. The effects of genetic elimination of HSPGs are additive, suggesting that multiple HSPGs, present in the migrating neuron and in the matrix, act in parallel to support neuron migration. Genetic analyses suggest that syndecan/sdn-1 and HS 6-O-sulfotransferase, hst-6, function in a linear signaling pathway and glypican/lon-2 and HS 2-O-sulfotransferase, hst-2, function together in a pathway that is parallel to sdn-1 and hst-6. These results suggest core protein specific HS modifications that are critical for HSN migration. In C. elegans, the core protein specificity of distinct HS modifications may be in part regulated at the level of tissue specific expression of genes encoding for HSPGs and HS modifying enzymes. Genetic analysis reveals that there is a delicate balance of HS modifications and eliminating one HS modifying enzyme in a compromised genetic background leads to significant changes in the overall phenotype. These findings are of importance with the view of HS as a critical regulator of cell signaling in normal development and disease

    Massless Higher Spins and Holography

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    We treat free large N superconformal field theories as holographic duals of higher spin (HS) gauge theories expanded around AdS spacetime with radius R. The HS gauge theories contain massless and light massive AdS fields. The HS current correlators are written in a crossing symmetric form including only exchange of other HS currents. This and other arguments point to the existence of a consistent truncation to massless HS fields. A survey of massless HS theories with 32 supersymmetries in D=4,5,7 (where the 7D results are new) is given and the corresponding composite operators are discussed. In the case of AdS_4, the cubic couplings of a minimal bosonic massless HS gauge theory are described. We examine high energy/small tension limits giving rise to massless HS fields in the Type IIB string on AdS_5 x S^5 and M theory on AdS_{4/7} x S^{7/4}. We discuss breaking of HS symmetries to the symmetries of ordinary supergravity, and a particularly natural Higgs mechanism in AdS_5 x S^5 and AdS_4 x S^7 where the HS symmetry is broken by finite g_{YM}. In AdS_5 x S^5 it is shown that the supermultiplets of the leading Regge trajectory cross over into the massless HS spectrum. We propose that g_{YM}=0 corresponds to a critical string tension of order 1/R^2 and a finite string coupling of order 1/N. In AdS_7 x S^4 we give a rotating membrane solution coupling to the massless HS currents, and describe these as limits of Wilson surfaces in the A_{N-1}(2,0) SCFT, expandable in terms of operators with anomalous dimensions that are asymptotically small for large spin. The minimal energy configurations have semi-classical energy E=s for all s and the geometry of infinitely stretched strings with energy and spin density concentrated at the endpoints.Comment: 77 pages, latex, minor corrections to eqs 4.26-30, a refined discussion of long strings in Sec

    New Model of Higher-Spin Particle

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    We elaborate on a new model of the higher-spin (HS) particle which makes manifest the classical equivalence of the HS particle of the unfolded formulation and the HS particle model with a bosonic counterpart of supersymmetry. Both these models emerge as two different gauges of the new master system. Physical states of the master model are massless HS multiplets described by complex HS fields which carry an extra U(1) charge q. The latter fully characterizes the given multiplet by fixing the minimal helicity as q/2. We construct the twistorial formulation of the master model and discuss symmetries of the new HS multiplets within its framework.Comment: 13 pages, talk given by E. Ivanov at the XII International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics (SYMPHYS-XII), Yerevan, Armenia, July 03 - 08, 2006; to be published in the Proceeding