7 research outputs found

    An Ontology Engineering Approach to User Profiling for Virtual Tours of Museums and Galleries

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    This paper describes a study of the development of a hierarchical ontology for producing and maintaining personalized profiles to improve the experience of visitors to virtual art galleries and museums. The paper begins by describing some of the features of virtual exhibitions and offers examples of virtual tours that the reader may wish to examine in more detail. The paper then discusses the ontology engineering (OE) approach and domain modelling languages (e.g. KACTUS, SENSUS and METHONTOLOGY). It then follows a basic OE approach to define classes for a cultural heritage virtual tour and to produce a Visitor Profile Ontology that is hierarchical and has static and dynamic elements. It concludes by suggesting ways in which the ontology may be automated to provide a richer, more immersive personalized visitor experience

    An Ontology Engineering Approach to User Profiling for Virtual Tours of Museums and Galleries

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    This paper describes a study of the development of a hierarchical ontology for producing and maintaining personalized profiles to improve the experience of visitors to virtual art galleries and museums. The paper begins by describing some of the features of virtual exhibitions and offers examples of virtual tours that the reader may wish to examine in more detail. The paper then discusses the ontology engineering (OE) approach and domain modelling languages (e.g. KACTUS, SENSUS and METHONTOLOGY). It then follows a basic OE approach to define classes for a cultural heritage virtual tour and to produce a Visitor Profile Ontology that is hierarchical and has static and dynamic elements. It concludes by suggesting ways in which the ontology may be automated to provide a richer, more immersive personalized visitor experience

    Build Your Own Hercules : une interface tangible de choix de parcours de visites personnalisées au musée

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    National audienceIn this demonstration we present “Build your own Hercules”. This tangible token+constraint system allows museum visitors to indicate their characteristics and desires in order to choose a personalized visit. We designed this system in collaboration with MusĂ©e Saint-Raymond in Toulouse, which hosted a pilot study of the prototype in-situ.Dans cette dĂ©monstration, nous prĂ©sentons « Build your own Hercules ». Ce systĂšme tangible de type token+constraint permet aux visiteurs d’un musĂ©e d’indiquer leurs caractĂ©ristiques et leurs envies afin de choisir une visite personnalisĂ©e. Nous avons conçu ce systĂšme en collaboration avec le musĂ©e Saint-Raymond de Toulouse, qui a accueilli une Ă©tude pilote du prototype

    Introduction to personalisation in cyber-physical-social systems

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    peer reviewedIn this paper we introduce the notion of personalisation in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS). A CPSS is an extension of Cyber-Physical systems involving cyberspace and physical space, in which humans, machines and objects interact adding to the complexity of the system, especially due to the dynamics of human behaviour that is not yet fully understood. We propose Personalisation to address this complexity. Since the development of CPSS is still at its infancy, we first cover a brief overview on the existing conceptualizations of CPSS and present the perspective we take for our work. Then we discuss the benefits of introducing Personalisation in CPSS and formalize the notion. The discussion further illustrates research challenges for Personalisation in CPSS with examples on possible use cases, taken from preceding works as well as future ones

    Lu-Lu: A framework for collaborative decision making games

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    This paper proposes Lu-Lu as an add-on architecture to open MMOGs and social network games, which has been developed to utilise a key set of ingredients that underline collaborative decision making games as reported within the research literature: personalisation, team matching, non-optimal decision making, leading, decisiveness index, scoring, levelling, and multiple stages. The implementation of Lu-Lu is demonstrated as an add-on to the classic supply chain beer game, including customisation of Lu-Lu to facilitate information exchange through the Facebook games platform, e.g., Graph API and Scores API. Performance assessment of Lu-Lu using Behaviour-Driven Development suggests a successful integration of all key ingredients within Lu-Lu's architecture, yielding autonomous behaviour that improves both player enjoyment and decision making

    Gaming and Cognitive Profiles for Recommendations in Museums

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