36,980 research outputs found

    Project scheduling under uncertainty using fuzzy modelling and solving techniques

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    In the real world, projects are subject to numerous uncertainties at different levels of planning. Fuzzy project scheduling is one of the approaches that deal with uncertainties in project scheduling problem. In this paper, we provide a new technique that keeps uncertainty at all steps of the modelling and solving procedure by considering a fuzzy modelling of the workload inspired from the fuzzy/possibilistic approach. Based on this modelling, two project scheduling techniques, Resource Constrained Scheduling and Resource Leveling, are considered and generalized to handle fuzzy parameters. We refer to these problems as the Fuzzy Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (FRCPSP) and the Fuzzy Resource Leveling Problem (FRLP). A Greedy Algorithm and a Genetic Algorithm are provided to solve FRCPSP and FRLP respectively, and are applied to civil helicopter maintenance within the framework of a French industrial project called Helimaintenance

    Project scheduling under undertainty – survey and research potentials.

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    The vast majority of the research efforts in project scheduling assume complete information about the scheduling problem to be solved and a static deterministic environment within which the pre-computed baseline schedule will be executed. However, in the real world, project activities are subject to considerable uncertainty, that is gradually resolved during project execution. In this survey we review the fundamental approaches for scheduling under uncertainty: reactive scheduling, stochastic project scheduling, stochastic GERT network scheduling, fuzzy project scheduling, robust (proactive) scheduling and sensitivity analysis. We discuss the potentials of these approaches for scheduling projects under uncertainty.Management; Project management; Robustness; Scheduling; Stability;

    Improving Local Search for Fuzzy Scheduling Problems

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    The integration of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic into scheduling is a rather new aspect with growing importance for manufacturing applications, resulting in various unsolved aspects. In the current paper, we investigate an improved local search technique for fuzzy scheduling problems with fitness plateaus, using a multi criteria formulation of the problem. We especially address the problem of changing job priorities over time as studied at the Sherwood Press Ltd, a Nottingham based printing company, who is a collaborator on the project

    Fuzzy uncertainty modelling for project planning; application to helicopter maintenance

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    Maintenance is an activity of growing interest specially for critical systems. Particularly, aircraft maintenance costs are becoming an important issue in the aeronautical industry. Managing an aircraft maintenance center is a complex activity. One of the difficulties comes from the numerous uncertainties that affect the activity and disturb the plans at short and medium term. Based on a helicopter maintenance planning and scheduling problem, we study in this paper the integration of uncertainties into tactical and operational multiresource, multi-project planning (respectively Rough Cut Capacity Planning and Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problem). Our main contributions are in modelling the periodic workload on tactical level considering uncertainties in macro-tasks work contents, and modelling the continuous workload on operational level considering uncertainties in tasks durations. We model uncertainties by a fuzzy/possibilistic approach instead of a stochastic approach since very limited data are available. We refer to the problems as the Fuzzy RoughCut Capacity Problem (FRCCP) and the Fuzzy Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP).We apply our models to helicopter maintenance activity within the frame of the Helimaintenance project, an industrial project approved by the French Aerospace Valley cluster which aims at building a center for civil helicopter maintenance

    Operations scheduling of sugarcane production using fuzzy GERT method (part II: preserve operations, harvesting and ratooning)

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    This paper presents a GERT method based on fuzzy theory for solving fuzzy project scheduling of sugarcane production (preserve operations, harvesting and rationing) in Khuzestan province of Iran. In this method, activity duration time and loops, repetition number, and output activities from nodes of network belong to a fuzzy set. First, an analytical approach was proposed to simplify the structure of network. Then, GERT network computations were done based on evaluating nodes. Process outputs were scheduled network and project fuzzy completion time. These outputs were fuzzy numbers and can be analyzed by α- cut. Results prove that the method of using fuzzy numbers and fuzzy relation in project scheduling is a powerful tool to estimate time for agricultural mechanization projects


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    Project scheduling is an activity to determine the duration of each activity on the project so that the project can be completed in an optimal time. Network flow in the application of graph theory is the theoretical basis used to complete the project schedule. Some methods that can be used to complete scheduling are Gantt, CPM (Critical Path Method), PERT method (Project Evaluation and Review Technique), and fuzzy application. This article will examine the advantages of applying fuzzy after project scheduling. In the PERT and CPM methods, there are forward computation, backward computation, and float or slack calculations, while scheduling using fuzzy calculations is carried out in one step, namely, the calculation starts from the 'start' node. and move to the 'end. In the application of fuzzy, the degree of membership is discussed to model uncertainty so that the value of the probability of reaching the target is represented in the form of a curve so that the tolerance for project completion can be determined if something unplanned occurs, such as changes in weather/rain or other constraints. The final result of the analysis of fuzzy calculations can be obtained as the most likely value, namely the value with the degree of membership equal to 1 to be the solution in the search for the fastest completion time of a project

    Complete fuzzy scheduling and fuzzy earned value management in construction projects

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    Complete fuzzy scheduling and fuzzy earned value management in construction projects Por: Luis Ponz-Tienda, Jose; Pellicer, Eugenio; Yepes, Victor JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A Volumen: 13 Número: 1 Páginas: 56-68 Fecha de publicación: JAN 2012 Search For Full Text Cerrar abstractCerrar abstract This paper aims to present a comprehensive proposal for project scheduling and control by applying fuzzy earned value. It goes a step further than the existing literature: in the formulation of the fuzzy earned value we consider not only its duration, but also cost and production, and alternatives in the scheduling between the earliest and latest times. The mathematical model is implemented in a prototypical construction project with all the estimated values taken as fuzzy numbers. Our findings suggest that different possible schedules and the fuzzy arithmetic provide more objective results in uncertain environments than the traditional methodology. The proposed model allows for controlling the vagueness of the environment through the adjustment of the alpha-cut, adapting it to the specific circumstances of the project. © Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.The authors want to thank Ms. Doria GIL-SENABRE, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, for the support provided.Ponz Tienda, JL.; Pellicer Armiñana, E.; Yepes Piqueras, V. (2012). Complete fuzzy scheduling and fuzzy earned value management in construction projects. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A. 13(1):56-68. https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.A1100160S566813

    The Fuzzy Project Scheduling Problem with Minimal Generalized Precedence Relations

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    In scheduling, estimations are affected by the imprecision of limited information on future events, and the reduction in the number and level of detail of activities. Overlapping of processes and activities requires the study of their continuity, along with analysis of the risks associated with imprecision. In this line, this paper proposes a fuzzy heuristic model for the Project Scheduling Problem with flows and minimal feeding, time and work Generalized Precedence Relations with a realistic approach to overlapping, in which the continuity of processes and activities is allowed in a discretionary way. This fuzzy algorithm handles the balance of process flows, and computes the optimal fragmentation of tasks, avoiding the interruption of the critical path and reverse criticality. The goodness of this approach is tested on several problems found in the literature; furthermore, an example of a 15-story building was used to compare the better performance of the algorithm implemented in Visual Basic for Applications (Excel) over that same example input in Primavera© P6 Professional V8.2.0, using five different scenarios.This research was supported by the FAPA program of Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. The authors would like to thank the research group of Construction Engineering and Management (INgeco) of Universidad de Los Andes, and the five anonymous referees for their helpful and constructive suggestions.Ponz Tienda, JL.; Pellicer Armiñana, E.; Benlloch Marco, J.; Andrés Romano, C. (2015). The Fuzzy Project Scheduling Problem with Minimal Generalized Precedence Relations. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 30(11):872-891. doi:10.1111/mice.12166S8728913011Adeli, H., & Park, H. S. (1995). Optimization of space structures by neural dynamics. 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    A Fuzzy Logic Approach in Modeling and Simulation of a Scheduling System for Hospital Admissions Using ARENA® simulation software

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    The aim of this project is to develop a simulation model of a scheduling system based on practical situation implemented on ARENA® simulation software. Besides, this project also seeks to incorporate Fuzzy Logic Control in decision making processes. This project mainly focuses to develop a model of a scheduling system for admission of hospital Emergency Department (ED) using ARENA® simulation software