2,123 research outputs found

    Automatic epilepsy detection using fractal dimensions segmentation and GP-SVM classification

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    Objective: The most important part of signal processing for classification is feature extraction as a mapping from original input electroencephalographic (EEG) data space to new features space with the biggest class separability value. Features are not only the most important, but also the most difficult task from the classification process as they define input data and classification quality. An ideal set of features would make the classification problem trivial. This article presents novel methods of feature extraction processing and automatic epilepsy seizure classification combining machine learning methods with genetic evolution algorithms. Methods: Classification is performed on EEG data that represent electric brain activity. At first, the signal is preprocessed with digital filtration and adaptive segmentation using fractal dimensions as the only segmentation measure. In the next step, a novel method using genetic programming (GP) combined with support vector machine (SVM) confusion matrix as fitness function weight is used to extract feature vectors compressed into lower dimension space and classify the final result into ictal or interictal epochs. Results: The final application of GP SVM method improves the discriminatory performance of a classifier by reducing feature dimensionality at the same time. Members of the GP tree structure represent the features themselves and their number is automatically decided by the compression function introduced in this paper. This novel method improves the overall performance of the SVM classification by dramatically reducing the size of input feature vector. Conclusion: According to results, the accuracy of this algorithm is very high and comparable, or even superior to other automatic detection algorithms. In combination with the great efficiency, this algorithm can be used in real-time epilepsy detection applications. From the results of the algorithm's classification, we can observe high sensitivity, specificity results, except for the Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizure (GTCS). As the next step, the optimization of the compression stage and final SVM evaluation stage is in place. More data need to be obtained on GTCS to improve the overall classification score for GTCS.Web of Science142449243

    Effective electroencephalogram based epileptic seizure detection using support vector machine and statistical moment’s features

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    Epilepsy is one of the widespread disorders. It is a noncommunicable disease that affects the human nerve system. Seizures are abnormal patterns of behavior in the electricity of the brain which produce symptoms like losing consciousness, attention or convulsions in the whole body. This paper demonstrates an effective electroencephalogram (EEG) based seizure detection method using discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) for signal decomposition to extract features. An automatic channel selection method was proposed by the researcher to select the best channel from 23 channels based on maximum variance value. The records were segmented into a nonoverlapping segment with long 1-S. The support vector machine (SVM) model was used to automatically detect segments that contain seizures, using both frequency and time domain statistical moment features. The experimental result was obtained from 24 patients in CHB-MIT database. The average accuracy is 94.1, sensitivity is 93.5, specificity is 94.6 and the false positive rate average is 0.054

    A Hidden Markov Factor Analysis Framework for Seizure Detection in Epilepsy Patients

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    Approximately 1% of the world population suffers from epilepsy. Continuous long-term electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring is the gold-standard for recording epileptic seizures and assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy. Detection of seizure from the recorded EEG is a laborious, time consuming and expensive task. In this study, we propose an automated seizure detection framework to assist electroencephalographers and physicians with identification of seizures in recorded EEG signals. In addition, an automated seizure detection algorithm can be used for treatment through automatic intervention during the seizure activity and on time triggering of the injection of a radiotracer to localize the seizure activity. In this study, we developed and tested a hidden Markov factor analysis (HMFA) framework for automated seizure detection based on different features such as total effective inflow which is calculated based on connectivity measures between different sites of the brain. The algorithm was tested on long-term (2.4-7.66 days) continuous sEEG recordings from three patients and a total of 16 seizures, producing a mean sensitivity of 96.3% across all seizures, a mean specificity of 3.47 false positives per hour, and a mean latency of 3.7 seconds form the actual seizure onset. The latency was negative for a few of the seizures which implies the proposed method detects the seizure prior to its onset. This is an indication that with some extension the proposed method is capable of seizure prediction

    Improving Deep Learning for Seizure Detection using GAN with Cramer Distance and a Temporal-Spatial-Frequency Loss Function

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    The signals of EEG are analyzed in the identification of seizure and diagnosis of epilepsy. The visual examination process of EEG data by skilled physician is huge time-utilization and the judgemental process is complicated, which may vary or show inconsistency among the physician. Hence, an automatic process in diagnosis and detection was initiated by the Deep Learning (DL) approaches. Time Aware Convolutional Neural Network with Recurrent Neural Network (TA-CNN-RNN) was one among them. Deep neural networks trained on large labels performed well on many supervised learning tasks. Creating such massive databases takes time, resources, and effort. In many circumstances, such resources are unavailable, restricting DL adoption and use. In this manuscript, Generative Adversarial Networks with the Cramer distance (CGAN) is proposed to generate an accurate data for each lable. A spatiotemporal error factor is introduced to differentiate actual and genetrated data. The discriminator is learned to differentiate the created data from the actual ones, while the generator is learned to create counterfeit data, which are not estimated as false by the discriminator. The classical GANs have a complex learning because of the nonlinear and non-stationary features of EEG data which is solved by Carmer Distance in the proposed method. Finally, the sample generated by CGAN is given as input for the Time Aware Convolutional Neural Network with Recurrent Neural Network (TA-CNN-RNN) classifier to investigate experimental seizure Prediction outcome of the proposed CGAN. From the investigational outcomes, the proposed CGAN- TA-CNN-RNN model attained classification accuracy of 94.6%, 94.8% and 95.2% on CHB-MIT-EEG, Bonn-iEEG and VIRGO-EEG than other existing EEG classification schemes and also provides great potentials in real-time applications

    Performance Analysis of Deep-Learning and Explainable AI Techniques for Detecting and Predicting Epileptic Seizures

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases globally. Notably, people in low to middle-income nations could not get proper epilepsy treatment due to the cost and availability of medical infrastructure. The risk of sudden unpredicted death in Epilepsy is considerably high. Medical statistics reveal that people with Epilepsy die more prematurely than those without the disease. Early and accurately diagnosing diseases in the medical field is challenging due to the complex disease patterns and the need for time-sensitive medical responses to the patients. Even though numerous machine learning and advanced deep learning techniques have been employed for the seizure stages classification and prediction, understanding the causes behind the decision is difficult, termed a black box problem. Hence, doctors and patients are confronted with the black box decision-making to initiate the appropriate treatment and understand the disease patterns respectively. Owing to the scarcity of epileptic Electroencephalography (EEG) data, training the deep learning model with diversified epilepsy knowledge is still critical. Explainable Artificial intelligence has become a potential solution to provide the explanation and result interpretation of the learning models. By applying the explainable AI, there is a higher possibility of examining the features that influence the decision-making that either the patient recorded from epileptic or non-epileptic EEG signals. This paper reviews the various deep learning and Explainable AI techniques used for detecting and predicting epileptic seizures  using EEG data. It provides a comparative analysis of the different techniques based on their performance

    A machine learning system for automated whole-brain seizure detection

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    Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition that affects approximately 70 million people worldwide. Characterised by sudden bursts of excess electricity in the brain, manifesting as seizures, epilepsy is still not well understood when compared with other neurological disorders. Seizures often happen unexpectedly and attempting to predict them has been a research topic for the last 30 years. Electroencephalograms have been integral to these studies, as the recordings that they produce can capture the brain’s electrical signals. The diagnosis of epilepsy is usually made by a neurologist, but can be difficult to make in the early stages. Supporting para-clinical evidence obtained from magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography may enable clinicians to make a diagnosis of epilepsy and instigate treatment earlier. However, electroencephalogram capture and interpretation is time consuming and can be expensive due to the need for trained specialists to perform the interpretation. Automated detection of correlates of seizure activity generalised across different regions of the brain and across multiple subjects may be a solution. This paper explores this idea further and presents a supervised machine learning approach that classifies seizure and non-seizure records using an open dataset containing 342 records (171 seizures and 171 non-seizures). Our approach posits a new method for generalising seizure detection across different subjects without prior knowledge about the focal point of seizures. Our results show an improvement on existing studies with 88% for sensitivity, 88% for specificity and 93% for the area under the curve, with a 12% global error, using the k-NN classifier


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    The 2016 Epilepsy Innovation Institute (Ei2) community survey reported that unpredictability is the most challenging aspect of seizure management. Effective and precise detection, prediction, and localization of epileptic seizures is a fundamental computational challenge. Utilizing epilepsy data from multiple epilepsy monitoring units can enhance the quantity and diversity of datasets, which can lead to more robust epilepsy data analysis tools. The contributions of this dissertation are two-fold. One is the implementation of a temporal query for epilepsy data; the other is the machine learning approach for seizure detection, seizure prediction, and seizure localization. The three key components of our temporal query interface are: 1) A pipeline for automatically extract European Data Format (EDF) information and epilepsy annotation data from cross-site sources; 2) Data quantity monitoring for Epilepsy temporal data; 3) A web-based annotation query interface for preliminary research and building customized epilepsy datasets. The system extracted and stored about 450,000 epilepsy-related events of more than 2,497 subjects from seven institutes up to September 2019. Leveraging the epilepsy temporal events query system, we developed machine learning models for seizure detection, prediction, and localization. Using 135 extracted features from EEG signals, we trained a channel-based eXtreme Gradient Boosting model to detect seizures on 8-second EEG segments. A long-term EEG recording evaluation shows that the model can detect about 90.34% seizures on an existing EEG dataset with 961 hours of data. The model achieved 89.88% accuracy, 92.32% sensitivity, and 84.76% AUC based on the segments evaluation. We also introduced a transfer learning approach consisting of 1) a base deep learning model pre-trained by ImageNet dataset and 2) customized fully connected layers, to train the patient-specific pre-ictal and inter-ictal data from our database. Two convolutional neural network architectures were evaluated using 53 pre-ictal segments and 265 continuous hours of inter-ictal EEG data. The evaluation shows that our model reached 86.79% sensitivity and 3.38% false-positive rate. Another transfer learning model for seizure localization uses a pre-trained ResNext50 structure and was trained with an image augmentation dataset labeling by fingerprint. Our model achieved 88.22% accuracy, 34.99% sensitivity, 1.02% false-positive rate, and 34.3% positive likelihood rate