19 research outputs found

    An Integration Model of Planned Maintenance and Spare Parts Inventory for Periodic Order Policy

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    The availability of spare parts is very crucial to enable the maintenance tasks to be performed when required. Although failures occur at random, a certain amount of spare parts should be available to minimize the downtime required for repairing or replacing the failed items. Particularly when preventive maintenance is involved, spare parts may be needed to replace the defective but still working plant items. Thus, spare parts and planned maintenance are significantly related and should be studied together. By implementing the delay time concept, this study focus on periodic order policy and simultaneously optimize three decisions problems, namely inspection interval, order interval and maximum stock level. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the ability of the model

    Optimal maintenance and replacement decisions under technological change with consideration of spare parts inventories

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    International audienceClassical spare parts inventory models assume that the same vintage of technology will be utilized throughout the planning horizon. However, replacement often occurs in the form of a new technology that renders existing spare parts inventories obsolete. This paper aims to study the impact of spare parts inventory on maintenance and replacement decisions under technological change via a Markov decision process formulation. The replacement decision is complex in that one must decide with which technology available on the market to replace the current asset. Under technological change, the do nothing and repair options have significantly more value as they allow the appearance of even better technologies in the future

    Efficient aircraft spare parts inventory management under demand uncertainty

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    In airline industries, the aircraft maintenance cost takes up about 13% of the total operating cost. It can be reduced by a good planning. Spare parts inventories exist to serve the maintenance planning. Compared with commonly used reorder point system (ROP) and forecasting methods which only consider historical data, this paper presents two non-linear programming models which predict impending demands based on installed parts failure distribution. The optimal order time and order quantity can be found by minimizing total cost. The first basic mathematical model assumes shortage period starts from mean time to failure (MTTF). An iteration method and GAMS are used to solve this model. The second improved mathematical model takes into account accurate shortage time. Due to its complexity, only GAMS is applied in solution methodology. Both models can be proved effective in cost reduction through revised numerical examples and their results. Comparisons of the two models are also discussed

    Joint maintenance-inventory optimisation of parallel production systems

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    We model a joint inspection and spare parts inventory policy for maintaining machines in a parallel system, where simultaneous downtime seriously impacts upon production performance and has a significant financial consequence. This dependency between system components means that analysis of realistic maintenance models is intractable. Therefore we use simulation and a numerical optimisation tool to study the cost-optimality of several policies. Inspection maintenance is modelled using the delay-time concept. Critical spare parts replenishment is considered using several variants of a periodic review policy. In particular, our results indicate that the cost-optimal policy is characterised by equal frequencies of inspection and replenishment, and delivery of spare parts that coincides with maintenance intervention. In general, our model provides a framework for studying the interaction of spare parts ordering with maintenance scheduling. The sensitivity analysis that we present offers insights for the effective management of such parallel systems, not only in a paper-making plant, which motivates our modelling development, but also in other manufacturing contexts

    Joint optimisation of inspection maintenance and spare parts provisioning: a comparative study of inventory policies using simulation and survey data

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    The demand for industrial plant spare parts is driven, at least in part, by maintenance requirements. It is therefore important to jointly optimise planned maintenance and the associated spare parts inventory using the most appropriate maintenance and replenishment policies. In this simulation-based study, we address this challenge in the context of the random failure of parts in service and the replacement of defective parts at inspections of period T. Inspections are modelled using the delay-time concept. A number of simultaneous periodic review and continuous review replenishment policies are compared. A paper making plant provides a real context for the presentation of our ideas. We survey practitioners working with such plant to collect real data that inform the values of parameters in the models. Our simulation results indicate that a periodic review policy with ordering that is twice as frequent as inspection is cost optimal in the context of the plant that we study. For the purpose of comparison, we also present and discuss the characteristics of the various policies considered

    Stokastik envanter model kullanılarak iş makinelerinin onarımında kullanılan kritik yedek parçalar için envanter yönetim sistemi oluşturulması (Building inventory management system by using stochastic inventory model for critical spare parts used for maintenance of construction machines)

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    Bu çalışmada, iş makinelerinin bakım onarım deposu için stokastik envanter modeli oluşturulmuştur. Bu model ile, iş makinelerinin onarımında kullanılan kritik yedek parçalara ait envanter yönetimi yapılmaktadır. Oluşturulan model, lineer olmayan stokastik bir tam sayı optimizasyon modelidir. Modelin hedefi, envanter maliyetlerini asgariye indirmek için yedek parçalara ait stok parametrelerini ve yeniden sipariş noktasını belirlemektir. Aynı zamanda kritik yedek parçaların envanterde bulunabilirliği de artırılmaktadır. Modelde, sipariş sıklığı ve servis düzeyi kısıtları da göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Çözüm metodu olarak geliştirilmiş ABC analizini içeren ve elektronik tablolarda kolayca uygulanabilen sezgisel (heuristic) bir yöntem önerilmiştir. Son olarak, önerilen model ile bir uygulama ve maliyet analizi yapılmış ve mevcut durumdaki ile modelde önerilen optimum envanter düzeyindeki maliyetlerin karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Model kullanımı maliyetlerde % 5’in üzerinde bir azalma sağlamaktadır

    Proactive and Efficient Spare Parts Inventory Management Policies Considering Reliability Issues

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    Spare parts inventory management plays an important role in many industries. They exist to serve the maintenance planning and a good planning can significantly reduce maintenance cost. This thesis developed a series of non-linear programming models to obtain optimal spare parts replenishment policies for failure-based maintenance in a single period. Both single Part Number case and multiple Part Numbers case with a budget constraint are addressed. Compared with traditional forecasting methods which only consider historical data, our proposed inventory policies take into account reliability issues and predict impending demands based on part failure distributions from two perspectives: failure time and failure numbers. Therefore, optimal order quantity and best order time can be found to realize total cost minimization, as well as a systematic inventory optimization

    Gestion de l’approvisionnement initial en éléments de rechange d’un système orbital

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    Cet article présente une méthode de gestion de l’approvisionnement initial en pièces de rechange. Cette problématique générique revêt un intérêt particulier dans certains systèmes dont la difficulté d’accessibilité ou la durée de vie constitue des risques liés à des ruptures possibles de stock d’éléments de rechange. Nous considérons dans ce papier le cadre spatial. Après avoir commenté les particularités de la gestion des approvisionnements en éléments de rechange d’une station orbitale, nous proposons une méthode basée sur la minimisation du risque de report d’une opération de maintenance. Une application au laboratoire Colombus de la Station Spatiale Internationale est finalement présentée. This article presents a method of management of the initial supply spare parts. This generic problem is of a particular interest in certain systems whose difficulty of accessibility or lifespan constitutes risks related to possible stock of spare elements running out. We consider in this paper the space framework. After having commented on the characteristics of the management of the supplies elements of replacement of an orbiting station, we propose a method based on minimization of the risk of carry out of a maintenance action. An application to the Columbus laboratory of the International Space Station is finally presented

    Prognostics-Based Two-Operator Competition for Maintenance and Service Part Logistics

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    Prognostics and timely maintenance of components are critical to the continuing operation of a system. By implementing prognostics, it is possible for the operator to maintain the system in the right place at the right time. However, the complexity in the real world makes near-zero downtime difficult to achieve partly because of a possible shortage of required service parts. This is realistic and quite important in maintenance practice. To coordinate with a prognostics-based maintenance schedule, the operator must decide when to order service parts and how to compete with other operators who also need the same parts. This research addresses a joint decision-making approach that assists two operators in making proactive maintenance decisions and strategically competing for a service part that both operators rely on for their individual operations. To this end, a maintenance policy involving competition in service part procurement is developed based on the Stackelberg game-theoretic model. Variations of the policy are formulated for three different scenarios and solved via either backward induction or genetic algorithm methods. Unlike the first two scenarios, the possibility for either of the operators being the leader in such competitions is considered in the third scenario. A numerical study on wind turbine operation is provided to demonstrate the use of the joint decision-making approach in maintenance and service part logistics