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    Career management is one part discussion of human resources management. Human resources reform is a crucial element for the effectiveness of the performance of the bureaucracy. Especially for the Ministry for administrative and Bureaucratic reform of the State apparatus who have the authority to organize community resources bureaucratic apparatus. The challenge to organize community resources the apparatus must first be answered by the Ministry for administrative reform of the State apparatus and bureaucracy by making internal improvements, including revamping the management of careers. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the management career in the Ministry of utilization of State apparatus and reform the bureaucracy. This study used a qualitative approach. The data collected through the study of literature, interviews and observation. The data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques, Miles and Huberman model consisting of data reduction, data display, and data verification. This research concluded that the Ministry for administrative and bureaucratic State apparatus reform (1) hiring employees through the process of recruitment of prospective civil servants abbreviated as (CPNS) and selection of high leadership position open and cannot be released from the problems in the recruitment process, two (2) places employees according the required position or desires, even though there are problems in the analysis of the position and workload analysis, (3) developing employees through learning and a learning permit, and (4) lay off employees appropriate conditions

    Infrastructure Improvement and Its Impact on Indonesian Economic Performance

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    Indonesian government shows big commitment on the improvement of infrastructure which is reflected in some regulations and policies. It is supported by many empirical evidences that show the importance of infrastructure improvement on economic performance. In this paper, we develop a CGE model to analyze the impact of infrastructure on Indonesian economy by introducing several types of infrastructure and also discuss the impact of infrastructure on the poverty level. The results suggest that improvement on any types of infrastructure is expected will increase economic growth, raise government revenue, raise factor’s income and reduce the poverty level. Improvement on public work of agriculture, land transportation and telecommunication are still preferable option relative to others. Interestingly, even though public work of agriculture usually is located in rural areas, but the model suggest that public work of agriculture improvement will result higher impact on urban household relative to rural household.CGE


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    Under regional autonomy/decentralisation regime at city level that has been just implemented in Indonesia for about four years, city governments are likely tempted to pursue some sorts of territorial competition policy to affect firms' location decisions. By investigating the spatial pattern of manufacturing industries, there is evidence that the location decisions of industrial activities in East Java is subject to some sorts of agglomeration forces, most notably natural advantages and spillovers (due to both intra and inter-industry linkages). The finding suggests that such policy, especially the short-term, ad hoc, fiscal and financial-based, and politically driven one, that intends to intervene the observed spatial pattern may appear to be useless and/or costly Therefore, it implies that public resources might be better allocated onto measures that are deemed to have more strategic impact for sustainable local economic development (in the case of "eriphery" cities) or to deliver better public services for businesses (in the case of "core" cities)


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    Every language in the world has its own unique features, which distinguishes it from others. Indonesia, for example, consists of many Islands and each has its own language or dialect. This it is not surprising that Indonesia has many local languages with their own characteristics, habits and custom. Among the local languages, the writer chose Madurese language in thesis especially on Madurese Terms of address spoken by Situbondo people. Most of Situbondo use Madurese dialect but since many people who are not natives of Madurese often do not know the right ways to use the terms of address when they communicate with native speakers. The problem discussed in this study are: what terms of address are used in Madurese Situbondo dialect, what are the function and the meaning of those terms of address, how are the terms of address related to age and status, and who uses those terms and in what situation are the terms used. In other words, the writer analyzes the problems from sociolinguistic theory. The objective of the study is to answer the problems clearly by describing the kinds of terms of address based on the family terms, the second person functions including pronoun, and name of person. The data of this study were obtained from five native speakers of Madurese Situbondo dialect. The writer limits native speakers for this thesis to only Situbondo native speakers without making any differentiation. However the adults here are those who know well the social structure of their society. The writer decided to select only adult of around twenty-five years old or more data use collected through interviews and observations. This study used descriptive research design. The collected data were classified and analyzed based on terms of address in Madurese society, namely family terms, the second person function including pronouns, and name of person. The family terms which are used for addressing a person are: (1) Kae or jai, (2) nyai or nyi, (3) Eppa’ or mama’, (4) embu’ or ebu’, (5) Bapak, (6) Ibu, (7) Oba or wa’, (8) oba’ bine’ or ba’, (9) paman or anom, (10) bibbi’, (11) Kakang, (12) embhug or ba’ayu, (13) ale’ or adhi’, (14) cebbing, (15) kacong, (16) cong enne’ or bing enne’, (17) juju’. The first personal pronouns which are used for addressing a person are (1) Sengko’ or Engko’, (2) Badan kaula and (3) Abdina. The second personal pronouns which are used for addressing a person are (1) Ba’na, (2) Sampeyan or empeyan (3) Panjhenengan. Name of person, is divided into three ways: the first name shortened the name and using nickname. Finally, the writer hope that this thesis can be the source of knowledge and information of Madurese terms of address used in Situbondo and people can use this when they communicate with Situbondo Madurese people


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum dari fasilitas bengkel dan lingkungan praktik yang ada pada tiap sekolah, selanjutnya menganalis data tersebut apakah terdapat perbedaan prestasi dari kerja las dasar siswa yang ditinjau dari fasilitas bengkel dan lingkungan praktik di sekolah yang berbeda. Jika terdapat perbedaan prestasi las dasar pada tiap sekolah tersebut maka bisa diartikan terdapat pengaruh fasilitas bengkel dan lingkungan praktik terhadap prestasi kerja las dasar siswa. Penelitian ini berlangsung di bengkel las Teknik Mekanik Otomotif SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan dan SMK Muhammadiyah Cangkringan. Data utama penelitian ini diperoleh dengan mengisi lembar instrumen yang dibuat berdasarkan acuan standar dari Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP), sedangkan data penunjang dikumpulkan dari berbagai dokumen yang ada di bengkel praktik. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan, observasi, dan dokumentasi nilai raport siswa. Data kondisi dari fasilitas bengkel yang sudah didapatkan selanjutnya diolah dengan uji varian satu jalur (one way ANOVA) pada prestasi las dasar siswa pada kedua sekolah tersebut menggunakan bantuan paket komputer SPSS dan Microsoft excel. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa: (1) Gambaran secara umum dari fasilitas bengkel di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan jumlah fasilitas bengkel yang dimiliki berjumlah 104, dari jumlah tersebut 88 dalam kondisi baik, 7 berkondisi kurang baik tetapi masih dapat digunakan, sedangkan 9 fasilitas dalam kondisi tidak bisa dipakai (rusak berat), sedangkan SMK Muhammadiyah Cangkringan jumlah fasilitas bengkel yang dimiliki hanya 25 semuanya masih dalam kondisi baik; (2) Terdapat perbedaan prestasi kerja las dasar siswa di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan dan SMK Muhammadiyah Cangkringan yang diakibatkan fasilitas bengkel yang berbeda, hal tersebut berdasarkan dari hasil Uji One Way ANOVA dimana F hitung > F tabel (58.062>3.89) dengan tingkat signifikansi α = 0.05, sehingga Ho ditolak Ha diterima, yang berarti prestasi kerja las dasar siswa dari sekolah yang memiliki fasilitas bengkel baik, lebih tinggi dari pada prestasi kerja las dasar siswa dari sekolah yang fasilitas bengkelnya kurang baik r; (3) Terdapat perbedaan prestasi kerja las dasar siswa di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan dan SMK Muhammadiyah Cangkringan yang diakibatkan lingkungan praktik yang berbeda, hal tersebut berdasarkan dari hasil Uji One Way ANOVA dimana F hitung > F tabel (58.062>3.89) dengan tingkat signifikansi α = 0.05, sehingga Ho ditolak Ha diterima, yang artinya prestasi kerja las dasar siswa dari sekolah yang memiliki lingkungan praktik baik, lebih tinggi dari pada prestasi kerja las dasar siswa dari sekolah yang lingkungan praktiknya kurang baik


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    The problem concerned in this study is about exploring the form, process and meaning of comodification of women body in the Playboy magazine cover, taken among Denpasar society. The analysis is based on the theory of post modern aesthetic theory, comodification theory and post feminism theory. Research methodology is qualitative, location in Denpasar, the informan are the reader of Playboy, photographer, journalist, intellectuals , scholar and cultural observer, which are taken purposively. The problem formulated in this study were : (a) what are the firm of commodification of women body in the Playboy magazine cover; (b) what are the procceser of commodification of women body in the Playboy magazine cover; (c) what meaning are conveyed in the commodification of women body in the Playboy magazine; (d) There were three processes in the commodification of women’s body in the Playboy magazine cover. They were production process, distribution process, and consumtion proces


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    The concern on learners’ competence to communicate in English culturally has been attaining multitude attention within attention to make learner be able to communicate effectively in English as part of the international society while learners have limited conceptualization upon cultural issues. On the other hand, the indigenous language(s) is also threatened by the improvement of interests and practices of learning English. Learners, along with the language policy in education, tend to move aside or to give less attention onto the indigenous languages and give more to English. Departed from the purpose of improving learners’ cultural understanding in English and at the same time to encourage the existence of indigenous language, this paper presents language cultural background of English compared with Javanese and Sasak Languages by employing contrastive analysis and ethnography study


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    Multilingual communities have language shift. This ‘shift’ can change the plurality of languages in those communities; it favors the more dominant language and pushes the minority to its death or loss (Holmes: 2001). And when one language dies or losses, this world also losses one of its treasures. Translation activity in schools, in the spirit of language maintenance, helps to mantain minority language over the presure from the dominant language. It also helps students appreciate values of both languages. This paper discusses how important introducing translation in language teaching as part of language maintenance
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