278 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Text Document Clustering Using K-Means

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    The fundamentals of human communication are language and written texts. Social media is an essential source of data on the Internet, but email and text messages are also considered to be one of the main sources of textual data. The processing and analysis of text data is conducted using text mining methods. Text Mining is the extension of Data Mining to text files to extract relevant information from large amounts of text data and to recognize patterns. Cluster analysis is one of the most important text mining methods. Its goal is the automatic partitioning of a number of objects into a finite set of homogeneous groups (clusters). The objects should be as similar as possible within a group. Objects from different groups, however, should have different characteristics. The starting-point of cluster analysis is a precise definition of the task and the selection of representative data objects. A challenge regarding text documents is their unstructured form, which requires extensive pre-processing. For the automated processing of natural language Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used. The conversion of text files into a numerical form can be performed using the Bag-of-Words (BoW) approach or neural networks. Each data object can finally be represented as a point in a finite-dimensional space, where the dimension corresponds to the number of unique tokens, here words. Prior to the actual cluster analysis, a measure must also be defined to determine the similarity or dissimilarity between the objects. To measure dissimilarity, metrics such as Euclidean distance, for example, are used. Then clustering methods are applied. The cluster methods can be divided into different categories. On the one hand,there are methods that form a hierarchical system, which are also called hierarchical cluster methods. On the other hand, there are techniques that provide a division into groups by determining a grouping on the basis of an optimal homogeneity measure, whereby the number of groups is predetermined. The procedures of this class are called partitioning methods. An important representative is the k-Means method which is used in this thesis. The results are finally evaluated and interpreted. In this thesis, the different methods used in the individual cluster analysis steps are introduced. In order to make a statement about which method seems to be the most suitable for clustering documents, a practical investigation was carried out on the basis of three different data sets

    Enhancing the Performance of Text Mining

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    The amount of text data produced in science, finance, social media, and medicine is growing at an unprecedented pace. The raw text data typically introduces major computational and analytical obstacles (e.g., extremely high dimensionality) to data mining and machine learning algorithms. Besides, the growth in the size of text data makes the search process more difficult for information retrieval systems, making retrieving relevant results to match the users’ search queries challenging. Moreover, the availability of text data in different languages creates the need to develop new methods to analyze multilingual topics to help policymakers in governmental and health systems to make risk decisions and to create policies to respond to public health crises, natural disasters, and political or social movements. The goal of this thesis is to develop new methods that handle computational and analytical problems for complex high-dimensional text data, develop a new query expansion approach to enhance the performance of information retrieval systems, and to present new techniques for analyzing multilingual topics using a translation service. First, in the field of dimensionality reduction, we develop a new method for detecting and eliminating domain-based words. In this method, we use three different datasets and five classifiers for testing and evaluating the performance of our new approach before and after eliminating domain-based words. We compare the performance of our approach with other feature selection methods. We find that the new approach improves the performance of the binary classifier and reduces the dimensionality of the feature space by 90%. Also, our approach reduces the execution time of the classifier and outperforms one of the feature selection methods. Second, in the field of information retrieval, we design and implement a method that integrates words from a current stream with external data sources in order to predict the occurrence of relevant words that have not yet appeared in the primary source. This algorithm enables the construction of new queries that effectively capture emergent events that a user may not have anticipated when initiating the data collection stream. The added value of using the external data sources appears when we have a stream of data and we want to predict something that has not yet happened instead of using only the stream that is limited to the available information at a specific time. We compare the performance of our approach with two alternative approaches. The first approach (static) expands user queries with words extracted from a probabilistic topic model of the stream. The second approach (emergent) reinforces user queries with emergent words extracted from the stream. We find that our method outperforms alternative approaches, exhibiting particularly good results in identifying future emergent topics. Third, in the field of the multilingual text, we present a strategy to analyze the similarity between multilingual topics in English and Arabic tweets surrounding the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. We make a descriptive comparison between topics in Arabic and English tweets about COVID-19 using tweets collected in the same way and filtered using the same keywords. We analyze Twitter’s discussion to understand the evolution of topics over time and reveal topic similarity among tweets across the datasets. We use probabilistic topic modeling to identify and extract the key topics of Twitter’s discussion in Arabic and English tweets. We use two methods to analyze the similarity between multilingual topics. The first method (full-text topic modeling approach) translates all text to English and then runs topic modeling to find similar topics. The second method (term-based topic modeling approach) runs topic modeling on the text before translation then translates the top keywords in each topic to find similar topics. We find similar topics related to COVID-19 pandemic covered in English and Arabic tweets for certain time intervals. Results indicate that the term-based topic modeling approach can reduce the cost compared to the full-text topic modeling approach and still have comparable results in finding similar topics. The computational time to translate the terms is significantly lower than the translation of the full text

    Unsupervised Pretraining of Neural Networks with Multiple Targets using Siamese Architectures

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    A model's response for a given input pattern depends on the seen patterns in the training data. The larger the amount of training data, the more likely edge cases are covered during training. However, the more complex input patterns are, the larger the model has to be. For very simple use cases, a relatively small model can achieve very high test accuracy in a matter of minutes. On the other hand, a large model has to be trained for multiple days. The actual time to develop a model of that size can be considered to be even greater since often many different architecture types and hyper-parameter configurations have to be tried. An extreme case for a large model is the recently released GPT-3 model. This model consists of 175 billion parameters and was trained using 45 terabytes of text data. The model was trained to generate text and is able to write news articles and source code based only on a rough description. However, a model like this is only creatable for researchers with access to special hardware or immense amounts of data. Thus, it is desirable to find less resource-intensive training approaches to enable other researchers to create well performing models. This thesis investigates the use of pre-trained models. If a model has been trained on one dataset and is then trained on another similar data, it faster learns to adjust to similar patterns than a model that has not yet seen any of the task's pattern. Thus, the learned lessons from one training are transferred to another task. During pre-training, the model is trained to solve a specific task like predicting the next word in a sequence or first encoding an input image before decoding it. Such models contain an encoder and a decoder part. When transferring that model to another task, parts of the model's layers will be removed. As a result, having to discard fewer weights results in faster training since less time has to be spent on training parts of a model that are only needed to solve an auxiliary task. Throughout this thesis, the concept of siamese architectures will be discussed since when using that architecture, no parameters have to be discarded when transferring a model trained with that approach onto another task. Thus, the siamese pre-training approach positively impacts the need for resources like time and energy use and drives the development of new models in the direction of Green AI. The models trained with this approach will be evaluated by comparing them to models trained with other pre-training approaches as well as large existing models. It will be shown that the models trained for the tasks in this thesis perform as good as externally pre-trained models, given the right choice of data and training targets: It will be shown that the number and type of training targets during pre-training impacts a model's performance on transfer learning tasks. The use cases presented in this thesis cover different data from different domains to show that the siamese training approach is widely applicable. Consequently, researchers are motivated to create their own pre-trained models for data domains, for which there are no existing pre-trained models.Die Vorhersage eines Models hängt davon ab, welche Muster in den während des Trainings benutzen Daten vorhanden sind. Je größer die Menge an Trainingsdaten ist, desto wahrscheinlicher ist es, dass Grenzfälle in den Daten vorkommen. Je größer jedoch die Anzahl der zu lernenden Mustern ist, desto größer muss jedoch das Modell sein. Für einfache Anwendungsfälle ist es möglich ein kleines Modell in wenigen Minuten zu trainieren um bereits gute Ergebnisse auf Testdaten zu erhalten. Für komplexe Anwendungsfälle kann ein dementsprechend großes Modell jedoch bis zu mehrere Tage benötigen um ausreichend gut zu sein. Ein Extremfall für ein großes Modell ist das kürzlich veröffentlichte Modell mit dem Namen GPT-3, welches aus 175 Milliarden Parametern besteht und mit Trainingsdaten in der Größenordnung von 45 Terabyte trainiert wurde. Das Modell wurde trainiert Text zu generieren und ist in der Lage Nachrichtenartikel zu generieren, basierend auf einer groben Ausgangsbeschreibung. Solch ein Modell können nur solche Forscher entwickeln, die Zugang zu entsprechender Hardware und Datenmengen haben. Es demnach von Interesse Trainingsvorgehen dahingehend zu verbessern, dass auch mit wenig vorhandenen Ressourcen Modelle für komplexe Anwendungsfälle trainiert werden können. Diese Arbeit beschäfigt sich mit dem Vortrainieren von neuronalen Netzen. Wenn ein neuronales Netz auf einem Datensatz trainiert wurde und dann auf einem zweiten Datensatz weiter trainiert wird, lernt es die Merkmale des zweiten Datensatzes schneller, da es nicht von Grund auf Muster lernen muss sondern auf bereits gelerntes zurückgreifen kann. Man spricht dann davon, dass das Wissen transferiert wird. Während des Vortrainierens bekommt ein Modell häufig eine Aufgabe wie zum Beispiel, im Fall von Bilddaten, die Trainingsdaten erst zu komprimieren und dann wieder herzustellen. Bei Textdaten könnte ein Modell vortrainiert werden, indem es einen Satz als Eingabe erhält und dann den nächsten Satz aus dem Quelldokument vorhersagen muss. Solche Modelle bestehen dementsprechend aus einem Encoder und einem Decoder. Der Nachteil bei diesem Vorgehen ist, dass der Decoder lediglich für das Vortrainieren benötigt wird und für den späteren Anwendungsfall nur der Encoder benötigt wird. Zentraler Bestandteil in dieser Arbeit ist deswegen das Untersuchen der Vorteile und Nachteile der siamesische Modellarchitektur. Diese Architektur besteht lediglich aus einem Encoder, was dazu führt, dass das Vortrainieren kostengünstiger ist, da weniger Gewichte trainiert werden müssen. Der wesentliche wissenschaftliche Beitrag liegt darin, dass die siamische Architektur ausführlich verglichen wird mit vergleichbaren Ansätzen. Dabei werden bestimmte Nachteile gefunden, wie zum Beispiel dass die Auswahl einer Ähnlichkeitsfunktion oder das Zusammenstellen der Trainingsdaten große Auswirkung auf das Modelltraining haben. Es wird erarbeitet, welche Ähnlichkeitsfunktion in welchen Kontexten empfohlen wird sowie wie andere Nachteile der siamischen Architektur durch die Anpassung der Trainingsziele ausgeglichen werden können. Die entsprechenden Experimente werden dabei auf Daten aus unterschiedlichen Domänen ausgeführt um zu zeigen, dass der entsprechende Ansatz universell anwendbar ist. Die Ergebnisse aus konkreten Anwendungsfällen zeigen außerdem, dass die innerhalb dieser Arbeit entwickelten Modelle ähnlich gut abschneiden wie extern verfügbare Modelle, welche mit großem Ressourcenaufwand trainiert worden sind. Dies zeigt, dass mit Bedacht erarbeitete Architekturen die benötigten Ressourcen verringern können

    Information Retrieval with Finnish Case Law Embeddings

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    In this work, five text vectorisation models' capability in embedding Finnish case law texts to vector space for inter-textual similarity computation is studied. The embeddings and their computed similarities are used to create a Finnish case law retrieval system that allows effective querying with full documents. A working web application is presented as a part of the work. The case law data for the work is provided by the Finnish Ministry of Justice, and the studied models are: TF-IDF, LDA, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec and Doc2vecC
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