454 research outputs found

    Visuelle Analyse großer Partikeldaten

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    Partikelsimulationen sind eine bewährte und weit verbreitete numerische Methode in der Forschung und Technik. Beispielsweise werden Partikelsimulationen zur Erforschung der Kraftstoffzerstäubung in Flugzeugturbinen eingesetzt. Auch die Entstehung des Universums wird durch die Simulation von dunkler Materiepartikeln untersucht. Die hierbei produzierten Datenmengen sind immens. So enthalten aktuelle Simulationen Billionen von Partikeln, die sich über die Zeit bewegen und miteinander interagieren. Die Visualisierung bietet ein großes Potenzial zur Exploration, Validation und Analyse wissenschaftlicher Datensätze sowie der zugrundeliegenden Modelle. Allerdings liegt der Fokus meist auf strukturierten Daten mit einer regulären Topologie. Im Gegensatz hierzu bewegen sich Partikel frei durch Raum und Zeit. Diese Betrachtungsweise ist aus der Physik als das lagrange Bezugssystem bekannt. Zwar können Partikel aus dem lagrangen in ein reguläres eulersches Bezugssystem, wie beispielsweise in ein uniformes Gitter, konvertiert werden. Dies ist bei einer großen Menge an Partikeln jedoch mit einem erheblichen Aufwand verbunden. Darüber hinaus führt diese Konversion meist zu einem Verlust der Präzision bei gleichzeitig erhöhtem Speicherverbrauch. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation werde ich neue Visualisierungstechniken erforschen, welche speziell auf der lagrangen Sichtweise basieren. Diese ermöglichen eine effiziente und effektive visuelle Analyse großer Partikeldaten

    VisIVOWeb: A WWW Environment for Large-Scale Astrophysical Visualization

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    This article presents a newly developed Web portal called VisIVOWeb that aims to provide the astrophysical community with powerful visualization tools for large-scale data sets in the context of Web 2.0. VisIVOWeb can effectively handle modern numerical simulations and real-world observations. Our open-source software is based on established visualization toolkits offering high-quality rendering algorithms. The underlying data management is discussed with the supported visualization interfaces and movie-making functionality. We introduce VisIVOWeb Network, a robust network of customized Web portals for visual discovery, and VisIVOWeb Connect, a lightweight and efficient solution for seamlessly connecting to existing astrophysical archives. A significant effort has been devoted for ensuring interoperability with existing tools by adhering to IVOA standards. We conclude with a summary of our work and a discussion on future developments

    Coupling of an SPH-based solver with a multiphysics library

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGA two-way coupling between the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-based (SPH) code with a multiphysics library to solve complex fluid-solid interaction problems is proposed. This work provides full access to the package for the use of this coupling by releasing the source code, completed with guidelines for its compilation and utilization, and self-contained template setups for practical uses of the novel implemented features, is provided here. The presented coupling expands the applicability of two different solvers allowing to simulate fluids, multibody systems, collisions with frictional contacts using either non-smooth contact (NSC) or smooth contact (SMC) methods, all integrated under the same framework. The fluid solver is the open-source code DualSPHysics, highly optimised for simulating free-surface phenomena and structure interactions, uniquely positioned as a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software with a GPU-accelerated solver. Mechanical systems that comprise collision detection and/or multibody dynamics are solved by the multiphysics library Project Chrono, which uses a Discrete Element Method (DEM). Therefore, this SPH-DEM coupling approach can manage interactions between fluid and complex multibody systems with relative constraints, springs, or mechanical joints.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020-113245RB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2021/337Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Xunta de Galicia con fondos de la Unión Europea NextGenerationEU y el Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de Pesca | Ref. PRTR-C17.I

    Meshless electrophysiological modeling of cardiac resynchronization therapy—benchmark analysis with finite-element methods in experimental data

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    Computational models of cardiac electrophysiology are promising tools for reducing the rates of non-response patients suitable for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) by optimizing electrode placement. The majority of computational models in the literature are mesh-based, primarily using the finite element method (FEM). The generation of patient-specific cardiac meshes has traditionally been a tedious task requiring manual intervention and hindering the modeling of a large number of cases. Meshless models can be a valid alternative due to their mesh quality independence. The organization of challenges such as the CRT-EPiggy19, providing unique experimental data as open access, enables benchmarking analysis of different cardiac computational modeling solutions with quantitative metrics. We present a benchmark analysis of a meshless-based method with finite-element methods for the prediction of cardiac electrical patterns in CRT, based on a subset of the CRT-EPiggy19 dataset. A data assimilation strategy was designed to personalize the most relevant parameters of the electrophysiological simulations and identify the optimal CRT lead configuration. The simulation results obtained with the meshless model were equivalent to FEM, with the most relevant aspect for accurate CRT predictions being the parameter personalization strategy (e.g., regional conduction velocity distribution, including the Purkinje system and CRT lead distribution). © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    A Survey of Ocean Simulation and Rendering Techniques in Computer Graphics

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    This paper presents a survey of ocean simulation and rendering methods in computer graphics. To model and animate the ocean's surface, these methods mainly rely on two main approaches: on the one hand, those which approximate ocean dynamics with parametric, spectral or hybrid models and use empirical laws from oceanographic research. We will see that this type of methods essentially allows the simulation of ocean scenes in the deep water domain, without breaking waves. On the other hand, physically-based methods use Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE) to represent breaking waves and more generally ocean surface near the shore. We also describe ocean rendering methods in computer graphics, with a special interest in the simulation of phenomena such as foam and spray, and light's interaction with the ocean surface

    Multi-fidelity Design of Porous Microstructures for Thermofluidic Applications

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    As modern electronic devices are increasingly miniaturized and integrated, their performance relies more heavily on effective thermal management. Two-phase cooling methods enhanced by porous surfaces, which capitalize on thin-film evaporation atop structured porous surfaces, are emerging as potential solutions. In such porous structures, the optimum heat dissipation capacity relies on two competing objectives that depend on mass and heat transfer. The computational costs of evaluating these objectives, the high dimensionality of the design space which a voxelated microstructure representation, and the manufacturability constraints hinder the optimization process for thermal management. We address these challenges by developing a data-driven framework for designing optimal porous microstructures for cooling applications. In our framework we leverage spectral density functions (SDFs) to encode the design space via a handful of interpretable variables and, in turn, efficiently search it. We develop physics-based formulas to quantify the thermofluidic properties and feasibility of candidate designs via offline simulations. To decrease the reliance on expensive simulations, we generate multi-fidelity data and build emulators to find Pareto-optimal designs. We apply our approach to a canonical problem on evaporator wick design and obtain fin-like topologies in the optimal microstructures which are also characteristics often observed in industrial applications.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Stochastic Volume Rendering of Multi-Phase SPH Data

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    In this paper, we present a novel method for the direct volume rendering of large smoothed‐particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation data without transforming the unstructured data to an intermediate representation. By directly visualizing the unstructured particle data, we avoid long preprocessing times and large storage requirements. This enables the visualization of large, time‐dependent, and multivariate data both as a post‐process and in situ. To address the computational complexity, we introduce stochastic volume rendering that considers only a subset of particles at each step during ray marching. The sample probabilities for selecting this subset at each step are thereby determined both in a view‐dependent manner and based on the spatial complexity of the data. Our stochastic volume rendering enables us to scale continuously from a fast, interactive preview to a more accurate volume rendering at higher cost. Lastly, we discuss the visualization of free‐surface and multi‐phase flows by including a multi‐material model with volumetric and surface shading into the stochastic volume rendering

    Simulation of compound anchor intrusion in dry sand by a hybrid FEM+SPH method

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    Preprint submitted to Computers and GeotechnicsThe intrusion of deformable compound anchors in dry sand is simulated by coupling the Finite Element Method (FEM) with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). This novel approach can calculate granular flows at lower computational cost than SPH alone. The SPH and FEM domains interact through reaction forces calculated from balance equations and are assigned the same soil constitutive model (Drucker-Prager) and the same constitutive parameters (measured or calibrated). Experimental force-displacement curves are reproduced for penetration depths of 8 mm or more (respectively, 20 mm or more) for spike-shaped (respectively, fan-shaped) anchors with 1 to 6 blades. As the number of blades increases, simulations reveal that the granular flow under the anchor deviates from the vertical and that the horizontal granular flow transitions from orthoradial to radial. We interpret the strain field distribution as the result of soil arching, i.e., the transfer of stress from a yielding mass of soil onto adjoining stationary soil masses. Arching is fully active when the radial distance between blade end points is less than a critical length. In that case, the normal stress that acts on the compound anchor at a given depth reaches the normal stress that acts on a disk-shaped anchor of same radius. A single-blade anchor produces soil deformation and failure similar to Prandtl’s foundation sliding model. Multiblade anchors produce a complex failure mechanism that combines sliding and arching