7,075 research outputs found

    Lokaalstatistikute kasutamine rohumaade ja metsade kaugseires

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKäesolev doktoritöö analüüsib lokaalstatistikute kasutamist rohumaade ja metsade kaugseires. Töö esimene osa käsitleb rohumaade monitoorimist tehisava-radari (synthetic aperture radar (SAR)) abil ning teine osa metsade kaugseiret kasutades optilisi sensoreid. Analüüsides rohumaade niitmise ja C- laineala tehisava-radari interferomeetrilise koherentsuse seoseid leiti, et selle parameetri kasutamisel on potentsiaali niitmise tuvastamise algoritmide ja rakenduste väljaarendamiseks. Tulemused näitavad, et pärast niitmist on VH ja VV polarisatsiooni 12-päeva interferomeetrilise koherentsuse mediaan väärtused statistiliselt oluliselt kõrgemad võrreldes niitmise eelse olukorraga. Koherentsus on seda kõrgem, mida väiksem on ajaline vahe niitmise ja pärast seda üles võetud esimese interferomeetrilise mõõtmise vahel. Hommikune kaste, sademed, põllutööde teostamine, näiteks külv või kündmine, kõrgelt niitmine ja kiire rohu kasv pärast niitmist vähendavad koherentsust ja raskendavad niitmise sündmuste eristamist. Selleks, et eelpoolnimetatud mõjusid leevendada tuleks tulevikus uurida 6-päeva koherentsuse ja niitmise sündmuste vahelisi seoseid. Käesolevas doktoritöös esitatud tulemused loovad siiski tugeva aluse edasisteks uuringuteks ja arendusteks eesmärgiga võtta C-laineala tehisava-radari andmed niitmise tuvastamisel ka praktikas kasutusele. Lisaks näidati, et ortofotodel põhinevate metsa kaugseire hinnangute andmisel on abi lokaalstatistikute kasutamisest. Analüüsides kaugseire hinnangut riigimetsa takseerandmete (national forest inventory) kohta leiti, et näidistel põhinev järeldamine (case-based reasoning (CBR)) sobib hästi selliste kaugseire ülesannete empiirilisteks lahendusteks, kus sisendandmetena on kasutatavad väga paljud erinevad andmeallikad. Leiti, et klasteranalüüsi saab kasutada kaugseire tunnuste eelvaliku meetodina. Võrreldes erinevaid tekstuuri statistikuid näidati, et lokaalselt arvutatud keskväärtus on kõige väärtuslikum tunnus. Järeldati, et nii statistiliste kui ka struktuursete lokaalstatistikute kasutamisega saab lisada pikslipõhistele kaugseire hinnangutele olulist andmestikku.This thesis studies approaches for remote sensing of grasslands and forests based on local statistics. The first part of the thesis focuses on monitoring of grasslands with SAR and the second part to monitoring of forests with optical sensors. It is shown that there is potential to develop mowing detection algorithms and applications using C-band SAR temporal interferometric coherence. The results demonstrate that after a mowing event, median VH and VV polarisation 12-day interferometric coherence values are statistically significantly higher than those from before the event. The sooner after the mowing event the first interferometric acquisition is taken, the higher the coherence. Morning dew, precipitation, farming activities, such as sowing or ploughing, high residual straws after the cut and rapid growth of grass are causing the coherence to decrease and impede the distinction of a mowing event. In the future, six-day interferometric coherence should also be analysed in relation to mowing events to alleviate some of these factors. Nevertheless, the results presented in this thesis offer a strong basis for further research and development activities towards the practical use of spaceborne C-band SAR data for mowing detection. Further, it was shown that local statistics can be useful for estimation of forest parameters from ortophotos and they could also provide helpful ancillary information to conduct a photo-interpretation tasks over forested areas. It was demonstrated that cluster analysis can be used as pre-selection method for the reduction of remote sensing features. Additionally, it was shown that case-based reasoning (a machine learning method) is well suited for empirical solutions of remote sensing tasks where there are many different data sources available. It was concluded that the use of local statistics adds valuable data to pixel-based remote sensing estimations

    Afromontane forest ecosystem studies with multi-source satellite data

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    The Afromontane Forest of north Eastern Nigeria is an important ecological ecosystem endowed with flora and fauna species. The main goals of this thesis were to explore the potential of multi-source satellite remote sensing for the assessment of the biodiversity-rich Afromontane Forest ecosystem using different methods and algorithms to retrieve two major remote sensing -essential biodiversity variables (RS-EBV) which are related and are also the major determinants of biological and ecosystem stability

    Forest cover estimation in Ireland using radar remote sensing: a comparative analysis of forest cover assessment methodologies

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    Quantification of spatial and temporal changes in forest cover is an essential component of forest monitoring programs. Due to its cloud free capability, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an ideal source of information on forest dynamics in countries with near-constant cloud-cover. However, few studies have investigated the use of SAR for forest cover estimation in landscapes with highly sparse and fragmented forest cover. In this study, the potential use of L-band SAR for forest cover estimation in two regions (Longford and Sligo) in Ireland is investigated and compared to forest cover estimates derived from three national (Forestry2010, Prime2, National Forest Inventory), one pan-European (Forest Map 2006) and one global forest cover (Global Forest Change) product. Two machine-learning approaches (Random Forests and Extremely Randomised Trees) are evaluated. Both Random Forests and Extremely Randomised Trees classification accuracies were high (98.1–98.5%), with differences between the two classifiers being minimal (<0.5%). Increasing levels of post classification filtering led to a decrease in estimated forest area and an increase in overall accuracy of SAR-derived forest cover maps. All forest cover products were evaluated using an independent validation dataset. For the Longford region, the highest overall accuracy was recorded with the Forestry2010 dataset (97.42%) whereas in Sligo, highest overall accuracy was obtained for the Prime2 dataset (97.43%), although accuracies of SAR-derived forest maps were comparable. Our findings indicate that spaceborne radar could aid inventories in regions with low levels of forest cover in fragmented landscapes. The reduced accuracies observed for the global and pan-continental forest cover maps in comparison to national and SAR-derived forest maps indicate that caution should be exercised when applying these datasets for national reporting

    Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data for the Assessment of Standing and Lying Deadwood: Current Situation and New Perspectives

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    LiDAR technology is finding uses in the forest sector, not only for surveys in producing forests but also as a tool to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the three-dimensional component of forest environments. Developments of platforms and sensors in the last decades have highlighted the capacity of this technology to catch relevant details, even at finer scales. This drives its usage towards more ecological topics and applications for forest management. In recent years, nature protection policies have been focusing on deadwood as a key element for the health of forest ecosystems and wide-scale assessments are necessary for the planning process on a landscape scale. Initial studies showed promising results in the identification of bigger deadwood components (e.g., snags, logs, stumps), employing data not specifically collected for the purpose. Nevertheless, many efforts should still be made to transfer the available methodologies to an operational level. Newly available platforms (e.g., Mobile Laser Scanner) and sensors (e.g., Multispectral Laser Scanner) might provide new opportunities for this field of study in the near future

    Remote sensing technology applications in forestry and REDD+

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    Advances in close-range and remote sensing technologies are driving innovations in forest resource assessments and monitoring on varying scales. Data acquired with airborne and spaceborne platforms provide high(er) spatial resolution, more frequent coverage, and more spectral information. Recent developments in ground-based sensors have advanced 3D measurements, low-cost permanent systems, and community-based monitoring of forests. The UNFCCC REDD+ mechanism has advanced the remote sensing community and the development of forest geospatial products that can be used by countries for the international reporting and national forest monitoring. However, an urgent need remains to better understand the options and limitations of remote and close-range sensing techniques in the field of forest degradation and forest change. Therefore, we invite scientists working on remote sensing technologies, close-range sensing, and field data to contribute to this Special Issue. Topics of interest include: (1) novel remote sensing applications that can meet the needs of forest resource information and REDD+ MRV, (2) case studies of applying remote sensing data for REDD+ MRV, (3) timeseries algorithms and methodologies for forest resource assessment on different spatial scales varying from the tree to the national level, and (4) novel close-range sensing applications that can support sustainable forestry and REDD+ MRV. We particularly welcome submissions on data fusion

    Combined Impact of Sample Size and Modeling Approaches for Predicting Stem Volume in Eucalyptus spp. Forest Plantations Using Field and LiDAR Data

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    Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing has been established as one of the most promising tools for large-scale forest monitoring and mapping. Continuous advances in computational techniques, such as machine learning algorithms, have been increasingly improving our capability to model forest attributes accurately and at high spatial and temporal resolution. While there have been previous studies exploring the use of LiDAR and machine learning algorithms for forest inventory modeling, as yet, no studies have demonstrated the combined impact of sample size and different modeling techniques for predicting and mapping stem total volume in industrial Eucalyptus spp. tree plantations. This study aimed to compare the combined effects of parametric and nonparametric modeling methods for estimating volume in Eucalyptus spp. tree plantation using airborne LiDAR data while varying the reference data (sample size). The modeling techniques were compared in terms of root mean square error (RMSE), bias, and R2 with 500 simulations. The best performance was verified for the ordinary least-squares (OLS) method, which was able to provide comparable results to the traditional forest inventory approaches using only 40% (n = 63; ~0.04 plots/ha) of the total field plots, followed by the random forest (RF) algorithm with identical sample size values. This study provides solutions for increasing the industry efficiency in monitoring and managing forest plantation stem volume for the paper and pulp supply chain

    Above-ground biomass estimation from LiDAR data using random forest algorithms

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    Random forest (RF) models were developed to estimate the biomass for the Pinus radiata species in a region of the Basque Autonomous Community where this species has high cover, using the National Forest Inventory, allometric equations and low-density discrete LiDAR data. This article explores the tuning for RF hyperparameters, obtaining two models with an R2 higher than 0.7 using 2-fold cross-validation. The models selected were applied in Orozko, a municipality with more than 5000 ha of this species, where the model predicts a biomass of 1.06–1.08 Mton, which is between 16–18 % higher than the biomass predicted by the Basque Government.The work reported in this paper was partially supported by FEDER funds for the MINECO project TIN2017-85827-P and project KK-202000044 of the Elkartek 2020 funding program of the Basque Government. Additional support comes from grant IT1284-19 of the Basque Autonomous Community


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    Present-day forests provide a wide variety of ecosystem services to the communities that rely on them. At the same time, these environments face routine and substantial disturbances that direct the need for site-specific, timely, and accurate monitoring/management (i.e., precision forestry). Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS or UAV) and their associated technologies offer a promising tool for conducting such precision forestry. Now, even with only natural color, uncalibrated, UAS imagery, software workflows involving Structure from Motion (SfM) (i.e., digital photogrammetry) modelling and segmentation can be used to characterize the features of individual trees or forest communities. In this research, we tested the effectiveness of UAS-SfM for mapping local scale forest composition, structure, and health. Our first study showed that digital (automated) methods for classifying forest composition that utilized UAS imagery produced a higher overall accuracy than those involving other high-spatial-resolution imagery (7.44% - 16.04%). The second study demonstrated that natural color sensors could provide a highly efficient estimate of individual tree diameter at breast height (dbh) (± 13.15 cm) as well as forest stand basal area, tree density, and stand density. In the final study, we join a growing number of researchers examining precision applications in forest health monitoring. Here, we demonstrate that UAS, equipped with both natural color and multispectral sensors, are more capable of distinguishing forest health classes than freely available high-resolution airborne imagery. For five health classes, these UAS data produced a 14.93% higher overall accuracy in comparison to the airborne imagery. Together, these three chapters present a wholistic approach to enhancing and enriching precision forest management, which remains a critical requirement for effectively managing diverse forested landscapes