4,326 research outputs found

    Efficient parametrization of complex molecule-surface force fields

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    We present an efficient scheme for parametrizing complex molecule-surface force fields from ab initio data. The cost of producing a sufficient fitting library is mitigated using a 2D periodic embedded slab model made possible by the quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics scheme in CP2K. These results were then used in conjunction with genetic algorithm (GA) methods to optimize the large parameter sets needed to describe such systems. The derived potentials are able to well reproduce adsorption geometries and adsorption energies calculated using density functional theory. Finally, we discuss the challenges in creating a sufficient fitting library, determining whether or not the GA optimization has completed, and the transferability of such force fields to similar molecules. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Non-covalent interactions across organic and biological subsets of chemical space: Physics-based potentials parametrized from machine learning

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    Classical intermolecular potentials typically require an extensive parametrization procedure for any new compound considered. To do away with prior parametrization, we propose a combination of physics-based potentials with machine learning (ML), coined IPML, which is transferable across small neutral organic and biologically-relevant molecules. ML models provide on-the-fly predictions for environment-dependent local atomic properties: electrostatic multipole coefficients (significant error reduction compared to previously reported), the population and decay rate of valence atomic densities, and polarizabilities across conformations and chemical compositions of H, C, N, and O atoms. These parameters enable accurate calculations of intermolecular contributions---electrostatics, charge penetration, repulsion, induction/polarization, and many-body dispersion. Unlike other potentials, this model is transferable in its ability to handle new molecules and conformations without explicit prior parametrization: All local atomic properties are predicted from ML, leaving only eight global parameters---optimized once and for all across compounds. We validate IPML on various gas-phase dimers at and away from equilibrium separation, where we obtain mean absolute errors between 0.4 and 0.7 kcal/mol for several chemically and conformationally diverse datasets representative of non-covalent interactions in biologically-relevant molecules. We further focus on hydrogen-bonded complexes---essential but challenging due to their directional nature---where datasets of DNA base pairs and amino acids yield an extremely encouraging 1.4 kcal/mol error. Finally, and as a first look, we consider IPML in denser systems: water clusters, supramolecular host-guest complexes, and the benzene crystal.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Molecular Density Functional Theory of Water describing Hydrophobicity at Short and Long Length Scales

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    We present an extension of our recently introduced molecular density functional theory of water [G. Jeanmairet et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 619, 2013] to the solvation of hydrophobic solutes of various sizes, going from angstroms to nanometers. The theory is based on the quadratic expansion of the excess free energy in terms of two classical density fields, the particle density and the multipolar polarization density. Its implementation requires as input a molecular model of water and three measurable bulk properties, namely the structure factor and the k-dependent longitudinal and transverse dielectric susceptibilities. The fine three-dimensional water structure around small hydrophobic molecules is found to be well reproduced. In contrast the computed solvation free-energies appear overestimated and do not exhibit the correct qualitative behavior when the hydrophobic solute is grown in size. These shortcomings are corrected, in the spirit of the Lum-Chandler-Weeks theory, by complementing the functional with a truncated hard-sphere functional acting beyond quadratic order in density. It makes the resulting functional compatible with the Van-der-Waals theory of liquid-vapor coexistence at long range. Compared to available molecular simulations, the approach yields reasonable solvation structure and free energy of hard or soft spheres of increasing size, with a correct qualitative transition from a volume-driven to a surface-driven regime at the nanometer scale.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Point Charges in Force Field Development: Challenges and Insights

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    Evolutionary methods, such as genetic algorithms (GAs), provide powerful tools for optimization of the force field parameters, especially in the case of simultaneous fitting of the force field terms against extensive reference data. However, GA fitting of the nonbonded interaction parameters that includes point charges has not been explored in the literature, likely due to numerous difficulties with even a simpler problem of the least-squares fitting of the atomic point charges against a reference molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), which often demonstrates an unusually high variation of the fitted charges on buried atoms. Here, we examine the performance of the GA approach for the least-squares MEP point charge fitting, and show that the GA optimizations suffer from a magnified version of the classical buried atom effect, producing highly scattered yet correlated solutions. This effect can be understood in terms of the linearly independent, natural coordinates of the MEP fitting problem defined by the eigenvectors of the least-squares sum Hessian matrix, which are also equivalent to the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix evaluated for the scattered GA solutions. GAs quickly converge with respect to the high-curvature coordinates defined by the eigenvectors related to the leading terms of the multipole expansion, but have difficulty converging with respect to the low-curvature coordinates that mostly depend on the buried atom charges. The performance of the evolutionary techniques dramatically improves when the point charge optimization is performed using the Hessian or covariance matrix eigenvectors, an approach with a significant potential for the evolutionary optimization of the fixed-charge biomolecular force fields

    Gaussian-Charge Polarizable Interaction Potential for Carbon Dioxide

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    A number of simple pair interaction potentials of the carbon dioxide molecule are investigated and found to underestimate the magnitude of the second virial coefficient in the temperature interval 220 K to 448 K by up to 20%. Also the third virial coefficient is underestimated by these models. A rigid, polarizable, three-site interaction potential reproduces the experimental second and third virial coefficients to within a few percent. It is based on the modified Buckingham exp-6 potential, an anisotropic Axilrod-Teller correction and Gaussian charge densities on the atomic sites with an inducible dipole at the center of mass. The electric quadrupole moment, polarizability and bond distances are set to equal experiment. Density of the fluid at 200 and 800 bars pressure is reproduced to within some percent of observation over the temperature range 250 K to 310 K. The dimer structure is in passable agreement with electronically resolved quantum-mechanical calculations in the literature, as are those of the monohydrated monomer and dimer complexes using the polarizable GCPM water potential. Qualitative agreement with experiment is also obtained, when quantum corrections are included, for the relative stability of the trimer conformations, which is not the case for the pair potentials.Comment: Error in the long-range correction fixed and three-body dispersion introduced. 32 pages (incl. title page), 7 figures, 9 tables, double-space
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