1,494 research outputs found

    The Effect of Augmented Reality Treatment on Learning, Cognitive Load, and Spatial Visualization Abilities

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    This study investigated the effects of Augmented Reality (AR) on learning, cognitive load and spatial abilities. More specifically, it measured learning gains, perceived cognitive load, and the role spatial abilities play with students engaged in an astronomy lesson about lunar phases. Research participants were 182 students from a public university in southeastern United States, and were recruited from psychology research pool. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: (a) Augmented Reality and Text Astronomy Treatment (ARTAT); and (b) Images and Text Astronomy Treatment (ITAT). Upon entering the experimental classroom, participants were given (a) Paper Folding Test to measure their spatial abilities; (b) the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory (LPCI) pre-test; (c) lesson on Lunar Phases; (d) NASA-TLX to measure participants’ cognitive load; and (e) LPCI post-test. Statistical analysis found (a) no statistical difference for learning gains between the ARTAT and ITAT groups; (b) statistically significant difference for cognitive load; and (c) no significant difference for spatial abilities scores

    A Primer on Learning Styles: Reaching Every Student

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    Many authors and researchers have written extensively about learning styles, but the literature can be daunting to the uninitiated. This article establishes a framework that will put the literature into perspective, will allow professors to evaluate what is meant by learning syle, and will give them guidance for how to be more effective teachers both in the classroom and out. Part I discusses how knowledge of learning styles will help professors achieve their pedagogical goals. Part II discusses the personal characteristics that contribute to learning style. Finally, Part III applies the learning styles to the learning cycle and discusses how professors can most effectively help their students grow

    A Primer on Learning Styles: Reaching Every Student

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    Many authors and researchers have written extensively about learning styles, but the literature can be daunting to the uninitiated. This article establishes a framework that will put the literature into perspective, will allow professors to evaluate what is meant by learning syle, and will give them guidance for how to be more effective teachers both in the classroom and out. Part I discusses how knowledge of learning styles will help professors achieve their pedagogical goals. Part II discusses the personal characteristics that contribute to learning style. Finally, Part III applies the learning styles to the learning cycle and discusses how professors can most effectively help their students grow

    Animation Education With 2-D Modeling and 3-D Texturing

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    The process of educating the public about science is a difficult task when the numerous variables are taken into account. The task becomes even more difficult if the science in question is based around computers. The world of animation has become a science of its own that is now based solely around computers. This project focuses on the creation of two separate interpretations that will educate the public in the science of animation. These interpretations will use physical models to educate the public in two dimensional modeling as well as three dimensional texturing without the use of computers. The projects secondary focus is to create an evaluation plan for the interpretations so that they may be evaluated by interested organizations and adjusted to better suit their needs

    Learning Robot Control using a Hierarchical SOM-based Encoding

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    Hierarchical representations and modeling of sensorimotor observations is a fundamental approach for the development of scalable robot control strategies. Previously, we introduced the novel Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map-based Encoding algorithm (HSOME) that is based on a computational model of infant cognition. Each layer is a temporally augmented SOM and every node updates a decaying activation value. The bottom level encodes sensori-motor instances while their temporal associations are hierarchically built on the layers above. In the past, HSOME has shown to support hierarchical encoding of sequential sensor-actuator observations both in abstract domains and real humanoid robots. Two novel features are presented here starting with the novel skill acquisition in the complex domain of learning a double tap tactile gesture between two humanoid robots. During reproduction, the robot can either perform a double tap or prioritize to receive a higher reward by performing a single tap instead. Secondly, HSOME has been extended to recall past observations and reproduce rhythmic patterns in the absence of input relevant to the joints by priming initially the reproduction of specific skills with an input. We also demonstrate in simulation how a complex behavior emerges from the automatic reuse of distinct oscillatory swimming demonstrations of a robotic salamander

    An interactive exhibit to assist with understanding of project delays

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    Time, a dynamic concept, can be difficult to understand in static form. As a consequence, the proactive management and retrospective analysis of delays on construction projects can prove challenging using conventional methods. This can result in time overruns and the rejection of valid delay claims that can develop into dispute if they are not resolved. Disputes have a negative effect on the construction industry, but their occurrence, value, and duration are rising. This research aims to reduce the likelihood and severity of common delay disputes by providing a solution that aims to (1) assist with the proactive management of delays; and (2) improve the presentation of delay claim information. A detailed background study was undertaken that identified technological opportunities and modes of presentation as potential ways of overcoming the challenges associated with managing and analyzing delays. Two stages of assessment were then undertaken to determine the suitability and application of these findings. The first stage used a workshop with 50 construction adjudicators to determine the appropriateness of modes of presentation in assisting construction claims. The second stage developed the workshop findings with previous research and integrated modes of presentation with delay analysis. The output was an interactive exhibit that was assessed through a simulation based on case study data. The interactive exhibit is intended to support, not replace, traditional methods of delay analysis; however, the solution has difficulties with technology as well as the challenge of creating a holistic tool for both proactive management and retrospective analysis. It is perceived that the interactive exhibit will add most value to the resolution of construction delay claims, but that further investigation is required to validate the proposed concept before it is used in practice.<br/

    Kehollistuneet vuorovaikutuskoreografiat. Kinesteettinen lähestymistapa älykkäiden ympäristöjen suunnitteluun

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    Research investigates interaction design through application of the concept of choreography. Special attention is paid to assess what kind of influences technological designs have on the user’s body and movements. Choreographic approach to interaction design emphasizes the felt experience of movement as content to interaction design and offers methods for conducting multi-level choreographic analysis. The concept of kinesthesia, which refers to the felt sensation of movement, is regarded as the foundational concept for both understanding and realizing the choreographic analysis. Choreographic method is applied in studying a future vision of intelligent information and communication environments. Intelligent environment refers to development where objects in everyday environments become connected and form a communicating-actuating network that possess abilities to collect information on the environment and of its users, and enables processing of this information for serving the user’s needs. The research data consists of two visions on intelligent environments in video format, introduced by Microsoft. Visions are analyzed through choreographic analysis with intention to investigate interactions between the user, the intelligent environment and the computer system. Micro level choreography analysis focuses on how the user experiences choreographies as movement continuums. Also local level choreographies that address the broader interaction context will be analyzed. Task based analysis focuses on two functions, first, sending and fetching digital information and, second, real time re-modelling of data and visualizations. Phenomenological methodology that enabled embodiment of the choreographies through dancing was applied in the analysis. Dancing aimed at internalizing the choreographies and enabled the analysis of felt sensation of movement. Key finding of the study is that choreographic analysis and hermeneutics of the body work well to be utilized in tandem in conducting a case study research on intelligent ICT environments. Dancing is considered as choreographic practice that provides understanding on the unfolding of interactions in space, time and movement. Furthermore, dancing integrates the designer’s explicit technological information to the design context and highlights the kinesthetic dimension of interaction. Presented methods provide relevant support for defining technological systems in intelligent ICT environments that are grounded in the embodied experience of interaction. I suggest that ‘dancing as choreographic practice’ is to be applied in user-centered design of intelligent information and communication environments.Tutkimus tarkastelee vuorovaikutussuunnittelua koreografian käsitteen kautta. Koreografinen lähestymistapa tarkastelee teknologian kokonaisvaltaista ohjausvaikutusta käyttäjän liikkeeseen teknologian käyttötilanteessa. Koreografinen suunnitteluote korostaa liikkeen kokemuksen huomioimisen tärkeyttä vuorovaikutussuunnittelussa ja tarjoaa menetelmiä monitasoisen vuorovaikutusanalyysin toteuttamiseen. Kinestesian käsite, jolla tarkoitetaan liikkeen kokemista kehossa, nousee yhdeksi koreografisen lähestymistavan keskeisistä käsitteistä. Sovellan koreografista menetelmää tulevaisuuden älykästä informaatio- ja kommunikaatioympäristöä kuvaavan vision tutkimiseen. Älykkäällä ympäristöllä viittaan kehityskulkuun, jossa jokapäiväisissä ympäristöissämme läsnä oleva teknologia verkottuu, kykenee keräämään ja jakamaan tietoa ympäristöstä ja käyttäjistä sekä mahdollistaa tiedon jalostuksen käyttäjän tarpeita palvelevalla tavalla. Aineistona on käytetty Microsoftin teknologiavisioita, joissa esitetyt kuvaukset älykkäistä ympäristöistä sekä esimerkit käyttäjän ja teknologian välisistä liikkeellisistä vuorovaikutuksista nousevat analyysin kohteeksi. Analyysissa keskitytään ensinnäkin käyttäjän toteuttamien mikroliikkeiden jatkumon kokemuksen analyysiin. Toiseksi analysoidaan yksilön kokemusta paikallisen tason koreografioissa. Tällä analyysitasolla huomiota kiinnitetään teknologista vuorovaikutusta laajemman vuorovaikutustapahtuman kontekstiin jolloin mm. sosiaaliset tapahtumat ja tilan vaikutus vuorovaikutukseen tulevat huomioiduksi. Analyysi toteutetaan tehtäväperusteisena ja analyysi käsittää kaksi toimintoa: tiedostojen jakaminen ja vastaanottaminen sekä datan ja visualisointien muokkaus. Toteutin tutkimuksen nojaten fenomenologiseen metodologiaan, joka mahdollisti koreografioiden henkilökohtaisen omaksumisen tanssin eli tutkimuksen kohteena olevien vuorovaikutustapojen kehollisen harjoittamisen kautta. Teknologiavisioissa esitetyn liikemateriaalin perusteella jäsentyi koreografia, jonka tanssiminen mahdollisti liiketiedon sisäistämisen ja vuorovaikutusten kehollisesti koettujen ulottuvuuksien arvioinnin. Tutkimus osoitti koreografisen analyysin ja osittain tanssimalla toteutetun ruumiin hermeneuttisen lähestymistavan soveltuvan hyvin sovellettavaksi yhdessä älykästä ympäristöä käsittelevässä tapaustutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä koreografisen menetelmän ja vuorovaikutusten kehollisen harjoittamisen todetaan auttavan suunnittelijaa tilassa, ajassa ja liikkeessä tapahtuvien vuorovaikutusten jäsentämisessä, ja arvioimaan miten teknologisen järjestelmän suunnitteluratkaisut vaikuttavat käyttäjän kehoon ja liikkeeseen vuorovaikutustapahtumassa. Esitän ’tanssimista koreografisena käytäntönä’ sovellettavaksi älykkäiden ympäristöjen käyttäjäkeskeisen suunnittelun menetelmänä

    Scaled Autonomy for Networked Humanoids

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    Humanoid robots have been developed with the intention of aiding in environments designed for humans. As such, the control of humanoid morphology and effectiveness of human robot interaction form the two principal research issues for deploying these robots in the real world. In this thesis work, the issue of humanoid control is coupled with human robot interaction under the framework of scaled autonomy, where the human and robot exchange levels of control depending on the environment and task at hand. This scaled autonomy is approached with control algorithms for reactive stabilization of human commands and planned trajectories that encode semantically meaningful motion preferences in a sequential convex optimization framework. The control and planning algorithms have been extensively tested in the field for robustness and system verification. The RoboCup competition provides a benchmark competition for autonomous agents that are trained with a human supervisor. The kid-sized and adult-sized humanoid robots coordinate over a noisy network in a known environment with adversarial opponents, and the software and routines in this work allowed for five consecutive championships. Furthermore, the motion planning and user interfaces developed in the work have been tested in the noisy network of the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Trials and Finals in an unknown environment. Overall, the ability to extend simplified locomotion models to aid in semi-autonomous manipulation allows untrained humans to operate complex, high dimensional robots. This represents another step in the path to deploying humanoids in the real world, based on the low dimensional motion abstractions and proven performance in real world tasks like RoboCup and the DRC