8 research outputs found

    Antecedents of consumer trust in mobile payment adoption

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    This study empirically examines the role of consumer trust and its antecedents in determining consumers’ intention to adopt mobile payment. This research proposes that consumers’ willingness to adopt mobile payment depends on their assessment of the trustworthiness of mobile service provider and vendor, their assessment of the functional reliability of mobile payment systems as well as their general disposition to trust and their cultural background, in particular, uncertainty avoidance. Data were gathered from 302 participants in Auckland, New Zealand. Results show that all five sets of trust antecedents influence the development of trust and trust is an important predictor of intention to adopt mobile payment. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Examining Merchants’ Refusal to Adopt Mobile Payment Systems in Spain

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    Over the past years, traditional company management has been undergoing major changes regarding the adoption, implementation, and development of new technologies. Even if Internet commerce has the potential to revolutionize consumer behavior and the way merchants communicate with their customers, it is true that several activities related to the new technologies are still in the early stages of development or implementation. The main purpose of this study is to assess the determinants of m-payments from the point of view of merchants through an exploratory and qualitative analysis (literature review, focus groups, and in-depth interviews) in order to find the drivers and deterrents influencing the use of mobile payment systems in retail business. In order to properly approach the proposed research, a theoretical review of the actual situation of the different mobile payment systems across the different markets was carried through several personal interviews with merchants in the first place and, secondly, surveying over 151 retail companies in Spain. Conclusions and implications are discussed from the data and results drawn from this research, suggesting strategies to overcome some of the identified barriers and deterrents while also proposing some suggestions for future research opportunities

    Exploring the Influence of Trust on Mobile Payment Adoption

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    The objective of this study is to explore antecedents of trust and the influence of trust on intention to use mobile payments. The research examines three dimensions of trust antecedents including trust perceptions of the mobile service provider, the mobile payment vendor and mobile technology. The results are based on a survey sample of 302 participants. PLS-SEM is employed in the data analysis. Results reveal that trust is a crucial factor of consumer’s intention to adopt mobile payment. Results highlight that characteristics of the mobile service provider, mobile payment vendor and mobile technology influence the development of trust on mobile payment. In particular, consumer’s perceptions of structural assurance and environmental risks of mobile technology have strong influence on mobile payment trust. Results also highlight that consumers’ perceived reputation of the mobile service provider and mobile payment vendor positively relate to mobile payment trust

    Mobile Money Affordances: Enabling the Way for Financial Inclusion

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    This study explores how mobile technology provides an effective means of increasing financial access and bringing socioeconomic benefits to the country. We examine the potentials of mobile money in increasing financial inclusion in the developing countries at the macro (ecosystem) level using the case of Wave Money FinTech in Myanmar. We adopt Pozzi’s affordance actualization framework and use multiple data collection methods to explain the key mechanisms by which different stakeholders perceive and actualize mobile-money affordances. The findings demonstrated that realization of technology affordance was different from different user group due to different intention of technology use in the specific context, however it contributed to the ultimate outcome of financial inclusion. We hope that this research provides academia and practitioners with new insights into unlocking the revolutionary potential of mobile technologies in the developing world. Keywords: Technology Adoption, Mobile-Money Affordances, Financial Inclusion, Developing Countries, Case Study Researc

    Understanding consumer adoption of mobile payment in India: Extending Meta-UTAUT model with personal innovativeness, anxiety, trust, and grievance redressal

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    YesMobile payments are the future as we move towards a cashless society. In some markets, cash is already being replaced by digital transactions, but consumers of many developing countries are slower in transition towards digital payments. This study aims to identify major determinants of consumer mobile payment adoption in India the country with second largest mobile subscribers in the world. Existing mobile payments adoption studies have predominantly utilised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which was primarily developed in organisational context and criticised for having deterministic approach without much consideration for users’ individual characteristics. Therefore, this study adapted meta-UTAUT model with individual difference variable attitude as core construct and extended the model with consumer related constructs such as personal innovativeness, anxiety, trust, and grievance redressal. Empirical examination of the model among 491 Indian consumers revealed performance expectancy, intention to use, and grievance redressal as significant positive predictor of consumer use behaviour towards mobile payment. Moreover, intention to use was significantly influenced by attitude, social influence, and facilitating conditions. The major contribution of this study includes re-affirming the central role of attitude in consumer adoption studies and examining usage behaviour in contrast to most existing studies, which examine only behavioural intention

    Mobiilitankkaamisen käyttäjähyväksyntä : syitä käyttöön ja käyttämättömyyteen

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    Teknologian käyttö vapaa-ajalla on yleistynyt teknologian kehittyessä, ja myös teknologian hyväksymismalleja, jotka alun perin kehitettiin organisaatioihin, on laajennettu eri käyttökonteksteihin sopivaksi. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa keskitytään mobiilimaksamisen ja erityisesti sen alakategorian mobiilitankkauksen käyttöön. Mobiilitankkauksella tankattu polttoaine veloitetaan käyttäjän maksukortilta mobiilisovellukseen lisättyjen korttitietojen kautta. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat mobiilitankkauksen hyväksyntään tai palvelun käyttämättömyyteen. Aihetta tutkitaan case-esimerkin, vuonna 2016 julkaistun mobiilitankkaussovelluksen avulla. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kyselyä, joka sisälsi laadullisia ja määrällisiä kysymyksiä. Kyselyyn tavoiteltiin vastauksia niiltä, jotka käyttävät mobiilitankkausta, ja niiltä, jotka eivät käytä palvelua, vaan suosivat tankatessa perinteisiä maksutapoja eli käteistä ja korttimaksua. Näiden kahden käyttäjäryhmän vastauksia vertailtiin ja tutkimustuloksena syntyi käsitys tekijöistä, joilla on vaikutus mobiilitankkauksen hyväksyntään tai käyttämättömyyteen. Käyttämättömyyttä tarkasteltiin alkujaan hyväksymisen vastakohtana ja käyttämättömyyden oletettiin johtuvan hyväksyntään vaikuttavien muuttujien puutteesta. Tutkimuksessa kuitenkin havaittiin, että mobiilitankkauksen hyväksyntää ja käyttämättömyyttä selittävät vain osittain samat muuttujat. Sekä hyväksyntään että käyttämättömyyteen vaikuttavat käyttäjän asenne mobiilitankkausta kohtaan sekä koetun hyödyllisyyden ja helppokäyttöisyyden määrä. Yhteisten muuttujien lisäksi mobiilitankkauksen hyväksyntään vaikuttivat palvelun nopeus ja luottamus palvelua kohtaan. Lisäksi ne, jotka käyttivät mobiilitankkausta, olivat tottuneita käyttämään mobiilimaksua muutenkin. Käyttämättömyyteen vaikuttivat mobiilipalveluiden ja -maksun vähäinen käyttö sekä mobiilitankkauksen suositteluiden puute. Osalle palvelu ei soveltunut esimerkiksi väärän puhelinmallin vuoksi ja osalle palvelu oli tuntematon, mikä estää palvelun hyödyllisyyden ja helppokäyttöisyyden arviointia

    The identification of factors that influence online micropayment use in the news industry in Switzerland

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    Micropayments have experienced a significant growth in today’s everyday life. Surprisingly, the idea of using small amounts for payment of news is not among the most frequently-used payment modalities in the newspaper industry, particularly in innovative countries such as Switzerland. Apparently, there is still a knowledge gap regarding the manner in which consumers perceive online micropayments to pay for news. This affects the development of micropayment strategies and profit models implemented by publishers, who have experienced a rapid decline in circulation revenues due to other forms of perceived ‘free’ news, such as the internet. At the heart of this issue, one challenging area of research and business interest is to identify factors that consumers consider when deciding to make small purchases. In order to address this, this thesis adopts a primarily positivist philosophy utilising a mixedmethods approach to address the research question: ‘What are the factors that influence consumers’ use of online micropayments in the Swiss newspaper industry?’ Moreover, the study examines how various attributes add to the perception of usefulness and ease of use of such acceptance factors, as well as the degree to which they contribute to the purchasing intent of small payments for online news. A conceptual model based on the Technology Acceptance Model including a set of external variables comprising system characteristics and individual differences was used to structure these influences and analysed using Structural Equation Modelling. Nine industry experts were used to identify additional influencing factors, a pilot study with business experts was used to verify the basic model and methodology and the model was evaluated using Partial Least Squares in the full-scale main study of 262 respondents. Finally, a validation study of eight academic specialists and business professionals enriched the research findings and acted as triangulation to strengthen the results. The results indicate that micropayments indeed play an important role for digital news in Switzerland, embedded in the application of system characteristics. Five concrete system characteristics — compatibility, later payment, single payment platform, mobility and convenience — are found to be positively and significantly linked to the perceived usefulness, with the latter two also showing a strong significant effect on perceived ease of use. Furthermore, it is found that attitude towards the use of micropayments has a strong positive relationship with the intention to use micropayments. The implication of the research outcomes provides strong potential for the practical proposition of micropayment services in the news industry and identifies future directions for creating appropriate strategies for users paying in small amounts. No prior study is known to have been conducted to empirically test behavioural factors that influence the consumer use of micropayments in the news industry, specifically in the Swiss market. Hence, several noteworthy contributions to the literature and to theory were gained from this study, particularly determinants that drive the use of micropayments for digital news. One major contribution is the narrowing down of the gaps in former research investigative factors between micropayments and mobile payment acceptance. Furthermore, the topic of micropayments as an emerging business model for newspaper organisations which can monetise digital news to sustain profitability has been addressed