11 research outputs found

    An Iterative Path-Breaking Approach with Mutation and Restart Strategies for the MAX-SAT Problem

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    Although Path-Relinking is an effective local search method for many combinatorial optimization problems, its application is not straightforward in solving the MAX-SAT, an optimization variant of the satisfiability problem (SAT) that has many real-world applications and has gained more and more attention in academy and industry. Indeed, it was not used in any recent competitive MAX-SAT algorithms in our knowledge. In this paper, we propose a new local search algorithm called IPBMR for the MAX-SAT, that remedies the drawbacks of the Path-Relinking method by using a careful combination of three components: a new strategy named Path-Breaking to avoid unpromising regions of the search space when generating trajectories between two elite solutions; a weak and a strong mutation strategies, together with restarts, to diversify the search; and stochastic path generating steps to avoid premature local optimum solutions. We then present experimental results to show that IPBMR outperforms two of the best state-of-the-art MAX-SAT solvers, and an empirical investigation to identify and explain the effect of the three components in IPBMR

    Learning dynamic algorithm portfolios

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    Algorithm selection can be performed using a model of runtime distribution, learned during a preliminary training phase. There is a trade-off between the performance of model-based algorithm selection, and the cost of learning the model. In this paper, we treat this trade-off in the context of bandit problems. We propose a fully dynamic and online algorithm selection technique, with no separate training phase: all candidate algorithms are run in parallel, while a model incrementally learns their runtime distributions. A redundant set of time allocators uses the partially trained model to propose machine time shares for the algorithms. A bandit problem solver mixes the model-based shares with a uniform share, gradually increasing the impact of the best time allocators as the model improves. We present experiments with a set of SAT solvers on a mixed SAT-UNSAT benchmark; and with a set of solvers for the Auction Winner Determination proble

    SATzilla: Portfolio-based Algorithm Selection for SAT

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    It has been widely observed that there is no single "dominant" SAT solver; instead, different solvers perform best on different instances. Rather than following the traditional approach of choosing the best solver for a given class of instances, we advocate making this decision online on a per-instance basis. Building on previous work, we describe SATzilla, an automated approach for constructing per-instance algorithm portfolios for SAT that use so-called empirical hardness models to choose among their constituent solvers. This approach takes as input a distribution of problem instances and a set of component solvers, and constructs a portfolio optimizing a given objective function (such as mean runtime, percent of instances solved, or score in a competition). The excellent performance of SATzilla was independently verified in the 2007 SAT Competition, where our SATzilla07 solvers won three gold, one silver and one bronze medal. In this article, we go well beyond SATzilla07 by making the portfolio construction scalable and completely automated, and improving it by integrating local search solvers as candidate solvers, by predicting performance score instead of runtime, and by using hierarchical hardness models that take into account different types of SAT instances. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these new techniques in extensive experimental results on data sets including instances from the most recent SAT competition

    Finding A Small Vertex Cover in Massive Sparse Graphs: Construct, Local Search, and Preprocess

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Analysis of combinatorial search spaces for a class of NP-hard problems, An

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    2011 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Given a finite but very large set of states X and a real-valued objective function ƒ defined on X, combinatorial optimization refers to the problem of finding elements of X that maximize (or minimize) ƒ. Many combinatorial search algorithms employ some perturbation operator to hill-climb in the search space. Such perturbative local search algorithms are state of the art for many classes of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems such as maximum k-satisfiability, scheduling, and problems of graph theory. In this thesis we analyze combinatorial search spaces by expanding the objective function into a (sparse) series of basis functions. While most analyses of the distribution of function values in the search space must rely on empirical sampling, the basis function expansion allows us to directly study the distribution of function values across regions of states for combinatorial problems without the need for sampling. We concentrate on objective functions that can be expressed as bounded pseudo-Boolean functions which are NP-hard to solve in general. We use the basis expansion to construct a polynomial-time algorithm for exactly computing constant-degree moments of the objective function ƒ over arbitrarily large regions of the search space. On functions with restricted codomains, these moments are related to the true distribution by a system of linear equations. Given low moments supplied by our algorithm, we construct bounds of the true distribution of ƒ over regions of the space using a linear programming approach. A straightforward relaxation allows us to efficiently approximate the distribution and hence quickly estimate the count of states in a given region that have certain values under the objective function. The analysis is also useful for characterizing properties of specific combinatorial problems. For instance, by connecting search space analysis to the theory of inapproximability, we prove that the bound specified by Grover's maximum principle for the Max-Ek-Lin-2 problem is sharp. Moreover, we use the framework to prove certain configurations are forbidden in regions of the Max-3-Sat search space, supplying the first theoretical confirmation of empirical results by others. Finally, we show that theoretical results can be used to drive the design of algorithms in a principled manner by using the search space analysis developed in this thesis in algorithmic applications. First, information obtained from our moment retrieving algorithm can be used to direct a hill-climbing search across plateaus in the Max-k-Sat search space. Second, the analysis can be used to control the mutation rate on a (1+1) evolutionary algorithm on bounded pseudo-Boolean functions so that the offspring of each search point is maximized in expectation. For these applications, knowledge of the search space structure supplied by the analysis translates to significant gains in the performance of search