106 research outputs found

    Wearable bio and chemical sensors

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    Chemical and biochemical sensors have experienced tremendous growth in the past decade due to advances in material chemistry combined with the emergence of digital communication technologies and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) [1]. The emergence of wearable chemical and biochemical sensors is a relatively new concept that poses unique challenges to the field of wearable sensing. This is because chemical sensors have a more complex mode of operation, compared to physical transducers, in that they must interact in some manner with specific molecular targets in the sample medium. To understand the challenges in developing wearable chemical and biochemical sensors the traits of these devices will be discussed in this introductory section. Following this the potential parameters of interest are presented and examples of wearable systems are discussed. A range of sampling techniques and methods of chemical sensing are presented along with integration issues and design challenges. Finally, some of the main application areas of this novel technology are discussed

    A wearable electrochemical gas sensor for ammonia detection

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    The next future strategies for improved occupational safety and health management could largely benefit from wearable and Internet of Things technologies, enabling the real-time monitoring of health-related and environmental information to the wearer, to emergency responders, and to inspectors. The aim of this study is the development of a wearable gas sensor for the detection of NH3 at room temperature based on the organic semiconductor poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), electrochemically deposited iridium oxide particles, and a hydrogel film. The hydrogel composition was finely optimised to obtain self-healing properties, as well as the desired porosity, adhesion to the substrate, and stability in humidity variations. Its chemical structure and morphology were characterised by infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, respectively, and were found to play a key role in the transduction process and in the achievement of a reversible and selective response. The sensing properties rely on a potentiometric-like mechanism that significantly differs from most of the state-of-the-art NH3 gas sensors and provides superior robustness to the final device. Thanks to the reliability of the analytical response, the simple two-terminal configuration and the low power consumption, the PEDOT:PSS/IrOx Ps/hydrogel sensor was realised on a flexible plastic foil and successfully tested in a wearable configuration with wireless connectivity to a smartphone. The wearable sensor showed stability to mechanical deformations and good analytical performances, with a sensitivity of 60 ± 8 µA decade−1 in a wide concentration range (17–7899 ppm), which includes the safety limits set by law for NH3 exposure

    Recent developments in sensing devices based on polymeric systems

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    This review is focused on the analysis of recent developments in the application of polymers in the detection and quantification of target species. The work begins with a description of the polymers that are employed as sensory materials, covering molecularly imprinted polymers or MIPs, hybrid polymers, acrylic polymers, conductive polymers, polymers with chiral motifs and also the use of polymeric arrays. After the description of the sensory polymers, the different target species which can be detected using sensory polymeric devices, including metallic cations and anionic species, gases, explosives, radionuclides and bacteria or the recent biomedical and biological applications is described. Finally, the sensory devices fabricated using smart polymers, including, for example, sensory devices based on Quartz Crystal Microbalances or the use of micro and nanoporous materials as substrates for sensory polymeric coatings is listed and reviewed. The work also details the different detection mechanisms based on the type of response of the sensory polymers, such as electrical, piezoelectric or fluorescence. In brief, the review details a review of the research work published in the last 10 years in this quickly evolving field, with special emphasis in the biomedical and biological applications, which have emerged recently raising great attention. To conclude, some perspectives and future challenges that must be overcome by this research field in the next years is exposed.FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) and the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (MAT2017-84501-R

    Artificial Olfaction in the 21st Century

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    The human olfactory system remains one of the most challenging biological systems to replicate. Humans use it without thinking, where it can measure offer protection from harm and bring enjoyment in equal measure. It is the system's real-time ability to detect and analyze complex odors that makes it difficult to replicate. The field of artificial olfaction has recruited and stimulated interdisciplinary research and commercial development for several applications that include malodor measurement, medical diagnostics, food and beverage quality, environment and security. Over the last century, innovative engineers and scientists have been focused on solving a range of problems associated with measurement and control of odor. The IEEE Sensors Journal has published Special Issues on olfaction in 2002 and 2012. Here we continue that coverage. In this article, we summarize early work in the 20th Century that served as the foundation upon which we have been building our odor-monitoring instrumental and measurement systems. We then examine the current state of the art that has been achieved over the last two decades as we have transitioned into the 21st Century. Much has been accomplished, but great progress is needed in sensor technology, system design, product manufacture and performance standards. In the final section, we predict levels of performance and ubiquitous applications that will be realized during in the mid to late 21st Century

    First Fifty Years of Chemoresistive Gas Sensors

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    The first fifty years of chemoresistive sensors for gas detection are here reviewed, focusing on the main scientific and technological innovations that have occurred in the field over the course of these years. A look at advances made in fundamental and applied research and leading to the development of actual high performance chemoresistive devices is presented. The approaches devoted to the synthesis of novel semiconducting materials with unprecedented nanostructure and gas-sensing properties have been also presented. Perspectives on new technologies and future applications of chemoresistive gas sensors have also been highlighted

    Year 2020: A Snapshot of the Last Progress in Flexible Printed Gas Sensors

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    A review of recent advances in flexible printed gas sensors is presented. During the last years, flexible electronics has started to offer new opportunities in terms of sensors features and their possible application fields. The advent of this technology has made sensors low-cost, thin, with a large sensing area, lightweight, wearable, flexible, and transparent. Such new characteristics have led to the development of new gas sensor devices. The paper makes some statistical remarks about the research and market of the sensors and makes a shot of the printing technologies, the flexible organic substrates, the functional materials, and the target gases related to the specific application areas. The conclusion is a short notice on perspectives in the field

    Design and Application of Task-Specific Organic Salts for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing

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    There is an increasing demand for development of new sensors and sensor strategies for accurate detection and discrimination of various analytes. In this regard, colorimetric and fluorometric sensor approaches have attracted considerable attention, primarily because they represent facile and inexpensive analytical tools. In this dissertation, I discuss the design and application of sensors and sensor arrays using task specific organic salts: ionic liquids (ILs) and a group of uniform materials based on organic salts (GUMBOS). As compared to typical ionic compounds, these two classes of organic salts exhibit relatively lower melting points due to bulky organic cations and/or anions. Interestingly, the physicochemical properties of these compounds can be easily tuned by altering either the cation or the anion. Furthermore, the respective ions of ILs and GUMBOS can be independently tailored in order to obtain specific functionalities. The first part of this dissertation provides a general discussion on ILs and GUMBOS. In addition, the principle and application of sensors and sensor arrays are discussed. The second part of this dissertation is primarily focused on four different studies, which involve design and application of task-specific organic salts for chemical and biochemical sensing. All four of these studies, which appear in Chapters 2-5, report on novel sensor or sensor array approaches with distinct advantages for analytical measurements

    E-Tongues/Noses Based on Conducting Polymers and Composite Materials: Expanding the Possibilities in Complex Analytical Sensing

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    Conducting polymers (CPs) are extensively studied due to their high versatility and electrical properties, as well as their high environmental stability. Based on the above, their applications as electronic devices are promoted and constitute an interesting matter of research. This review summa- rizes their application in common electronic devices and their implementation in electronic tongues and noses systems (E-tongues and E-noses, respectively). The monitoring of diverse factors with these devices by multivariate calibration methods for different applications is also included. Lastly, a critical discussion about the enclosed analytical potential of several conducting polymer-based devices in electronic systems reported in literature will be offered

    Recent Advances in Printed Capacitive Sensors

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    In this review paper, we summarize the latest advances in the field of capacitive sensors fabricated by printing techniques. We first explain the main technologies used in printed electronics, pointing out their features and uses, and discuss their advantages and drawbacks. Then, we review the main types of capacitive sensors manufactured with different materials and techniques from physical to chemical detection, detailing the main substrates and additives utilized, as well as the measured ranges. The paper concludes with a short notice on status and perspectives in the field.H2020-MSCA-IF-2017-794885-SELFSEN

    Mechanical and electrical characterization of wearable textile pressure and strain sensors based on PEDOT:PSS

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    Il termine tecnologia indossabile si riferisce a quei dispositivi elettronici incorporati negli indumenti od accessori che possono essere comodamente indossati. Essi sono ampiamente utilizzati in campo medico, sportivo, educativo o per monitorare disabilità. In questa tesi sono stati sviluppati sensori di pressione e di deformazione tessili, proponendo il modello teorico che ne descrive il comportamento. L'elemento attivo di tali sensori tessili è basato sul polimero intrinsecamente conduttivo (PEDOT:PSS). La soluzione conduttiva è stata depositata sui tessuti tramite il metodo drop-casting e la tecnica screen printing. La teoria sviluppata per il tessuto di cotone ha dimostrato che è possibile cambiare il range di pressione in cui i sensori rispondono cambiando la concentrazione di glicole etilenico presente nella soluzione di PEDOT:PSS pur mantenendo la geometria dei sensori inalterata. Per realizzare un'applicazione reale, il sensore di pressione tessile è stato fabbricato su un tessuto tecnico sportivo elastico. Comportamenti simili sono stati ottenuti dimostrando la validità del modello proposto. Successivamente, sono presentati i processi di fabbricazione e la caratterizzazione elettro-meccanica di sensori di deformazione tessili. Range tests e stability tests eseguiti su questi sensori di deformazione forniscono notizie circa le loro prestazioni:affidabilità e gauge factor. Il meccanismo di rilevamento è stato analizzato con un modello teorico basato sulle proprietà del tessuto e sulla deformazione della struttura wale-course tipica dei tessuti a maglia. I risultati ottenuti durante questo lavoro permettono lo sviluppo di una nuova generazione di sensori di pressione e di deformazione tessili che potranno essere comodamente indossati nella vita di tutti i giorni