1,225 research outputs found

    A Model of the EFA Liabilities

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    The authors describe the liabilities model of the Exchange Fund Account (EFA). The EFA is managed using an asset-liability matching framework that requires currency and duration matching of both sides of the balance sheet. The model chooses the mix of liabilities across instruments and tenors that maximizes the return of the fund subject to a fixed asset-allocation rule and duration matching. The model considers two types of instruments: cross-currency swaps and global bonds. The main trade-off in the model is the cost advantage of cross-currency swaps relative to global bond issuance. Cross-currency swaps are, on average, a cheaper source of funding, but carry counterparty risk. The model penalizes a skewed maturity profile of liabilities because it carries rollover risks. The model also reports the implied asset-liability gap, which is a function of the total amount of cross-currency swaps.Debt Management; Foreign reserves management

    Desarrollo evolutivo y parámetros determinantes del patrón motor de marcha humana

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    Siendo el desarrollo de la marcha humana objeto de estudio privilegiado en el ámbito de la motricidad, se ha realizado una revisión de las publicaciones en torno al desarrollo del mismo y el estudio de los parámetros que lo definen. El grupo de investigaciones más numeroso lo constituyen artículos que describen el comportamiento o evolución de algunos de los parámetros que definen este patrón. Además, encontramos varios estudios que relacionan la marcha con otras habilidades del ser humano o que estudian condiciones particulares o variantes en que se puede desarrollar este patrón. También encontramos varias propuestas de protocolos para la evaluación del patrón o de alguno de sus parámetros, así como evaluaciones de procedimientos ya existentes

    PIM-SM extension for Source-Specific Multicast through non multicast networks

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    Barneko ikerkuntza-txostenaDeployment of multicast in the open Internet is stagnated, mainly as a result of service provider policies and network limitations. To skip the lack of multicast connectivity between receivers and networks that carry traffic generated by multicast sources, the IETF has developed a proposal, called Automatic Multicast Tunnelling (AMT), supported in routers at least from 2011. Even so, it has not brought the necessary momentum to the expansion of multicast. In this report a similar but simpler than AMT proposal to skip the non-multicast gap is described. The basic idea in the proposal is to remove from multicast routing architecture some elements imposed by ASM model, those elements that are not needed for the SSM applications (e.g. Internet TV), but make multicast an 'all-or-nothing' technology.The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU

    UHF Printed Sensor for Force Detection

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    In this contribution, we show the advances in the direction of designing Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) antennas with sensing capabilities. In this particular case, we have integrated a force/pressure sensor made of a silicon-based organic polymer in one of the arms of a dipole antenna made of silver paste. The sensor response to external forces modifies the resonance frequency of the dipole antenna that can be detected by an external RFID reader, building up a wireless force sensor system.Pervasive Electronics Advanced Research Laboratory(PEARL), Department of Electronics and Computer Technology, University of Granada Institute for Nanoelectronics, Technical University of Munic

    Desenvolupament evolutiu i paràmetres determinants del patró motor de marxa humana

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    Com que el desenvolupament de la marxa humana és un objecte d’estudi privilegiat en l’àmbit de la motricitat, s’ha realitzat una revisió de les publicacions al voltant del seu desenvolupament i l’estudi dels paràmetres que el defineixen. El grup d’investigacions més nombrós el constitueixen articles que descriuen la conducta o evolució d’alguns dels paràmetres que defineixen aquest patró. A més a més, trobem diversos estudis que relacionen la marxa amb altres habilitats de l’ésser humà o que estudien condicions particulars o variants en què es pot desenvolupar aquest patró. També trobem diverses propostes de protocols per a l’avaluació del patró o d’algun dels seus paràmetres, així com avaluacions de procediments ja existents

    Comparison of printing techniques for the fabrication of flexible carbon nanotube-based ammonia chemiresistive gas sensors

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    Even though a plethora of printing technologies are currently available and their potential for the fabrication of low-cost and flexible sensors has been widely investigated, systematically based, and statistically sustained comparative studies are missing in the literature. In this work, we compare screen, inkjet, and dispense printing for the fabrication of carbon nanotube (CNT)-based ammonia (NH3) chemiresistive flexible gas sensors for the first time. Moreover, we report the first CNT-based gas sensor fabricated via Voltera printer. The devices were made of a thin layer of spray-coated CNTs and printed silver-based interdigitated electrodes. To draw a thoughtful comparison the same sensor layout, materials, and fabrication flow were used. The device morphological features were acquired through microscopic, atomic force microscope, and 3D images; additionally, the response to NH3 as well as the printing process characteristics for each technique was analyzed. From 300 μm nominal spacing between lines, we obtained a decrease of 25%, 13%, and 5% on the printed spacings with dispense, screen, and inkjet printing, respectively. At 100 ppm of NH3, a maximum response of 33%, 31%, and 27% with the dispense-, inkjet-, and screen-printed sensors were found, respectively. Statistical differences were observed between the mean values on the NH3 response of dispense- compared to the inkjet- and screen-printed sensors, which in effect showed the highest response in the Tukey test. This demonstrated that the fabrication technique employed can induce a different response mainly driven by the printed outcomes. Following a holistic approach that includes the sensor response, the application, the market perspective, and the process versatility, we suggest screen printing as the most suitable method for CNT-based NH3 gas sensor fabrication. 1. Introduction In the last decade, several manufacturing technologies have been extensively exploited to fabricate gas sensors, including chemical vapor deposition [1], physical vapor deposition [2], micromachining [3], self-assembly [4], spray coating [5, 6], and printing [7, 8]. Among all, the latter is the most commonly utilized technology for developing miniaturized, portable, and low-cost sensors [9]. Indeed, over theEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Program (Project codes EFRE/FESR 1068-Senslab and EFRE/FESR 1127-STEX)Free University of Bozen-Bolzan

    Some Case Studies of Joint Ventures with Mexican Ejidos

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    Impacto de la comunicación en la reputación : una aproximación desde la cultura organizacional. Caso: Empresa azucarera en la costa del Perú

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar y analizar el impacto de la comunicación interna en la configuración de la reputación interior de una organización, a través del estudio de caso de una empresa azucarera ubicada en la costa del Perú, desde la aproximación de la cultura organizacional. Esta investigación apuesta por la perspectiva de estudio organizacional de la reputación, la cual valora los beneficios internos de poseer una reputación positiva y estable, enmarcada en la Teoría de los Recursos y las Capacidades. Así como, por la perspectiva socio-psicológica de la comunicación, en el marco de la Teoría de los Sistemas que aporta una visión holística. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se realizó una investigación mixta, aplicando las técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas como entrevistas, encuestas, grupos focales y observación; la cual encontró que la comunicación interna cumple un rol significativo en la configuración de la reputación que tienen los trabajadores sobre la empresa -la cual varía de acuerdo a las condiciones laborales que tiene cada grupo de colaboradores-, ya que puede contribuir a su mejora o fortalecimiento; siendo imprescindible entender la cultura organizacional de la institución. Por tanto, la comunicación y la reputación interna, necesitan ser medidas, analizadas y gestionadas de forma permanente, valorando aspectos como la importancia de la escucha activa, la retroalimentación, la comunicación horizontal, la motivación y la empatía con los trabajadores.The objective of this investigation is to identify and analyze the impact of internal communication on the configuration of reputation within an organization, through the case study of a sugar company on the coast of Peru, from the approach of the organizational culture. This investigation bets on perspective of the organizational study of reputation, which values the internal benefits from having a positive and steady reputation, within the framework of the Theory of Resources and Capacities. As well as the perspective of sociopsycological communication, on the framerok of the Theory of Systems, which brings a holistic vision. To achieve this proposed objective, a mixed investigation was carried out, applying qualitative and quantitative techniques such as surveys, focus groups, the field log and observation; which found that internal communication plays an important role in configuration of the reputation that workers have over the company -which varies according to the working conditions of each group of collaborators- due to it can contribute to the improvement or strengthening, being essential to understand the organizational culture of the institution. Therefore, communication and internal reputation needs to be permanently evaluated, analyzed and managed, valuing aspects such as the importance of active listening, feedback, horizontal communication, motivation and empathy with workers.Tesi

    Estudio comparativo de los procesos de soldadura smaw y gmaw en las uniones de tuberías de transporte de combustible

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    El sistema de transporte de combustible se realiza mediante sistemas de tuberías. Las uniones de los tubos se realiza por medio de proceso de soldadura SMAW o también llamado de electrodo revestido. Un proceso más rápido y que tiene mejor rendimiento en sus materiales consumibles es el proceso de soldadura GMAW o de electrodo desnudo con gas protector. Se realiza un estudio comparativo en todos los aspectos, como dilución, inspección visual, inspección radiográfica, ensayos y pruebas mecánicas. Se determina cual de los procesos es más confiable para y el proceso menos costoso

    Cost-Effective PEDOT:PSS Temperature Sensors Inkjetted on a Bendable Substrate by a Consumer Printer

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    In this work, we report on a fabrication protocol to produce fully inkjet-printed temperature sensors on a bendable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate. The sensing layer is made of polymer-based Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) ink that is electrically contacted by an underlying interdigitated electrode (IDE) structure based on a silver nanoparticle (AgNP) ink. Both inks are available commercially, and no further ink processing is needed to print them using a cost-effective consumer printer with standard cartridges. The fabricated sensor modules are tested for different IDE dimensions and post-deposition treatments of the AgNP film for their response to a temperature range of 20 to 70 °C and moisture range of 20 to 90% RH (relative humidity). Attributed to the higher initial resistance, sensor modules with a larger electrode spacing of 200 µm show a higher thermal sensitivity that is increased by a factor of 1.8 to 2.2 when compared to sensor modules with a 150 µm-spacing. In all cases, the sensors exhibit high linearity towards temperature and a response comparable to state of the art.This research was funded by the European Union through the fellowship H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 794885-SELFSENS and the TUM Graduate Schoo