86 research outputs found

    A review of epidural simulators: Where are we today?

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    Thirty-one central neural blockade simulators have been implemented into clinical practice over the last thirty years either commercially or for research. This review aims to provide a detailed evaluation of why we need epidural and spinal simulators in the first instance and then draws comparisons between computer-based and manikin-based simulators. This review covers thirty-one simulators in total; sixteen of which are solely epidural simulators, nine are for epidural plus spinal or lumbar puncture simulation, and six, which are solely lumbar puncture simulators. All hardware and software components of simulators are discussed, including actuators, sensors, graphics, haptics, and virtual reality based simulators. The purpose of this comparative review is to identify the direction for future epidural simulation by outlining necessary improvements to create the ideal epidural simulator. The weaknesses of existing simulators are discussed and their strengths identified so that these can be carried forward. This review aims to provide a foundation for the future creation of advanced simulators to enhance the training of epiduralists, enabling them to comprehensively practice epidural insertion in vitro before training on patients and ultimately reducing the potential risk of harm. © 2013 IPEM

    Haptics in Robot-Assisted Surgery: Challenges and Benefits

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    Robotic surgery is transforming the current surgical practice, not only by improving the conventional surgical methods but also by introducing innovative robot-enhanced approaches that broaden the capabilities of clinicians. Being mainly of man-machine collaborative type, surgical robots are seen as media that transfer pre- and intra-operative information to the operator and reproduce his/her motion, with appropriate filtering, scaling, or limitation, to physically interact with the patient. The field, however, is far from maturity and, more critically, is still a subject of controversy in medical communities. Limited or absent haptic feedback is reputed to be among reasons that impede further spread of surgical robots. In this paper objectives and challenges of deploying haptic technologies in surgical robotics is discussed and a systematic review is performed on works that have studied the effects of providing haptic information to the users in major branches of robotic surgery. It has been tried to encompass both classical works and the state of the art approaches, aiming at delivering a comprehensive and balanced survey both for researchers starting their work in this field and for the experts

    Real-time membrane puncture detection using force sensors for micro-injections in phantoms

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    Micro-manipulators provide tools for researchers to improve workflow in common preclinical and clinical applications. Following drug delivery injections where drugs did not reach their target will squander research time, experimental animals and other resources. An ultrasound-guided robot developed at Robarts Research Institute was revised to implement closed-loop force feedback to compensate for tissue deformation during micro-interventions. Force sensors can detect puncture events as the needle penetrates tissue membranes, thereby reducing damage to surrounding tissues by preventing the needle from overshooting its target. Changing the angle of injection determined that the range of detectable forces during injections into tissue-mimicking phantoms suggests that sensors accurately measure projection of the needle force onto the vertical direction and are sensitive to puncture events through relatively thick (0.15 mm) membranes. Injections into mouse tissue yielded low success rates, suggesting different experimental designs are necessary to provide safer and less traumatic procedures, thus accelerating preclinical research

    Force-Sensing-Based Multi-Platform Robotic Assistance for Vitreoretinal Surgery

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    Vitreoretinal surgery aims to treat disorders of the retina, vitreous body, and macula, such as retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, macular hole, epiretinal membrane and retinal vein occlusion. Challenged by several technical and human limitations, vitreoretinal practice currently ranks amongst the most demanding fields in ophthalmic surgery. Of vitreoretinal procedures, membrane peeling is the most common to be performed, over 0.5 million times annually, and among the most prone to complications. It requires an extremely delicate tissue manipulation by various micron scale maneuvers near the retina despite the physiological hand tremor of the operator. In addition, to avoid injuries, the applied forces on the retina need to be kept at a very fine level, which is often well below the tactile sensory threshold of the surgeon. Retinal vein cannulation is another demanding procedure where therapeutic agents are injected into occluded retinal veins. The feasibility of this treatment is limited due to challenges in identifying the moment of venous puncture, achieving cannulation and maintaining it throughout the drug delivery period. Recent advancements in medical robotics have significant potential to address most of the challenges in vitreoretinal practice, and therefore to prevent traumas, lessen complications, minimize intra-operative surgeon effort, maximize surgeon comfort, and promote patient safety. This dissertation presents the development of novel force-sensing tools that can easily be used on various robotic platforms, and robot control methods to produce integrated assistive surgical systems that work in partnership with surgeons against the current limitations in vitreoretinal surgery, specifically focusing on membrane peeling and vein cannulation procedures. Integrating high sensitivity force sensing into the ophthalmic instruments enables precise quantitative monitoring of applied forces. Auditory feedback based upon the measured forces can inform (and warn) the surgeon quickly during the surgery and help prevent injury due to excessive forces. Using these tools on a robotic platform can attenuate hand tremor of the surgeon, which effectively promotes tool manipulation accuracy. In addition, based upon certain force signatures, the robotic system can precisely identify critical instants, such as the venous puncture in retinal vein cannulation, and actively guide the tool towards clinical targets, compensate any involuntary motion of the surgeon, or generate additional motion that will make the surgical task easier. The experimental results using two distinct robotic platforms, the Steady-Hand Eye Robot and Micron, in combination with the force-sensing ophthalmic instruments, show significant performance improvement in artificial dry phantoms and ex vivo biological tissues

    A comprehensive review of haptic feedback in minimally invasive robotic liver surgery: Advancements and challenges

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    Background: Liver medical procedures are considered one of the most challenging because of the liver's complex geometry, heterogeneity, mechanical properties, and movement due to respiration. Haptic features integrated into needle insertion systems and other medical devices could support physicians but are uncommon. Additional training time and safety concerns make it difficult to implement in robot-assisted surgery. The main challenges of any haptic device in a teleoperated system are the stability and transparency levels required to develop a safe and efficient system that suits the physician's needs. Purpose: The objective of the review article is to investigate whether haptic-based teleoperation potentially improves the efficiency and safety of liver needle insertion procedures compared with insertion without haptic feedback. In addition, it looks into haptic technology that can be integrated into simulators to train novice physicians in liver procedures. Methods: This review presents the physician's needs during liver interventions and the consequent requirements of haptic features to help the physician. This paper provides an overview of the different aspects of a teleoperation system in various applications, especially in the medical field. It finally presents the state-of-the-art haptic technology in robot-assisted procedures for the liver. This includes 3D virtual models of the liver and force measurement techniques used in haptic rendering to estimate the real-time position of the surgical instrument relative to the liver. Results: Haptic feedback technology can be used to navigate the surgical tool through the desired trajectory to reach the target accurately and avoid critical regions. It also helps distinguish between various textures of liver tissue. Conclusion: Haptic feedback can complement the physician's experience to compensate for the lack of real-time imaging during Computed Tomography guided (CT-guided) liver procedures. Consequently, it helps the physician mitigate the destruction of healthy tissues and takes less time to reach the target.</p

    Fiber bragg gratings for medical applications and future challenges: A review

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    In the last decades, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) have become increasingly attractive to medical applications due to their unique properties such as small size, biocompatibility, immunity to electromagnetic interferences, high sensitivity and multiplexing capability. FBGs have been employed in the development of surgical tools, assistive devices, wearables, and biosensors, showing great potentialities for medical uses. This paper reviews the FBG-based measuring systems, their principle of work, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Particular attention is given to sensing solutions for biomechanics, minimally invasive surgery, physiological monitoring, and medical biosensing. Strengths, weaknesses, open challenges, and future trends are also discussed to highlight how FBGs can meet the demands of next-generation medical devices and healthcare system

    Fiber Bragg Gratings for Medical Applications and Future Challenges: A Review

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    [EN] In the last decades, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) have become increasingly attractive to medical applications due to their unique properties such as small size, biocompatibility, immunity to electromagnetic interferences, high sensitivity and multiplexing capability. FBGs have been employed in the development of surgical tools, assistive devices, wearables, and biosensors, showing great potentialities for medical uses. This paper reviews the FBG-based measuring systems, their principle of work, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Particular attention is given to sensing solutions for biomechanics, minimally invasive surgery, physiological monitoring, and medical biosensing. Strengths, weaknesses, open challenges, and future trends are also discussed to highlight how FBGs can meet the demands of next-generation medical devices and healthcare system.This work was supported in part by INAIL (the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accident at Work), through the BRIC (Bando ricerche in collaborazione) 2018 SENSE-RISC (Sviluppo di abiti intelligENti Sensorizzati per prevenzione e mitigazione di Rischi per la SiCurezza dei lavoratori) Project under Grant ID10/2018, in part by the UCBM (Universita Campus Bio-Medico di Roma) under the University Strategic HOPE (HOspital to the PatiEnt) Project, in part by the EU Framework Program H2020-FETPROACT-2018-01 NeuHeart Project under Grant GA 824071, by FCT/MEC (Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia) under the Projects UIDB/50008/2020 - UIDP/50008/2020, and by REACT (Development of optical fiber solutions for Rehabilitation and e-Health applications) FCT-IT-LA scientific action.Lo Presti, D.; Massaroni, C.; Leitao, CSJ.; Domingues, MDF.; Sypabekova, M.; Barrera, D.; Floris, I.... (2020). Fiber Bragg Gratings for Medical Applications and Future Challenges: A Review. IEEE Access. 8:156863-156888. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019138S156863156888

    The Hand-Held Force Magnifier: Surgical Tools to Augment the Sense of Touch

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    Modern surgeons routinely perform procedures with noisy, sub-threshold, or obscured visual and haptic feedback,either due to the necessary approach, or because the systems on which they are operating are exceeding delicate. For example, in cataract extraction, ophthalmic surgeons must peel away thin membranes in order to access and replace the lens of the eye. Elsewhere, dissection is now commonly performed with energy-delivering tools – rather than sharp blades – and damage to deep structures is possible if tissue contact is not well controlled. Surgeons compensate for their lack of tactile sensibility by relying solely on visual feedback, observing tissue deformation and other visual cues through surgical microscopes or cameras. Using visual information alone can make a procedure more difficult, because cognitive mediation is required to convert visual feedback into motor action. We call this the “haptic problem” in surgery because the human sensorimotor loop is deprived of critical tactile afferent information, increasing the chance for intraoperative injury and requiring extensive training before clinicians reach independent proficiency. Tools that enhance the surgeon’s direct perception of tool-tissue forces can therefore potentially reduce the risk of iatrogenic complications and improve patient outcomes. Towards this end, we have developed and characterized a new robotic surgical tool, the Hand-Held Force Magnifier (HHFM), which amplifies forces at the tool tip so they may be readily perceived by the user, a paradigm we call “in-situ” force feedback. In this dissertation, we describe the development of successive generations of HHFM prototypes, and the evaluation of a proposed human-in-the-loop control framework using the methods of psychophysics. Using these techniques, we have verified that our tool can reduce sensory perception thresholds, augmenting the user’s abilities beyond what is normally possible. Further, we have created models of human motor control in surgically relevant tasks such as membrane puncture, which have shown to be sensitive to push-pull direction and handedness effects. Force augmentation has also demonstrated improvements to force control in isometric force generation tasks. Finally, in support of future psychophysics work, we have developed an inexpensive, high-bandwidth, single axis haptic renderer using a commercial audio speaker

    Recent advances in biomedical photonic sensors: a focus on optical-fibre-based sensing

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    In this invited review, we provide an overview of the recent advances in biomedical pho tonic sensors within the last five years. This review is focused on works using optical-fibre technology, employing diverse optical fibres, sensing techniques, and configurations applied in several medical fields. We identified technical innovations and advancements with increased implementations of optical-fibre sensors, multiparameter sensors, and control systems in real applications. Examples of outstanding optical-fibre sensor performances for physical and biochemical parameters are covered, including diverse sensing strategies and fibre-optical probes for integration into medical instruments such as catheters, needles, or endoscopes.This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-107270RB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and TeDFeS Project (RTC-2017- 6321-1) co-funded by European FEDER funds. M.O. and J.F.A. received funding from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain under Juan de la Cierva-Formación and Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación grants, respectively. P.R-V. received funding from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain under PhD grant FPU2018/02797