3,187 research outputs found

    Simultaneous intracranial EEG and fMRI of interictal epileptic discharges in humans

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    Simultaneous scalp EEG–fMRI measurements allow the study of epileptic networks and more generally, of the coupling between neuronal activity and haemodynamic changes in the brain. Intracranial EEG (icEEG) has greater sensitivity and spatial specificity than scalp EEG but limited spatial sampling. We performed simultaneous icEEG and functional MRI recordings in epileptic patients to study the haemodynamic correlates of intracranial interictal epileptic discharges (IED). Two patients undergoing icEEG with subdural and depth electrodes as part of the presurgical assessment of their pharmaco-resistant epilepsy participated in the study. They were scanned on a 1.5 T MR scanner following a strict safety protocol. Simultaneous recordings of fMRI and icEEG were obtained at rest. IED were subsequently visually identified on icEEG and their fMRI correlates were mapped using a general linear model (GLM). On scalp EEG–fMRI recordings performed prior to the implantation, no IED were detected. icEEG–fMRI was well tolerated and no adverse health effect was observed. intra-MR icEEG was comparable to that obtained outside the scanner. In both cases, significant haemodynamic changes were revealed in relation to IED, both close to the most active electrode contacts and at distant sites. In one case, results showed an epileptic network including regions that could not be sampled by icEEG, in agreement with findings from magneto-encephalography, offering some explanation for the persistence of seizures after surgery. Hence, icEEG–fMRI allows the study of whole-brain human epileptic networks with unprecedented sensitivity and specificity. This could help improve our understanding of epileptic networks with possible implications for epilepsy surgery

    Implementation and evaluation of simultaneous video-electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging

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    The objective of this study was to demonstrate that the addition of simultaneous and synchronised video to electroencephalography (EEG)-correlated functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) could increase recorded information without data quality reduction. We investigated the effect of placing EEG, video equipment and their required power supplies inside the scanner room, on EEG, video and MRI data quality, and evaluated video-EEG-fMRI by modelling a hand motor task. Gradient-echo, echo-planner images (EPI) were acquired on a 3-T MRI scanner at variable camera positions in a test object [with and without radiofrequency (RF) excitation], and human subjects. EEG was recorded using a commercial MR-compatible 64-channel cap and amplifiers. Video recording was performed using a two-camera custom-made system with EEG synchronization. An in-house script was used to calculate signal to fluctuation noise ratio (SFNR) from EPI in test object with variable camera positions and in human subjects with and without concurrent video recording. Five subjects were investigated with video-EEG-fMRI while performing hand motor task. The fMRI time series data was analysed using statistical parametric mapping, by building block design general linear models which were paradigm prescribed and video based. Introduction of the cameras did not alter the SFNR significantly, nor did it show any signs of spike noise during RF off conditions. Video and EEG quality also did not show any significant artefact. The Statistical Parametric Mapping{T} maps from video based design revealed additional blood oxygen level-dependent responses in the expected locations for non-compliant subjects compared to the paradigm prescribed design. We conclude that video-EEG-fMRI set up can be implemented without affecting the data quality significantly and may provide valuable information on behaviour to enhance the analysis of fMRI data

    The spatio-temporal mapping of epileptic networks: Combination of EEG–fMRI and EEG source imaging

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    Simultaneous EEG–fMRI acquisitions in patients with epilepsy often reveal distributed patterns of Blood Oxygen Level Dependant (BOLD) change correlated with epileptiform discharges. We investigated if electrical source imaging (ESI) performed on the interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) acquired during fMRI acquisition could be used to study the dynamics of the networks identified by the BOLD effect, thereby avoiding the limitations of combining results from separate recordings. Nine selected patients (13 IED types identified) with focal epilepsy underwent EEG–fMRI. Statistical analysis was performed using SPM5 to create BOLD maps. ESI was performed on the IED recorded during fMRI acquisition using a realistic head model (SMAC) and a distributed linear inverse solution (LAURA). ESI could not be performed in one case. In 10/12 remaining studies, ESI at IED onset (ESIo) was anatomically close to one BOLD cluster. Interestingly, ESIo was closest to the positive BOLD cluster with maximal statistical significance in only 4/12 cases and closest to negative BOLD responses in 4/12 cases. Very small BOLD clusters could also have clinical relevance in some cases. ESI at later time frame (ESIp) showed propagation to remote sources co-localised with other BOLD clusters in half of cases. In concordant cases, the distance between maxima of ESI and the closest EEG–fMRI cluster was less than 33 mm, in agreement with previous studies. We conclude that simultaneous ESI and EEG–fMRI analysis may be able to distinguish areas of BOLD response related to initiation of IED from propagation areas. This combination provides new opportunities for investigating epileptic networks

    Co-recording of EEG and fMRI data: EEG artifact removal

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    Multimodal imaging of human brain activity: rational, biophysical aspects and modes of integration

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    Until relatively recently the vast majority of imaging and electrophysiological studies of human brain activity have relied on single-modality measurements usually correlated with readily observable or experimentally modified behavioural or brain state patterns. Multi-modal imaging is the concept of bringing together observations or measurements from different instruments. We discuss the aims of multi-modal imaging and the ways in which it can be accomplished using representative applications. Given the importance of haemodynamic and electrophysiological signals in current multi-modal imaging applications, we also review some of the basic physiology relevant to understanding their relationship

    Dynamic imaging of coherent sources reveals different network connectivity underlying the generation and perpetuation of epileptic seizures

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    The concept of focal epilepsies includes a seizure origin in brain regions with hyper synchronous activity (epileptogenic zone and seizure onset zone) and a complex epileptic network of different brain areas involved in the generation, propagation, and modulation of seizures. The purpose of this work was to study functional and effective connectivity between regions involved in networks of epileptic seizures. The beginning and middle part of focal seizures from ictal surface EEG data were analyzed using dynamic imaging of coherent sources (DICS), an inverse solution in the frequency domain which describes neuronal networks and coherences of oscillatory brain activities. The information flow (effective connectivity) between coherent sources was investigated using the renormalized partial directed coherence (RPDC) method. In 8/11 patients, the first and second source of epileptic activity as found by DICS were concordant with the operative resection site; these patients became seizure free after epilepsy surgery. In the remaining 3 patients, the results of DICS / RPDC calculations and the resection site were discordant; these patients had a poorer post-operative outcome. The first sources as found by DICS were located predominantly in cortical structures; subsequent sources included some subcortical structures: thalamus, Nucl. Subthalamicus and cerebellum. DICS seems to be a powerful tool to define the seizure onset zone and the epileptic networks involved. Seizure generation seems to be related to the propagation of epileptic activity from the primary source in the seizure onset zone, and maintenance of seizures is attributed to the perpetuation of epileptic activity between nodes in the epileptic network. Despite of these promising results, this proof of principle study needs further confirmation prior to the use of the described methods in the clinical praxis

    Independent component analysis of interictal fMRI in focal epilepsy: comparison with general linear model-based EEG-correlated fMRI

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    The general linear model (GLM) has been used to analyze simultaneous EEG–fMRI to reveal BOLD changes linked to interictal epileptic discharges (IED) identified on scalp EEG. This approach is ineffective when IED are not evident in the EEG. Data-driven fMRI analysis techniques that do not require an EEG derived model may offer a solution in these circumstances. We compared the findings of independent components analysis (ICA) and EEG-based GLM analyses of fMRI data from eight patients with focal epilepsy. Spatial ICA was used to extract independent components (IC) which were automatically classified as either BOLD-related, motion artefacts, EPI-susceptibility artefacts, large blood vessels, noise at high spatial or temporal frequency. The classifier reduced the number of candidate IC by 78%, with an average of 16 BOLD-related IC. Concordance between the ICA and GLM-derived results was assessed based on spatio-temporal criteria. In each patient, one of the IC satisfied the criteria to correspond to IED-based GLM result. The remaining IC were consistent with BOLD patterns of spontaneous brain activity and may include epileptic activity that was not evident on the scalp EEG. In conclusion, ICA of fMRI is capable of revealing areas of epileptic activity in patients with focal epilepsy and may be useful for the analysis of EEG–fMRI data in which abnormalities are not apparent on scalp EEG

    Temporal precedence of emotion over attention modulations in the lateral amygdala: Intracranial ERP evidence from a patient with temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Previous fMRI studies have reported mixed evidence for the influence of selective attention on amygdala responses to emotional stimuli, with some studies showing "automatic" emotional effects to threat-related stimuli without attention (or even without awareness), but other studies showing a gating of amygdala activity by selective attention with no response to unattended stimuli. We recorded intracranial local field potentials from the intact left lateral amygdala in a human patient prior to surgery for epilepsy and tested, with a millisecond time resolution, for neural responses to fearful faces appearing at either task-relevant or task-irrelevant locations. Our results revealed an early emotional effect in the amygdala arising prior to, and independently of, attentional modulation. However, at a later latency, we found a significant modulation of the differential emotional response when attention was directed toward or away from fearful faces. These results suggest separate influences of emotion and attention on amygdala activation and may help reconcile previous discrepancies concerning the relative responsiveness of the human amygdala to emotional and attentional factors