962 research outputs found

    A microscopic interpretation for adaptive dynamics trait substitution sequence models

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    We consider an interacting particle Markov process for Darwinian evolution in an asexual population with non-constant population size, involving a linear birth rate, a density-dependent logistic death rate, and a probability μ\mu of mutation at each birth event. We introduce a renormalization parameter KK scaling the size of the population, which leads, when K→+∞K\to+\infty, to a deterministic dynamics for the density of individuals holding a given trait. By combining in a non-standard way the limits of large population (K→+∞K\to+\infty) and of small mutations (μ→0\mu\to 0), we prove that a time scales separation between the birth and death events and the mutation events occurs and that the interacting particle microscopic process converges for finite dimensional distributions to the biological model of evolution known as the ``monomorphic trait substitution sequence'' model of adaptive dynamics, which describes the Darwinian evolution in an asexual population as a Markov jump process in the trait space

    The evolutionary limit for models of populations interacting competitively with many resources

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    We consider a integro-differential nonlinear model that describes the evolution of a population structured by a quantitative trait. The interactions between traits occur from competition for resources whose concentrations depend on the current state of the population. Following the formalism of\cite{DJMP}, we study a concentration phenomenon arising in the limit of strong selection and small mutations. We prove that the population density converges to a sum of Dirac masses characterized by the solution Ï•\phi of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation which depends on resource concentrations that we fully characterize in terms of the function Ï•\phi

    Large deviations for singular and degenerate diffusion models in adaptive evolution

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    In the course of Darwinian evolution of a population, punctualism is an important phenomenon whereby long periods of genetic stasis alternate with short periods of rapid evolutionary change. This paper provides a mathematical interpretation of punctualism as a sequence of change of basin of attraction for a diffusion model of the theory of adaptive dynamics. Such results rely on large deviation estimates for the diffusion process. The main difficulty lies in the fact that this diffusion process has degenerate and non-Lipschitz diffusion part at isolated points of the space and non-continuous drift part at the same points. Nevertheless, we are able to prove strong existence and the strong Markov property for these diffusions, and to give conditions under which pathwise uniqueness holds. Next, we prove a large deviation principle involving a rate function which has not the standard form of diffusions with small noise, due to the specific singularities of the model. Finally, this result is used to obtain asymptotic estimates for the time needed to exit an attracting domain, and to identify the points where this exit is more likely to occur

    Quasi-stationary distribution for multi-dimensional birth and death processes conditioned to survival of all coordinates

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    This article studies the quasi-stationary behaviour of multidimensional birth and death processes, modeling the interaction between several species, absorbed when one of the coordinates hits 0. We study models where the absorption rate is not uniformly bounded, contrary to most of the previous works. To handle this natural situation, we develop original Lyapunov function arguments that might apply in other situations with unbounded killing rates. We obtain the exponential convergence in total variation of the conditional distributions to a unique stationary distribution, uniformly with respect to the initial distribution. Our results cover general birth and death models with stronger intra-specific than inter-specific competition, and cases with neutral competition with explicit conditions on the dimension of the process.Comment: 18 page

    Exponential convergence to quasi-stationary distribution for absorbed one-dimensional diffusions with killing

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    This article studies the quasi-stationary behaviour of absorbed one-dimensional diffusion processes with killing on [0,∞)[0,\infty). We obtain criteria for the exponential convergence to a unique quasi-stationary distribution in total variation, uniformly with respect to the initial distribution. Our approach is based on probabilistic and coupling methods, contrary to the classical approach based on spectral theory results. Our general criteria apply in the case where ∞\infty is entrance and 0 either regular or exit, and are proved to be satisfied under several explicit assumptions expressed only in terms of the speed and killing measures. We also obtain exponential ergodicity results on the QQ-process. We provide several examples and extensions, including diffusions with singular speed and killing measures, general models of population dynamics, drifted Brownian motions and some one-dimensional processes with jumps.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1506.0238

    Adaptive dynamics in logistic branching populations

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    We consider a trait-structured population subject to mutation, birth and competition of logistic type, where the number of coexisting types may fluctuate. Applying a limit of rare mutations to this population while keeping the population size finite leads to a jump process, the so-called `trait substitution sequence', where evolution proceeds by successive invasions and fixations of mutant types. The probability of fixation of a mutant is interpreted as a fitness landscape that depends on the current state of the population. It was in adaptive dynamics that this kind of model was first invented and studied, under the additional assumption of large population. Assuming also small mutation steps, adaptive dynamics' theory provides a deterministic ODE approximating the evolutionary dynamics of the dominant trait of the population, called `canonical equation of adaptive dynamics'. In this work, we want to include genetic drift in this models by keeping the population finite. Rescaling mutation steps (weak selection) yields in this case a diffusion on the trait space that we call `canonical diffusion of adaptive dynamics', in which genetic drift (diffusive term) is combined with directional selection (deterministic term) driven by the fitness gradient. Finally, in order to compute the coefficients of this diffusion, we seek explicit first-order formulae for the probability of fixation of a nearly neutral mutant appearing in a resident population. These formulae are expressed in terms of `invasibility coefficients' associated with fertility, defense, aggressiveness and isolation, which measure the robustness (stability w.r.t. selective strengths) of the resident type. Some numerical results on the canonical diffusion are also given

    Splitting trees with neutral Poissonian mutations I: Small families

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    We consider a neutral dynamical model of biological diversity, where individuals live and reproduce independently. They have i.i.d. lifetime durations (which are not necessarily exponentially distributed) and give birth (singly) at constant rate b. Such a genealogical tree is usually called a splitting tree, and the population counting process (N_t;t\ge 0) is a homogeneous, binary Crump--Mode--Jagers process. We assume that individuals independently experience mutations at constant rate \theta during their lifetimes, under the infinite-alleles assumption: each mutation instantaneously confers a brand new type, called allele, to its carrier. We are interested in the allele frequency spectrum at time t, i.e., the number A(t) of distinct alleles represented in the population at time t, and more specifically, the numbers A(k,t) of alleles represented by k individuals at time t, k=1,2,...,N_t. We mainly use two classes of tools: coalescent point processes and branching processes counted by random characteristics. We provide explicit formulae for the expectation of A(k,t) in a coalescent point process conditional on population size, which apply to the special case of splitting trees. We separately derive the a.s. limits of A(k,t)/N_t and of A(t)/N_t thanks to random characteristics. Last, we separately compute the expected homozygosity by applying a method characterizing the dynamics of the tree distribution as the origination time of the tree moves back in time, in the spirit of backward Kolmogorov equations.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures. Companion paper in preparation "Splitting trees with neutral Poissonian mutations II: Large or old families

    Evolution of discrete populations and the canonical diffusion of adaptive dynamics

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    The biological theory of adaptive dynamics proposes a description of the long-term evolution of a structured asexual population. It is based on the assumptions of large population, rare mutations and small mutation steps, that lead to a deterministic ODE describing the evolution of the dominant type, called the ``canonical equation of adaptive dynamics.'' Here, in order to include the effect of stochasticity (genetic drift), we consider self-regulated randomly fluctuating populations subject to mutation, so that the number of coexisting types may fluctuate. We apply a limit of rare mutations to these populations, while keeping the population size finite. This leads to a jump process, the so-called ``trait substitution sequence,'' where evolution proceeds by successive invasions and fixations of mutant types. Then we apply a limit of small mutation steps (weak selection) to this jump process, that leads to a diffusion process that we call the ``canonical diffusion of adaptive dynamics,'' in which genetic drift is combined with directional selection driven by the gradient of the fixation probability, also interpreted as an invasion fitness. Finally, we study in detail the particular case of multitype logistic branching populations and seek explicit formulae for the invasion fitness of a mutant deviating slightly from the resident type. In particular, second-order terms of the fixation probability are products of functions of the initial mutant frequency, times functions of the initial total population size, called the invasibility coefficients of the resident by increased fertility, defence, aggressiveness, isolation or survival.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051606000000628 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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