1,464 research outputs found

    A review of slicing techniques in software engineering

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    Program slice is the part of program that may take the program off the path of the desired output at some point of its execution. Such point is known as the slicing criterion. This point is generally identified at a location in a given program coupled with the subset of variables of program. This process in which program slices are computed is called program slicing. Weiser was the person who gave the original definition of program slice in 1979. Since its first definition, many ideas related to the program slice have been formulated along with the numerous numbers of techniques to compute program slice. Meanwhile, distinction between the static slice and dynamic slice was also made. Program slicing is now among the most useful techniques that can fetch the particular elements of a program which are related to a particular computation. Quite a large numbers of variants for the program slicing have been analyzed along with the algorithms to compute the slice. Model based slicing split the large architectures of software into smaller sub models during early stages of SDLC. Software testing is regarded as an activity to evaluate the functionality and features of a system. It verifies whether the system is meeting the requirement or not. A common practice now is to extract the sub models out of the giant models based upon the slicing criteria. Process of model based slicing is utilized to extract the desired lump out of slice diagram. This specific survey focuses on slicing techniques in the fields of numerous programing paradigms like web applications, object oriented, and components based. Owing to the efforts of various researchers, this technique has been extended to numerous other platforms that include debugging of program, program integration and analysis, testing and maintenance of software, reengineering, and reverse engineering. This survey portrays on the role of model based slicing and various techniques that are being taken on to compute the slices

    Natural Language Based Object-Oriented Software Modelling

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    Deriving useful information from natural language has been a task of much relevance for fields ranging from machine translation, software modelling, and artificial intelligence and so on. Sufficient literature is available on utilisation of grammatical inference in object oriented software modelling. The major advancements in this field along with the challenges faced by researchers as well as practitioners have been outlined. An amalgamation of ideas taken from existing theories and models along with proposed methodology has been worked out so as to utilise natural language text in the field of object oriented analysis and design. The very first step of Natural Language (NL) text processing is Parts-of-Speech (POS) tagging. Grammatical rules, some already existing and some deduced through careful observation of NL structures has been extensively discussed and implemented. After appropriate tagging the words to their respective parts of speech the objective is to recognise the classes among them. The classes along with their attributes and methods were listed out. These classes essentially are identified as part of the major functionalities in an information system. The information system consists of requirement specification given by clients for their target software. Comprehending client specification is a time consuming process. Therefore analysing classes from the specification provided becomes mandatory. Several ambiguities and redundancy in class identification were faced and were effectively resolved. Final classes from the given requirement specification were found out. Subsequently the knowledge acquired from the same is put to use while analysing these functionalities through various UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagrams. There are several UML tools that serve the purpose of drawing these diagrams. But the motive is to make the entire process of deriving the UML diagrams in a logical and automated manner

    Modeling of systems

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    The handbook contains the fundamentals of modeling of complex systems. The classification of mathematical models is represented and the methods of their construction are given. The analytical modeling of the basic types of processes in the complex systems is considered. The principles of simulation, statistical and business processes modeling are described. The handbook is oriented on students of higher education establishments that obtain a degree in directions of “Software engineering” and “Computer science” as well as on lecturers and specialists in the domain of computer modeling

    Towards the Correctness of Software Behavior in UML: A Model Checking Approach Based on Slicing

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    Embedded systems are systems which have ongoing interactions with their environments, accepting requests and producing responses. Such systems are increasingly used in applications where failure is unacceptable: traffic control systems, avionics, automobiles, etc. Correct and highly dependable construction of such systems is particularly important and challenging. A very promising and increasingly attractive method for achieving this goal is using the approach of formal verification. A formal verification method consists of three major components: a model for describing the behavior of the system, a specification language to embody correctness requirements, and an analysis method to verify the behavior against the correctness requirements. This Ph.D. addresses the correctness of the behavioral design of embedded systems, using model checking as the verification technology. More precisely, we present an UML-based verification method that checks whether the conditions on the evolution of the embedded system are met by the model. Unfortunately, model checking is limited to medium size systems because of its high space requirements. To overcome this problem, this Ph.D. suggests the integration of the slicing (reduction) technique

    A bi-directional analysis technique for software safety and software security

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    With the recent rapid development of software technology, safety-critical and security-critical software is playing a more important role in people\u27s lives. The importance of system safety and system security has promoted much research on systematic techniques to develop complete safety and security requirements. Among the techniques used in the analysis of the software safety, bi-directional analysis has shown promise in security requirement analysis. This method combines a forward search from potential failure modes to their effects with a backward search from feasible hazards to the contributing causes of each hazard. We use bi-directional analysis to investigate the requirements for two applications in the areas of safety analysis and security analysis. The two contributions of this work both involve the application of the bi-directional analysis and develop systematic methods to apply it to these two different types of non-functional requirements analysis. The first application is to construct a systematic safety requirements analysis technique for a smart door product line. The final results include a reusable safety analysis and the discovery of missing safety requirements. The second application investigates a systematic security requirements technique for a Delay Tolerant Network protocol called the Bundle Protocol. This work improves an existing security analysis technique by integrating it with the bi- directional analysis to demonstrate and challenge the correctness and completeness of the resulting security requirements specifications. We also report the discovery of missing security requirements and the remediation of the security requirements. Both applications explore the technique of applying bi-directional analysis to software safety analysis and software security analysis and find that the bi-directional analysis assists in finding incorrect and incomplete requirements

    An information model for lean, agile, resilient and green supply chain management

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    Dissertação para a obtenção de Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialIn modern business environments, an effective Supply Chain Management (SCM) is crucial to business continuity. In this context, Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green (LARG), are advocated as the fundamental paradigm for a competitive Supply Chain (SC) as a whole. In fact, competition between supply chains (SC) has replaced the traditional competition between companies. To make a supply chain more competitive, capable of responding to the demands of customers with agility, and capable of responding effectively to unexpected disturbance, in conjugation with environmental responsibilities, and the necessity to eliminate processes that add no value, companies must implement a set of LARG SCM practices and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to measure their influence on the SC performance. However, the selection of the best LARG SCM practices and KPIs is a complex decision-making problem, involving dependencies and feedbacks. Still, any decision-making must be supported by real and transparent data. This dissertation intends to provide two integrated models to assist the information management and decision-making. The first is an information model to support a LARG SCM, allowing the exchange and storage of data/information through a single information platform. In this model three types of diagrams are developed, Business Process Diagram (BPD), Use Cases Diagram and Class Diagram to assist the information platform design. The second is a decision-making model, designated LARG Analytical Network Process (ANP) to select the best LARG SCM practices/KPI to be implemented in SCs. Both models are developed and validated within the automotive SC, namely in Volkswagen Autoeuropa

    Methodological approaches and techniques for designing ontologies in information systems requirements engineering

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    Programa doutoral em Information Systems and TechnologyThe way we interact with the world around us is changing as new challenges arise, embracing innovative business models, rethinking the organization and processes to maximize results, and evolving change management. Currently, and considering the projects executed, the methodologies used do not fully respond to the companies' needs. On the one hand, organizations are not familiar with the languages used in Information Systems, and on the other hand, they are often unable to validate requirements or business models. These are some of the difficulties encountered that lead us to think about formulating a new approach. Thus, the state of the art presented in this paper includes a study of the models involved in the software development process, where traditional methods and the rivalry of agile methods are present. In addition, a survey is made about Ontologies and what methods exist to conceive, transform, and represent them. Thus, after analyzing some of the various possibilities currently available, we began the process of evolving a method and developing an approach that would allow us to design ontologies. The method we evolved and adapted will allow us to derive terminologies from a specific domain, aggregating them in order to facilitate the construction of a catalog of terminologies. Next, the definition of an approach to designing ontologies will allow the construction of a domain-specific ontology. This approach allows in the first instance to integrate and store the data from different information systems of a given organization. In a second instance, the rules for mapping and building the ontology database are defined. Finally, a technological architecture is also proposed that will allow the mapping of an ontology through the construction of complex networks, allowing mapping and relating terminologies. This doctoral work encompasses numerous Research & Development (R&D) projects belonging to different domains such as Software Industry, Textile Industry, Robotic Industry and Smart Cities. Finally, a critical and descriptive analysis of the work done is performed, and we also point out perspectives for possible future work.A forma como interagimos com o mundo à nossa volta está a mudar à medida que novos desafios surgem, abraçando modelos empresariais inovadores, repensando a organização e os processos para maximizar os resultados, e evoluindo a gestão da mudança. Atualmente, e considerando os projetos executados, as metodologias utilizadas não respondem na totalidade às necessidades das empresas. Por um lado, as organizações não estão familiarizadas com as linguagens utilizadas nos Sistemas de Informação, por outro lado, são muitas vezes incapazes de validar requisitos ou modelos de negócio. Estas são algumas das dificuldades encontradas que nos levam a pensar na formulação de uma nova abordagem. Assim, o estado da arte apresentado neste documento inclui um estudo dos modelos envolvidos no processo de desenvolvimento de software, onde os métodos tradicionais e a rivalidade de métodos ágeis estão presentes. Além disso, é efetuado um levantamento sobre Ontologias e quais os métodos existentes para as conceber, transformar e representar. Assim, e após analisarmos algumas das várias possibilidades atualmente disponíveis, iniciou-se o processo de evolução de um método e desenvolvimento de uma abordagem que nos permitisse conceber ontologias. O método que evoluímos e adaptamos permitirá derivar terminologias de um domínio específico, agregando-as de forma a facilitar a construção de um catálogo de terminologias. Em seguida, a definição de uma abordagem para conceber ontologias permitirá a construção de uma ontologia de um domínio específico. Esta abordagem permite em primeira instância, integrar e armazenar os dados de diferentes sistemas de informação de uma determinada organização. Num segundo momento, são definidas as regras para o mapeamento e construção da base de dados ontológica. Finalmente, é também proposta uma arquitetura tecnológica que permitirá efetuar o mapeamento de uma ontologia através da construção de redes complexas, permitindo mapear e relacionar terminologias. Este trabalho de doutoramento engloba inúmeros projetos de Investigação & Desenvolvimento (I&D) pertencentes a diferentes domínios como por exemplo Indústria de Software, Indústria Têxtil, Indústria Robótica e Smart Cities. Finalmente, é realizada uma análise critica e descritiva do trabalho realizado, sendo que apontamos ainda perspetivas de possíveis trabalhos futuros

    A Framework for Executable Systems Modeling

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    Systems Modeling Language (SysML), like its parent language, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), consists of a number of independently derived model languages (i.e. state charts, activity models etc.) which have been co-opted into a single modeling framework. This, together with the lack of an overarching meta-model that supports uniform semantics across the various diagram types, has resulted in a large unwieldy and informal language schema. Additionally, SysML does not offer a built in framework for managing time and the scheduling of time based events in a simulation. In response to these challenges, a number of auxiliary standards have been offered by the Object Management Group (OMG); most pertinent here are the foundational UML subset (fUML), Action language for fUML (Alf), and the UML profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded Systems (MARTE). However, there remains a lack of a similar treatment of SysML tailored towards precise and formal modeling in the systems engineering domain. This work addresses this gap by offering refined semantics for SysML akin to fUML and MARTE standards, aimed at primarily supporting the development of time based simulation models typically applied for model verification and validation in systems engineering. The result of this work offers an Executable Systems Modeling Language (ESysML) and a prototype modeling tool that serves as an implementation test bed for the ESysML language. Additionally a model development process is offered to guide user appropriation of the provided framework for model building

    Perfomance Analysis and Resource Optimisation of Critical Systems Modelled by Petri Nets

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    Un sistema crítico debe cumplir con su misión a pesar de la presencia de problemas de seguridad. Este tipo de sistemas se suele desplegar en entornos heterogéneos, donde pueden ser objeto de intentos de intrusión, robo de información confidencial u otro tipo de ataques. Los sistemas, en general, tienen que ser rediseñados después de que ocurra un incidente de seguridad, lo que puede conducir a consecuencias graves, como el enorme costo de reimplementar o reprogramar todo el sistema, así como las posibles pérdidas económicas. Así, la seguridad ha de ser concebida como una parte integral del desarrollo de sistemas y como una necesidad singular de lo que el sistema debe realizar (es decir, un requisito no funcional del sistema). Así pues, al diseñar sistemas críticos es fundamental estudiar los ataques que se pueden producir y planificar cómo reaccionar frente a ellos, con el fin de mantener el cumplimiento de requerimientos funcionales y no funcionales del sistema. A pesar de que los problemas de seguridad se consideren, también es necesario tener en cuenta los costes incurridos para garantizar un determinado nivel de seguridad en sistemas críticos. De hecho, los costes de seguridad puede ser un factor muy relevante ya que puede abarcar diferentes dimensiones, como el presupuesto, el rendimiento y la fiabilidad. Muchos de estos sistemas críticos que incorporan técnicas de tolerancia a fallos (sistemas FT) para hacer frente a las cuestiones de seguridad son sistemas complejos, que utilizan recursos que pueden estar comprometidos (es decir, pueden fallar) por la activación de los fallos y/o errores provocados por posibles ataques. Estos sistemas pueden ser modelados como sistemas de eventos discretos donde los recursos son compartidos, también llamados sistemas de asignación de recursos. Esta tesis se centra en los sistemas FT con recursos compartidos modelados mediante redes de Petri (Petri nets, PN). Estos sistemas son generalmente tan grandes que el cálculo exacto de su rendimiento se convierte en una tarea de cálculo muy compleja, debido al problema de la explosión del espacio de estados. Como resultado de ello, una tarea que requiere una exploración exhaustiva en el espacio de estados es incomputable (en un plazo prudencial) para sistemas grandes. Las principales aportaciones de esta tesis son tres. Primero, se ofrecen diferentes modelos, usando el Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (Unified Modelling Language, UML) y las redes de Petri, que ayudan a incorporar las cuestiones de seguridad y tolerancia a fallos en primer plano durante la fase de diseño de los sistemas, permitiendo así, por ejemplo, el análisis del compromiso entre seguridad y rendimiento. En segundo lugar, se proporcionan varios algoritmos para calcular el rendimiento (también bajo condiciones de fallo) mediante el cálculo de cotas de rendimiento superiores, evitando así el problema de la explosión del espacio de estados. Por último, se proporcionan algoritmos para calcular cómo compensar la degradación de rendimiento que se produce ante una situación inesperada en un sistema con tolerancia a fallos

    Automatic generation of user interfaces from rigorous domain and use case models

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201