490 research outputs found

    Development of a real time bistatic radar receiver using signals of opportunity

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    Passive bistatic radar remote sensing offers a novel method of monitoring the Earth\u27s surface by observing reflected signals of opportunity. The Global Positioning System (GPS) has been used as a source of signals for these observations and the scattering properties of GPS signals from rough surfaces are well understood. Recent work has extended GPS signal reflection observations and scattering models to include communications signals such as XM radio signals. However the communication signal reflectometry experiments to date have relied on collecting raw, high data-rate signals which are then post-processed after the end of the experiment. This thesis describes the development of a communication signal bistatic radar receiver which computes a real time correlation waveform, which can be used to retrieve measurements of the Earth\u27s surface. The real time bistatic receiver greatly reduces the quantity of data that must be stored to perform the remote sensing measurements, as well as offering immediate feedback. This expands the applications for the receiver to include space and bandwidth limited platforms such as aircraft and satellites. It also makes possible the adjustment of flight plans to the observed conditions. This real time receiver required the development of an FGPA based signal processor, along with the integration of commercial Satellite Digital Audio Radio System (SDARS) components. The resulting device was tested both in a lab environment as well on NOAA WP-3D and NASA WB-57 aircraft

    Remote Sensing in Land Applications by Using GNSS-Reflectometry

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    Global navigation satellite system-reflectometry (GNSS-R) as an efficient tool for remote sensing has gained increasing interests in the last two decades, due to its unique characteristics. It uses GNSS signals as sources of opportunity, providing precise, continuous, all-weather, and 24 hours’ detections, which play a key role in many land applications. The fundamental theoretical part of GNSS-R technique is examined at first. Then, GNSS-R methodologies applied in the soil moisture content, vegetation biomass sensing, and altimetry applications are also detailed. One retrieval method uses only RH (right-hand) reflected data. Another retrieval method for soil moisture content (SMC) aimed to calibrate the measurement by using water reflections, based on the bistatic equations with LH (left-hand) reflected and RH direct signals. The other method for SMC retrieval is related to the polarimetric ratio (PR), the ratio of LH/RH reflected signals can reveal the fluctuations of the SMC. Another vital parameter vegetation biomass was observed by using the variation of reflectivity of the LH and RH reflected components. Finally, the C/A code method was used for exploring the possibility to the altimetry estimation. The features of GNSS-R technique made it a promising remote sensing technique in hydrology, climatology carbon cycles, and other potential applications

    Exploring bistatic scattering modeling for land surface applications using radio spectrum recycling in the Signal of Opportunity Coherent Bistatic Simulator

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    The potential for high spatio-temporal resolution microwave measurements has urged the adoption of the signals of opportunity (SoOp) passive radar technique for use in remote sensing. Recent trends in particular target highly complex remote sensing problems such as root-zone soil moisture and snow water equivalent. This dissertation explores the continued open-sourcing of the SoOp coherent bistatic scattering model (SCoBi) and its use in soil moisture sensing applications. Starting from ground-based applications, the feasibility of root-zone soil moisture remote sensing is assessed using available SoOp resources below L-band. A modularized, spaceborne model is then developed to simulate land-surface scattering and delay-Doppler maps over the available spectrum of SoOp resources. The simulation tools are intended to provide insights for future spaceborne modeling pursuits

    GNSS transpolar earth reflectometry exploriNg system (G-TERN): mission concept

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    The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Transpolar Earth Reflectometry exploriNg system (G-TERN) was proposed in response to ESA's Earth Explorer 9 revised call by a team of 33 multi-disciplinary scientists. The primary objective of the mission is to quantify at high spatio-temporal resolution crucial characteristics, processes and interactions between sea ice, and other Earth system components in order to advance the understanding and prediction of climate change and its impacts on the environment and society. The objective is articulated through three key questions. 1) In a rapidly changing Arctic regime and under the resilient Antarctic sea ice trend, how will highly dynamic forcings and couplings between the various components of the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere modify or influence the processes governing the characteristics of the sea ice cover (ice production, growth, deformation, and melt)? 2) What are the impacts of extreme events and feedback mechanisms on sea ice evolution? 3) What are the effects of the cryosphere behaviors, either rapidly changing or resiliently stable, on the global oceanic and atmospheric circulation and mid-latitude extreme events? To contribute answering these questions, G-TERN will measure key parameters of the sea ice, the oceans, and the atmosphere with frequent and dense coverage over polar areas, becoming a “dynamic mapper”of the ice conditions, the ice production, and the loss in multiple time and space scales, and surrounding environment. Over polar areas, the G-TERN will measure sea ice surface elevation (<;10 cm precision), roughness, and polarimetry aspects at 30-km resolution and 3-days full coverage. G-TERN will implement the interferometric GNSS reflectometry concept, from a single satellite in near-polar orbit with capability for 12 simultaneous observations. Unlike currently orbiting GNSS reflectometry missions, the G-TERN uses the full GNSS available bandwidth to improve its ranging measurements. The lifetime would be 2025-2030 or optimally 2025-2035, covering key stages of the transition toward a nearly ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer. This paper describes the mission objectives, it reviews its measurement techniques, summarizes the suggested implementation, and finally, it estimates the expected performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Remote sensing of snow using bistatic radar reflectometry

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    Snow and ice processes are a critical part of the Earth’s hydrological and climate cycles. These processes can serve as an important source of fresh water as well as a cause of flooding. Various missions have been proposed by NASA and ESA for the purpose of remote sensing of snow. This research looks at applying bistatic radar reflectometry to the remote sensing of snow water equivalent. The resulting phase offset from changes in optical path length due to reflection through snow are the primary measurements made. The research uses data from a field campaign in Fraser, CO, involving an instrument collecting direct and reflected from S band during Jan 2015 – Apr 2015. Phase measurements from the field data are made from the two signals and compared to theoretical phase computed from a forward model using in situ data. A moderate correlation (\u3e0.6) is found between the measured and modeled phase

    The GNSS-R Eddy Experiment II: L-band and Optical Speculometry for Directional Sea-Roughness Retrieval from Low Altitude Aircraft

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    We report on the retrieval of directional sea-roughness (the full directional mean square slope, including MSS, direction and isotropy) through inversion of Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R) and SOlar REflectance Speculometry (SORES)data collected during an experimental flight at 1000 m. The emphasis is on the utilization of the entire Delay-Doppler Map (for GNSS-R) or Tilt Azimuth Map (for SORES) in order to infer these directional parameters. Obtained estimations are analyzed and compared to Jason-1 measurements and the ECMWF numerical weather model.Comment: Proceedings from the 2003 Workshop on Oceanography with GNSS Reflections, Barcelona, Spain, 200

    Space-based Global Maritime Surveillance. Part I: Satellite Technologies

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    Maritime surveillance (MS) is crucial for search and rescue operations, fishery monitoring, pollution control, law enforcement, migration monitoring, and national security policies. Since the early days of seafaring, MS has been a critical task for providing security in human coexistence. Several generations of sensors providing detailed maritime information have become available for large offshore areas in real time: maritime radar sensors in the 1950s and the automatic identification system (AIS) in the 1990s among them. However, ground-based maritime radars and AIS data do not always provide a comprehensive and seamless coverage of the entire maritime space. Therefore, the exploitation of space-based sensor technologies installed on satellites orbiting around the Earth, such as satellite AIS data, synthetic aperture radar, optical sensors, and global navigation satellite systems reflectometry, becomes crucial for MS and to complement the existing terrestrial technologies. In the first part of this work, we provide an overview of the main available space-based sensors technologies and present the advantages and limitations of each technology in the scope of MS. The second part, related to artificial intelligence, signal processing and data fusion techniques, is provided in a companion paper, titled: "Space-based Global Maritime Surveillance. Part II: Artificial Intelligence and Data Fusion Techniques" [1].Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazin

    Information retrieval from spaceborne GNSS Reflectometry observations using physics- and learning-based techniques

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    This dissertation proposes a learning-based, physics-aware soil moisture (SM) retrieval algorithm for NASA’s Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) mission. The proposed methodology has been built upon the literature review, analyses, and findings from a number of published studies throughout the dissertation research. Namely, a Sig- nals of Opportunity Coherent Bistatic scattering model (SCoBi) has been first developed at MSU and then its simulator has been open-sourced. Simulated GNSS-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) analyses have been conducted by using SCoBi. Significant findings have been noted such that (1) Although the dominance of either the coherent reflections or incoher- ent scattering over land is a debate, we demonstrated that coherent reflections are stronger for flat and smooth surfaces covered by low-to-moderate vegetation canopy; (2) The influ- ence of several land geophysical parameters such as SM, vegetation water content (VWC), and surface roughness on the bistatic reflectivity was quantified, the dynamic ranges of reflectivity changes due to SM and VWC are much higher than the changes due to the surface roughness. Such findings of these analyses, combined with a comprehensive lit- erature survey, have led to the present inversion algorithm: Physics- and learning-based retrieval of soil moisture information from space-borne GNSS-R measurements that are taken by NASA’s CYGNSS mission. The study is the first work that proposes a machine learning-based, non-parametric, and non-linear regression algorithm for CYGNSS-based soil moisture estimation. The results over point-scale soil moisture observations demon- strate promising performance for applicability to large scales. Potential future work will be extension of the methodology to global scales by training the model with larger and diverse data sets