18 research outputs found

    Movie recommender chatbot based on Dialogflow

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    Currently, the online movie streaming business is growing rapidly, such as Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, and Apple TV. The recommender system helps customers in getting information about movies that are in accordance with their wishes. Meanwhile, the development of messaging platform technology has made it easier for many people to communicate instantly. Utilizing a messaging platform to build a recommender system for movies, provides special benefits because people often access the messaging platform all the time. In the Indonesian language, there are many slang terms that the system must recognize. In this study, we build a chatbot on a messaging platform which users can interact with the system in natural language (in Indonesian language) and get recommendations. We use rule-based and maximum likelihood as a method in natural language processing (NLP), and content-based filtering for the recommendation process. The recommender system interaction is built through a conversation mechanism that will form a conversational recommender system. The interaction is based on a chatbot which is built using Dialogflow and implemented on the telegram. We use the accuracy of recommendations and user satisfaction to evaluate the system performance. The results obtained from the user study indicate that the NLP approach provides a positive experience for users. In addition, the system also produces an accuracy value of 83%

    A Web3D Enabled Information Integration Framework for Facility Management

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    Managing capital oil and gas and civil engineering facilities requires a large amount of heterogeneous information that is generated by different project stakeholders across the facility lifecycle phases and is stored in various databases and technical documents. The amount of information reaches its peak during the commissioning and handover phases when the project is handed over to the operator. The operational phase of facilities spans multiple decades and the way facilities are used and maintained have a huge impact on costs, environment, productivity, and health and safety. Thus, the client and the operator bear most of the additional costs associated with incomplete, incorrect or not immediately usable information. Web applications can provide quick and convenient access to information regardless of user location. However, the integration and delivery of engineering information, including 3D content, over the Web is still at its infancy and is affected by numerous technical (i.e. data and tools) and procedural (i.e. process and people) challenges. This paper addresses the technical issues and proposes a Web3D enabled information integration framework that delivers engineering information together with 3D content without any plug-ins. In the proposed framework, a class library defines the engineering data requirements and a semi-structured database provides means to integrate heterogeneous technical asset information. This framework also enables separating the 3D model content into fragments, storing them together with the digital assets and delivering to the client browser on demand. Such framework partially alleviates the current limitations of the JavaScript based 3D content delivery such as application speed and latency. Hence, the proposed framework is particularly valuable to petroleum and civil engineering companies working with large amounts of data

    Moving Target Defense for Web Applications

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    abstract: Web applications continue to remain as the most popular method of interaction for businesses over the Internet. With it's simplicity of use and management, they often function as the "front door" for many companies. As such, they are a critical component of the security ecosystem as vulnerabilities present in these systems could potentially allow malicious users access to sensitive business and personal data. The inherent nature of web applications enables anyone to access them anytime and anywhere, this includes any malicious actors looking to exploit vulnerabilities present in the web application. In addition, the static configurations of these web applications enables attackers the opportunity to perform reconnaissance at their leisure, increasing their success rate by allowing them time to discover information on the system. On the other hand, defenders are often at a disadvantage as they do not have the same temporal opportunity that attackers possess in order to perform counter-reconnaissance. Lastly, the unchanging nature of web applications results in undiscovered vulnerabilities to remain open for exploitation, requiring developers to adopt a reactive approach that is often delayed or to anticipate and prepare for all possible attacks which is often cost-prohibitive. Moving Target Defense (MTD) seeks to remove the attackers' advantage by reducing the information asymmetry between the attacker and defender. This research explores the concept of MTD and the various methods of applying MTD to secure Web Applications. In particular, MTD concepts are applied to web applications by implementing an automated application diversifier that aims to mitigate specific classes of web application vulnerabilities and exploits. Evaluation is done using two open source web applications to determine the effectiveness of the MTD implementation. Though developed for the chosen applications, the automation process can be customized to fit a variety of applications.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Scalable and dynamically balanced shared-everything OLTP with physiological partitioning

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    Scaling the performance of shared-everything transaction processing systems to highly parallel multicore hardware remains a challenge for database system designers. Recent proposals alleviate locking and logging bottlenecks in the system, leaving page latching as the next potential problem. To tackle the page latching problem, we propose physiological partitioning (PLP). PLP applies logical-only partitioning, maintaining the desired properties of sharedeverything designs, and introduces a multi-rooted B+Tree index structure (MRBTree) that enables the partitioning of the accesses at the physical page level. Logical partitioning and MRBTrees together ensure that all accesses to a given index page come from a single thread and, hence, can be entirely latch free; an extended design makes heap page accesses thread private as well. Moreover, MRBTrees offer an infrastructure for easy repartitioning and allow us to have a lightweight dynamic load balancing mechanism (DLB) on top of PLP. Profiling a PLP prototype running on different multicore machines shows that it acquires 85 and 68%fewer contentious critical sections, respectively, than an optimized conventional design and one based on logical-only partitioning. PLP also improves performance up to almost 50 % over the existing systems, while DLB enhances the system with rapid and robust behavior in both detecting and handling load imbalance

    Final version of the software running operationally for the demonstration

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    This report includes the description and the manuals (both at User and Administrator level) for the OSPAC service and its application

    Qualitative Spatial Query Processing : Towards Cognitive Geographic Information Systems

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    For a long time, Geographic Information Systems (GISs) have been used by GIS-experts to perform numerous tasks including way finding, mapping, and querying geo-spatial databases. The advancement of Web 2.0 technologies and the development of mobile-based device applications present an excellent opportunity to allow the public -non-expert users- to access information of GISs. However, the interfaces of GISs were mainly designed and developed based on quantitative values of spatial databases to serve GIS-experts, whereas non-expert users usually prefer a qualitative approach to interacting with GISs. For example, humans typically resort to expressions such as the building is near a riverbank or there is a restaurant inside a park which qualitatively locate the spatial entity with respect to another. In other words, the users' interaction with current GISs is still not intuitive and not efficient. This dissertation thusly aims at enabling users to intuitively and efficiently search spatial databases of GISs by means of qualitative relations or terms such as left, north of, or inside. We use these qualitative relations to formalise so-called Qualitative Spatial Queries (QSQs). Aside from existing topological models, we integrate distance and directional qualitative models into Spatial Data-Base Management Systems (SDBMSs) to allow the qualitative and intuitive formalism of queries in GISs. Furthermore, we abstract binary Qualitative Spatial Relations (QSRs) covering the aforementioned aspects of space from the database objects. We store the abstracted QSRs in a Qualitative Spatial Layer (QSL) that we extend into current SDBMSs to avoid the additional cost of the abstraction process when dealing with every single query. Nevertheless, abstracting the QSRs of QSL results in a high space complexity in terms of qualitative representations

    Studying user behavior through a participatory sensing framework in an urban context

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsThe widespread use of mobile devices has given birth to participatory sensing, a data collection approach leveraging the sheer number of device users, their mobility, intelligence and device’s increasingly powerful computing and sensing capabilities. As a result, participatory sensing is able to collect various types of information at a high spatial and temporal resolution and it has many applications ranging from measuring cellular signal strength or road condition monitoring to observing the distribution of birds. However, in order to achieve better results from participatory sensing, some issues needed to be dealt with. On a high level, this thesis addressed two issues: (1) the design and development of a participatory sensing framework that allows users to flexibly create campaigns and at the same time collect different types of data and (2) the study of different aspects of the user behaviors in the context of participatory sensing. In particular, the first contribution of the thesis is the design and development of Citizense, a participatory sensing framework that facilitates flexible deployments of participatory sensing campaigns while at the same time providing intuitive interfaces for users to create sensing campaigns and collect a variety of data types. During the real-world deployments of Citizense, it has shown its effectiveness in collecting different types of urban information and subsequently received appreciation from different stakeholders. The second contribution of the thesis is the in-depth study of user behavior under the presence of different monetary incentive mechanisms and the analysis of the spatial and temporal user behavior when participants are simultaneously exposed to a large number of participatory sensing campaigns. Concerning the monetary incentive, it is observed that participants prefer fixed micro-payment to other mechanisms (i.e., lottery, variable micro-payment); their participation was increased significantly when they were given this incentive. When taking part in the participatory sensing process, participants exhibit certain spatial and temporal behaviors. They tend to primarily contribute in their free time during the working week, although the decision to respond and complete a particular participatory sensing campaign seems to be correlated to the campaign’s geographical context and/or the recency of the participants’ activities. Participants can be divided into two groups according to their behaviors: a smaller group of active participants who frequently perform participatory sensing activities and a larger group of regular participants who exhibit more intermittent behaviors

    PLP: Page Latch-free Shared-everything OLTP

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    Scaling the performance of shared-everything on-line transaction processing to highly-parallel multicore hardware remains a great challenge for database system designers. Developments in OLTP technology remove locking and logging from being scalability bottlenecks on such systems, leaving page latching as the next potential problem. To tackle the page latching problem, we design a system around physiological partitioning (PLP). The PLP design applies logical-only partitioning, maintaining the desired properties of shared-everything designs, and introduces a multi-rooted B+Tree index structure (MRBTree) which allows us to partition the accesses at the physical page level. That is, logical partitioning, along with MRBTrees ensure that all accesses to a given index page come from a single thread and, hence, can be entirely latch-free. We extend the design to make heap page accesses thread-private as well. The elimination of page latching allows us to simplify key code paths in the system such as B+Tree operations leading to more efficient yet easier maintainable code. The profiling of a prototype PLP system shows that it acquires 85% and 68% fewer contentious critical sections per transaction than an optimized conventional design and one based on logical-only partitioning respectively. As a result the PLP prototype improves performance by up to 40% and 18% over the two systems on two multicore machines