8,059 research outputs found

    Noise or music? Investigating the usefulness of normalisation for robust sentiment analysis on social media data

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    In the past decade, sentiment analysis research has thrived, especially on social media. While this data genre is suitable to extract opinions and sentiment, it is known to be noisy. Complex normalisation methods have been developed to transform noisy text into its standard form, but their effect on tasks like sentiment analysis remains underinvestigated. Sentiment analysis approaches mostly include spell checking or rule-based normalisation as preprocess- ing and rarely investigate its impact on the task performance. We present an optimised sentiment classifier and investigate to what extent its performance can be enhanced by integrating SMT-based normalisation as preprocessing. Experiments on a test set comprising a variety of user-generated content genres revealed that normalisation improves sentiment classification performance on tweets and blog posts, showing the model’s ability to generalise to other data genres

    Deep fusion of multi-channel neurophysiological signal for emotion recognition and monitoring

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    How to fuse multi-channel neurophysiological signals for emotion recognition is emerging as a hot research topic in community of Computational Psychophysiology. Nevertheless, prior feature engineering based approaches require extracting various domain knowledge related features at a high time cost. Moreover, traditional fusion method cannot fully utilise correlation information between different channels and frequency components. In this paper, we design a hybrid deep learning model, in which the 'Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)' is utilised for extracting task-related features, as well as mining inter-channel and inter-frequency correlation, besides, the 'Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)' is concatenated for integrating contextual information from the frame cube sequence. Experiments are carried out in a trial-level emotion recognition task, on the DEAP benchmarking dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms the classical methods, with regard to both of the emotional dimensions of Valence and Arousal

    I hear you eat and speak: automatic recognition of eating condition and food type, use-cases, and impact on ASR performance

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    We propose a new recognition task in the area of computational paralinguistics: automatic recognition of eating conditions in speech, i. e., whether people are eating while speaking, and what they are eating. To this end, we introduce the audio-visual iHEARu-EAT database featuring 1.6 k utterances of 30 subjects (mean age: 26.1 years, standard deviation: 2.66 years, gender balanced, German speakers), six types of food (Apple, Nectarine, Banana, Haribo Smurfs, Biscuit, and Crisps), and read as well as spontaneous speech, which is made publicly available for research purposes. We start with demonstrating that for automatic speech recognition (ASR), it pays off to know whether speakers are eating or not. We also propose automatic classification both by brute-forcing of low-level acoustic features as well as higher-level features related to intelligibility, obtained from an Automatic Speech Recogniser. Prediction of the eating condition was performed with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier employed in a leave-one-speaker-out evaluation framework. Results show that the binary prediction of eating condition (i. e., eating or not eating) can be easily solved independently of the speaking condition; the obtained average recalls are all above 90%. Low-level acoustic features provide the best performance on spontaneous speech, which reaches up to 62.3% average recall for multi-way classification of the eating condition, i. e., discriminating the six types of food, as well as not eating. The early fusion of features related to intelligibility with the brute-forced acoustic feature set improves the performance on read speech, reaching a 66.4% average recall for the multi-way classification task. Analysing features and classifier errors leads to a suitable ordinal scale for eating conditions, on which automatic regression can be performed with up to 56.2% determination coefficient

    Bag-of-words representations for computer audition

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    Computer audition is omnipresent in everyday life, in applications ranging from personalised virtual agents to health care. From a technical point of view, the goal is to robustly classify the content of an audio signal in terms of a defined set of labels, such as, e.g., the acoustic scene, a medical diagnosis, or, in the case of speech, what is said or how it is said. Typical approaches employ machine learning (ML), which means that task-specific models are trained by means of examples. Despite recent successes in neural network-based end-to-end learning, taking the raw audio signal as input, models relying on hand-crafted acoustic features are still superior in some domains, especially for tasks where data is scarce. One major issue is nevertheless that a sequence of acoustic low-level descriptors (LLDs) cannot be fed directly into many ML algorithms as they require a static and fixed-length input. Moreover, also for dynamic classifiers, compressing the information of the LLDs over a temporal block by summarising them can be beneficial. However, the type of instance-level representation has a fundamental impact on the performance of the model. In this thesis, the so-called bag-of-audio-words (BoAW) representation is investigated as an alternative to the standard approach of statistical functionals. BoAW is an unsupervised method of representation learning, inspired from the bag-of-words method in natural language processing, forming a histogram of the terms present in a document. The toolkit openXBOW is introduced, enabling systematic learning and optimisation of these feature representations, unified across arbitrary modalities of numeric or symbolic descriptors. A number of experiments on BoAW are presented and discussed, focussing on a large number of potential applications and corresponding databases, ranging from emotion recognition in speech to medical diagnosis. The evaluations include a comparison of different acoustic LLD sets and configurations of the BoAW generation process. The key findings are that BoAW features are a meaningful alternative to statistical functionals, offering certain benefits, while being able to preserve the advantages of functionals, such as data-independence. Furthermore, it is shown that both representations are complementary and their fusion improves the performance of a machine listening system.Maschinelles Hören ist im täglichen Leben allgegenwärtig, mit Anwendungen, die von personalisierten virtuellen Agenten bis hin zum Gesundheitswesen reichen. Aus technischer Sicht besteht das Ziel darin, den Inhalt eines Audiosignals hinsichtlich einer Auswahl definierter Labels robust zu klassifizieren. Die Labels beschreiben bspw. die akustische Umgebung der Aufnahme, eine medizinische Diagnose oder - im Falle von Sprache - was gesagt wird oder wie es gesagt wird. Übliche Ansätze hierzu verwenden maschinelles Lernen, d.h., es werden anwendungsspezifische Modelle anhand von Beispieldaten trainiert. Trotz jüngster Erfolge beim Ende-zu-Ende-Lernen mittels neuronaler Netze, in welchen das unverarbeitete Audiosignal als Eingabe benutzt wird, sind Modelle, die auf definierten akustischen Merkmalen basieren, in manchen Bereichen weiterhin überlegen. Dies gilt im Besonderen für Einsatzzwecke, für die nur wenige Daten vorhanden sind. Allerdings besteht dabei das Problem, dass Zeitfolgen von akustischen Deskriptoren in viele Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens nicht direkt eingespeist werden können, da diese eine statische Eingabe fester Länge benötigen. Außerdem kann es auch für dynamische (zeitabhängige) Klassifikatoren vorteilhaft sein, die Deskriptoren über ein gewisses Zeitintervall zusammenzufassen. Jedoch hat die Art der Merkmalsdarstellung einen grundlegenden Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit des Modells. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird der sogenannte Bag-of-Audio-Words-Ansatz (BoAW) als Alternative zum Standardansatz der statistischen Funktionale untersucht. BoAW ist eine Methode des unüberwachten Lernens von Merkmalsdarstellungen, die von der Bag-of-Words-Methode in der Computerlinguistik inspiriert wurde, bei der ein Textdokument als Histogramm der vorkommenden Wörter beschrieben wird. Das Toolkit openXBOW wird vorgestellt, welches systematisches Training und Optimierung dieser Merkmalsdarstellungen - vereinheitlicht für beliebige Modalitäten mit numerischen oder symbolischen Deskriptoren - erlaubt. Es werden einige Experimente zum BoAW-Ansatz durchgeführt und diskutiert, die sich auf eine große Zahl möglicher Anwendungen und entsprechende Datensätze beziehen, von der Emotionserkennung in gesprochener Sprache bis zur medizinischen Diagnostik. Die Auswertungen beinhalten einen Vergleich verschiedener akustischer Deskriptoren und Konfigurationen der BoAW-Methode. Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse sind, dass BoAW-Merkmalsvektoren eine geeignete Alternative zu statistischen Funktionalen darstellen, gewisse Vorzüge bieten und gleichzeitig wichtige Eigenschaften der Funktionale, wie bspw. die Datenunabhängigkeit, erhalten können. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass beide Darstellungen komplementär sind und eine Fusionierung die Leistungsfähigkeit eines Systems des maschinellen Hörens verbessert

    Self Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cross-Corpus and Cross-Language Speech Emotion Recognition

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    Despite the recent advancement in speech emotion recognition (SER) within a single corpus setting, the performance of these SER systems degrades significantly for cross-corpus and cross-language scenarios. The key reason is the lack of generalisation in SER systems towards unseen conditions, which causes them to perform poorly in cross-corpus and cross-language settings. Recent studies focus on utilising adversarial methods to learn domain generalised representation for improving cross-corpus and cross-language SER to address this issue. However, many of these methods only focus on cross-corpus SER without addressing the cross-language SER performance degradation due to a larger domain gap between source and target language data. This contribution proposes an adversarial dual discriminator (ADDi) network that uses the three-players adversarial game to learn generalised representations without requiring any target data labels. We also introduce a self-supervised ADDi (sADDi) network that utilises self-supervised pre-training with unlabelled data. We propose synthetic data generation as a pretext task in sADDi, enabling the network to produce emotionally discriminative and domain invariant representations and providing complementary synthetic data to augment the system. The proposed model is rigorously evaluated using five publicly available datasets in three languages and compared with multiple studies on cross-corpus and cross-language SER. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model achieves improved performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computin

    Detection of emotions in Parkinson's disease using higher order spectral features from brain's electrical activity

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    Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD) involving cognition and emotion have been progressively receiving more attention in recent times. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, being an activity of central nervous system, can reflect the underlying true emotional state of a person. This paper presents a computational framework for classifying PD patients compared to healthy controls (HC) using emotional information from the brain's electrical activity

    An on-line VAD based on Multi-Normalisation Scoring (MNS) of observation likelihoods

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    Preprint del artĂ­culo pĂşblicado online el 31 de mayo 2018Voice activity detection (VAD) is an essential task in expert systems that rely on oral interfaces. The VAD module detects the presence of human speech and separates speech segments from silences and non-speech noises. The most popular current on-line VAD systems are based on adaptive parameters which seek to cope with varying channel and noise conditions. The main disadvantages of this approach are the need for some initialisation time to properly adjust the parameters to the incoming signal and uncertain performance in the case of poor estimation of the initial parameters. In this paper we propose a novel on-line VAD based only on previous training which does not introduce any delay. The technique is based on a strategy that we have called Multi-Normalisation Scoring (MNS). It consists of obtaining a vector of multiple observation likelihood scores from normalised mel-cepstral coefficients previously computed from different databases. A classifier is then used to label the incoming observation likelihood vector. Encouraging results have been obtained with a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). This technique can generalise for unseen noise levels and types. A validation experiment with two current standard ITU-T VAD algorithms demonstrates the good performance of the method. Indeed, lower classification error rates are obtained for non-speech frames, while results for speech frames are similar.This work was partially supported by the EU (ERDF) under grant TEC2015-67163-C2-1-R (RESTORE) (MINECO/ERDF, EU) and by the Basque Government under grant KK-2017/00043 (BerbaOla)
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