264 research outputs found

    Supernode Transformation On Parallel Systems With Distributed Memory – An Analytical Approach

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    Supernode transformation, or tiling, is a technique that partitions algorithms to improve data locality and parallelism by balancing computation and inter-processor communication costs to achieve shortest execution or running time. It groups multiple iterations of nested loops into supernodes to be assigned to processors for processing in parallel. A supernode transformation can be described by supernode size and shape. This research focuses on supernode transformation on multi-processor architectures with distributed memory, including computer cluster systems and General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GPGPUs). The research involves supernode scheduling, supernode mapping to processors, and the finding of the optimal supernode size, for achieving the shortest total running time. The algorithms considered are two nested loops with regular data dependencies. The Longest Common Subsequence problem is used as an illustration. A novel mathematical model for the total running time is established as a function of the supernode size, algorithm parameters such as the problem size and the data dependence, the computation time of each loop iteration, architecture parameters such as the number of processors, and the communication cost. The optimal supernode size is derived from this closed form model. The model and the optimal supernode size provide better results than previous researches and are verified by simulations on multi-processor systems including computer cluster systems and GPGPUs

    Applying Supernode Architecture for Scalable Multiplayer Computer Game

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    Süsteemi skaleeritavus, kiire vastamise aeg ja madal hinnatase on tähtsad atribuudid, mida tuleb arvesse võtta suurte multimängijatega online mitmikmängude loomisel. Sellistes süsteemides mängib suurt rolli arhitektuur. Partnervõrkude arhitektuuridel on madalad hinnad ning need suudavad saavutada järk-järgulise kasvu tänu nende hajususele ja koostööle. Peale selle suudavad nad kiirelt reageerida tänu otseühendustele mängijate vahel. Samas esineb selliste arhitektuuridega mitmeid probleeme. Selles lõputöös uuritakse olemasolevaid partnervõrkude lahendusi suurtele multimängijatega online olevatele mängudele. Veel uurib see lõputöö kahte hübriidarhitektuuri - esimeses on kasutatud supernode punkte koos keskse ühenduspunktiga ning teises on kasutatud keskset võrguharu ühenduspunkti ilma keskse ühenduspunktita. Lisaks sellele esitab see lõputöö lahenduse supernodemultimängijatega online mängudele, mis põhinevad multiedastuse põhimõttel.Selleks, et tulevikus analüüse läbi viia, on kogu süsteem implementeeritud simulatsiooniga.Scalability, fast response time and low cost are of utmost importance in designing a successful massively multiplayer online game. The underlying architecture plays an important role in meeting these conditions. Peer-to-peer architectures, have low infrastructure costs and can achieve high scalability, due to their distributed and collaborative nature. They can also achieve fast response times by creating direct connections between players. However, these architectures face many challenges.Therefore, the paper investigates existing peer to peer architecture solutions for a massively multiplayer online games. The study examines two hybrid architectures. In the first one, a supernode approach is used with a central server. In the contrast in the second one, there is no central server and pure peer to peer architecture is deployed. Moreover, the thesis proposes a solution based on multicast peer discovery and supernodes for a massively multiplayer online game. Also, all system is covered with simulation, that provides results for future analysing

    Effective and Economical Content Delivery and Storage Strategies for Cloud Systems

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    Cloud computing has proved to be an effective infrastructure to host various applications and provide reliable and stable services. Content delivery and storage are two main services provided by the cloud. A high-performance cloud can reduce the cost of both cloud providers and customers, while providing high application performance to cloud clients. Thus, the performance of such cloud-based services is closely related to three issues. First, when delivering contents from the cloud to users or transferring contents between cloud datacenters, it is important to reduce the payment costs and transmission time. Second, when transferring contents between cloud datacenters, it is important to reduce the payment costs to the internet service providers (ISPs). Third, when storing contents in the datacenters, it is crucial to reduce the file read latency and power consumption of the datacenters. In this dissertation, we study how to effectively deliver and store contents on the cloud, with a focus on cloud gaming and video streaming services. In particular, we aim to address three problems. i) Cost-efficient cloud computing system to support thin-client Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG): how to achieve high Quality of Service (QoS) in cloud gaming and reduce the cloud bandwidth consumption; ii) Cost-efficient inter-datacenter video scheduling: how to reduce the bandwidth payment cost by fully utilizing link bandwidth when cloud providers transfer videos between datacenters; iii) Energy-efficient adaptive file replication: how to adapt to time-varying file popularities to achieve a good tradeoff between data availability and efficiency, as well as reduce the power consumption of the datacenters. In this dissertation, we propose methods to solve each of aforementioned challenges on the cloud. As a result, we build a cloud system that has a cost-efficient system to support cloud clients, an inter-datacenter video scheduling algorithm for video transmission on the cloud and an adaptive file replication algorithm for cloud storage system. As a result, the cloud system not only benefits the cloud providers in reducing the cloud cost, but also benefits the cloud customers in reducing their payment cost and improving high cloud application performance (i.e., user experience). Finally, we conducted extensive experiments on many testbeds, including PeerSim, PlanetLab, EC2 and a real-world cluster, which demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed methods. In our future work, we will further study how to further improve user experience in receiving contents and reduce the cost due to content transfer

    Design and Evaluation of Distributed Algorithms for Placement of Network Services

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    Network services play an important role in the Internet today. They serve as data caches for websites, servers for multiplayer games and relay nodes for Voice over IP: VoIP) conversations. While much research has focused on the design of such services, little attention has been focused on their actual placement. This placement can impact the quality of the service, especially if low latency is a requirement. These services can be located on nodes in the network itself, making these nodes supernodes. Typically supernodes are selected in either a proprietary or ad hoc fashion, where a study of this placement is either unavailable or unnecessary. Previous research dealt with the only pieces of the problem, such as finding the location of caches for a static topology, or selecting better routes for relays in VoIP. However, a comprehensive solution is needed for dynamic applications such as multiplayer games or P2P VoIP services. These applications adapt quickly and need solutions based on the immediate demands of the network. In this thesis we develop distributed algorithms to assign nodes the role of a supernode. This research first builds off of prior work by modifying an existing assignment algorithm and implementing it in a distributed system called Supernode Placement in Overlay Topologies: SPOT). New algorithms are developed to assign nodes the supernode role. These algorithms are then evaluated in SPOT to demonstrate improved SN assignment and scalability. Through a series of simulation, emulation, and experimentation insight is gained into the critical issues associated with allocating resources to perform the role of supernodes. Our contributions include distributed algorithms to assign nodes as supernodes, an open source fully functional distributed supernode allocation system, an evaluation of the system in diverse networking environments, and a simulator called SPOTsim which demonstrates the scalability of the system to thousands of nodes. An example of an application deploying such a system is also presented along with the empirical results

    Towards Practical Access Control and Usage Control on the Cloud using Trusted Hardware

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    Cloud-based platforms have become the principle way to store, share, and synchronize files online. For individuals and organizations alike, cloud storage not only provides resource scalability and on-demand access at a low cost, but also eliminates the necessity of provisioning and maintaining complex hardware installations. Unfortunately, because cloud-based platforms are frequent victims of data breaches and unauthorized disclosures, data protection obliges both access control and usage control to manage user authorization and regulate future data use. Encryption can ensure data security against unauthorized parties, but complicates file sharing which now requires distributing keys to authorized users, and a mechanism that prevents revoked users from accessing or modifying sensitive content. Further, as user data is stored and processed on remote ma- chines, usage control in a distributed setting requires incorporating the local environmental context at policy evaluation, as well as tamper-proof and non-bypassable enforcement. Existing cryptographic solutions either require server-side coordination, offer limited flexibility in data sharing, or incur significant re-encryption overheads on user revocation. This combination of issues are ill-suited within large-scale distributed environments where there are a large number of users, dynamic changes in user membership and access privileges, and resources are shared across organizational domains. Thus, developing a robust security and privacy solution for the cloud requires: fine-grained access control to associate the largest set of users and resources with variable granularity, scalable administration costs when managing policies and access rights, and cross-domain policy enforcement. To address the above challenges, this dissertation proposes a practical security solution that relies solely on commodity trusted hardware to ensure confidentiality and integrity throughout the data lifecycle. The aim is to maintain complete user ownership against external hackers and malicious service providers, without losing the scalability or availability benefits of cloud storage. Furthermore, we develop a principled approach that is: (i) portable across storage platforms without requiring any server-side support or modifications, (ii) flexible in allowing users to selectively share their data using fine-grained access control, and (iii) performant by imposing modest overheads on standard user workloads. Essentially, our system must be client-side, provide end-to-end data protection and secure sharing, without significant degradation in performance or user experience. We introduce NeXUS, a privacy-preserving filesystem that enables cryptographic protection and secure file sharing on existing network-based storage services. NeXUS protects the confidentiality and integrity of file content, as well as file and directory names, while mitigating against rollback attacks of the filesystem hierarchy. We also introduce Joplin, a secure access control and usage control system that provides practical attribute-based sharing with decentralized policy administration, including efficient revocation, multi-domain policies, secure user delegation, and mandatory audit logging. Both systems leverage trusted hardware to prevent the leakage of sensitive material such as encryption keys and access control policies; they are completely client-side, easy to install and use, and can be readily deployed across remote storage platforms without requiring any server-side changes or trusted intermediary. We developed prototypes for NeXUS and Joplin, and evaluated their respective overheads in isolation and within a real-world environment. Results show that both prototypes introduce modest overheads on interactive workloads, and achieve portability across storage platforms, including Dropbox and AFS. Together, NeXUS and Joplin demonstrate that a client-side solution employing trusted hardware such as Intel SGX can effectively protect remotely stored data on existing file sharing services

    Predictive and distributed routing balancing (PR-DRB) : high speed interconnection networks

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    Current parallel applications running on clusters require the use of an interconnection network to perform communications among all computing nodes available. Imbalance of communications can produce network congestion, reducing throughput and increasing latency, degrading the overall system performance. On the other hand, parallel applications running on these networks posses representative stages which allow their characterization, as well as repetitive behavior that can be identified on the basis of this characterization. This work presents the Predictive and Distributed Routing Balancing (PR-DRB), a new method developed to gradually control network congestion, based on paths expansion, traffic distribution and effective traffic load, in order to maintain low latency values. PR-DRB monitors messages latencies on intermediate routers, makes decisions about alternative paths and record communication pattern information encountered during congestion situation. Based on the concept of applications repetitiveness, best solution recorded are reapplied when saved communication pattern re-appears. Traffic congestion experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the performance of the method, and improvements were observed.Les aplicacions paral·leles actuals en els Clústers requereixen l'ús d'una xarxa d'interconnexió per comunicar a tots els nodes de còmput disponibles. El desequilibri en la càrrega de comunicacions pot congestionar la xarxa, incrementant la latència i disminuint el throughput, degradant el rendiment total del sistema. D'altra banda, les aplicacions paral·leles que s'executen sobre aquestes xarxes contenen etapes representatives durant la seva execució les quals permeten caracteritzar-les, a més d'extraure un comportament repetitiu que pot ser identificat en base a aquesta caracterització. Aquest treball presenta el Balanceig Predictiu de Encaminament Distribuït (PR-DRB), un nou mètode desenvolupat per controlar la congestió a la xarxa en forma gradual, basat en l'expansió de camins, la distribució de trànsit i càrrega efectiva actual per tal de mantenir una latència baixa. PR-DRB monitoritza la latència dels missatges en els encaminadors, pren decisions sobre els camins alternatius a utilitzar i registra la informació de la congestió sobre la base del patró de comunicacions detectat, utilitzant com a concepte base la repetitivitat de les aplicacions per després tornar a aplicar la millor solució quan aquest patró es repeteixi. Experiments de trànsit amb congestió van ser portats a terme per avaluar el rendiment del mètode, els quals van mostrar la bondat del mateix.Las aplicaciones paralelas actuales en los Clústeres requieren el uso de una red de interconexión para comunicar a todos los nodos de cómputo disponibles. El desbalance en la carga de comunicaciones puede congestionar la red, incrementando la latencia y disminuyendo el throughput, degradando el rendimiento total del sistema. Por otro lado, las aplicaciones paralelas que corren sobre estas redes contienen etapas representativas durante su ejecución las cuales permiten caracterizarlas, además de un comportamiento repetitivo que puede ser identificado en base a dicha caracterización. Este trabajo presenta el Balanceo Predictivo de Encaminamiento Distribuido (PR-DRB), un nuevo método desarrollado para controlar la congestión en la red en forma gradual; basado en la expansión de caminos, la distribución de tráfico y carga efectiva actual, a fin de mantener una latencia baja. PR-DRB monitorea la latencia de los mensajes en los encaminadores, toma decisiones sobre los caminos alternativos a utilizar y registra la información de la congestión en base al patrón de comunicaciones detectado, usando como concepto base la repetitividad de las aplicaciones para luego volver a aplicar la mejor solución cuando dicho patrón se repita. Experimentos de tráfico con congestión fueron llevados a cabo para evaluar el rendimiento del método, los cuales mostraron la bondad del mismo

    Makerspaces in Higher Education : the UR-Maker experience at the University of La Rioja

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    Nowadays, in addition to the expected technical knowledge, labor markets demand engineers with personal, interpersonal and system building skills, according to the CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate) syllabus. But the current higher education systems are mostly teaching theoretical concepts rather than practical or applied cases. Makerspaces could become a bridge between universities and industry, particularly in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) careers. Makerspaces, also known as hackerspaces, hack labs, and fab labs, are open-access spaces where tools, machines and knowledge are shared with the purpose of implementing an idea. This communication evaluates the current status of the makerspaces at the world's top 10 universities in engineering and three of the most well-known Spanish ones, as well as the new campus makerspace created at the University of La Rioja. All the information was collected from universities' websites. Most of these reviewed universities have created outstanding makerspaces generally for the entire academic community. The Spanish 'Maker UPV' has been exceptionally successful promoting activities and projects in spite of the lack of resources reported. Lastly, the implementation of a new makerspace at the University of La Rioja (UR-Maker) is described with information about its organization, funding sources and activities already performed. This experience can represent an attractive guide for the academic community as other universities can explore the creation of new makerspaces on their own campus.Peer reviewe