31 research outputs found

    Dilemele Internet Banking: Studiu asupra non-utilizatorilor absoluti si relativi

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    Prezenta Internet Bankingului in oferta de servicii de valoare adaugata pentru clienti a adus pe langa o multitudine de beneficii legate de eficientizare si cerinte din ce in ce mai ridicate din partea utilizatorilor. Schimbarea adusa de Internet Banking a fortat bancile sa reevalueze costurile si structurile de profit, in scopul de a reduce cheltuielile operationale si a mentine un control al costurilor. Articolul isi propune sa detalieze din aspectele particulare ale serviciului Internet Banking din perspectiva provocarilor pe care acest serviciu le presupune in termeni de marketing si management. Modelul adoptarii Internet Banking-ului teoretizat in urma cu cativa ani este punctul de pornire in analiza inhibitorilor si acceleratorilor adoptarii Internet Bankingului. Rezultatele studiului efectuat pe un esantion exclusiv de nonutilizatori aduce cateva aspecte utile configurarii unei politici de marketing bancar evolutive.online banking, martini banking, comportamentul consumatorilor, consumer behaviour

    Understanding the consumption process through in-branch and e-mortgage service channels: A first-time buyer perspective

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    This article is (c) Emerald Group Publishing and permission has been granted for this version to appear here (////BURA web address here). Emerald does not grant permission for this article to be further copied/distributed or hosted elsewhere without the express permission from Emerald Group Publishing Limited.Purpose – The twin aims of this paper are to explore the differences in the consumption process between the traditional in-branch and web-based (e-mortgage) service channels and how the differences relate to any problems identified in the electronic service environment, with respect to information search and product evaluation. Design/methodology/approach – A process-oriented approach comparing the two service channels (in-branch vs e-mortgage) was conducted in two study phases. Data from the e-mortgage process were collected using protocol analysis with 12 first-time buyers (FTBs) applying on a website belonging either to a hybrid or to an internet-only bank. Results of the e-mortgage process were mapped on to stages of the in-branch process, which was captured by observation of six FTB mortgage interviews to determine the level of correspondence and emergent issues. Findings – Support for the FTB in the e-mortgage process was problematic and service provision was found to be product- rather than consumer-oriented. Practical implications – The study highlights the importance of design issues in the electronic service environment for creating confidence in the online advice and information available on home mortgages for FTBs. Originality/value – The paper promotes increased understanding by financial service providers of the characteristics that support the consultative selling process for complex products such as mortgages and inform multichannel retailing

    Barriers in Purchasing Green Cosmetic Products Among Indonesian Women

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    Nowadays, many companies sell products that they claim as 'green' cosmetics to reach public demand and attention. Yet, women are starting to be concerned about green cosmetics because they wonder if it does bring sustainability and worth the claim. This research aims to analyze women's barrier factors in purchasing green cosmetics in Indonesia. This research target population is women who live in Jakarta, and Bandung, ranging from 18-34 years old, tend to use cosmetics daily and know about green cosmetics in general. The researcher uses a quantitative approach that uses 235 sample sizes and using probability sampling and questionnaire to collect the data. The data was analyzed using SmartPLS 3.0 with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results show that the value barrier, usage barrier, risk barrier, tradition barrier, and image barrier positively influenced the purchase intention of green cosmetics products. The findings of this study can help green cosmetics brands in Indonesia sell their products to be accepted in the market

    What Influencing Consumers To Resist Using Mobile Banking

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    This study employed the theory of innovation resistance as a research basis to investigate main factors that influence individuals to resist using mobile banking. Compared to that numerous researches used innovation adoption theories to investigate what affects individuals to adopt mobile banking over the past ten years, this empirical study could advance current knowledge on the non-adoption of mobile banking. Besides, from innovation resistance perspectives to explore the mobile banking adoption and non-adoption, this study could provide banks valuable clues to develop elaborate and differentiated service, marketing, and business strategies in the mobile banking context

    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Banking Sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the academic research in the management field, by exploring banking strategies implemented during complex crises, with a focus on the recent pandemic. To improve the comprehension of the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic we analyzed the differences between the crisis from 2008-2009 and the crisis induced by the pandemic. The banking system has always been at the center of the crises, both in 2008 and in the 1930s, but this time the situation is different because, now, we are facing a crisis that is related to systemic health issues. In the previous crises, banks were considered as part of the problem, but this time they are perceived as part of the solution. This approach increases the role of banks in the coronavirus crisis and the strategies adopted by banks influence the whole economy. The pandemic has changed the world economy entirely and impacted tremendously most businesses. The banking system plays an essential role in this situation because it is a key component from an economic point of view. In recent years, the banking system has adapted continuously – it has been reinvented to keep up with customer expectations and the need for cost reductions. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitalization in the banking system although, the need for innovation and digital strategies have been an important factor in banking even before the pandemic had started. We present furthermore an opinion based on a narrative literature review and a summary of the most important elements that redesign the banking system during the COVID-19 pandemic context. The literature regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for the banking system is still developing since the pandemic is an unfolding new experience for the world.

    A new view on innovation : researching the usage of competitor´s resources to increase the likelihood of adoption in the electric vehicle industry

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    The car industry is facing a lot of changes, especially when it comes to electric vehicles. Although the majority of consumers is aware of electric vehicles, personal transportation by electric vehicles is only 0.2%. Due to the nature of barriers such as global infrastructure, global exposure and variety of models it is extremely difficult for companies to single-handedly overcome these barriers. Therefore, this thesis proposes a new strategy to overcome such barriers. Once an innovation leader innovates to fast and offers products that are not being accepted due to the current market conditions, using the resources of other competitors could be an effective way to evolve the market into a state where the likelihood of consumer adoption is increased. By using an empirical study, this thesis aims to explore the impact of increased global infrastructure, increased average range and increased exposure in order to enhance the likelihood of electric vehicle adoption. These measures are all directly related to an increase in market engagement by competitors. The results of the study show that all consequences of increased market engagement by competitors lead to a higher likelihood to adopt. The effect of an innovation leader sharing knowledge could indeed have a positive effect on the available market.A indústria automóvel está a passar por muitas mudanças, especialmente no que se refere aos veículos eléctricos.Embora a maioria dos consumidores tenha consciência da sua existência, o transporte pessoal através de veículos eléctricos representa apenas 0.2%.Devido à existência de barreiras como a infraestrutura global, a exposição global e a variedade de modelos, é extremamente difícil para cada uma das empresas isoladamente ultrapassar estas barreiras. Assim, esta tese propõe uma nova estratégia para ultrapassar essas barreiras.Quando um líder em inovação desenvolve essa inovação de uma forma demasiado rápida e oferece produtos que não são aceites devido às actuais condicionantes do mercado, a utilização dos recursos de outros concorrentes poderá ser um caminho eficiente para desenvolver o mercado até um nível em que a probabilidade de adopção por parte dos consumidores seja superior.Utilizando um estudo empírico, esta tese pretende explorar o impacto do incremento da infraestrutura global, do incremento da autonomia média e do incremento da exposição por forma a aumentar a probabilidade de adopção dos veículos eléctricos. Estas medidas estão todas directamente relacionadas com um incremento do compromisso no mercado por parte dos concorrentes.Os resultados do estudo mostram que todas as consequências de um maior compromisso no mercado por parte dos concorrentes conduzem a uma maior probabilidade de adopção. O efeito de um líder em inovação partilhar conhecimento poderia efectivamente ter um efeito positive no mercado disponivel

    Identifying Non-Adopter Consumer Segments:An Empirical Study on Earthquake Insurance Adoption in Turkey

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    In recent years, steadily climbing natural disaster losses have increased the need to promote new financial risk transfer mechanisms, including insurance, as a mitigation tool to build resilient communities to recover faster after disaster occurrence. However, while the societal need for such policies is high, demand for natural disaster insurance typically is still low. While there is ample research on positive adoption decisions, reasons for non-adoption has not yet received the attention it deserves. Using the case of earthquake insurance in Turkey, this study investigates how public policy makers and insurance companies can differentiate non-adopter segments and consequently develop targeted strategies to stimulate the uptake of disaster insurance. Our study develops a non-adopter typology consisting of four segments-state reliant positivist, dependers, adversaries, and uninformed loners. Differences among segments provide policy makers and insurance companies with meaningful insights to design and consequently introduce affordable natural disaster insurance to the market

    So fast so good : An analysis of answer quality and answer speed in community question answering sites

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    The authors investigate the interplay between answer quality and answer speed across question types in community question-answering sites (CQAs). The research questions addressed are the following: (a) How do answer quality and answer speed vary across question types? (b) How do the relationships between answer quality and answer speed vary across question types? (c) How do the best quality answers and the fastest answers differ in terms of answer quality and answer speed across question types? (d) How do trends in answer quality vary over time across question types? From the posting of 3,000 questions in six CQAs, 5,356 answers were harvested and analyzed. There was a significant difference in answer quality and answer speed across question types, and there were generally no significant relationships between answer quality and answer speed. The best quality answers had better overall answer quality than the fastest answers but generally took longer to arrive. In addition, although the trend in answer quality had been mostly random across all question types, the quality of answers appeared to improve gradually when given time. By highlighting the subtle nuances in answer quality and answer speed across question types, this study is an attempt to explore a territory of CQA research that has hitherto been relatively uncharted

    Understanding Consumer Resistance to the Consumption of Organic Food. A Study of Ethical Consumption, Purchasing, and Choice Behaviour

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    Although the demand for organic food is growing globally, the mainstream consumption of organic food is far less. The present study attempts to understand underlying reasons for consumer resistance toward consuming organic food using the theoretical framework of innovation resistance theory (IRT). The study further examines the association between different consumer barriers and purchase decisions (purchase intentions, ethical consumption intentions, and choice behaviour) at different levels of buying involvement and environmental concerns. The collected data, consisting of 452 consumers, were analyzed by structural equation modeling approach. The results showed that value is the major barrier influencing purchase intentions and ethical consumption intentions. Ethical consumption and purchase intention were found to have direct influence on choice behaviour. Additionally, the relationship between ethical consumption intention and choice behaviour is mediated by purchase intention. However, no significant differences have emerged based on level of buying involvement and environment concerns. The findings of the study provide insight into public policymakers, marketers, suppliers, and consumer associations by enhancing their current understanding of buying behaviour of the growing organic food community.Peer reviewe

    Why do people avoid and postpone the use of voice assistants for transactional purposes? A perspective from decision avoidance theory

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    Consumers increasingly adopt artificial intelligence (AI) enabled voice assistants (VAs) for transactional and non-transactional uses due to these devices’ inherent affordances, such as their ease of use and convenience. Despite the widespread adoption of VAs in recent times, consumers continue to avoid using VAs for transactional purposes. Currently, we have a limited understanding of the various antecedents and consequences of consumer decision avoidance in the context of VAs. This study aims to bridge this gap by adopting the decision avoidance theory as a theoretical lens and a convergent mixed-methods approach to identify the antecedents (i.e. cognitive biases and nudging) and consequences (i.e. rejection of VAs for transactional purposes and intention to adopt VAs for transactional purposes) of consumer decision avoidance (i.e. consumer inertia and procrastination). The study findings suggest a positive association of cognitive biases with consumer inertia, procrastination and rejection. While nudging is positively associated with procrastination and intentions, it shares a negative association with rejection. Consumer inertia is positively associated with rejection and negatively associated with intentions. Meanwhile, procrastination shares a positive association with intention and a negative association with rejection. Technology comfort has a significant moderating (negative) influence on the association between cognitive biases and intentions.publishedVersio